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Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss behind Dem dark money donations despite not being US citizen, gave $17M to Sleepy Joe & $3M to Stacey The Hoax Abrams!

Shouldn’t we all be complaining about it, rather than making it a partisan issue?

It seems to those of us not attached the either of the two criminal gangs of the duopoly, you party hacks are just so divisive.

YOU are the problem.
Progressives like me have never, ever been in favor of dark money bullshit. The time for people like you to complain would have been years ago before it became so ingrained and ubiquitous in our elections. Alas it was just the liberals complaining. Gotta do the opposite of what they want no matter what it does to the country.
Progressives like me have never, ever been in favor of dark money bullshit. The time for people like you to complain would have been years ago before it became so ingrained and ubiquitous in our elections. Alas it was just the liberals complaining. Gotta do the opposite of what they want no matter what it does to the country.
Lol. I’ve never supported dark money since I support the total elimination of your gang and the other gang.

If only you dumb partisans of Duopoly would get your heads out of your ass.
Lol. I’ve never supported dark money since I support the total elimination of your gang and the other gang.

If only you dumb partisans of Duopoly would get your heads out of your ass.
Democrats would vote to eliminate "dark money" from elections tomorrow had the supreme court not made it impossible. Now that corporations are people and money is speech we're stuck. We can complain all day long and talk about doing something about it but that ship has sailed. Nothing short of a new amendment could get rid of big money influence in elections.
Why does anyone still pay attention to that empty headed crackerjack? She is literally the dumbest account on this site. Notice I said account, rather than person, because even a bot running a one option algorithm is orders of magnitude more intelligent than her.

Hunters laptop is a fake. Some of the emails were real because they were obtained by the Russians when they hacked Burisma in November of 2019. That hacking was to get access to letterheads and other corporate logos etc., to enable them to fake emails and correspondence.

The intelligence community was aware of the hacking. It mirrored a similar attempt by the GRU to discredit Macron in the run-up to the French election in 2017.

I will laugh loudly if you think that the Clinton Foundation, with record cash from Ukraine, a nation that doesn't have a charitable bone in their body, is on the level as the largest government donor. It was done right in the open for all to see. "HAHA, here ya go ya dumb f%*ks, try and stop us ya cucks!"

She and her global donors did everything in their power to prop her to power and devastate America for further fleecing. Media smiled and clapped and still do to this day. Canada was practically rubbing Clintons feet with warm baby oil. Maybe some were assuming a guaranteed win?

The massive "America Last globalists" are largely represented by one party (though certainly not entirely). Ironically, the districts they represent without challenge (Cali, NY etc.) are being fleeced the most by foreign enemies, their techology and futures stolen by these nations with glee.

Contrary to your gleeful attack on the Clinton Foundation, you're an idiot to think the Clintons don't have a "charitable bone in their bodies".

The Clinton Foundation has a 5 star rating as a charity with low cost fund raising and well run programs. It's unique in that the Foundation is not a "pass through" organization which raises funds and then passes them on to NGO's and others to do the work. The Clinton Foundation runs many (most?) of the programs it funds, including HIV drugs for children in Third World Countries.

Once again you're long on innuendo and bullshit and completely lacking in facts, logic, or even links.
Democrats would vote to eliminate "dark money" from elections tomorrow had the supreme court not made it impossible. Now that corporations are people and money is speech we're stuck. We can complain all day long and talk about doing something about it but that ship has sailed. Nothing short of a new amendment could get rid of big money influence in elections.
No they wouldn’t. Stop believing bull shit. The D Party receives more dark money than the Rs do.

Please remember Obama’s campaign promises on campaign financing which he quickly ignored?
Hunters laptop is a fake. Some of the emails were real because they were obtained by the Russians when they hacked Burisma in November of 2019. That hacking was to get access to letterheads and other corporate logos etc., to enable them to fake emails and correspondence.

The intelligence community was aware of the hacking. It mirrored a similar attempt by the GRU to discredit Macron in the run-up to the French election in 2017.

Contrary to your gleeful attack on the Clinton Foundation, you're an idiot to think the Clintons don't have a "charitable bone in their bodies".

The Clinton Foundation has a 5 star rating as a charity with low cost fund raising and well run programs. It's unique in that the Foundation is not a "pass through" organization which raises funds and then passes them on to NGO's and others to do the work. The Clinton Foundation runs many (most?) of the programs it funds, including HIV drugs for children in Third World Countries.

Once again you're long on innuendo and bullshit and completely lacking in facts, logic, or even links.
Lol. You’ll believe anything if it helps the D Party. You have no credibility.

The laptop stop has been completely verified even by your beloved corporate media.
Hunters laptop is a fake. Some of the emails were real because they were obtained by the Russians when they hacked Burisma in November of 2019. That hacking was to get access to letterheads and other corporate logos etc., to enable them to fake emails and correspondence.

The intelligence community was aware of the hacking. It mirrored a similar attempt by the GRU to discredit Macron in the run-up to the French election in 2017.

Contrary to your gleeful attack on the Clinton Foundation, you're an idiot to think the Clintons don't have a "charitable bone in their bodies".

The Clinton Foundation has a 5 star rating as a charity with low cost fund raising and well run programs. It's unique in that the Foundation is not a "pass through" organization which raises funds and then passes them on to NGO's and others to do the work. The Clinton Foundation runs many (most?) of the programs it funds, including HIV drugs for children in Third World Countries.

Once again you're long on innuendo and bullshit and completely lacking in facts, logic, or even links.

No, the Ukrainian government doesn't, and it's citizens for that matter.

America is by far #1, because they have a belief in self sacrifice. Ukraine is listed #101 of 126 nations. Yet, miraculously, they were BY FAR the top donor to the Clinton Foundation.

United States158.00%61.00%72.00%42.00%

Now I realize critical and objective thinking probably isn't your forte. However, even you should raise your government eyebrows with suspicion when Ukraine gave $10M to the Clinton Foundation BEFORE her election and not a nickel after she lost.

Clinton Foundation from 1999-2014 got more donations from Ukraine than any other country​

In a 15 year accounting of foreign donors, England donated 8.4 million and Saudi Arabia 7.3 million to The Clinton Foundation.

Ukraine beat both of those countries.


Yes I did say UKRAINE.
No they wouldn’t. Stop believing bull shit. The D Party receives more dark money than the Rs do.

Please remember Obama’s campaign promises on campaign financing which he quickly ignored?
If that's the case then it means the plutocrats have decided that a bunch of commie socialists are better for business and the economy than the republicans. That's kind of funny and sad at the same time.
If that's the case then it means the plutocrats have decided that a bunch of commie socialists are better for business and the economy than the republicans. That's kind of funny and sad at the same time.
That is funny but not the way you think. The Ds aren’t commie socialist. That’s dumb con think. The Ds are just like the Rs. Corporatist quasi neo-Fascists. Rapacious MFers too.

After all both criminal gangs are owned and controlled by the same people.
That is funny but not the way you think. The Ds aren’t commie socialist. That’s dumb con think. The Ds are just like the Rs. Corporatist quasi neo-Fascists. Rapacious MFers too.

After all both criminal gangs are owned and controlled by the same people.
So what do you think ought to be done? You complain a lot but you seem to be short on ideas. How do you fight the unaccountable power of wealth without being branded an evil socialist bent on commie-nazi domination? You don't. Not in this country.
Lol. I’ve never supported dark money since I support the total elimination of your gang and the other gang.

If only you dumb partisans of Duopoly would get your heads out of your ass.

The Constitution created and enforces the power of the Duopoly.

The insistence that the Constitution must not be substantially changed and there have been no signifcant Amendments passed in over 50 years, is bullshit. The idea that a bunch of 18th Century oligarchs, a good number of whom owned slaves and held that people of colour were "inferior" beings to be controlled by their "betters" giving them no rights whatsoever, could create founding document that could and should enure in perpetuity, and be interpretted "as the Founders intended", is insanity on the hoof. Women are still not equal under the Constitution. That Amendment has not been ratified.

The 2nd Amendment was passed when guns were single shot weapons that took time to manually reload, not weapons capable of killing and/or mangling 30 people in 30 seconds. The USA had no standing army, and wanted citizens armed as a militia.

The separation of Church and State was written into the Constitution because the USA was founded as a haven for those seeking freedom from the persecution of the Catholic Church against non-Catholics and Jews in Europe. In Europe, the Roman Catholic Church, corrupted by greed and power, and supported by the European kings and rulers of their day. The Founders had no intention of creating a "Christian nation". The wars and violence in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries were caused by the official state religion (Roman Catholics), defending the encroachment of Protestant faiths, on their power.

The Freedom of Religion clause is NOT written to allow people to commit crimes of intolerance and bigotry with impunity, nor is that Freedom absolute. It is illegal to make blood sacrifice in any religious ritual. But the current Supreme Court seems willing to allow Christians to violate Jesus' Second Commandment under the "freedom of religion" clause in the Constitution. Despite "Love one another as I have loved you", and "Hate the sin, not the sinner", or even "render unto Caesar", radical right wing theocrats are claiming the right to discriminate against people they don't like, on religious grounds. Forcing your religious beliefs onto other people, and calling it "religious freedom" would seem to me to be the antithesis of the First Amendment.
That is funny but not the way you think. The Ds aren’t commie socialist. That’s dumb con think. The Ds are just like the Rs. Corporatist quasi neo-Fascists. Rapacious MFers too.

After all both criminal gangs are owned and controlled by the same people.

That may have been true of the Clinton Democratic Party but it's not true today. Clinton was a fan of Milton Friedman and his free market capital theories, and moved the Democratic Party 50 paces to the right, to get the country out of the grip of Reaganomics. The traditional Democratic Party base (the Unions), had been smashed, and Reagan had a politically successful administration, even though it was a fiscal disaster for the American worker and the union movement.

Clinton opposed NAFTA, and only agreed to sign it after significant protections for American workers were written into the final document. Clinton was enough of a fiscal conservative, to cut the size of government and balance the budget, and enough of a Democrat to prosecute employers who hired illegals, holding the record for Orders obtained against employers by any President. His record of deportations is the reason why Latinos distrust Democrats, and their promises.

Obama went along with the corporatism because the economy was in total freefall. You don't rock the boat when it's taking on water, and about to sink. Obama stabilized the economy, and rebuilt it stronger than before, cut illegal immigration to the lowest levels this century, again using enforcement against employers, and succeeded in passing health care reform, which every Democrat since Harry Truman tried and failed to do.
Joe Biden is just a flat out working class Democrat. He didn't grow up rich. He went to a state college, not an ivy league university on a "legacy" admission, or because his father made a big "donation" to the school. He doesn't shit on a golden toilet. And Daddy didn't hand him a million dollars to start a business, or a billion dollars to bail out his losses. He understands the life of a working class family, when their father loses his job, the importance of education to help work your way out of poverty, and the importance of universal health care for the nation.

When you're working to end dysfunction, you have to start where the dysfunctional are right now, and make incremental changes in the right direction. You also need to triage the issues. Before he could do much of anything, Obama had to halt the economic crash, and restore the jobs lost. Before he could do much of anything, Biden had to deal with the pandemic, and the economic crash, and the end of the war in Afghanistan.

So far, he's achieved a great deal, but the end of the pandemic has created the supply chain problems, high inflation, and a great deal of civil unrest, violence, crime. Not just in the USA, but your problems are exacerbated by Trump's cancellation of your trade deals, lack of infrastructure at ports of entry, lack of transportation infrastructure, 10 million more jobs than workers, no immigration, no work visas, and closed borders for 3 plus years, continuing kills by police of unarmed suspects, mass killings nearly every single week, mental health issues, post pandemic stresses.

All countries are facing some of these issues, but no nation is facing the mass killings, and violence, and crime that's happening in the USA. No other nation has children dying because they can't get formula, nor are we "hardening" our schools, or posting armed guards at the doors.

No other nation is eliminating women's reproductive rights, and restricting the rights of it's citizens to vote.

No other nation is erupting in racial animus, right wing terrorism, and allowing terrorists to roam the streets with high capacity magazines on the AR weapons.
So what do you think ought to be done? You complain a lot but you seem to be short on ideas. How do you fight the unaccountable power of wealth without being branded an evil socialist bent on commie-nazi domination? You don't. Not in this country.
It’s really very simple my son. I know you look to me for guidance. It’s not rocket science, though I’m certain I’m one of the smartest people you will ever converse with.

Total elimination of the two parties. Public financing of campaigns, term limits, and termination of the War Department and all intelligence agencies. Removal of government influence on the corporate media. Termination of all lobbying. Discontinue the tax code and start over with no loopholes for big corporations and billionaires. Termination of the FBI. I could go on but you get the drift.

Yes I know none of this will happen, because we live in a rapacious oligarchy and a failed state.
That may have been true of the Clinton Democratic Party but it's not true today. Clinton was a fan of Milton Friedman and his free market capital theories, and moved the Democratic Party 50 paces to the right, to get the country out of the grip of Reaganomics. The traditional Democratic Party base (the Unions), had been smashed, and Reagan had a politically successful administration, even though it was a fiscal disaster for the American worker and the union movement.

Clinton opposed NAFTA, and only agreed to sign it after significant protections for American workers were written into the final document. Clinton was enough of a fiscal conservative, to cut the size of government and balance the budget, and enough of a Democrat to prosecute employers who hired illegals, holding the record for Orders obtained against employers by any President. His record of deportations is the reason why Latinos distrust Democrats, and their promises.

Obama went along with the corporatism because the economy was in total freefall. You don't rock the boat when it's taking on water, and about to sink. Obama stabilized the economy, and rebuilt it stronger than before, cut illegal immigration to the lowest levels this century, again using enforcement against employers, and succeeded in passing health care reform, which every Democrat since Harry Truman tried and failed to do.
Joe Biden is just a flat out working class Democrat. He didn't grow up rich. He went to a state college, not an ivy league university on a "legacy" admission, or because his father made a big "donation" to the school. He doesn't shit on a golden toilet. And Daddy didn't hand him a million dollars to start a business, or a billion dollars to bail out his losses. He understands the life of a working class family, when their father loses his job, the importance of education to help work your way out of poverty, and the importance of universal health care for the nation.

When you're working to end dysfunction, you have to start where the dysfunctional are right now, and make incremental changes in the right direction. You also need to triage the issues. Before he could do much of anything, Obama had to halt the economic crash, and restore the jobs lost. Before he could do much of anything, Biden had to deal with the pandemic, and the economic crash, and the end of the war in Afghanistan.

So far, he's achieved a great deal, but the end of the pandemic has created the supply chain problems, high inflation, and a great deal of civil unrest, violence, crime. Not just in the USA, but your problems are exacerbated by Trump's cancellation of your trade deals, lack of infrastructure at ports of entry, lack of transportation infrastructure, 10 million more jobs than workers, no immigration, no work visas, and closed borders for 3 plus years, continuing kills by police of unarmed suspects, mass killings nearly every single week, mental health issues, post pandemic stresses.

All countries are facing some of these issues, but no nation is facing the mass killings, and violence, and crime that's happening in the USA. No other nation has children dying because they can't get formula, nor are we "hardening" our schools, or posting armed guards at the doors.

No other nation is eliminating women's reproductive rights, and restricting the rights of it's citizens to vote.

No other nation is erupting in racial animus, right wing terrorism, and allowing terrorists to roam the streets with high capacity magazines on the AR weapons.
Biden is a disaster by any objective analysis, but we know you aren’t objective.

Remember when Ds were so concerned Trump would start a nuclear war. They cried that Don had access to the nuclear football. Yet now we have old Joe threatening war with Russia and China.
Biden is a disaster by any objective analysis, but we know you aren’t objective.

Remember when Ds were so concerned Trump would start a nuclear war. They cried that Don had access to the nuclear football. Yet now we have old Joe threatening war with Russia and China.

Since I'm not an American and don't live in the USA, I'm far more objective about him that you are.

The fact that you can't see the difference between a malignant narcisscist, who used the Presidency to enrich himself and his family, and punish his "enemies", but had no interest in governing, and someone who has been in a crisis management mode since the day he took office.

Republicans can't or won't govern, outside of cutting taxes for billionaires. They have no plan for the country, no agenda, and are only interested in performance politics to encourage donations to retain power. While having no plan of their own, they are against anything that Democrats are for, even if they were all for it when Trump was in power. Especially if what Democrats want is to put money in the pockets of working people.

Joe isn't threatening war with Russia or China. He's standing by the military treaties and alliances that the USA SIGNED onto long before he became President. Like Trump should have done for the Kurds.
Since I'm not an American and don't live in the USA, I'm far more objective about him that you are.

The fact that you can't see the difference between a malignant narcisscist, who used the Presidency to enrich himself and his family, and punish his "enemies", but had no interest in governing, and someone who has been in a crisis management mode since the day he took office.

Republicans can't or won't govern, outside of cutting taxes for billionaires. They have no plan for the country, no agenda, and are only interested in performance politics to encourage donations to retain power. While having no plan of their own, they are against anything that Democrats are for, even if they were all for it when Trump was in power. Especially if what Democrats want is to put money in the pockets of working people.

Joe isn't threatening war with Russia or China. He's standing by the military treaties and alliances that the USA SIGNED onto long before he became President. Like Trump should have done for the Kurds.
You have so much wrong. Your first mistake is thinking R presidents are different from D presidents, when it comes to enriching themselves. They get into politics to enrich themselves. They are all corrupt.

We have no treaties with Ukraine or Taiwan that force Americans to kill and die. Such Treaties should be illegal anyway. Thinking war with another nuclear power is acceptable is dumb and threatens mankind, but this hasn’t occurred to you.

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