Surprise Diversity is not our strength

Uh, something happened at Ford's Theater that prevented Lincoln from taking the next step.
The Emancipation Proclamation = 1862.
John Booth murdered Lincoln in 1865…he had plenty of time to execute a plan that was to benefit Americans…he didn’t and was murdered for his lack of effort.
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"Diversity" as currently defined, has nothing to do with respect, prejudice, or racism. Diversity is the abandonment of long-established standards - standards that "everyone else" must meet - in order to artificially create the appearance of ethnic and/or racial integration. But it is not natural diversity, as in entertainment, where it is possible for everyone with talent to succeed, sometimes wildly, without regard to their racial or ethnic background. It is artificial diversity, imposed from on high, with everyone involved knowing that the concept of MERIT has been abandoned.

The theory is that when people are forced to work, learn, and live together, they will all benefit from the experience. The problem is that there is no evidence of any kind that this forced integration has any measurable benefit to anyone. Indeed, where "diversity" initiatives prevail, most of the members of the "diverse" groups who have been ushered into the picture SELF-SEGREGATE. They want classes, dorms, gathering areas, and organizations to cater to them exclusively, excluding the "white" people who form the majority. Then they seek to profit from their status as "victims," even while they are given privileges not available to the very people whom they claim to be the oppressors.

I challenge anyone to provide evidence of a tangible benefit of "diversity" in either Academe, government, or the private sector. I concede that it is POSSIBLE that a police department that mirrors the demographic breakdown of the community served might be a good idea, and Black teachers in the inner city might make students more comfortable, but as for quantitative benefits, I've not seen them. Lower crime rates? Better graduation rates? Higher standardized test scores? I doubt it.
"Diversity" as currently defined, has nothing to do with respect, prejudice, or racism. Diversity is the abandonment of long-established standards - standards that "everyone else" must meet - in order to artificially create the appearance of ethnic and/or racial integration. But it is not natural diversity, as in entertainment, where it is possible for everyone with talent to succeed, sometimes wildly, without regard to their racial or ethnic background. It is artificial diversity, imposed from on high, with everyone involved knowing that the concept of MERIT has been abandoned.

The theory is that when people are forced to work, learn, and live together, they will all benefit from the experience. The problem is that there is no evidence of any kind that this forced integration has any measurable benefit to anyone. Indeed, where "diversity" initiatives prevail, most of the members of the "diverse" groups who have been ushered into the picture SELF-SEGREGATE. They want classes, dorms, gathering areas, and organizations to cater to them exclusively, excluding the "white" people who form the majority. Then they seek to profit from their status as "victims," even while they are given privileges not available to the very people whom they claim to be the oppressors.

I challenge anyone to provide evidence of a tangible benefit of "diversity" in either Academe, government, or the private sector. I concede that it is POSSIBLE that a police department that mirrors the demographic breakdown of the community served might be a good idea, and Black teachers in the inner city might make students more comfortable, but as for quantitative benefits, I've not seen them. Lower crime rates? Better graduation rates? Higher standardized test scores? I doubt it.
Sadly…people won’t dare entertain your request/challenge….Am I right Unkotare ?
Globalists and emotional based feel-gooders detest and defy logic, facts and statistics as they relate to anything DIVERSITY.
It’s bizarre Twilight Zone shit at its finest
You're a traitor and a liar.

Hahaha…you filthy fucks don’t even know what a traitor is…A traitor would beg the subhuman filth of Mexico to invade and destroy the foundations and institutions of America.
Who is the traitor?

this of course was the goal all along. Disassemble national unity and impoverish us
The article in no way supports your claim. Diversity is a strength. Fascists, nationalists, racists - are weak and confused. "Belonging" to a group won't prop you up.
The problem with open borders and liberal immigration policies is that they're incompatible with the welfare state.
The article in no way supports your claim. Diversity is a strength. Fascists, nationalists, racists - are weak and confused. "Belonging" to a group won't prop you up.
Which of course is why the country is going to hell
I posted this before....

It's worth to post it again.



"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free ..."

Ahh, fuck it. I'm afraid that brown people will be smarter than me, and work harder than me. Build the wall!!!
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Ahh, fuck it. I'm afraid that brown people will be smarter than me, and work harder than me. Build the wall!!!

That applies only to legal immigrants! Those who stay on the line and fill their papers!

Not for the scum who are only seeking for welfare and to blame real Americans, and to traffic in drugs and children
Reading the SS-wannabe wing ku klux kluck. Dumbasses here live in the richest and most powerful and MOST MONGRELIZED nation on earth. We're the biggest mutts in the kennel. Using both their brain cells, they analyzed the data and concluded racial and ethinic goose stepping was what got us here.

It is, of course satisfying the top needs in their hierarchy of needs: fear of really free-market competition and the usual tending to their herd of those they can blame for their inadequacies.

When der fuehrer says we is de master race
We heil heil right in der fueher's face
That applies only to legal immigrants! Those who stay on the line and fill their papers!

Not for the scum who are only seeking for welfare and to blame real Americans, and to traffic in drugs and children
I don't think it applies to legal immigrants any more. It's like the end of the US is accepted. Time to divide territory.

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