Sussman will walk. The fix is in.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
The Obama appointed judge should have refused due to obvious conflict of interest, and the judge refused to remove a juror despite the fact the jurors daughter is friends with Sussmanā€™s daughter.

The Obama appointed judge should have refused due to obvious conflict of interest, and the judge refused to remove a juror despite the fact the jurors daughter is friends with Sussmanā€™s daughter.

This does not bother me nor does it make me angry. God is at work and He is in control.

For example the Dems massively cheated and lied. They thought they won but they won....Biden, and have destroyed themselves for generations.

"Be sure: your sin will find you out."--Numbers 32:23
I've been saying it for years. If hitlary was not charged for her crimes, which are on public record and acknowledged by none other than James Fucking Comey during testimony in the US House of Retards then you can not deny that some pigs are "more equal" than others.

We have reached and surpassed the point in which the federal government is lawless and a malignancy.

I've been saying it for years. If hitlary was not charged for her crimes, which are on public record and acknowledged by none other than James Fucking Comey during testimony in the US House of Retards then you can not deny that some pigs are "more equal" than others.

We have reached and surpassed the point in which the federal government is lawless and a malignancy.

Exactly. Comey laid out a long list of crimes Hitlery committed, then he re-wrote the law and inserted "intent", claimed she didn't intend to set up a private server in her bathroom and put classified info on it, and gave her a pass.
Exactly. Comey laid out a long list of crimes Hitlery committed, then he re-wrote the law and inserted "intent", claimed she didn't intend to set up a private server in her bathroom and put classified info on it, and gave her a pass.
On top of it, he told these pathetic pieces of shit to their faces that the DOJ was so corrupt that no one would attempt to prosecute that sociopath hag. How much more fucked up can our "government" get?

Oh wait... let's reminisce on how fucked up our government can get....

Al Capone's lawyers homes and offices were never raided, nor were John Gotti's, Jeffery Dahmer's, Jim Bakker's, David Berkowitz', John Dillinger's, or Lizzie Fucking Borden's lawyers' ever raided. Yet we witnessed a sitting POTUS' lawyers office get raid, and it had NOTHING to do with the inane russian collusion investigation, it was because he might have fucked a whore, paid her to shut up, and then she didn't shut up. She even lost her case and has to pay the POTUS as a result. ON TOP OF THAT SHIT SHOW the whore's lawyer ended up getting convicted for being the criminal he is and democrook filth in the media toyed with the idea that Avenatti was someone people should elect to a position of power?

I can not believe what a shit show circus DC is and that American citizens tolerate being governed by complete jabbering retards that think islands can capsize and never saw a fucking garbage disposal until they got an apt near the Potomac River.

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This was an easy call.

The judge should have recused for an obvious conflict of interest. That was confirmed when the email from Sussman clearly indicating the crime in question was not allowed.

And the jury consisted of:

3 Hitlery donors.
1 AOC donor.
(That's what we know about)

And a juror whose daughter is friends with, and plays high school sports with, Sussman's daughter.

The outcome was decided before the trial began.
The Obama appointed judge should have refused due to obvious conflict of interest, and the judge refused to remove a juror despite the fact the jurors daughter is friends with Sussmanā€™s daughter.

Susanna acquitted. He didnā€™t walk. He was acquitted
The right wing is funny. They had a weak case and the liberals predicted months ago it was going to fail.

Now they gotta make some shit up

As always.
Sussman does walk, but here's a story that's associated with the failure to convict.

Which appears to clear Clinton.

Or more to the point, the need to clear US foreign policy against Russia.
Sussman does walk, but here's a story that's associated with the failure to convict.

Which appears to clear Clinton.

Or more to the point, the need to clear US foreign policy against Russia.
More conspiracy bullshit. Liberals win again.

I'm so tired of winning.
The Obama appointed judge should have refused due to obvious conflict of interest, and the judge refused to remove a juror despite the fact the jurors daughter is friends with Sussmanā€™s daughter.

I predicted this in a thread the day the trial started.
I pointed out the body-language....Sussmann smiling while he walks in and Durham looking like he's at death's door.
I didn't like it and I knew that no matter what they discover during the trial...he was gonna walk.

They did discover that Hillary was the ringleader and that she gave the order.
But nothing's going to happen to her.

More conspiracy bullshit. Liberals win again.

I'm so tired of winning.
Yes bullshit because the story evaporates away due to it's after the fact of Sussman being cleared.

Clinton is almost certainly guilty but she's safe on account of the need to protect against exposing the true facts on foreign policy to demonize Russia.

And fwiw, who fkn cares anymore?
The Obama appointed judge should have refused due to obvious conflict of interest, and the judge refused to remove a juror despite the fact the jurors daughter is friends with Sussmanā€™s daughter.

you mailed it

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