Surprise, Surprise - WH / Biden Refuses To Reveal Who Is Buying, Hunter Biden's Art

Yes. I call myself a patriot because I believe in this country and I believe in the right to debate. I may disagree with you but I don't question your patriotism.
You found the need to question mine.
Hope that makes you feel good.
You have been duped by a liar and a cheat , but continue to accuse Hillary and now Hunter Biden.
QUOTE="SC Patriot, post: 29278556, member: 74916"]
Oh...So it isn't a lie if you don't want people to know what you did. That is hypocritical.
You may be a Christian.....but you lied to us. You DO forgive lies as long as you agree with the ideology of the person.
That makes you a liar and not a true Christian. Just a Christian who uses that title to try to lend credibility to your posts.

You are way too easy. I am done with your crap.
Do you admire Trump's money laundering or his charity scams? The Bond and Bad Blood Between Monica Lewinsky and Linda Tripp: Secret Tapes, Codenames and That Blue Dress
I dont admire any politician. I dont admire any Hollywood elite. I dont admire any athlete. I admire my wife, my children and their spouses.
When it comes to voting I dont look at who I admire. I look at who is more aligned with my thinking.
There is not a single politician I ever voted for that admired. Ever.
I can one admire a politician?
You have been duped by a liar and a cheat , but continue to accuse Hillary and now Hunter Biden.
and, in my eyes you have been duped by Hillary, Joe and Hunter.
Where do we go from here?

Not to mention, you questioned my patriotism and I applauded yours yet you still just want to tell me what an ass I am.
Speaks volumes.
You mean when he said he didn't have sex with her? Did you expect him to brag about his sexual escapades? What was that woman's name
Obama didn't lie. He just didn't have control over the people who don't want affordable health care. They don't understand cost shifting. Funny that every civilized country has some form of universal healthcare including Saudi Arabia, Israel and Australia. Maybe Americans just aren't smart enough to pull it off. Sort of like Trump vanity wall. Other countries have easily solved their problems with illegals
You call yourself a patriot. 🤣
Could it be that these other countries are able to depend on the US to provide for their defense, do the heavy lifting with regard to R&D in most areas (typically the big part of the cost of anything), among a litany of other things the US does which frees up money that other countries use to fund things like universal healthcare. Other countries also pay huge percentages in taxes.

I would agree with you that our hybrid system is bad. We would be far better off with one system regardless of which one if cost is the primary driver.
Could it be that these other countries are able to depend on the US to provide for their defense, do the heavy lifting with regard to R&D in most areas (typically the big part of the cost of anything), among a litany of other things the US does which frees up money that other countries use to fund things like universal healthcare. Other countries also pay huge percentages in taxes.

I would agree with you that our hybrid system is bad. We would be far better off with one system regardless of which one if cost is the primary driver.
Cost shifting doesn't save money.
Hillary cost Hillary the election by doing things that gave the FBI reason to re-open the investigation.
Simple as that.

Moron, that investigation was closed about 2 weeks later because they found nothing. So Hillary was responsible for nothing. You people will make up anything, no matter how far fetched.
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Dude she broke the law. You dont get to have your malfeasance swept under the rug because it might hurt your political chances. She could of avoided it by you know not breaking the law in the first place.

Idiot, that investigation was closed shortly after it was opened because there was nothing there.
I have never presumed to substitute my personal opinion
You just did.

When and if Citizen Biden, who holds no public office nor aspires to one, is charged with and convicted of criminal activity, be sure and let me know.
Guess it'll have to wait until after the midterms as the democrats are covering for the guy with all they got to protect him.

Moron, that investigation was closed about 2 weeks later because they found nothing. So Hollary was responsible for nothing. You people will make up anything, no matter how far fetched.
Number 1: I am not a moron, but the fact that you called me that makes you the 2nd place finisher in this debate
Number 2: I am a patriot because I care about the well being of our country. The fact that you questioned that makes you the 2nd place finisher in the debate
Number 3: I have no issue with your sentiments. I understand them and respect them. I simply disagree with them. The fact that such bothers you and prompts insults to my intelligence makes you the 2nd place finisher in the debate.


Maybe you dont like to debate, Instead you like to dictate,

Maybe that is it?
Idiot, that investigation was closed shortly after it was opened because there was nothing there.
Hmmm. I wonder how you would react if Trump deleted 30,000 emails. careful...don't say something incriminating to your credibility.
You just did.

Guess it'll have to wait until after the midterms as the democrats are covering for the guy with all they got to protect him.

Regardless of your suspicions, if you expect a partisan targeting of Citizen Biden, bear in mind that Republicans in Congress targeted Secretary of State Clinton for years and couldn't contrive an excuse to "Lock her up! Lock her up!"

Do you admire Trump's money laundering and charity scams? Call yourself a patriot.
Not sure what Trump has to do with the Xiden Crime family scam exposed in the OP.

I suppose you just aren't worried about who's buying off the Xidens
No, but you obviously must be. You lefties have questioned and attacked every one of the Trump kids on baseless suspicions, but now we have a very reasonable suspicion that even Obama's own ethics chief says stinks to high heaven.
So? What does that have to do with the White House?

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