Surprise Diversity is not our strength

"Diversity" as currently defined, has nothing to do with respect, prejudice, or racism. Diversity is the abandonment of long-established standards - standards that "everyone else" must meet - in order to artificially create the appearance of ethnic and/or racial integration. But it is not natural diversity, as in entertainment, where it is possible for everyone with talent to succeed, sometimes wildly, without regard to their racial or ethnic background. It is artificial diversity, imposed from on high, with everyone involved knowing that the concept of MERIT has been abandoned.

The theory is that when people are forced to work, learn, and live together, they will all benefit from the experience. The problem is that there is no evidence of any kind that this forced integration has any measurable benefit to anyone. Indeed, where "diversity" initiatives prevail, most of the members of the "diverse" groups who have been ushered into the picture SELF-SEGREGATE. They want classes, dorms, gathering areas, and organizations to cater to them exclusively, excluding the "white" people who form the majority. Then they seek to profit from their status as "victims," even while they are given privileges not available to the very people whom they claim to be the oppressors.

I challenge anyone to provide evidence of a tangible benefit of "diversity" in either Academe, government, or the private sector. I concede that it is POSSIBLE that a police department that mirrors the demographic breakdown of the community served might be a good idea, and Black teachers in the inner city might make students more comfortable, but as for quantitative benefits, I've not seen them. Lower crime rates? Better graduation rates? Higher standardized test scores? I doubt it.
Is there a reason dblack won’t accept your ‘challenge’?
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free ..."
Ah yes, a sovereignty hating globalists favorite play…..a 32 year old Loon York poet wrote our forever immigration policy in 1883…For you, she wrote it right over the top of our Declaration Of Independence didn’t she?
Was that written before Father Government forced REAL Americans to pay invaders to destroy their culture, their foundations and institutions?
Ahh, fuck it. I'm afraid that brown people will be smarter than me, and work harder than me. Build the wall!!!
Cut the emotional bullshit and show us where anything of that sort is actually happening….show us a predominately brown community, city, state or nation that is clean, safe, prosperous, self-funded and united.
The not so clever buzzwords, phrases and slogans have to end….one of you self-proclaimed uber smart gloabalists have to be able to present a logical argument backed with evidence to support your feel-good claims.

I suspect you’ll pretend you didn’t see this post so you can carry on trying to believe dark immigrants improve and enhance America.

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That's not what people blame for their failures. It's what they blame FOR YOUR failures. After all, not one conservative failed because of Dylan Mulvaney. The list is a good list to use in assigning blame to the failures of New York, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, there are more, but you get the idea. Democrat failures, every one and much more.
“I really miss those traditional hardcore Bible thumping ‘Conservatives’….the ones who didn’t conserve, preserve or protect anything, the ones with no ball-sack, the one’s that would polish the AR-15’s they’d never have the nuts to use, the foolish suckers we could easily bully, easily steer their way of thinking by throwing a Bible verse in their face…we could get those passive dumbass pussies to accept anything with a simple guilt trip. The nutless bastards finally grew a pair of balls and now they won’t ignore us disgusting globalist degenerates as we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes socialist foreign shithole we seek.”
This shouldn't be surprising to anyone. Countless studies have borne out the fact that the more diverse a given community is, the lower level of trust, and social cohesion...
They don’t all speak the same language. Switzerland has four national languages: French, German, Italian and Romansh.
Diversity in American reality, usually means screw over the present day white guy for long gone past indiscretions. Definitely not competing on a level merit based field.
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In those days everyone wanted to be American. They were anxious to set aside everything they were. Those that couldn't or wouldn't, went back to where they came from.

And do people not want to be American now? Or is it just that the definition of "American" is only your definition which is based on partisan politics?
And do people not want to be American now? Or is it just that the definition of "American" is only your definition which is based on partisan politics?
No they don't want to be American. They grudgingly accept Afro American or Mexican American, or some other form of hyphenated American. Even those born here. Especially those born here. Some will even forgo the American part. They are Pakistani or Persian or Haitian or wherever grandpa came from.

Once the ethnic identity is readopted, all of the historic enemies need to be adopted as well. Even when, particularly when, those enemies are Americans.

Whatever was done to take people from all over the world and make them Americans, isn't being done anymore.
..., the one’s that would polish the AR-15’s they’d never have the nuts to use,.....

When was the last time YOU used one, big mouth? When was the last time YOU ever did ANYTHING, mouth-boxer? You're an all-talk pussy.
No they don't want to be American. They grudgingly accept Afro American or Mexican American, or some other form of hyphenated American. Even those born here. Especially those born here. Some will even forgo the American part. They are Pakistani or Persian or Haitian or wherever grandpa came from.

Once the ethnic identity is readopted, all of the historic enemies need to be adopted as well. Even when, particularly when, those enemies are Americans.

Whatever was done to take people from all over the world and make them Americans, isn't being done anymore.

What is "American"?
Who gets to decide? You?

Did the Irish go to the US and say "Hey, we're going to be American"? No, they went and they were still Irish and they changed over generations.
..., the one’s that would polish the AR-15’s they’d never have the nuts to use,.....

When was the last time YOU used one, big mouth? When was the last time YOU ever did ANYTHING, mouth-boxer? You're an all-talk pussy.

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