Sweden Takes Medical Care From Their Own Elderly to Give to Illegal Immigrants


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Maybe Sweden just isnt fit to survive any more?

Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare has created guidelines for the priority of care for Chinese coronavirus patients that could see elderly Swedish citizens left to die in favour of illegal migrants.

Sweden’s elderly, along with Swedes with pre-existing health conditions, can be given lower priority than healthy young illegal migrants, according to the new guidelines.

Dr Thomas Lindén, of the National Board of Health and Welfare, said that health professionals should prioritise based on medical needs and not on the basis of citizenship, according to Nyheter Idag.

“The principles of prioritisation say that we should prioritise on the basis of medical needs and that all people have equal value. It means for someone who works in the healthcare industry that it is the people you have ahead of you, then you should not think about legal status, citizenship or so, but it is the medical need that should govern,” he said.

“Another question is what the regions do with people who may not have residence permits such as ‘paperless’ and others. It is important, partly for them to receive care but also for the protection of the infection to work. Both for those individuals and for society at large, it can be important that they receive care to stop the spread of infection,” Lindén added.
Sweden up there with Merkel's Germany....in their Globlalism New World Order Fascism .

May both countries go to hell!

Sweden it's not what it used to be.

Sweden is all Islamist nowadays.
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Maybe Sweden just isnt fit to survive any more?

Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare has created guidelines for the priority of care for Chinese coronavirus patients that could see elderly Swedish citizens left to die in favour of illegal migrants.

Sweden’s elderly, along with Swedes with pre-existing health conditions, can be given lower priority than healthy young illegal migrants, according to the new guidelines.

Dr Thomas Lindén, of the National Board of Health and Welfare, said that health professionals should prioritise based on medical needs and not on the basis of citizenship, according to Nyheter Idag.

“The principles of prioritisation say that we should prioritise on the basis of medical needs and that all people have equal value. It means for someone who works in the healthcare industry that it is the people you have ahead of you, then you should not think about legal status, citizenship or so, but it is the medical need that should govern,” he said.

“Another question is what the regions do with people who may not have residence permits such as ‘paperless’ and others. It is important, partly for them to receive care but also for the protection of the infection to work. Both for those individuals and for society at large, it can be important that they receive care to stop the spread of infection,” Lindén added.

The only thing I don't like, is that you, and they (the people who wrote this) are putting this in the context of immigration.

That is stupid.

Because even if you had zero immigration, this would still be a problem.

With government, the health care system funding is finite. It does not change. Therefore you must ration care. You have to. This is the very nature of socialistic system. You have to control who gets the care, because there is not unlimited resources.

In a capitalist system, the amount of care is dynamic. The patients, the more customers. The more customers, the more revenue. The more revenue, the more health care resources are available for patients.
Therefore you must ration care. You have to. This is the very nature of socialistic system. You have to control who gets the care, because there is not unlimited resources.
That straight from Adolf Hitler's Nazi party platform. The entire health "care" system is about controlling people, NOT caring for them.

People who need any kind of care or help under that system are deemed unfit to survive and shipped off to the concentration camps, Auschwitz etc.
Where does the article match the hysterical headline?
Whats the matter?

Cant read or cant think?

'Lower priority' = 'You die while others live'.

And since it is entirely based on the comparative health of the patients, older Swedes will be let to die while younger illegals are getting treatment once the health care system there is stressed.

Lol, you Wokesters aree so dense when you want to ignore something.
Maybe Sweden just isnt fit to survive any more?

Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare has created guidelines for the priority of care for Chinese coronavirus patients that could see elderly Swedish citizens left to die in favour of illegal migrants.

Sweden’s elderly, along with Swedes with pre-existing health conditions, can be given lower priority than healthy young illegal migrants, according to the new guidelines.

Dr Thomas Lindén, of the National Board of Health and Welfare, said that health professionals should prioritise based on medical needs and not on the basis of citizenship, according to Nyheter Idag.

“The principles of prioritisation say that we should prioritise on the basis of medical needs and that all people have equal value. It means for someone who works in the healthcare industry that it is the people you have ahead of you, then you should not think about legal status, citizenship or so, but it is the medical need that should govern,” he said.

“Another question is what the regions do with people who may not have residence permits such as ‘paperless’ and others. It is important, partly for them to receive care but also for the protection of the infection to work. Both for those individuals and for society at large, it can be important that they receive care to stop the spread of infection,” Lindén added.
Glad you brought this up....

Here in Chicago, Latinos/Hispanic/Mexicans and illegal population is huge

Same for California and NY

Since when doesn't race/ethnicity become part of the narrative

Why have we not seen any of these cases of CoV
I find it very odd that the 'human aspect' is not being covered
In a free market economy, everyone gets healthcare...if they can afford it.....if they can't -- they deserved to die anyway...especially the darkies
Maybe Sweden just isnt fit to survive any more?

Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare has created guidelines for the priority of care for Chinese coronavirus patients that could see elderly Swedish citizens left to die in favour of illegal migrants.

Sweden’s elderly, along with Swedes with pre-existing health conditions, can be given lower priority than healthy young illegal migrants, according to the new guidelines.

Dr Thomas Lindén, of the National Board of Health and Welfare, said that health professionals should prioritise based on medical needs and not on the basis of citizenship, according to Nyheter Idag.

“The principles of prioritisation say that we should prioritise on the basis of medical needs and that all people have equal value. It means for someone who works in the healthcare industry that it is the people you have ahead of you, then you should not think about legal status, citizenship or so, but it is the medical need that should govern,” he said.

“Another question is what the regions do with people who may not have residence permits such as ‘paperless’ and others. It is important, partly for them to receive care but also for the protection of the infection to work. Both for those individuals and for society at large, it can be important that they receive care to stop the spread of infection,” Lindén added.

"health professionals should prioritise based on medical needs and not on the basis of citizenship, according to Nyheter Idag. "

this what we call the great Christian civilization

by the way , you are not an Ukrainian Cossack you are a Muscovite bydlo (slave)


Where does the article match the hysterical headline?
Whats the matter?

Cant read or cant think?

'Lower priority' = 'You die while others live'.

And since it is entirely based on the comparative health of the patients, older Swedes will be let to die while younger illegals are getting treatment once the health care system there is stressed.

Lol, you Wokesters aree so dense when you want to ignore something.
What's the matter, can't read or think?

“The principles of prioritisation say that we should prioritise on the basis of medical needs and that all people have equal value. It means for someone who works in the healthcare industry that it is the people you have ahead of you, then you should not think about legal status, citizenship or so, but it is the medical need that should govern,” he said.

If you're going to extrapolate from the quotes then it looks like older Swedes will get more medical care if their medical needs are greater.
This approach is standard across the civilised world. Only frothing f•••wits have a problem with it.

What would you know about the civilized world? You live in the UK, an uncivilized shithole, that is allowing itself to be overrun by foreign savages, a nation that protects gangs that rape children, and puts reporters in jail for exposing it. And you openly defend all of this.
This approach is standard across the civilised world. Only frothing f•••wits have a problem with it.

What would you know about the civilized world? You live in the UK, an uncivilized shithole, that is allowing itself to be overrun by foreign savages, a nation that protects gangs that rape children, and puts reporters in jail for exposing it. And you openly defend all of this.
Because the guy with a gunshot wound should wait till the old dear with an ingrowing toenail is dealt with. You stupid fuck.

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