Sweden's First Month Of 'Islamic Multiculturalism' - Rapes, Acquittals, & Severed Heads


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Nice. Spreading a little Muslim love about Sweden. Coming to Main St America



  • Some 30 Muslim men thought that the woman was in violation of Islamic sharia law, by being in Sweden unaccompanied by a man. They thought that she should therefore be raped and her teenage son killed.

  • Sometime during the night, the victim was awakened by the Iraqi as he raped her. The woman managed to break free and locate a train attendant. At first, the woman did not want to call the police. "She felt sorry for him [the rapist] ... and was afraid he would be deported back to Iraq."

  • Two Swedish citizens were convicted by a Gothenburg Court of joining an Islamist terror group in Syria and murdering two captives. Video evidence showed one victim being beheaded. "Every night when I have gone to bed, I have seen a head hanging in the air." - Court Chairman Ralf G. Larsson.

  • One week after Sweden raised its terror alert level to the highest ever, the police raised another alarm -- saying their weapons are simply not good enough to prevent a potential terror attack.
November 4: The Swedish Immigration Service sent out a press release, saying that it had hired close to a thousand additional employees since June. The Immigration Service now has over 7,000 employees, including hourly workers and consultants -- double the 3,350 employees who worked there in 2012. Most of the new recruits work with the legal processing of asylum applications, but the units dealing with receiving migrants and filing their initial applications have also expanded considerably. As if the record influx of migrants this autumn were not crushing enough, the Immigration Service also had trouble retaining its staff. Employees complain about being badly treated: they are always expected to be on call, and possibly even work Christmas Eve.

November 4: Bobel Barqasho, a 31-year-old Syrian, was sentenced by Sweden's Supreme Court to 14 years in prison. Before his case reached the Supreme Court, Barqasho had been sentenced by a lower court to 9 years in prison, then acquitted by the Court of Appeals. In February 2013, Barqasho threw his wife off a sixth-floor balcony. Against all odds, the woman survived the 13-meter (about 43 feet) fall, but was badly injured. When she woke up after five weeks in a coma, her head was held together by a helmet, her face felt loose, and her teeth were gone. In the Court of Appeals, the defense managed to plant reasonable doubt about the man's guilt by claiming the woman was depressed and had jumped of her own free will] so the Court of Appeals set him free. By the time the Supreme Court pronounced its sentence of 14 years, Barqasho had disappeared. He is now being sought by Interpol.

November 6: The Grönkulla School in Alvesta closed after reports of a rape at the facility spread on social media. A Somali boy had apparently been sexually harassing a 12-year-old girl for some time. On October 17, he allegedly took his attentions a step farther, pulled the girl behind a bush and raped her. The girl's father had been unsuccessful in trying to get the school to address the problem earlier, but even after the reported rape, the school's management did not act. The boy was allowed to continue going to the school – just on a schedule different from the girl's. Her distraught parents told the news website Fria Tider: "We are being spat on because we are Swedish." In protest against the school's management, many parents, viewing the school as having sided with the perpetrator, moved their children to other schools.

Sweden's First Month Of 'Islamic Multiculturalism' - Rapes, Acquittals, & Severed Heads | Zero Hedge
"Sometime during the night, the victim was awakened by the Iraqi as he raped her. The woman managed to break free and locate a train attendant. At first, the woman did not want to call the police. "She felt sorry for him [the rapist] ... and was afraid he would be deported back to Iraq"


And yet the crazed psycho bitch wwould scream bloody murder if her husband made love to her.
"Sometime during the night, the victim was awakened by the Iraqi as he raped her. The woman managed to break free and locate a train attendant. At first, the woman did not want to call the police. "She felt sorry for him [the rapist] ... and was afraid he would be deported back to Iraq"


And yet the crazed psycho bitch wwould scream bloody murder if her husband made love to her.
How do you know she was married?
and all building donated or used for the refugees that were originally church owned have to have all crosses inside and out removed..........so as not to offend or cause riots
"Sometime during the night, the victim was awakened by the Iraqi as he raped her. The woman managed to break free and locate a train attendant. At first, the woman did not want to call the police. "She felt sorry for him [the rapist] ... and was afraid he would be deported back to Iraq"


And yet the crazed psycho bitch wwould scream bloody murder if her husband made love to her.
How do you know she was married?
I dont. She wouldnt get married because its rape when an ethnic swede has consentual sex with an ethnic swede of the opposite gender.
Tipsy wrote: How do you know she was married?

Mebbe he's the husband.
They can quit their bitchin'. They knew what would happen and let them in anyway.
Norway also was going to remove crosses and now is not going to bother. Only one room needs to be religiously neutral so the muslim refugees can pray.
This is getting worse and worse. The more I read about Muslims, the more I realize we are fighting a battle with the devil himself.

It's hard enough to be a good person when you are raised in a religion like Christianity, which teaches people that being good is how you get into heaven.

But if people grow up in a religion that teaches that evil acts are the way to get to heaven, how can we trust any of them?

Liberals who try to make comparisons between Christianity and Islam are revealing their total ignorance of either religion.
Any country who lets these bastards in is effectively doing damage to itself.

Its also going to cost the taxpayers in those countries up the ass.

Japan is the only country who's leaders are smart enough to not let any Muslims in.

Good for them.

Europe will find out what a mistake they are making in due time as will America.

Douchebag in the WH wants to take in another 100,000 next year. We taxpayers get to pay for them.

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