Suspect Taken Into Custody in Murders of Four University of Idaho Students

I only got one vacuum cleaner and never use it

lol not those, the kind they use in chip factories and to empty laser tubes and other chambers. LAwrence Livermore has huge chambers that take days to depressurize and have huge systems that look like robot octopuses from outer space in their fusion labs there. I did work for Applied Materials and a couple of other equipment builders and designers, AT&T, HP.
lol not those, the kind they use in chip factories and to empty laser tubes and other chambers. LAwrence Livermore has huge chambers that take days to depressurize and have huge systems that look like robot octopuses from outer space in their fusion labs there. I did work for Applied Materials and a couple of other equipment builders and designers, AT&T, HP.
Omg 😳

I have no idea what you said but it sounds cool
What could be the motivation for cutting so many peoples' lives short?

What could be the justification in one's own mind, even?
Read the linked article for his behavior at his hometown bar in PA.

Jordan Serulneck, 34, owner of Seven Sirens Brewing Company in Pennsylvania, told NBC News that female staff complained about Kohberger’s behavior when he came into the brewery.

He told NBC Kohberger was usually alone, sitting at the bar and “observing and watching.” Staff had noted, “‘Hey, this guy makes creepy comments, keep an eye on him. He’ll have two or three beers and then just get a little too comfortable,’” Serulneck told NBC News, saying Kohberger would ask female staff or customers “who they were at the brewery with, where they lived.”

He grew upset if the women rejected him, and he once called a staff member a b****, Serulneck told NBC News.
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It's not a vegan restaurant. Google it and look at their menu
That's your stupid opinion.

Google "Moscow Idaho vegan restaurant" and see what is at the very top of the search results. Mad Greek is at the top of the list.
That's your stupid opinion.

Google "Moscow Idaho vegan restaurant" and see what is at the very top of the search results. Mad Greek is at the top of the list.

Actually, it's YOUR stupid opinion. If you were to actually look at the menu for the place, it's got lots of meat, primarily lamb and pork, and it is prominently featured on their menus. While they may advertise under vegan restaurants on Google (probably paid to be at the top of the list so they could attract more customers), they definitely aren't strict vegan. Besides, many Greek places do serve salads, which qualifies as vegan food.

You're right about them showing up on Google as one of the top searches, but you are definitely wrong about them being just a vegan place. Might wanna read the menu.
Omg 😳

I have no idea what you said but it sounds cool

Basically it's just reducing the pressure to some level below normal atmospheres, to clear the environment of big molecules and contaminants that interfere with laying down coatings or growing crystals or scattering laser beams, depending on the applications. They also remove air and dirt from neon tubing and other light fixtures and replace them with different gasses, like neon and argon for different effects. One of the big roadblocks in making reliable light bulbs in the early days was getting a good enough vacuum on mass production equipment, and started a whole new engineering field. When they talk about factories in space they're talking about the vacuum up there as a perfect environment for all kinds of applications that require high levels of purity.

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