Surprise: After Illegal Immigration Wave, Tuberculosis Plagues El Paso Hospital


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
TB should be one of the least of our fears from this bunch.... ^

Earlier this summer when the unaccompanied minor crisis was at its peak (after really starting in October 2013) in Texas and Arizona, Border Patrol agents working inside processing facilities reported cases of Tuberculosis, scabies and other diseases being brought into the United States by unvaccinated illegal aliens. Warnings were issued by local communities about the impact these diseases could potentially have in the public school system where their children are educated. For example, protestors in Murrieta, California turned bus loads of illegal immigrants away, citing concerns about public health. Those protestors and people who warned about the spread of...
They force OUR kids to have vaccinations but threaten doctors with prosecution if they say anything about these illegals having contagious diseases. Un-fucking-believable.
Democrats don't give a shit about communicable disease. They suffer 17 times the rate of STD's as the general population, and they don't care a thing about infecting that general population either.
"Surprise: After Illegal Immigration Wave, Tuberculosis Plagues El Paso Hospital"

Surprise: another post hoc fallacy from a rightwing nitwit.
"Surprise: After Illegal Immigration Wave, Tuberculosis Plagues El Paso Hospital"

Surprise: another post hoc fallacy from a rightwing nitwit.

The shyster never fails to amaze me with his total lack of morals, ethics and principles.... but then again, he is a subversive lawyer!
I expected this to happen from the very beginning. Too bad to feel I was right... I would prefer that wouldn't have happened.
What's more, I'm afraid this is just a beginning. Things are likely to become worse in the aspect of public health plus crime rate.
and then we have this:
Illness Causing Paralysis In Colorado Children A Mystery So Far

Actually, it's not a surprise, that Illegal immigration is exposing Americans to dangerous diseases. Tuberculosis, hepatitis, dengue fever, chagas, and even leprosy are being imported into the U.S. inside the bodies of illegal aliens.

Is the feckless media, just covering this up as they did Fast and Furious, Benghazi, and the VA scandal?.... Just STOP REPORTING, and the IDIOTS IN AMERICA forget all about the problem!!!!
TB killin' almost as many as AIDS...

TB 'joins HIV as most deadly infection'
28 Oct.`15 - Tuberculosis now ranks alongside HIV as the world's most deadly infectious disease, the World Health Organization (WHO) says. Each accounted for between 1.1 million and 1.2 million deaths in 2014.
The WHO said the tuberculosis figures were unacceptable for a disease that could be cured. Medecins Sans Frontieres said the statistics were "disheartening" and warned the world was "losing ground" on tackling resistant forms of TB. The WHO's Global Tuberculosis Report 2015 shows the huge strides that have been made in tackling TB, with the death rate being nearly halved since 1990. And the number of infections has been falling by 1.5% a year since 2000. Deaths from HIV/Aids have also been falling rapidly because of improved access to anti-retroviral drugs.


Dr Mario Raviglione, the WHO's tuberculosis director, told the BBC News website: "Tuberculosis and HIV are now competing to be the number one cause of death from infectious disease in the world. "Tuberculosis now ranks alongside HIV." Most new cases of TB are in China, India, Indonesia, Nigeria or Pakistan. Deaths from HIV/Aids have been falling since the mid-2000s, and stand at 1.2 million a year. Overall there were 1.5 million tuberculosis deaths in 2014.

But 400,000 of them are officially counted as Aids deaths as they were in HIV positive patients. The WHO now considers TB and HIV to be effectively joint top killers. WHO director-general Margaret Chan said there had been "tremendous impact" since 1990, but added that "if the world is to end this epidemic, it needs to scale up services and, critically, invest in research". Dr Raviglione agreed, saying that if the international investment in TB matched that of HIV, then "we could have accelerated the decline in mortality".


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