Surprise: New Amnesty Bill Includes $5,000 Penalty for Hiring Americans

Anyone with a working brain has had access to every version of the bill, of course, that leaves out the Right. But I love how your complete utter ignorance makes Obama a "Fibber." :asshole:

And your 2 links are worthless, everyone knows the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood lie in packs.

You can look up any bill in the House or Senate at, this bill is S. 744

Bill Summary & Status - 113th Congress (2013 - 2014) - S.744 - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

What is with liberals that they post BS that can be easily found to be lies? You do know everyone has access to google?

Here is a analysis of his promises:

Promise: Post Bills Online Before Signing Them - The Promise Audit - National Journal Online
Again you cite nothing to show that S.744 did not have at least 72 hours. The final bill was online Fri 21, 2013 evening and voted on and passed on Thurs 27, 2013. That sure seems like at least 72 hours.
But thank you for again for lying when you call Libs liars.

Of course what was promised was 5 days, I was wrong. Thanks for proving he broke his promise again.

Of course it doesn't really matter the congress doesn't read the bills and at 1500 pages I seriously doubt few people have the time to read the entire document.
Maybe one of you leftists can explain to me why health insurance falls on the employer in the first place? There was a time when benefits offset higher incomes in a competing company. You want to keep chasing employers off to China, keep this shit up. You want to continue seeing more companies consider their employees independent contractors (1099) or work 39 hours a week, keep this shit up.

Hopefully the House rips this piece of garbage to pieces by exposing every fine and earmark in it before voting it down. Shame on any GOPer who is bullied into voting for it.
This is what happens when bills are passed before people actually read them. The process if a free for all with pork and Obamanations added in a frenzy.
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I am not sure if this was what Cruz was talking about.

“(A) IN GENERAL.—An alien who has been granted registered provisional immigrant status under this section is not eligible for any Federal means-tested public benefit (as defined and implemented in section 403 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (8 U.S.C. 1613)).
I guess the WaPo gave Cruz's claim three Pinocchios. Then they updated their site and said that although true the impact would not be as great as Cruz claims, they still gave him three pinocios. Of course we have found that with bill passed by congress the cost is never what they say. So for the WaPo to give three Pinocchios to Cruz even though he was right tells me that the WaPo is nothing more then a bird cage liner.
What the WaPo actually said:

The Pinocchio Test
Cruz is off the mark here. He says there will be a “huge incentive.” But there is literally no incentive — unless Cruz expects companies to routinely break the law when looking for potential hires.
In any case, the pool of companies that could even, by coincidence, possibly take advantage of this quirk is too small to be even worthy of notice.
Cruz should have thought twice before he tweeted.
Update: The IBD rebuttal suggests that by “hire” Cruz was actually really saying “hire full time,” as companies might shift workers to less than 30-hour-work weeks in order to avoid Obamacare fines. IBD appears to be suggesting that companies would retain already-hired RPIs while shifting non-immigrants to part-time work. There are too many assumptions upon assumptions to make this scenario very credible. Moreover, we will note this argument was never made by Cruz’s office.
The key point is that Cruz claims there is a “huge incentive” for employers to in effect violate the law and there is little evidence to suggest that would be the case. Nevertheless, he doubled down on this claim on the Sean Hannity Show on June 24 by offering this interesting scenario: “I would be very curious if the columnist who wrote that who works for The Washington Post which has more employees how he would feel about it if they decided to fire him and hire someone who was here illegally because it was $5,000 more expensive to hire U.S. citizen to write that column.”
Three Pinocchios
What is with liberals that they post BS that can be easily found to be lies? You do know everyone has access to google?

Here is a analysis of his promises:

Promise: Post Bills Online Before Signing Them - The Promise Audit - National Journal Online
Again you cite nothing to show that S.744 did not have at least 72 hours. The final bill was online Fri 21, 2013 evening and voted on and passed on Thurs 27, 2013. That sure seems like at least 72 hours.
But thank you for again for lying when you call Libs liars.

Of course what was promised was 5 days, I was wrong. Thanks for proving he broke his promise again.

Of course it doesn't really matter the congress doesn't read the bills and at 1500 pages I seriously doubt few people have the time to read the entire document.
As I have shown over and over again, when caught lying The CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood just keep on lying.

The 21st to the 27th is 6 days, and if you had downloaded the linked pdf of the bill you would have seen it was 1,198 pages not 1,500.
The Right are the most shameless liars on the face of the Earth!
I guess the WaPo gave Cruz's claim three Pinocchios. Then they updated their site and said that although true the impact would not be as great as Cruz claims, they still gave him three pinocios. Of course we have found that with bill passed by congress the cost is never what they say. So for the WaPo to give three Pinocchios to Cruz even though he was right tells me that the WaPo is nothing more then a bird cage liner.
What the WaPo actually said:

The Pinocchio Test
Cruz is off the mark here. He says there will be a “huge incentive.” But there is literally no incentive — unless Cruz expects companies to routinely break the law when looking for potential hires.
In any case, the pool of companies that could even, by coincidence, possibly take advantage of this quirk is too small to be even worthy of notice.
Cruz should have thought twice before he tweeted.
Update: The IBD rebuttal suggests that by “hire” Cruz was actually really saying “hire full time,” as companies might shift workers to less than 30-hour-work weeks in order to avoid Obamacare fines. IBD appears to be suggesting that companies would retain already-hired RPIs while shifting non-immigrants to part-time work. There are too many assumptions upon assumptions to make this scenario very credible. Moreover, we will note this argument was never made by Cruz’s office.
The key point is that Cruz claims there is a “huge incentive” for employers to in effect violate the law and there is little evidence to suggest that would be the case. Nevertheless, he doubled down on this claim on the Sean Hannity Show on June 24 by offering this interesting scenario: “I would be very curious if the columnist who wrote that who works for The Washington Post which has more employees how he would feel about it if they decided to fire him and hire someone who was here illegally because it was $5,000 more expensive to hire U.S. citizen to write that column.”
Three Pinocchios

Exactly what I said, Cruz is right so the only recourse is to now argue the effect. You were wrong and Cruz was right, fess up.
Again you cite nothing to show that S.744 did not have at least 72 hours. The final bill was online Fri 21, 2013 evening and voted on and passed on Thurs 27, 2013. That sure seems like at least 72 hours.
But thank you for again for lying when you call Libs liars.

Of course what was promised was 5 days, I was wrong. Thanks for proving he broke his promise again.

Of course it doesn't really matter the congress doesn't read the bills and at 1500 pages I seriously doubt few people have the time to read the entire document.
As I have shown over and over again, when caught lying The CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood just keep on lying.

The 21st to the 27th is 6 days, and if you had downloaded the linked pdf of the bill you would have seen it was 1,198 pages not 1,500.
The Right are the most shameless liars on the face of the Earth!

You said 72 hours dillweed, you once again were wrong. Accept your imperfection.
Please quote the actual provision in the bill that has this fine, please.

Why? Do you refuse to accept the possibility that the government can screw up this badly? I know, when you find out that it is supported by Democrats because it helps Obamacare by moving the cost somewhere else you will be all for it.
Please quote the actual provision in the bill that has this fine, please.

To do this one would need access the the 1200 page bill, do you have access? Wasn't that another promise from Obama that we would get at least 3 days to see a bill before it was voted on? Of course it was and like so much else with Obama it turned out to be a big fib.

Hey, I want my lettace picked on the cheap too. And I am not poor and black and need to worry about low skilled people taking more of the jobs I am qualified for. And I am approaching retirement age so I want more paying into SS. But that does not change the fact that what they are doing to us just ain't right. I am glad McCain lost he is such a dick.

Here are two articles that indicate that Cruz's comments were fact checked and found to be valid.

Ted Cruz vs. the Gang of ObamaCare tax on hiring American citizens | Human Events

Impeach Obama Today: Senate Amnesty bill fines employers $5000 if they hire citizens over newly legalized aliens, Ted Cruz kindly informs us
Anyone with a working brain has had access to every version of the bill, of course, that leaves out the Right. But I love how your complete utter ignorance makes Obama a "Fibber." :asshole:

And your 2 links are worthless, everyone knows the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood lie in packs.

You can look up any bill in the House or Senate at, this bill is S. 744

Bill Summary & Status - 113th Congress (2013 - 2014) - S.744 - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Of course what was promised was 5 days, I was wrong. Thanks for proving he broke his promise again.

Of course it doesn't really matter the congress doesn't read the bills and at 1500 pages I seriously doubt few people have the time to read the entire document.
As I have shown over and over again, when caught lying The CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood just keep on lying.

The 21st to the 27th is 6 days, and if you had downloaded the linked pdf of the bill you would have seen it was 1,198 pages not 1,500.
The Right are the most shameless liars on the face of the Earth!

You said 72 hours dillweed, you once again were wrong. Accept your imperfection.
YOU said 3 days, guess how many hours that is! :asshole:
The bill had 144 hours, guess how many days that is! :asshole:
To do this one would need access the the 1200 page bill, do you have access? Wasn't that another promise from Obama that we would get at least 3 days to see a bill before it was voted on? Of course it was and like so much else with Obama it turned out to be a big fib.

Hey, I want my lettace picked on the cheap too. And I am not poor and black and need to worry about low skilled people taking more of the jobs I am qualified for. And I am approaching retirement age so I want more paying into SS. But that does not change the fact that what they are doing to us just ain't right. I am glad McCain lost he is such a dick.

Here are two articles that indicate that Cruz's comments were fact checked and found to be valid.

Ted Cruz vs. the Gang of ObamaCare tax on hiring American citizens | Human Events

Impeach Obama Today: Senate Amnesty bill fines employers $5000 if they hire citizens over newly legalized aliens, Ted Cruz kindly informs us
Anyone with a working brain has had access to every version of the bill, of course, that leaves out the Right. But I love how your complete utter ignorance makes Obama a "Fibber." :asshole:

And your 2 links are worthless, everyone knows the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood lie in packs.

You can look up any bill in the House or Senate at, this bill is S. 744

Bill Summary & Status - 113th Congress (2013 - 2014) - S.744 - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

As I have shown over and over again, when caught lying The CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood just keep on lying.

The 21st to the 27th is 6 days, and if you had downloaded the linked pdf of the bill you would have seen it was 1,198 pages not 1,500.
The Right are the most shameless liars on the face of the Earth!

You said 72 hours dillweed, you once again were wrong. Accept your imperfection.
YOU said 3 days, guess how many hours that is! :asshole:
The bill had 144 hours, guess how many days that is! :asshole:

There were 48 hours between the time the ill was finalized and the full Senate took it up. How many Senators do you think read it in that time?
Anyone with a working brain has had access to every version of the bill, of course, that leaves out the Right. But I love how your complete utter ignorance makes Obama a "Fibber." :asshole:

And your 2 links are worthless, everyone knows the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood lie in packs.

You can look up any bill in the House or Senate at, this bill is S. 744

Bill Summary & Status - 113th Congress (2013 - 2014) - S.744 - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

You said 72 hours dillweed, you once again were wrong. Accept your imperfection.
YOU said 3 days, guess how many hours that is! :asshole:
The bill had 144 hours, guess how many days that is! :asshole:

There were 48 hours between the time the ill was finalized and the full Senate took it up. How many Senators do you think read it in that time?
Only those capable of reading about 4 pages per hour, which leaves out all CON$!

Corker Says Immigration Bill Amendment Is 119 New Pages, Not 1,200 - 06/23/2013 -

Corker Says Immigration Bill Amendment Is 119 New Pages, Not 1,200
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Senator Bob Corker issued a statement on Sunday to clarify that 1,100 pages of the immigration bill have been public since May.

“I’ve seen reports of a ‘1,200 page bill’ no one has read or had time to read.

To be clear, the tough border and interior enforcement provisions that Senator Hoeven and I offered on Friday make up 119 pages added to the 1,100 pages that have been public since May,” said Senator Corker.
YOU said 3 days, guess how many hours that is! :asshole:
The bill had 144 hours, guess how many days that is! :asshole:

There were 48 hours between the time the ill was finalized and the full Senate took it up. How many Senators do you think read it in that time?
Only those capable of reading about 4 pages per hour, which leaves out all CON$!

Corker Says Immigration Bill Amendment Is 119 New Pages, Not 1,200 - 06/23/2013 -

Corker Says Immigration Bill Amendment Is 119 New Pages, Not 1,200
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Senator Bob Corker issued a statement on Sunday to clarify that 1,100 pages of the immigration bill have been public since May.

“I’ve seen reports of a ‘1,200 page bill’ no one has read or had time to read.

To be clear, the tough border and interior enforcement provisions that Senator Hoeven and I offered on Friday make up 119 pages added to the 1,100 pages that have been public since May,” said Senator Corker.

Did you read it? Didn't think so, I guess that makes you a CON$.
Please quote the actual provision in the bill that has this fine, please.

To do this one would need access the the 1200 page bill, do you have access? Wasn't that another promise from Obama that we would get at least 3 days to see a bill before it was voted on? Of course it was and like so much else with Obama it turned out to be a big fib.

Hey, I want my lettace picked on the cheap too. And I am not poor and black and need to worry about low skilled people taking more of the jobs I am qualified for. And I am approaching retirement age so I want more paying into SS. But that does not change the fact that what they are doing to us just ain't right. I am glad McCain lost he is such a dick.

Here are two articles that indicate that Cruz's comments were fact checked and found to be valid.

Ted Cruz vs. the Gang of ObamaCare tax on hiring American citizens | Human Events

Impeach Obama Today: Senate Amnesty bill fines employers $5000 if they hire citizens over newly legalized aliens, Ted Cruz kindly informs us

This link has a search engine built in and I find no mention of that sort of 'penalty'

Immigration reform bill: Full text - Politico Staff -

Business wants to hire immigrants with degrees because they think Republicans are too stupid to do the job. Republicans don't have the education so they can't compete. The immigrants business wants to hire went to American schools. The same schools Republicans think are too liberal and only for "snobs".

And why Republicans are whining when hoist on their own petard? I don't know. They are getting what they asked for.
Looks like Cruz is setting up a catch 22

Illegal aliens are not allowed to be covered by Obamacare

And since they are not covered by Obamacare....we can't make them citizens
Please quote the actual provision in the bill that has this fine, please.

To do this one would need access the the 1200 page bill, do you have access? Wasn't that another promise from Obama that we would get at least 3 days to see a bill before it was voted on? Of course it was and like so much else with Obama it turned out to be a big fib.

Hey, I want my lettace picked on the cheap too. And I am not poor and black and need to worry about low skilled people taking more of the jobs I am qualified for. And I am approaching retirement age so I want more paying into SS. But that does not change the fact that what they are doing to us just ain't right. I am glad McCain lost he is such a dick.

Here are two articles that indicate that Cruz's comments were fact checked and found to be valid.

Ted Cruz vs. the Gang of ObamaCare tax on hiring American citizens | Human Events

Impeach Obama Today: Senate Amnesty bill fines employers $5000 if they hire citizens over newly legalized aliens, Ted Cruz kindly informs us

This link has a search engine built in and I find no mention of that sort of 'penalty'

Immigration reform bill: Full text - Politico Staff -


Did you search for the exemption to Obamacare, because the penalty is in Obamacare, and the this bill provides an exemption for employers who hire RPIs.
Business wants to hire immigrants with degrees because they think Republicans are too stupid to do the job. Republicans don't have the education so they can't compete. The immigrants business wants to hire went to American schools. The same schools Republicans think are too liberal and only for "snobs".

And why Republicans are whining when hoist on their own petard? I don't know. They are getting what they asked for.

Businesses want to hire them because they don't have to supply them with health care.

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