Surprise Diversity is not our strength

What is "American"?
Who gets to decide? You?

Did the Irish go to the US and say "Hey, we're going to be American"? No, they went and they were still Irish and they changed over generations.
No. Some did and of course formed those deadly gangs that caused the signs saying "No Irish". But by far, most Irish, Italians, Polish and anyone else tried very hard to be indistinguishable from a 7th generation born here.

The goal was to take everyone from around the world and fashion them together into one, whole, American.

I lived in multi ethnic neighborhoods my entire life. I remember mothers telling children "speak English. You're an American".
No. Some did and of course formed those deadly gangs that caused the signs saying "No Irish". But by far, most Irish, Italians, Polish and anyone else tried very hard to be indistinguishable from a 7th generation born here.

The goal was to take everyone from around the world and fashion them together into one, whole, American.

I lived in multi ethnic neighborhoods my entire life. I remember mothers telling children "speak English. You're an American".

Or at least that's how history's writing things now. Look at how well the Italians did to fit in, they became gangsters... I mean.... rose tinted glasses, 150 years ago you'd have been complaining about the Irish, the Poles and the Italians...
The notion that previous generations of immigrants hopped off the boat and immediately rejected everything about their family, heritage, and identity is ignorant nonsense. Faith, language, customs, foods, festivals, etc. All of these things came along with each generation of immigrants and added to the flavor of our Melting Pot. They still do. All adding to America's unique strength. All the strength in the world.

What a hot potato!

Some people are absolutely sincere when they praise diversity.

Other people are absolutely sincere when they criticize diversity.

Of course, the trouble is that populations are not static.

The Caucasian population will drop below 50% by 2050.

Then African Americans + Hispanic Americans will gradually become the majority, with the latter being much more numerous than the former.

Here in Los Angeles, for example, Hispanic Americans are now past 50% of the population.

In other words, diversity is impossible in any nation, for one group is going to outbreed the others.

That is why only homogeneous societies (such as Japan and maybe 2 out of the 3 Scandinavian nations) are the most harmonious.
The article in no way supports your claim. Diversity is a strength. Fascists, nationalists, racists - are weak and confused. "Belonging" to a group won't prop you up.
Fascists are EVIL human beings and NEED TO BE DESTROYED PRONTO.


What a hot potato!

Some people are absolutely sincere when they praise diversity.

Other people are absolutely sincere when they criticize diversity.

Of course, the trouble is that populations are not static.

The Caucasian population will drop below 50% by 2050.

Then African Americans + Hispanic Americans will gradually become the majority, with the latter being much more numerous than the former.

Here in Los Angeles, for example, Hispanic Americans are now past 50% of the population.

In other words, diversity is impossible in any nation, for one group is going to outbreed the others.

That is why only homogeneous societies (such as Japan and maybe 2 out of the 3 Scandinavian nations) are the most harmonious.
Soooo the melting pots a scam?

Mmm… over 5 million illegals + got-a-ways+criminals+rapists+slave traders+ terrorists and such are quite a shock to the American psyche/homogeneity and given the citizens, immigrants, government and constitutional collapse you gotta wonder…🤔
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The notion that previous generations of immigrants hopped off the boat and immediately rejected everything about their family, heritage, and identity is ignorant nonsense. Faith, language, customs, foods, festivals, etc. All of these things came along with each generation of immigrants and added to the flavor of our Melting Pot. They still do. All adding to America's unique strength. All the strength in the world.
All neat sounding, feel good, nobility stuff….NOW show us the data that proves diversity works. Show us a diverse, community, city, state or nation that is safe, clean, prosperous, self funded and united….can you?
The notion that previous generations of immigrants hopped off the boat and immediately rejected everything about their family, heritage, and identity is ignorant nonsense. Faith, language, customs, foods, festivals, etc. All of these things came along with each generation of immigrants and added to the flavor of our Melting Pot. They still do. All adding to America's unique strength. All the strength in the world.
If diversity is so amazing why do you suppose like-kind/like-minded groups/factions of people all tend to gravitate toward one another?
Why are there black communities, latino communities, China Towns, why do all fags want to live together in San Francisco and Palm Springs?
Or at least that's how history's writing things now. Look at how well the Italians did to fit in, they became gangsters... I mean.... rose tinted glasses, 150 years ago you'd have been complaining about the Irish, the Poles and the Italians...
We all know about the Italians. But it was the Irish that brought a true reign of terror to every place they settled. It wasn't all corned beef and cabbage. They were bloody fighters. It was the Irish that formed the first organized prison gang, the Bluebirds. They killed their way through every prison in the country. The Bluebirds eventually became the Aryan Brotherhood.

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