Sure thing, let us legalize drugs

RoshawnMarkwees, do you have any credible research to back this claim, or is your information anecdotal?
Check with any on-campus health center.
Check hospital admittance records.
Anecdotal, as I suspected... Look a bit closer, and you will find it's not 'weed' that brings people unglued, but manufactured substitutes like 'chronic'. I have seen (anecdotally, of course!) experienced pot-heads ending up in Emergency after trying this stuff. Once again, an illegal cocktail of dubious provenance enriching criminal players.

Ummm..............hate to tell you, but experienced marijuana smokers call something "chronic" if it's really high grade hydroponic grown strain.

If you're talking about the manufactured or synthetic marijuana, it's referred to by either the brand name (K2 seems to be the one that has caused the most problems), or by the term synthetic marijuana.

Chronic is good, synthetic is not.
Hey Mousterian...................."chronic" isn't a manufactured substitute, it's slang for high grade smoke that is grown hydroponically.

If you're talking about "manufactured marijuana", it is referred to by it's brand name or by the term "synthetic marijuana". And yes, synthetic marijuana (K2 is the most popular brand that caused the most problems), is dangerous because of all the added chemicals to produce a high.

Chronic is naturally grown and doesn't have bad effects like synthetic does.

Marijuana smokers everywhere are laughing at your lack of understanding of their slang.
Thanks for the correction, fellas. The one incident I saw, involved manufactured dope, which they called 'chronic'.
I'm very much on the periphery of these things, but very keen to get the 'War on Drugs' ended.
This program has caused so much harm, and is being pursued on idealogical grounds. Right up there with ISIS for anti-social outcomes.

As for the toxicity of weed, the 'study' referred to by Gipper, is panned in the Wikipedia page for the British Lung Foundation, from whom the claim came.
In June 2012 the British Lung Foundation released a report looking at the health impacts of smoking cannabis. In one section, the report claimed "each cannabis cigarette increases the chances of developing lung cancer by as much as an entire packet of 20 tobacco cigarettes".[1][2][3] The report referenced a 2008 study, "Cannabis use and risk of lung cancer: a case-control study" (Aldington et al.), published in the European Respiratory Journal, to support the claim,[4] which was repeated by the charity's then chief executive, Dame Helena Shovelton, in media interviews. This study was refuted 7 months later in the European Respiratory Journal, long before the BLF's claim.[5] In a BBC radio interview,[6] Kevin Williamson, author of "Drugs and the Party line", said that there was "no scientific basis to the claim", citing an earlier study of 2200 people published in Cancer Epidemiological Biomarkers and Prevention that had found "that the association of these cancers with marijuana, even long-term or heavy use, is not strong and may be below practically detectable limits". It is unknown why these findings were omitted in the BLF's claim of "one joint is as bad as 20 cigarettes".[7] Williamson then asked the charity's representative, to cite the research that supported the charity's claim. When he declined to do so, Williamson accused the charity of "putting out bogus information" for "headline grabbing". Online journalist Keelan Balderson [8] accused the charity of peddling "a long debunked myth" (claiming that it was not the first such incident, citing an earlier BLF claim that "3 joints are equal to 20 cigarettes", taken from a report published in 2002, before the publication of the European Respiratory Journal study.). Peter Reynolds, leader of the political party Cannabis Law Reform (Clear), described the report as a "dangerously irresponsible mix of conjecture, extremist opinion and scaremongering". The British Lung Foundation’s responded by asserting that the report was based on sound research, and that "the report references over 80 peer-reviewed research papers, is the most comprehensive report of its kind yet compiled, and has itself been peer-reviewed by independent experts".
Pot can be devastating for some people, even in moderation.
Problem is that since potheads have such a powerful lobby that truth gets buried and obfuscated.
Pot can be devastating for some people, even in moderation.
then they should not be doing it.....and usually you know how you react the first time you do it,and if that person continues, thats on that person......nothing is buried this is well known to anyone who has smoked the stuff.........
Often doesn't happen first time. Usually a cumulative thing.
But not many know because it's intentionally buried.
As for drug use in general, many kids are genetically prone to issues of addiction but peer pressure undermines prevention.
Drug legalization advocates conveniently ignore this or are completely ignorant.
and people with your mindset conveniently ignore things that you dont want to hear about pot if its contrary to what you believe....
This isn't about belief or opinion. It's about reality and a one-sided promotion. You like pot, use it. I won't stop you. But don't preach it as safe and good when for some people it's devastating. There needs to be a campaign to make people -- especially kids -- aware of the risks.
And don't use it around me and I won't assault you in self defense.
And don't use it around me and I won't assault you in self defense.
and if you tried..... what makes you think you wont be the one being assaulted?...
The pot nazi would be incapacitated.
RoshawnMarkwees, do you have any credible research to back this claim, or is your information anecdotal?
Check with any on-campus health center.
Check hospital admittance records.
Anecdotal, as I suspected... Look a bit closer, and you will find it's not 'weed' that brings people unglued, but manufactured substitutes like 'chronic'. I have seen (anecdotally, of course!) experienced pot-heads ending up in Emergency after trying this stuff. Once again, an illegal cocktail of dubious provenance enriching criminal players.
Not anecdotal. Empirical. Why is it so difficult for potheads to understand that not everyone is like them? Why so arrogant and rude?
I'd much rather be around cannabis smokers than someone who is extremely drunk any day of the week.

Do the drunks pour their liquor down your throat while they consume?

No, and the marijuana smokers don't blow smoke in my face either. They smoked outside in the parking lot, and if someone is smoking in an open environment, you don't get any second hand smoke unless you are sitting right on top of them.

The only way you can get a "contact high" is to be in a small room with several smokers, all with their own joints.
I don't care what people do with their bodies as long as they cause no harm to others.
What people do with their bodies may only harm them, but they are not only hurting themselves if they are loved enough by other people. Losing someone that you care enough about to self inflicted actions is a nightmare come alive.

God bless you always!!!

Pot can be devastating for some people, even in moderation.
then they should not be doing it.....and usually you know how you react the first time you do it,and if that person continues, thats on that person......nothing is buried this is well known to anyone who has smoked the stuff.........
Often doesn't happen first time. Usually a cumulative thing.
But not many know because it's intentionally buried.
As for drug use in general, many kids are genetically prone to issues of addiction but peer pressure undermines prevention.
Drug legalization advocates conveniently ignore this or are completely ignorant.
and people with your mindset conveniently ignore things that you dont want to hear about pot if its contrary to what you believe....
This isn't about belief or opinion. It's about reality and a one-sided promotion. You like pot, use it. I won't stop you. But don't preach it as safe and good when for some people it's devastating. There needs to be a campaign to make people -- especially kids -- aware of the risks.
And don't use it around me and I won't assault you in self defense.
And don't use it around me and I won't assault you in self defense.
and if you tried..... what makes you think you wont be the one being assaulted?...
The pot nazi would be incapacitated.
if you mean me,you dont know anything about me,i could be your worst nightmare for all you know....oh and "pot nazi" fits you more than me....
RoshawnMarkwees, do you have any credible research to back this claim, or is your information anecdotal?
Check with any on-campus health center.
Check hospital admittance records.
Anecdotal, as I suspected... Look a bit closer, and you will find it's not 'weed' that brings people unglued, but manufactured substitutes like 'chronic'. I have seen (anecdotally, of course!) experienced pot-heads ending up in Emergency after trying this stuff. Once again, an illegal cocktail of dubious provenance enriching criminal players.
Not anecdotal. Empirical. Why is it so difficult for potheads to understand that not everyone is like them? Why so arrogant and rude?
Emperical, Rosh? where's your reference?

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