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Susan Collins may be forced to vote No on Brett Kavanagh

Terrible for the country if you believe in the founders, GOD, religion and protecting the rights of unborn children.

There are no unborn children. And we live in a country with separationof Church and state, so keep your fucking bronze age superstitions to yourself.

Terrible if you believe in PROTECTING the PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE.

Not an issue here. The fact is, people are rejected for jobs all the time because someone said something bad about them. Ask anyone who has been blackballed by a former employer.

It was mere allegations about the Jews that created the situation that allowed for 6 million of them to be murdered.

Um, no. It had more to do with the anti-Semitism that is hardwired into Christianity. They killed your imaginary God man.

The reason we have the PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE is to prevent that type of terror that is so common in dictatorships!

Again, not an issue here. The question is, do we give this guy a lifetime appointment when there are a lot of questions about his partisanship and character. His rant about "Hillary is out to get me!" should have been a deal breaker if nothing else is.

IN GOD WE TRUST is on all are money! We are not an ATHEIST state. Take your ANTI-RELIGIOUS BIGOTRY and shove it up your ASS. Your a better fit for NORTH KOREA than the United States! You'll have a lot more in common with the people there.
Money spends just as well without that phrase on it. You DO know that, right? And our REAL country motto is E Pluribus Unum not a patch job motto slapped on everything during the Cold War just like adding that "under god" phrase in the Pledge. A patch job put up there by people trying to make us all their religion which is against the 1st Amendment.

The first use of "In God We Trust" on money was in 1864. I guess I never knew that Honest Abe was a Cold Warrior like Reagan! I also did know the Soviet Union was that old!

You are so stupid you didn't even bother to fact check your own ignorant ass!
Kavanaugh is unfit to be on the Supreme Court because he’s a reactionary conservative ideologue hostile to the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and the rights and protected liberties of the American people – that he sexually assaulted a woman in his youth and is lying about it now is confirmation of the fact that he’s just as dishonest as he is unfit.
Jones, what about the woman who accused you of the same thing as Kavanaugh plus you stole all her money and food stamps then drank up all her beer and pissed in the kitchen sink. I'm not accusing you, just repeating the rumors going around. How d'ya like them apples? And don't lie.
And he must now prove he is innocent... We don't have to prove a damn thing... He has to prove he didn't.. Democrat rules and he has to play by them...
Not a court of law....it was a job interview. REJECTED!

How silly and childish. Typical Democrat nonsense.

In how many job interviews were you sworn to tell the truth?
Government jobs....government interviews for increasing my security clearance. EVERY....SINGLE....TIME.

Yeah, and had they known your little secret that you were lying about your sexual preferences they could have locked your ass up!
Kavanaugh is unfit to be on the Supreme Court because he’s a reactionary conservative ideologue hostile to the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and the rights and protected liberties of the American people – that he sexually assaulted a woman in his youth and is lying about it now is confirmation of the fact that he’s just as dishonest as he is unfit.

This is the party that cries about anti-bullying, remember.

Then, after they've actually bullied someone, they love to call them "reactionary".
I guess you can make a case that Kavanaugh was bullied considering all the crying he was doing....

That was rage.
Over being bullied....so he cried. Yes....I saw that. Bullies usually are the first ones to rage and cry when it comes back at them. Crumble like a house of cards.

You're an idiot.

That might be considered insulting to idiots! They have much higher IQs and class than her, him, it.
Good for the country if we can keep an anti-civil rights, OBVIOUSLY partisan "judge" off the highest court of the land.
Kagan, Ginsberg, and Sotomayer are already on the court, dumbass.
And excellent Justices they are. Not drunk misogynists....already two pluses over Kavanaugh.
Yeah.....kids will be kids.
I heard that Kagan when she was at the Unv of Chicago she had a habit of parking her car, walking away, and leaving the engine running all day.
And....ladies and gentlemen...to trumpanzees, that is equivalent. See how it works?
No.....dumbass. You're trying to destroy a man's life over having a few beers in HS.
Nevermind the fact that Kagan is an idiot now.

Why don't libs think Kagan is an idiot for hiring Kavanaugh?
Someone's god shouldn't enter this in any way. We are not some theocracy.

Were NOT THE ATHEIST SOVIET UNION THAT WE DEFEATED IN THE COLD WAR EITHER. We pray before most government events, and we have IN GOD WE TRUST on all are money. We don't favor any particular religion or GOD, but we do favor belief in the supernatural over ATHEISM.
Sorry...but the United States is a secular country....not a theocracy....take your christer sharia elsewhere, please.

Sorry, were not an ATHEIST country. If you want that, go to NORTH KOREA. IN GOD WE TRUST is on all are money! Understand?
We are a secular country....no religion involved in our government at all. If you like having religion involved in government, you might like Saudi Arabia or Iran better.

Ever since this country declared its independence, its government leaders have prayed at government functions and taken oaths on the Bible or other religious documents. That's a fact. Over 90% of Americans believe in some form of the supernatural. WE ARE NOT AN ATHEIST COUNTRY! If you want that, GO to NORTH KOREA. Too bad for you that the most powerful ATHEIST country ever, the most power ATHEISM ever had, no longer exist!

She hates religion because religion does not approve of her sins.
Susan Collins is getting HEAVY pressure right now in her home state of Maine to vote against Brett Kavanagh. She is up for election in 2020. If the pressure is enough, I don't think she will risk her future career for Brett Kavanagh.

I don't think the FBI will find anything more than what is known. But Susan Collins is a Republican in a firmly BLUE STATE. On a divisive issue like this, she is not going to risk her career with a yes vote. Too much is at stake for her.

So the Senate vote will be 51 to 49 against Brett Kavanagh. It will be a sad day for the country and a sad day for the presumption of innocence. I'm sorry that this terrible injustice happened to Brett Kavanagh and his family.

Well, when Trump said "lock her up", was that not a sad day for "presumption of innocence"?

A terrible injustice? The guy is rich already. So he sticks his foot into the political arena and gets it chewed, this happens all the time.

Look at the kids from Parkland High School, they got massively chewed and the right didn't give a shit. All of a sudden this poor rich man... blah blah.

I didn't vote for Trump, I voted for Hillary Clinton.

Okay, and.... what does this have to do with this topic?

I'm lost.
Kavanaugh is unfit to be on the Supreme Court because he’s a reactionary conservative ideologue hostile to the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and the rights and protected liberties of the American people – that he sexually assaulted a woman in his youth and is lying about it now is confirmation of the fact that he’s just as dishonest as he is unfit.

This is the party that cries about anti-bullying, remember.

Then, after they've actually bullied someone, they love to call them "reactionary".
I guess you can make a case that Kavanaugh was bullied considering all the crying he was doing....

That was rage.
Over being bullied....so he cried. Yes....I saw that. Bullies usually are the first ones to rage and cry when it comes back at them. Crumble like a house of cards.

Thank you for confirming for me, again and again, the heart of a Democrat.
Second, Free Exercise of religion means you don't get to impose it on the rest of us


What is YOUR version of Free exercise of Religion?
He just said it....you having a religion is great. But you can't force it on the rest of us.


Who has 'forced' you to partake of a religion in this country?
Not anymore. Now I can get a civil marriage when religions used to overtly influence the government to keep me from exercising the same civil rights as others. Not anymore. Now a religion can't dictate whether I can work or buy something on sunday. Not anymore. Now, when I eventually pass, the government doesn't give me just the ONE option of a cross on military tombstone.

And if someone disagrees you wouldn't mind seeing them destroyed in the process. And if they cry, you'll call them a bully.

We know who you are.
Too funny. Perhaps you can explain in English how it means that?

Pretty darn clear to me. If your Magic Sky Pixie in your head thinks abortion or gay marriage are bad, don't have one.

But don't tell the rest of us we can't.
I'm going to pray for you, for your salvation and understanding. Pray that God gives you wisdom and courage.

You're welcome

Okay, when you get around to doing something useful, let me know.

You see, I became an atheists after everyone in the Parish prayed for my Mom's cancer to get better and she died anyway because God was too busy "not existing".
Terrible for the country if you believe in the founders, GOD, religion and protecting the rights of unborn children. Terrible if you believe in PROTECTING the PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE. It was mere allegations about the Jews that created the situation that allowed for 6 million of them to be murdered. The reason we have the PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE is to prevent that type of terror that is so common in dictatorships!
Someone's god shouldn't enter this in any way. We are not some theocracy.

Were NOT THE ATHEIST SOVIET UNION THAT WE DEFEATED IN THE COLD WAR EITHER. We pray before most government events, and we have IN GOD WE TRUST on all are money. We don't favor any particular religion or GOD, but we do favor belief in the supernatural over ATHEISM.
Sorry...but the United States is a secular country....not a theocracy....take your christer sharia elsewhere, please.

Sorry, were not an ATHEIST country. If you want that, go to NORTH KOREA. IN GOD WE TRUST is on all are money! Understand?
We are a secular country....no religion involved in our government at all. If you like having religion involved in government, you might like Saudi Arabia or Iran better.

We are not a "secular" country. Our gov't does not take a position; that's it. Secularism IS a position.

Honest to goodness I get endlessly tired of educating vacuous liberals. But then if they could think better, they wouldn't be liberals, would they? Now really
Fair enough, but his daughters and wife have gotten really ugly emails, truth, I'd have been even more "angry and unhinged"

I'd have likely shown up with a hand held object that emitted small leaden things at high speed, had I been subjected to what he and his family were
When it was Spartacus' turn to question me, I'd have said that it was hilarious that a self admitted sexual predictor had the balls to question me

I'd have flat out called DuFu a lying hack with zero integrity for looking me in the face weeks ago with the letter in her office and dropping it before the vote

I'm not cut out for SCOTUS though...

For the people trying to knock out the foundations of our culture and government you probably aren’t cut out for anything except paying your taxes and keeping your mouth shut.
That a man would defend himself vigorously is a crime to them. And to question a sainted, self-proclaimed victim is the unforgivable sin.
He spoke up. He spoke back. He questioned the Cathedral.
But then agaIn so did Donald Trump. People are desperate for this all alone in their individual fights for their own families against these elites.
For the people trying to knock out the foundations of our culture and government you probably aren’t cut out for anything except paying your taxes and keeping your mouth shut.
That a man would defend himself vigorously is a crime to them. And to question a sainted, self-proclaimed victim is the unforgivable sin.
He spoke up. He spoke back. He questioned the Cathedral.
But then agaIn so did Donald Trump. People are desperate for this all alone in their individual fights for their own families against these elites.

Yawn.... ONly in America could white males whine they don't have enough privilege.

Frankly, the guy came off as unhinged and screaming.
Too funny. Perhaps you can explain in English how it means that?

Pretty darn clear to me. If your Magic Sky Pixie in your head thinks abortion or gay marriage are bad, don't have one.

But don't tell the rest of us we can't.

People can tell you that whether they are religious or not. And, with enough support, can enforce it as a rule of law. But that is not the point here anyway.

Now, define "free exercise" without sounding like an idiot.
Susan Collins is getting HEAVY pressure right now in her home state of Maine to vote against Brett Kavanagh. She is up for election in 2020. If the pressure is enough, I don't think she will risk her future career for Brett Kavanagh.

I don't think the FBI will find anything more than what is known. But Susan Collins is a Republican in a firmly BLUE STATE. On a divisive issue like this, she is not going to risk her career with a yes vote. Too much is at stake for her.

So the Senate vote will be 51 to 49 against Brett Kavanagh. It will be a sad day for the country and a sad day for the presumption of innocence. I'm sorry that this terrible injustice happened to Brett Kavanagh and his family.

The pressure on her is intense. These third worlders operate like that. Weren’t they sending her dildos in the mail?
But if she can’t take the heat...she should get back to the kitchen. Its part of governing a country under attack by Marxists. A constant state of low level warfare.
NO ONE said Collins couldn't take the heat, and don't believe it if they do. She's no shrinking violet, even though she doesn't bluster and holler like Lindsay Graham.

Don’t lie. The lefts assumption is that they can break her. She is now traveling by police car because of threats, protestors have been arrested because of violence against her staffers at two separate offices and she gets sexual genitalia in her mail daily. She is one of three senators now under 24 hour capital police protection.
All of from the communist side. Not one hint of trouble from decent Americans.
Sen. Collins says she supports delay in Kavanaugh vote to allow time for investigation
Don't lie about what, DOTR? What the protesters are hoping for and what Collins will decide are two different things. She will choose based on what she thinks is right. End of discussion.
What she needs to do to stay safe isn't going to change her mind. She's a girl from the County and that means something in Maine.
Susan Collins is getting HEAVY pressure right now in her home state of Maine to vote against Brett Kavanagh. She is up for election in 2020. If the pressure is enough, I don't think she will risk her future career for Brett Kavanagh.

I don't think the FBI will find anything more than what is known. But Susan Collins is a Republican in a firmly BLUE STATE. On a divisive issue like this, she is not going to risk her career with a yes vote. Too much is at stake for her.

So the Senate vote will be 51 to 49 against Brett Kavanagh. It will be a sad day for the country and a sad day for the presumption of innocence. I'm sorry that this terrible injustice happened to Brett Kavanagh and his family.
Maine is more a purple, Independent state. There are a mighty lot of Republicans here.

Senator Collins liked Kavanaugh prior to these allegations being known and planned to vote for him. I think she will still vote for him. She IS receiving a lot of pressure from BOTH sides and as usual she will do what her conscience tells her is best. Collins does not bend to pressure, but she does listen and I know she is taking the hearing into account, as well as whatever information the Senate gets from an investigation.

If Senator Collins listened to Kavanaugh's performance, she will likely reject him. Not based exclusively on the testimony of Dr. Ford, but on his pathological anger, conspiracy theories and disrespect for the Ranking member of all Democratic Senators.

No one should support someone like Kavanaugh, he is unsuited to judge others, since he cannot control his emotions.

Sure, because if you spent the last two weeks been called a rapist and a predator in front of your family, friends, and the entire world you would be totally in control of your emotions, wouldn’t you? You’re such a fraud. The fact of the matter is you’re just regurgitating the same talking points as everyone else in the anti-Kavanaugh crowd. You hear pundits in the media say it and like soldiers with your marching orders you trot out and repeat it like a collective Borg. It’s so transparent it’s sad.
Just where are all the people who come out of the woodwork to say that bullying means nothing and if you let it bother you, it's your fault, not the bully-er. I hear that all the time here. Yet for Kavanaugh, it's oh those wicked Dems. The right has no problem name calling and slandering, does it under the flag of "free speech." So what's the problem with it, again? As bones says, it's not what people call you, it's what you answer to. So grow up, Kavanaugh.
Susan Collins is getting HEAVY pressure right now in her home state of Maine to vote against Brett Kavanagh. She is up for election in 2020. If the pressure is enough, I don't think she will risk her future career for Brett Kavanagh.

I don't think the FBI will find anything more than what is known. But Susan Collins is a Republican in a firmly BLUE STATE. On a divisive issue like this, she is not going to risk her career with a yes vote. Too much is at stake for her.

So the Senate vote will be 51 to 49 against Brett Kavanagh. It will be a sad day for the country and a sad day for the presumption of innocence. I'm sorry that this terrible injustice happened to Brett Kavanagh and his family.
Maine is more a purple, Independent state. There are a mighty lot of Republicans here.

Senator Collins liked Kavanaugh prior to these allegations being known and planned to vote for him. I think she will still vote for him. She IS receiving a lot of pressure from BOTH sides and as usual she will do what her conscience tells her is best. Collins does not bend to pressure, but she does listen and I know she is taking the hearing into account, as well as whatever information the Senate gets from an investigation.

If Senator Collins listened to Kavanaugh's performance, she will likely reject him. Not based exclusively on the testimony of Dr. Ford, but on his pathological anger, conspiracy theories and disrespect for the Ranking member of all Democratic Senators.

No one should support someone like Kavanaugh, he is unsuited to judge others, since he cannot control his emotions.

Sure, because if you spent the last two weeks been called a rapist and a predator in front of your family, friends, and the entire world you would be totally in control of your emotions, wouldn’t you? You’re such a fraud. The fact of the matter is you’re just regurgitating the same talking points as everyone else in the anti-Kavanaugh crowd. You hear pundits in the media say it and like soldiers with your marching orders you trot out and repeat it like a collective Borg. It’s so transparent it’s sad.
Just where are all the people who come out of the woodwork to say that bullying means nothing and if you let it bother you, it's your fault, not the bully-er. I hear that all the time here. Yet for Kavanaugh, it's oh those wicked Dems. The right has no problem name calling and slandering, does it under the flag of "free speech." So what's the problem with it, again? As bones says, it's not what people call you, it's what you answer to. So grow up, Kavanaugh.

"Oh those wicked Dems" is right, and when punched by a bully, you punch back twice as hard.

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