Susan Rice Still Lying About Benghazi


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

David Gregory had Susan Rice as a guest on Meet The Press yesterday morning and asked her if she had any regrets about telling everyone that Benghazi was caused by a video.

Her response was no of course. She claimed, still, that if there were any thoughts that the administration misled anyone on Benghazi, it is patently false.

NBC must be their favorite news program because she didn't repeat this lie anywhere else. Back then she repeated those dishonest talking points on every Sunday morning talk show before it was known that it was totally false, but not this time. Only on NBC, to avoid any tough questioning apparently.

She claimed yesterday that her comments were well validated, but then she also said that her comments weren't 100% correct. So which is it lady. Make up your mind!!! Were they untrue or not?

You won't get that kind of answer from the White House.

Like Obama's lie about Obamacare, Susan Rice's comments then and again yesterday were bold-faced lies, and yet she is allowed to keep her job.

What kind of country is this that it's government is allowed to lie to us and get away with it?

This is the kind of thing that happens in 3rd world countries. Not a country that believes in the law and believes that integrity is an important function of government.

On being President Obama's national security adviser, Rice said that "she couldn't ask for anything more" and that "it's the greatest honor in the world to work for the President of the United States and on behalf of the American people."

I guess we can assume that everything that comes from the Obama Administration is automatically a lie and must be proved not to be before it can be taken at face value. Liberals will say they already knew this, yet they still support them. The rest of us feel this is not only wrong but criminal fraud. But hey, they won. So we have to suck it up.
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Again - you can't make this shit up.
The Double-Speak is as thick as molasses with this one.
"I told the truth...but it wasn't 100% true."...:eusa_eh:
"My comments were well validated...but admittedly inaccurate" - :eusa_eh:
So basically, as everyone knows, she was thrown out there to misinform the public and to project an opinion "not 100% accurate"...and has no regrets doing that.
We get it.
"comments were well validated, but then she also said that her comments weren't 100% correct"

Here is the deal, she speaks for Obama. Obama is the most powerful man in the world. He has several intelligence agencies feeding him information. So, he gets told something which is no 100 percent true. He may not know it is not 100 percent true. So he goes out and says it later to find out it was wrong. Kinda like being told there were WMD yet finding out there was no large quantity of WMD. Hmmm. see a difference?

Now, why did the intelligence community feed Obama a pile of crap? Or did they? Obviously not being 100 percent true means it is false. So why? To cover gun running? Illegal gun running? Or did Obama change the talking points to help his reelection? I don't believe the latter because I don't think it would matter at all. Obama could have come out and said that he lead the attack and he still would have been reelected. So why the obvious lie? I say obvious because at the time everyone already knew this wasn't simply a protest. Also consider that most of the protests over the world came after 9/11 not on 9/11. I believe there was one protest on that day. The protests came AFTER the POTUS and his spokesperson made the video famous.

Remember, it is not a lie it is just not 100 percent true. And I failed to see her apology and the fixing of blame. Who gave her the "not 100 percent true" information that they spoke with such assured confidence as being true?
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David Gregory had Susan Rice as a guest on Meet The Press yesterday morning and asked her if she had any regrets about telling everyone that Benghazi was caused by a video.

Her response was no of course. She claimed, still, that if there were any thoughts that the administration misled anyone on Benghazi, it is patently false.

NBC must be their favorite news program because she didn't repeat this lie anywhere else. Back then she repeated those dishonest talking points on every Sunday morning talk show before it was known that it was totally false, but not this time. Only on NBC, to avoid any tough questioning apparently.

She claimed yesterday that her comments were well validated, but then she also said that her comments weren't 100% correct. So which is it lady. Make up your mind!!! Were they untrue or not?

You won't get that kind of answer from the White House.

Like Obama's lie about Obamacare, Susan Rice's comments then and again yesterday were bold-faced lies, and yet she is allowed to keep her job.

What kind of country is this that it's government is allowed to lie to us and get away with it?

This is the kind of thing that happens in 3rd world countries. Not a country that believes in the law and believes that integrity is an important function of government.

On being President Obama's national security adviser, Rice said that "she couldn't ask for anything more" and that "it's the greatest honor in the world to work for the President of the United States and on behalf of the American people."

I guess we can assume that everything that comes from the Obama Administration is automatically a lie and must be proved not be before it can be taken at face value. Liberals will say they already knew this, yet they still support them. The rest of us feel this is not only wrong but criminal fraud. But hey, they won. So we have to suck it up.

then she also said that her comments weren't 100% correct

turns out she was 100 percent incorrect

the admin carried on with the lie for weeks

msnbc is nothing more then a puppet for the admin
I don't like the idea of this becoming a racial thing, but facts are facts. The first Black President has made it one. Aside from Benghazi he continues to drive a wedge between Whites and Blacks by interfering in racial incidents in an anti-white way. "The police acted stupidly", "If I had a son", "Don't punish black kids the same as white kids", and it goes on and on.

The example that's being made in his Administration is not favorable for the first Black President and his black National Security Adviser. And no FREEWILL, it's not the same as the WMD thing and Bush. The whole World knew Saddam Hussein had WMD's, so if anyone was lying it was the whole effing World.

Only a slobbering idiot could think Obama, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, and the rest of the Regime thought the Benghazi murders were caused by a video. If, and this is a fantasy if, the Regime really thought it was caused by the video, the whole Regime is totally incompetent! In either case it leaves a negative shadow on the first black President and his number one supporter.
Damn sure can't be good for black/white relations.
Remember Clinton's assistant, Vernon Jordan and his black personal Secretary committing perjury to defend his lies?

I'm not saying whites don't do it, but this Tyrant has taken it to a new level.
It's ok, they're Democrats/Progressives/commies

Their base excused Obama lying to people about, OscamCare so they will excuse her too

David Gregory had Susan Rice as a guest on Meet The Press yesterday morning and asked her if she had any regrets about telling everyone that Benghazi was caused by a video.

Her response was no of course. She claimed, still, that if there were any thoughts that the administration misled anyone on Benghazi, it is patently false.

NBC must be their favorite news program because she didn't repeat this lie anywhere else. Back then she repeated those dishonest talking points on every Sunday morning talk show before it was known that it was totally false, but not this time. Only on NBC, to avoid any tough questioning apparently.

She claimed yesterday that her comments were well validated, but then she also said that her comments weren't 100% correct. So which is it lady. Make up your mind!!! Were they untrue or not?

You won't get that kind of answer from the White House.

Like Obama's lie about Obamacare, Susan Rice's comments then and again yesterday were bold-faced lies, and yet she is allowed to keep her job.

What kind of country is this that it's government is allowed to lie to us and get away with it?

This is the kind of thing that happens in 3rd world countries. Not a country that believes in the law and believes that integrity is an important function of government.

On being President Obama's national security adviser, Rice said that "she couldn't ask for anything more" and that "it's the greatest honor in the world to work for the President of the United States and on behalf of the American people."

I guess we can assume that everything that comes from the Obama Administration is automatically a lie and must be proved not be before it can be taken at face value. Liberals will say they already knew this, yet they still support them. The rest of us feel this is not only wrong but criminal fraud. But hey, they won. So we have to suck it up.

What proof do you have that the video was not the catalyst for the murderous attack on Benghazi? Your post is not based on your personal experience, it is nothing more than an echo of an effort to discredit the Obama Administration and Sect. Clinton for partisan and scurrilous reasons.
I don't like the idea of this becoming a racial thing, but facts are facts. The first Black President has made it one. Aside from Benghazi he continues to drive a wedge between Whites and Blacks by interfering in racial incidents in an anti-white way. "The police acted stupidly", "If I had a son", "Don't punish black kids the same as white kids", and it goes on and on.

The example that's being made in his Administration is not favorable for the first Black President and his black National Security Adviser. And no FREEWILL, it's not the same as the WMD thing and Bush. The whole World knew Saddam Hussein had WMD's, so if anyone was lying it was the whole effing World.

Only a slobbering idiot could think Obama, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, and the rest of the Regime thought the Benghazi murders were caused by a video. If, and this is a fantasy if, the Regime really thought it was caused by the video, the whole Regime is totally incompetent! In either case it leaves a negative shadow on the first black President and his number one supporter.
Damn sure can't be good for black/white relations.

The comparison to WMD is to point out the hypocrisy of the liberal left.

The question still remains is why did she put out information that wasn't 100 percent true? IF they knew at the time it was not true then why would they say it knowing it would be exposed?

David Gregory had Susan Rice as a guest on Meet The Press yesterday morning and asked her if she had any regrets about telling everyone that Benghazi was caused by a video.

Her response was no of course. She claimed, still, that if there were any thoughts that the administration misled anyone on Benghazi, it is patently false.

NBC must be their favorite news program because she didn't repeat this lie anywhere else. Back then she repeated those dishonest talking points on every Sunday morning talk show before it was known that it was totally false, but not this time. Only on NBC, to avoid any tough questioning apparently.

She claimed yesterday that her comments were well validated, but then she also said that her comments weren't 100% correct. So which is it lady. Make up your mind!!! Were they untrue or not?

You won't get that kind of answer from the White House.

Like Obama's lie about Obamacare, Susan Rice's comments then and again yesterday were bold-faced lies, and yet she is allowed to keep her job.

What kind of country is this that it's government is allowed to lie to us and get away with it?

This is the kind of thing that happens in 3rd world countries. Not a country that believes in the law and believes that integrity is an important function of government.

On being President Obama's national security adviser, Rice said that "she couldn't ask for anything more" and that "it's the greatest honor in the world to work for the President of the United States and on behalf of the American people."

I guess we can assume that everything that comes from the Obama Administration is automatically a lie and must be proved not be before it can be taken at face value. Liberals will say they already knew this, yet they still support them. The rest of us feel this is not only wrong but criminal fraud. But hey, they won. So we have to suck it up.

What proof do you have that the video was not the catalyst for the murderous attack on Benghazi? Your post is not based on your personal experience, it is nothing more than an echo of an effort to discredit the Obama Administration and Sect. Clinton for partisan and scurrilous reasons.

Protest time line:

NOTE: they list ONE protest on 9/11 not the many as people would have you believe.

Tuesday, September 11

At the US consulate in Libya's eastern city of Benghazi US Ambassador Chris Stevens and three embassy officials are killed, including two former marines.

A US official says extremists used hostility to the film as a pretext to launch an attack on US interests on the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks.

In Egypt, about 3,000 mainly Salafist demonstrators demonstrate at the Cairo US embassy and tear down the US flag.

Wednesday, September 12

Libya apologises to the US and blames followers of the deposed regime of late Libyan leader Muamaar Gaddafi and al-Qaeda.

US President Barack Obama condemns the "outrageous" attack but vows he will not break America's bond with Libya.

He vows justice and orders increased security at US posts worldwide, as US warships head towards Libya.

Thursday, September 13

In Yemen, where the US embassy is attacked, clashes between police and demonstrators leave four people dead.

More than 200 are injured when protesters stone the US mission in Cairo.

Demonstrations also take place in Iraq, Iran and the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip.

Friday, September 14

In Sudan, security forces use tear gas against about 10,000 demonstrators near the US embassy. Two protesters are killed. Demonstrators set fire to the German mission and also attack the UK embassy.

In the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli, one person is killed in clashes between security forces and Islamists.

In Tunis, four people are killed in clashes between Salafists and police at the US embassy and nearby American school.

In Cairo, a protester is killed in clashes with police outside the US embassy building.

Meanwhile, the bodies of the killed US diplomats are flown home to the Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland.
The rest of us feel this is not only wrong but criminal fraud. But hey, they won. So we have to suck it up.

feel DAMN !!!!!! do i ever hate that fucking word !!!!!

doesn't anyone ever THINK or BELIEVE any more ?

The rest of us BELIEVE this is not only wrong but criminal fraud. But hey, they won. So we have to suck it up.

looks and sounds even better now.., RIGHT ?

this entire regime from top to bottom (as in a sewer sucking scum) is as corrupt as any third world commie shit hole.

IF we find ourselves in a continuation of the current policies, i see no other solution but an armed response !! :up:
I don't like the idea of this becoming a racial thing, but facts are facts. The first Black President has made it one. Aside from Benghazi he continues to drive a wedge between Whites and Blacks by interfering in racial incidents in an anti-white way. "The police acted stupidly", "If I had a son", "Don't punish black kids the same as white kids", and it goes on and on.

The example that's being made in his Administration is not favorable for the first Black President and his black National Security Adviser. And no FREEWILL, it's not the same as the WMD thing and Bush. The whole World knew Saddam Hussein had WMD's, so if anyone was lying it was the whole effing World.

Only a slobbering idiot could think Obama, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, and the rest of the Regime thought the Benghazi murders were caused by a video. If, and this is a fantasy if, the Regime really thought it was caused by the video, the whole Regime is totally incompetent! In either case it leaves a negative shadow on the first black President and his number one supporter.
Damn sure can't be good for black/white relations.

The comparison to WMD is to point out the hypocrisy of the liberal left.

The question still remains is why did she put out information that wasn't 100 percent true? IF they knew at the time it was not true then why would they say it knowing it would be exposed?

Because of their ARROGANCE!
They know that 90% of blacks and 40% of whites believe whatever comes out of his mouth. That only leaves about 5% of the rest to be fooled to have a majority.
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I don't like the idea of this becoming a racial thing, but facts are facts. The first Black President has made it one. Aside from Benghazi he continues to drive a wedge between Whites and Blacks by interfering in racial incidents in an anti-white way. "The police acted stupidly", "If I had a son", "Don't punish black kids the same as white kids", and it goes on and on.

The example that's being made in his Administration is not favorable for the first Black President and his black National Security Adviser. And no FREEWILL, it's not the same as the WMD thing and Bush. The whole World knew Saddam Hussein had WMD's, so if anyone was lying it was the whole effing World.

Only a slobbering idiot could think Obama, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, and the rest of the Regime thought the Benghazi murders were caused by a video. If, and this is a fantasy if, the Regime really thought it was caused by the video, the whole Regime is totally incompetent! In either case it leaves a negative shadow on the first black President and his number one supporter.
Damn sure can't be good for black/white relations.

The comparison to WMD is to point out the hypocrisy of the liberal left.

The question still remains is why did she put out information that wasn't 100 percent true? IF they knew at the time it was not true then why would they say it knowing it would be exposed?

What was untrue about what she said ... without going over the entire Benghazi scandal head to toe.

Their WAS NO video?

The video had NOTHING to do with it?

How did she lie? Offering up an opinion, as much as you wish it were, is not lying.

A lie involves intent to deceive.

In It's absence, it isn't called lying; It's called being wrong.

If I tell a customer that I'll be there in 15 minutes and it ends yo taking 25, that's not a lie - It's called being wrong.

Now, If I'm 30 minutes away and say that I'll be there in 15 - that's a lie.

How do you KNOW that Rice lied?
I don't like the idea of this becoming a racial thing, but facts are facts. The first Black President has made it one. Aside from Benghazi he continues to drive a wedge between Whites and Blacks by interfering in racial incidents in an anti-white way. "The police acted stupidly", "If I had a son", "Don't punish black kids the same as white kids", and it goes on and on.

The example that's being made in his Administration is not favorable for the first Black President and his black National Security Adviser. And no FREEWILL, it's not the same as the WMD thing and Bush. The whole World knew Saddam Hussein had WMD's, so if anyone was lying it was the whole effing World.

Only a slobbering idiot could think Obama, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, and the rest of the Regime thought the Benghazi murders were caused by a video. If, and this is a fantasy if, the Regime really thought it was caused by the video, the whole Regime is totally incompetent! In either case it leaves a negative shadow on the first black President and his number one supporter.
Damn sure can't be good for black/white relations.

The comparison to WMD is to point out the hypocrisy of the liberal left.

The question still remains is why did she put out information that wasn't 100 percent true? IF they knew at the time it was not true then why would they say it knowing it would be exposed?

What was untrue about what she said ... without going over the entire Benghazi scandal head to toe.

Their WAS NO video?

The video had NOTHING to do with it?

How did she lie? Offering up an opinion, as much as you wish it were, is not lying.

A lie involves intent to deceive.

In It's absence, it isn't called lying; It's called being wrong.

If I tell a customer that I'll be there in 15 minutes and it ends yo taking 25, that's not a lie - It's called being wrong.

Now, If I'm 30 minutes away and say that I'll be there in 15 - that's a lie.

How do you KNOW that Rice lied?

I think we are making the same point. SHE says that what SHE said wasn't 100 percent true. We all knew then that the attack was not over a video yet she said it. Now, there are two options. She lied or she was told something that was not 100 percent true and told to say it, thus not lying. Either option requires a motive. Why did she lie if she did. Or why was she told to lie? It is not like these comments were made off the cuff. She was sent out to deliver a message and that message was not 100 percent true.

We all should be asking why. What would be the importance of blaming it on something that simply wasn't true? As you see by the time line I provided there was one protest over the video on 9/11, at least one that was attributed to the video.

So, ask yourself, why the lie?
I don't like the idea of this becoming a racial thing, but facts are facts. The first Black President has made it one. Aside from Benghazi he continues to drive a wedge between Whites and Blacks by interfering in racial incidents in an anti-white way. "The police acted stupidly", "If I had a son", "Don't punish black kids the same as white kids", and it goes on and on.

The example that's being made in his Administration is not favorable for the first Black President and his black National Security Adviser. And no FREEWILL, it's not the same as the WMD thing and Bush. The whole World knew Saddam Hussein had WMD's, so if anyone was lying it was the whole effing World.

Only a slobbering idiot could think Obama, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, and the rest of the Regime thought the Benghazi murders were caused by a video. If, and this is a fantasy if, the Regime really thought it was caused by the video, the whole Regime is totally incompetent! In either case it leaves a negative shadow on the first black President and his number one supporter.
Damn sure can't be good for black/white relations.

The comparison to WMD is to point out the hypocrisy of the liberal left.

The question still remains is why did she put out information that wasn't 100 percent true? IF they knew at the time it was not true then why would they say it knowing it would be exposed?

Because of their ARROGANCE!
They know that 90% of blacks and 40% of whites believe whatever comes out of his mouth. That only leaves about 5% of the rest to be fooled to have a majority.

Again, you are not answering the real question. She said what she said wasn't 100 percent true. So why did she either spread a lie or make up the lie, what was here motive?
I don't like the idea of this becoming a racial thing, but facts are facts. The first Black President has made it one. Aside from Benghazi he continues to drive a wedge between Whites and Blacks by interfering in racial incidents in an anti-white way. "The police acted stupidly", "If I had a son", "Don't punish black kids the same as white kids", and it goes on and on.

The example that's being made in his Administration is not favorable for the first Black President and his black National Security Adviser. And no FREEWILL, it's not the same as the WMD thing and Bush. The whole World knew Saddam Hussein had WMD's, so if anyone was lying it was the whole effing World.

Only a slobbering idiot could think Obama, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, and the rest of the Regime thought the Benghazi murders were caused by a video. If, and this is a fantasy if, the Regime really thought it was caused by the video, the whole Regime is totally incompetent! In either case it leaves a negative shadow on the first black President and his number one supporter.
Damn sure can't be good for black/white relations.

The comparison to WMD is to point out the hypocrisy of the liberal left.

The question still remains is why did she put out information that wasn't 100 percent true? IF they knew at the time it was not true then why would they say it knowing it would be exposed?

Plus, whenever they do point out the so called "lies" about wmds, they cannot handle the fact that it was democrats that propagated the existence of WMDs before Bush took office.

Like the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs signed by Bill Clinton.

[ame=]Bill Clinton 1998 Iraq Liberation Act - YouTube[/ame]

Of course this was fully supported by Hillary.

[ame=]Democrats, WMD's & The Iraq War - YouTube[/ame]

A person they will gleefully vote for in 2016.

Behold the Clintons folks. Just to reiterate.

[ame=]Hillary and Bill Clinton were both for the invasion of Iraq +WMDs - YouTube[/ame]

All of this only proves one thing. Liberals stand for absolutely nothing. They just chant BOOOOOOSH!!!!! It was all BOOOOOOOSH!!!!!!

They still believe the Benghazi thing was over a fucking video. Yet, Obama called it a terror attack when that fat blob in the debates said Obama said it was an ORGANIZED terror attack. That was after of course the Obama administration systematically told the country (world) that it was a spontaneous attack. Then, the morons on the left laughed when Crowley pointed out (like the typical left wing fat hack) that Obama indeed said it was a planned terror attack. Only to later on say she was wrong, and Obama never actually said it was a planned attack.

So, where are we with this? Obama still sells that it was a spontaneous attack cause of a video AND he also claims he knew it was an organized terror attack. Both of which the liberals cheer and support. Both of which are juxtaposed opposite claims.

They will always go back to the so called lies of BOOOOSH for WMDs that the democrats propagated before BOOOOOOSH took office.

The worst part is they think they make sense, and they always think they are the smartest ones in the room.

It is pathetic isn't it?

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