Swiss do the unthinkable: deny Muslims citizenship.

It's not restrictive asking people to adequately integrate into a nation and adhere to it's laws and customs.

Switzerland is a peaceful nation, you make it sound like Saudi Arabia or North Korea, they're not going to chop someone's head or force someone to labour in a salt mine for the rest of their life or something.

I prefer a less restrictive form of "integration" - but as an American, that is what I'm used to. Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that. As long as our laws are obeyed, I'm fine with what people choose to do. But Switzerland is also a very small and homogenous nation - our culture isn't even the same from region to region. I'm not saying it's like NK or SA, but to me it would be stifling - no room for crazy dog ladies! :eek:

"Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that."

This is the fundamental difference between America and the European Continent, America was founded on immigration and you are continuously a nation of immigrants.

The European Continent consists of nations who's culture and heritage have been settled for almost Millenia, why should we want our nations disrupted in such ways as to flood us with alien cultures and peoples, we have nothing in common with each other and this all leads to a dangerous culture clash, we don't want this, we essentially just want to be left alone to continue as we are. This ISN'T a crime wanting this and it doesn't matter how many times the pro-Multiculturists shout and call us names, we're immune from the name calling now, it goes in one ear and out of the other.

I see your point, regarding Europe - but the immigrant experience isn't necessarily a bad thing. It can enrich a culture.

Yes but some cultures bring a Cultural Enrichment we don't need.

We have no problem with Chinese, Japanese etc coming to us, they integrate very well, they have their own little communities, but they're friendly and none of them want to cause trouble and they certainly don't want to given the opportunity kill us.

Shut the fuck up

The federal government USURPED the authority to control immigration because the Chinese created an "emergency" in the 1880's by wanting to work in the California Gold mines.


I'm referring to the European Continent not America.
Visiting it would be fine, but I wouldn't want to live there under such restrictive cultural's one thing to be willing, quite another to be forced.

It's not restrictive asking people to adequately integrate into a nation and adhere to it's laws and customs.

Switzerland is a peaceful nation, you make it sound like Saudi Arabia or North Korea, they're not going to chop someone's head or force someone to labour in a salt mine for the rest of their life or something.

I prefer a less restrictive form of "integration" - but as an American, that is what I'm used to. Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that. As long as our laws are obeyed, I'm fine with what people choose to do. But Switzerland is also a very small and homogenous nation - our culture isn't even the same from region to region. I'm not saying it's like NK or SA, but to me it would be stifling - no room for crazy dog ladies! :eek:

"Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that."

This is the fundamental difference between America and the European Continent, America was founded on immigration and you are continuously a nation of immigrants.

The European Continent consists of nations who's culture and heritage have been settled for almost Millenia, why should we want our nations disrupted in such ways as to flood us with alien cultures and peoples, we have nothing in common with each other and this all leads to a dangerous culture clash, we don't want this, we essentially just want to be left alone to continue as we are. This ISN'T a crime wanting this and it doesn't matter how many times the pro-Multiculturists shout and call us names, we're immune from the name calling now, it goes in one ear and out of the other.

I see your point, regarding Europe - but the immigrant experience isn't necessarily a bad thing. It can enrich a culture.

Yes but some cultures bring a Cultural Enrichment we don't need.

We have no problem with Chinese, Japanese etc coming to us, they integrate very well, they have their own little communities, but they're friendly and none of them want to cause trouble and they certainly don't want to given the opportunity kill us.

They aren't in the ME fighting terrorism either. Doesn't that make them complicit, using your demented reasoning?
The Swiss held a referendum way back in ?2010 on the building of new minarets on mosques. The result was something like 59% for a ban, and a ban was enacted.

I'm thankful I live in a country with religious freedom for all.
I prefer a less restrictive form of "integration" - but as an American, that is what I'm used to. Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that. As long as our laws are obeyed, I'm fine with what people choose to do. But Switzerland is also a very small and homogenous nation - our culture isn't even the same from region to region. I'm not saying it's like NK or SA, but to me it would be stifling - no room for crazy dog ladies! :eek:

"Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that."

This is the fundamental difference between America and the European Continent, America was founded on immigration and you are continuously a nation of immigrants.

The European Continent consists of nations who's culture and heritage have been settled for almost Millenia, why should we want our nations disrupted in such ways as to flood us with alien cultures and peoples, we have nothing in common with each other and this all leads to a dangerous culture clash, we don't want this, we essentially just want to be left alone to continue as we are. This ISN'T a crime wanting this and it doesn't matter how many times the pro-Multiculturists shout and call us names, we're immune from the name calling now, it goes in one ear and out of the other.

I see your point, regarding Europe - but the immigrant experience isn't necessarily a bad thing. It can enrich a culture.

Yes but some cultures bring a Cultural Enrichment we don't need.

We have no problem with Chinese, Japanese etc coming to us, they integrate very well, they have their own little communities, but they're friendly and none of them want to cause trouble and they certainly don't want to given the opportunity kill us.

Shut the fuck up

The federal government USURPED the authority to control immigration because the Chinese created an "emergency" in the 1880's by wanting to work in the California Gold mines.


She doesn't need to "shut the fuck up" - she is as entitled to express her opinions as you are.

And what do you mean the Chinse created an "emergency"? They were brought over to build railroads, and some of the vilest anti-immigrant legislation was created to marginalize them.

As I said we have never had any problem with Chinese, Japanese or I add Hindu's across our Continent.
It's not restrictive asking people to adequately integrate into a nation and adhere to it's laws and customs.

Switzerland is a peaceful nation, you make it sound like Saudi Arabia or North Korea, they're not going to chop someone's head or force someone to labour in a salt mine for the rest of their life or something.

I prefer a less restrictive form of "integration" - but as an American, that is what I'm used to. Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that. As long as our laws are obeyed, I'm fine with what people choose to do. But Switzerland is also a very small and homogenous nation - our culture isn't even the same from region to region. I'm not saying it's like NK or SA, but to me it would be stifling - no room for crazy dog ladies! :eek:

"Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that."

This is the fundamental difference between America and the European Continent, America was founded on immigration and you are continuously a nation of immigrants.

The European Continent consists of nations who's culture and heritage have been settled for almost Millenia, why should we want our nations disrupted in such ways as to flood us with alien cultures and peoples, we have nothing in common with each other and this all leads to a dangerous culture clash, we don't want this, we essentially just want to be left alone to continue as we are. This ISN'T a crime wanting this and it doesn't matter how many times the pro-Multiculturists shout and call us names, we're immune from the name calling now, it goes in one ear and out of the other.

I see your point, regarding Europe - but the immigrant experience isn't necessarily a bad thing. It can enrich a culture.

Yes but some cultures bring a Cultural Enrichment we don't need.

We have no problem with Chinese, Japanese etc coming to us, they integrate very well, they have their own little communities, but they're friendly and none of them want to cause trouble and they certainly don't want to given the opportunity kill us.

They aren't in the ME fighting terrorism either. Doesn't that make them complicit, using your demented reasoning?

This is a foolish and illogical set of comments from you about the Chinese.

Also the Chinese Government are fighting Radical Islam amongst the minority Uyghur population, they're mainly in the Northwestern area of Xinjiang. They also have a Uyghur terrorist group the Turkistan Islamic Movement which used to be called the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, they're in allegiance with the Taliban and Al-Qaeda.
As I said we have never had any problem with Chinese, Japanese or I add Hindu's across our Continent.
None of those are currently PC-protected.

Neither are Muslims, as is evident by the rhetoric everywhere, including from politicians. Indeed, it's very PC to attack them.
And you keep spinning for them, thanks.

The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

Still pimping your regressive thread? :rolleyes-41:

Thanks for making my point that it's PC to attack Muslims these days.
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I prefer a less restrictive form of "integration" - but as an American, that is what I'm used to. Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that. As long as our laws are obeyed, I'm fine with what people choose to do. But Switzerland is also a very small and homogenous nation - our culture isn't even the same from region to region. I'm not saying it's like NK or SA, but to me it would be stifling - no room for crazy dog ladies! :eek:

"Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that."

This is the fundamental difference between America and the European Continent, America was founded on immigration and you are continuously a nation of immigrants.

The European Continent consists of nations who's culture and heritage have been settled for almost Millenia, why should we want our nations disrupted in such ways as to flood us with alien cultures and peoples, we have nothing in common with each other and this all leads to a dangerous culture clash, we don't want this, we essentially just want to be left alone to continue as we are. This ISN'T a crime wanting this and it doesn't matter how many times the pro-Multiculturists shout and call us names, we're immune from the name calling now, it goes in one ear and out of the other.

I see your point, regarding Europe - but the immigrant experience isn't necessarily a bad thing. It can enrich a culture.

Yes but some cultures bring a Cultural Enrichment we don't need.

We have no problem with Chinese, Japanese etc coming to us, they integrate very well, they have their own little communities, but they're friendly and none of them want to cause trouble and they certainly don't want to given the opportunity kill us.

Shut the fuck up

The federal government USURPED the authority to control immigration because the Chinese created an "emergency" in the 1880's by wanting to work in the California Gold mines.


She doesn't need to "shut the fuck up" - she is as entitled to express her opinions as you are.

And what do you mean the Chinse created an "emergency"? They were brought over to build railroads, and some of the vilest anti-immigrant legislation was created to marginalize them.

Well , according to SCOTUS, they became uppity when they became interested in working in the California gold mines - they became a threat to "our people" (wink, wink white Europeans)

"In December, 1878, the convention which framed the present constitution of California, being in session, took this subject up, and memorialized congress upon it, setting forth, in substance, that the presence of Chinese laborers had a baneful effect upon the material interests of the state, and upon public morals; that their immigration was in numbers approaching the character of an Oriental invasion, and was a menace to our civilization;"

130 U.S. 581 (9 S.Ct. 623, 32 L.Ed. 1068)

Decided: May 13, 1889
As I said we have never had any problem with Chinese, Japanese or I add Hindu's across our Continent.
None of those are currently PC-protected.

Neither are Muslims, as is evident by the rhetoric everywhere, including from politicians. Indeed, it's very PC to attack them.
And you keep spinning for them, thanks.

The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

Still pimping your regressive thread? :rolleyes-41:

Thanks for making my point that it's PC to attack Muslims these days.
And you keep deflecting for the PC-protected religion.

You own it. It's yours.
We're talking soon about survival and Jesus wasn't some Hippy Peacenik, if you read The Bible correctly.

Did he ever advocate the annihilation of non-believers?

You might want to read the parable of the Good Samaritan.

This has nothing to do with "the annihilation of non-believers"

You're the one who claimed Jesus wanted to annihilate the non-believers.

I never mentioned non-believers, it was you who mentioned non-believers.

Of course that Islam considers non-Muslims as Infidels and calls for the annihilation of all Infidels escapes you.

99% of Muslims do not believe the Koran word for word any more than you believe the Earth is 6000 years old and was created in 6 days.

The more of it they believe, the more they want to kill us.
Declining to grant them a visa is not persecuting them.

It is if you cite their religion as your only justification.

Put it under suspicion of supporting ISIS and it works for me.

Kind of like Trump is a rapist because some woman accused him of it.


Not even close.

So accusation does not prove guilt? So all Muslims are innocent of supporting ISIS until proven otherwise.

Whether they are innocent or not, there's absolutely no reason for us to import them into the U.S.A. The innocent and the guilty can sort themselves out where they live now.
It comes from Wisconsin..

The holes are still from Switzerland.
Not the imitation ones..

I like Parmesan because it doubles as an excellent foot powder.

Stop buying Kraft ..that shit is nasty.

Apparently most parmesan nowadays is adulterated with wood chips or some such crap.

I only but the good stuff,the taste alone is worlds apart.
And me not being a beaver and all...
But the Crusades, the Crusades!
What about the Precambrian period? Time moves on. Dinosaurs and the crusades, deader than a door nail.

That's it, it's all the fault of the Dinosaurs, those MoFo's, the Apatosaurus is especially to blame, those vicious bastards :eek-52:

The Apatosaurus were a direct influence on Christians and without them, well there wouldn't have been The Crusades or something :smoke:

I have to laugh at some of these oh so compassionate politicians who say " this is not who we are as nation, we are accepting and compassionate blah blah" Obama and the klintons have taxpayer paid for security protecting them, so , it's eze for them to be compassionate.
I prefer a less restrictive form of "integration" - but as an American, that is what I'm used to. Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that. As long as our laws are obeyed, I'm fine with what people choose to do. But Switzerland is also a very small and homogenous nation - our culture isn't even the same from region to region. I'm not saying it's like NK or SA, but to me it would be stifling - no room for crazy dog ladies! :eek:

"Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that."

This is the fundamental difference between America and the European Continent, America was founded on immigration and you are continuously a nation of immigrants.

The European Continent consists of nations who's culture and heritage have been settled for almost Millenia, why should we want our nations disrupted in such ways as to flood us with alien cultures and peoples, we have nothing in common with each other and this all leads to a dangerous culture clash, we don't want this, we essentially just want to be left alone to continue as we are. This ISN'T a crime wanting this and it doesn't matter how many times the pro-Multiculturists shout and call us names, we're immune from the name calling now, it goes in one ear and out of the other.

I see your point, regarding Europe - but the immigrant experience isn't necessarily a bad thing. It can enrich a culture.

Yes but some cultures bring a Cultural Enrichment we don't need.

We have no problem with Chinese, Japanese etc coming to us, they integrate very well, they have their own little communities, but they're friendly and none of them want to cause trouble and they certainly don't want to given the opportunity kill us.

Shut the fuck up

The federal government USURPED the authority to control immigration because the Chinese created an "emergency" in the 1880's by wanting to work in the California Gold mines.


She doesn't need to "shut the fuck up" - she is as entitled to express her opinions as you are.

And what do you mean the Chinse created an "emergency"? They were brought over to build railroads, and some of the vilest anti-immigrant legislation was created to marginalize them.
Contum is another example of the mind that is created when home schooled in a single wide trailor
It is if you cite their religion as your only justification.

Put it under suspicion of supporting ISIS and it works for me.

Kind of like Trump is a rapist because some woman accused him of it.


Not even close.

So accusation does not prove guilt? So all Muslims are innocent of supporting ISIS until proven otherwise.

Whether they are innocent or not, there's absolutely no reason for us to import them into the U.S.A. The innocent and the guilty can sort themselves out where they live now.

Exactly, the West should never have interfered in the Middle East to begin with, they've always fought amongst each other, we should have left them alone to continue fighting each other and either just kill each other or sort their own problems with each other out in whatever way they might.

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