Swearing is a sign of intelligence, study shows


y'all are amateurs.

My uncle, dads younger brother, was a sportsmans.

Hunting, fishing, et, he had no peer in the county, (and few in the surrounding counties).

Being that type man, he wanted a son to follow in his footsteps.

First child was a daughter..

3 solid minutes of profanity.

third child was another daughter.

5 minutes of profanity.

4th child was another daughter.

He was escorted from the hospital.

and not once, in any of his diatribes, did he repeat himself.
y'all are amateurs.

My uncle, dads younger brother, was a sportsmans.

Hunting, fishing, et, he had no peer in the county, (and few in the surrounding counties).

Being that type man, he wanted a son to follow in his footsteps.

First child was a daughter..

3 solid minutes of profanity.

third child was another daughter.

5 minutes of profanity.

4th child was another daughter.

He was escorted from the hospital.

and not once, in any of his diatribes, did he repeat himself.

Pffft I was raised by a US Navy MCPO, my dad swore like an artist works in clay
y'all are amateurs.

My uncle, dads younger brother, was a sportsmans.

Hunting, fishing, et, he had no peer in the county, (and few in the surrounding counties).

Being that type man, he wanted a son to follow in his footsteps.

First child was a daughter..

3 solid minutes of profanity.

third child was another daughter.

5 minutes of profanity.

4th child was another daughter.

He was escorted from the hospital.

and not once, in any of his diatribes, did he repeat himself.

Pffft I was raised by a US Navy MCPO, my dad swore like an artist works in clay

Uncle was ex Navy

Before they tore down the stadium he played at, there was a plaque on the Center Field wall with his name on it, for being the first player to hit a home over it
I don't swear, but I am left handed, and whenever people around me learn that about me, they tell me that I am one of the smart people.

God bless you and them and the rest of my "camp" always!!!


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