Swiss do the unthinkable: deny Muslims citizenship.

So accusation does not prove guilt? So all Muslims are innocent of supporting ISIS until proven otherwise.

No all Muslims must be thought of as guilty by association, until we see millions of them on the streets across the world demanding "Death To ISIS" and "Down With Radical Islam" and until tens of thousands of Iman's issue a clarion call that they're going to reclaim Islam from the Radicals.

They have no obligation to do that. Silence is not a capital crime.

They do have an obligation to do that and their silence speaks volumes and tells us that we're correct to consider them potential dangers and enablers and condoning atrocity.

They have no obligation whatsoever. That is an Islamophobic propaganda line. My mom almost never talks politics but I do not consider her guilty of complicity with evil.

"My mom almost never talks politics but I do not consider her guilty of complicity with evil."

This makes no sense in relation to what you're responding to.

You're accusing my mom of being complicit with all the evils in the world because she doesn't speak out enough about them.
It's not Godwin's law if it's relevant and topical.

In other words, you left wingers get a special exemption from Godwin's law.

What a pathetic gang of hypocrites.

No, when I hear people talking about eradicating an entire religion, that makes Nazism a very appropriate analogy.

I'm in favor of eradicating the religion, but not necessarily the people. That's what we did with Nazism, so why can't we do it with Islam?

Why should we? There are 2 billion peaceful Muslims on the planet.

ROFL! the number gets bigger every time some leftwing douche bag mentions it.

They are peaceful? Where?

Everywhere they are peaceful.
Let's get back to your profoundly retarded claim that Islam was never a part of Europe.

You and your fake history degree.

I have a Politics and History degree.
What University?

Why do you want to know? I've also previously posted on two occasions about which Universities I attended, causing some people to get their panties in a wad.
Most Universities I respect, but there are a few that degrees are worthless.

My two Universities are not only two of the oldest in the world, but also two of the most respected, one was established in 1386 and the other in 1096, Semper apertus, Dominus Illuminatio Mea.
Can you be more specific; Heidelberg and Oxford?
Not even close.

So accusation does not prove guilt? So all Muslims are innocent of supporting ISIS until proven otherwise.

No all Muslims must be thought of as guilty by association, until we see millions of them on the streets across the world demanding "Death To ISIS" and "Down With Radical Islam" and until tens of thousands of Iman's issue a clarion call that they're going to reclaim Islam from the Radicals.

They have no obligation to do that. Silence is not a capital crime.

They do have an obligation to do that and their silence speaks volumes and tells us that we're correct to consider them potential dangers and enablers and condoning atrocity.

They have no obligation whatsoever. That is an Islamophobic propaganda line. My mom almost never talks politics but I do not consider her guilty of complicity with evil.

The only people of whom it is ever demanded that they speak out en masse is Muslims - no matter who they are, where they are. And when they do, it's never enough - there must be huger protests, unified mandates (from an ununified religion) - but that still won't be enough and critics still won't hear them no matter how many examples you post. That is the definition of irrational.
Happy 4th, people. I doubt our forefathers foresaw assault rifles and religious suicide cells. The constitution needs an update, we all understand technology and society doesn't stay in the 18th century. Wireless telegraphs to wireless internet. Flintlocks to AK 47s. Let's update the constitution. It's time.
The majority of American's do not want THEIR CONSTITUTION "updated".
Don't like it fucking MOVE!
I promise you any/every update in America's Constitution will send the country closer to what Greece and Venezuela have become.
Go live there for a couple of years and get back to us about how wonderful Socialism works.
No one here is so fucking dumb as to not understand your definition of 'updating' always involves moving towards a Socialist country.
The really funny thing is every one of these Socialist countries have a hyper wealthy elite who control the government.
So accusation does not prove guilt? So all Muslims are innocent of supporting ISIS until proven otherwise.

No all Muslims must be thought of as guilty by association, until we see millions of them on the streets across the world demanding "Death To ISIS" and "Down With Radical Islam" and until tens of thousands of Iman's issue a clarion call that they're going to reclaim Islam from the Radicals.

They have no obligation to do that. Silence is not a capital crime.

They do have an obligation to do that and their silence speaks volumes and tells us that we're correct to consider them potential dangers and enablers and condoning atrocity.

They have no obligation whatsoever. That is an Islamophobic propaganda line. My mom almost never talks politics but I do not consider her guilty of complicity with evil.

"My mom almost never talks politics but I do not consider her guilty of complicity with evil."

This makes no sense in relation to what you're responding to.

You said:

They do have an obligation to do that and their silence speaks volumes and tells us that we're correct to consider them potential dangers and enablers and condoning atrocity...

Now, for sake of this argument, imagine that my mom is a Muslim. What are you accusing her of?
Switzerland is near the top of the Heritage Index of Economic Freedom. It's no more "socialist" than Singapore.

Switzerland and Norway have thrived, not being members of the EU. They do their own thing. They've remained independent sovereign nations. And it's worked.
For those who rail about less government, Switzerland is not where you want to live. They have a very heavy handed government that keeps the country "in line".
These same posters who are talking about the immigration policy of Switzerland would find many other aspects of the Swiss government they would be whining about.
The Swiss are just fine with the way their elected officials 'enforce their laws'.
They don't what any LIB asslickers in the country or fucking rag heads.
It's THEIR country!
Dannyboy - Switzerland does not allow it citizens to live in single wide trailers. That means they do not want you.

Switzerland provided me a entrance visa with a work permit.

Dannyboy, your stupidy shines through with your clueless posts.
When your visa expired did you leave the country? Ya fucking right!
I spent probably more time in Switzerland than you having family there.
One thing I can assure you of 99.9999% of Swiss consider muslims to be one rung lower than monkeys on the evolutionary scale.
Where does your family live?
It's "unthinkable" to American immigration officials, but not to any American capable of understanding common sense:

Swiss Do the Unthinkable: Deny Muslims Citizenship

In a move which no doubt has American immigration officials baffled, the Swiss are denying citizenship to Muslim after Muslim for failing to integrate into their society.

In this latest case, two Muslim girls were denied citizenship because they refused to swim in a pool with boys present.
Not even close.

So accusation does not prove guilt? So all Muslims are innocent of supporting ISIS until proven otherwise.

No all Muslims must be thought of as guilty by association, until we see millions of them on the streets across the world demanding "Death To ISIS" and "Down With Radical Islam" and until tens of thousands of Iman's issue a clarion call that they're going to reclaim Islam from the Radicals.

They have no obligation to do that. Silence is not a capital crime.

They do have an obligation to do that and their silence speaks volumes and tells us that we're correct to consider them potential dangers and enablers and condoning atrocity.

They have no obligation whatsoever. That is an Islamophobic propaganda line. My mom almost never talks politics but I do not consider her guilty of complicity with evil.

Islamaphobic. I like that word. Islam has a lot to be phobic about. Kudos to the Swiss for doing what's best for their citizens, not what's best for the new world order. By the way. How many Islamophile politicians do we have who make sure the syrian refugees are quartered in their neighborhood. I mean, klinton, obama, schumer, feinstein etc,.
So another person was denied citizenship because he wore sweatpants around town and didn't greet passersby (you're screwed if you're shy)....and another (American) because he could not name any of his Swiss friends or neighboring villages.

Very heavy handed. I would not want to live there.

Switzerland is a wonderful nation.

Visiting it would be fine, but I wouldn't want to live there under such restrictive cultural's one thing to be willing, quite another to be forced.

It's not restrictive asking people to adequately integrate into a nation and adhere to it's laws and customs.

Switzerland is a peaceful nation, you make it sound like Saudi Arabia or North Korea, they're not going to chop someone's head or force someone to labour in a salt mine for the rest of their life or something.

I prefer a less restrictive form of "integration" - but as an American, that is what I'm used to. Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that. As long as our laws are obeyed, I'm fine with what people choose to do. But Switzerland is also a very small and homogenous nation - our culture isn't even the same from region to region. I'm not saying it's like NK or SA, but to me it would be stifling - no room for crazy dog ladies! :eek:

"Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that."

This is the fundamental difference between America and the European Continent, America was founded on immigration and you are continuously a nation of immigrants.

The European Continent consists of nations who's culture and heritage have been settled for almost Millenia, why should we want our nations disrupted in such ways as to flood us with alien cultures and peoples, we have nothing in common with each other and this all leads to a dangerous culture clash, we don't want this, we essentially just want to be left alone to continue as we are. This ISN'T a crime wanting this and it doesn't matter how many times the pro-Multiculturists shout and call us names, we're immune from the name calling now, it goes in one ear and out of the other.
So another person was denied citizenship because he wore sweatpants around town and didn't greet passersby (you're screwed if you're shy)....and another (American) because he could not name any of his Swiss friends or neighboring villages.

Very heavy handed. I would not want to live there.

Switzerland is a wonderful nation.

Visiting it would be fine, but I wouldn't want to live there under such restrictive cultural's one thing to be willing, quite another to be forced.
You are not getting it! The Swiss do not feel they are being "forced" to do anything.
Visitors might feel that way but not the Swiss. They are happy as things are. LEAVE THEM ALONE!
Don't 'like' their laws? Don't go there!
If you are Swiss, which I doubt, I am sure they kicked you out.
You are about as far from the average Swiss mentality than anyone could be.
You have trailer trash thinking.
I am guessing you were home schooled in a single wide.
So accusation does not prove guilt? So all Muslims are innocent of supporting ISIS until proven otherwise.

No all Muslims must be thought of as guilty by association, until we see millions of them on the streets across the world demanding "Death To ISIS" and "Down With Radical Islam" and until tens of thousands of Iman's issue a clarion call that they're going to reclaim Islam from the Radicals.

They have no obligation to do that. Silence is not a capital crime.

They do have an obligation to do that and their silence speaks volumes and tells us that we're correct to consider them potential dangers and enablers and condoning atrocity.

They have no obligation whatsoever. That is an Islamophobic propaganda line. My mom almost never talks politics but I do not consider her guilty of complicity with evil.

The only people of whom it is ever demanded that they speak out en masse is Muslims - no matter who they are, where they are. And when they do, it's never enough - there must be huger protests, unified mandates (from an ununified religion) - but that still won't be enough and critics still won't hear them no matter how many examples you post. That is the definition of irrational.

It's the kind of charges of guilt by association that lead to such things as the holocaust.

There was an anarchist in France, around the turn of the last century, who blew up a Paris cafe. At his trial, he was asked why he would kill so many innocent people.

His answer was, there are no innocent people.

That is the mentality of terrorism. Blame the innocent because they have some irrelevant association with the guilty.
So another person was denied citizenship because he wore sweatpants around town and didn't greet passersby (you're screwed if you're shy)....and another (American) because he could not name any of his Swiss friends or neighboring villages.

Very heavy handed. I would not want to live there.

Switzerland is a wonderful nation.

Visiting it would be fine, but I wouldn't want to live there under such restrictive cultural's one thing to be willing, quite another to be forced.

It's not restrictive asking people to adequately integrate into a nation and adhere to it's laws and customs.

Switzerland is a peaceful nation, you make it sound like Saudi Arabia or North Korea, they're not going to chop someone's head or force someone to labour in a salt mine for the rest of their life or something.

I prefer a less restrictive form of "integration" - but as an American, that is what I'm used to. Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that. As long as our laws are obeyed, I'm fine with what people choose to do. But Switzerland is also a very small and homogenous nation - our culture isn't even the same from region to region. I'm not saying it's like NK or SA, but to me it would be stifling - no room for crazy dog ladies! :eek:

"Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that."

This is the fundamental difference between America and the European Continent, America was founded on immigration and you are continuously a nation of immigrants.

The European Continent consists of nations who's culture and heritage have been settled for almost Millenia, why should we want our nations disrupted in such ways as to flood us with alien cultures and peoples, we have nothing in common with each other and this all leads to a dangerous culture clash, we don't want this, we essentially just want to be left alone to continue as we are. This ISN'T a crime wanting this and it doesn't matter how many times the pro-Multiculturists shout and call us names, we're immune from the name calling now, it goes in one ear and out of the other.

I see your point, regarding Europe - but the immigrant experience isn't necessarily a bad thing. It can enrich a culture.
So another person was denied citizenship because he wore sweatpants around town and didn't greet passersby (you're screwed if you're shy)....and another (American) because he could not name any of his Swiss friends or neighboring villages.

Very heavy handed. I would not want to live there.

Switzerland is a wonderful nation.

Visiting it would be fine, but I wouldn't want to live there under such restrictive cultural's one thing to be willing, quite another to be forced.

It's not restrictive asking people to adequately integrate into a nation and adhere to it's laws and customs.

Switzerland is a peaceful nation, you make it sound like Saudi Arabia or North Korea, they're not going to chop someone's head or force someone to labour in a salt mine for the rest of their life or something.

I prefer a less restrictive form of "integration" - but as an American, that is what I'm used to. Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that. As long as our laws are obeyed, I'm fine with what people choose to do. But Switzerland is also a very small and homogenous nation - our culture isn't even the same from region to region. I'm not saying it's like NK or SA, but to me it would be stifling - no room for crazy dog ladies! :eek:

"Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that."

This is the fundamental difference between America and the European Continent, America was founded on immigration and you are continuously a nation of immigrants.

The European Continent consists of nations who's culture and heritage have been settled for almost Millenia, why should we want our nations disrupted in such ways as to flood us with alien cultures and peoples, we have nothing in common with each other and this all leads to a dangerous culture clash, we don't want this, we essentially just want to be left alone to continue as we are. This ISN'T a crime wanting this and it doesn't matter how many times the pro-Multiculturists shout and call us names, we're immune from the name calling now, it goes in one ear and out of the other.

I see your point, regarding Europe - but the immigrant experience isn't necessarily a bad thing. It can enrich a culture.
It's "unthinkable" to American immigration officials, but not to any American capable of understanding common sense:

Swiss Do the Unthinkable: Deny Muslims Citizenship

In a move which no doubt has American immigration officials baffled, the Swiss are denying citizenship to Muslim after Muslim for failing to integrate into their society.

In this latest case, two Muslim girls were denied citizenship because they refused to swim in a pool with boys present.
So accusation does not prove guilt? So all Muslims are innocent of supporting ISIS until proven otherwise.

No all Muslims must be thought of as guilty by association, until we see millions of them on the streets across the world demanding "Death To ISIS" and "Down With Radical Islam" and until tens of thousands of Iman's issue a clarion call that they're going to reclaim Islam from the Radicals.

They have no obligation to do that. Silence is not a capital crime.

They do have an obligation to do that and their silence speaks volumes and tells us that we're correct to consider them potential dangers and enablers and condoning atrocity.

They have no obligation whatsoever. That is an Islamophobic propaganda line. My mom almost never talks politics but I do not consider her guilty of complicity with evil.

Islamaphobic. I like that word. Islam has a lot to be phobic about. Kudos to the Swiss for doing what's best for their citizens, not what's best for the new world order. By the way. How many Islamophile politicians do we have who make sure the syrian refugees are quartered in their neighborhood. I mean, klinton, obama, schumer, feinstein etc,.

I think it's natural to have some phobia about a religion where a good portion of that religion either wants to shoot us or blow us up with suicide bombs, whilst another good portion of that religion remains silent and only a tiny portion speaks about how awful this all is.

What's stopping that tiny portion from becoming the majority, something's preventing it, either they don't care, they're afraid of being termed Infidels themselves or they agree with and condone the suicide attacks etc.
Did he ever advocate the annihilation of non-believers?

You might want to read the parable of the Good Samaritan.

This has nothing to do with "the annihilation of non-believers"

You're the one who claimed Jesus wanted to annihilate the non-believers.

I never mentioned non-believers, it was you who mentioned non-believers.

Of course that Islam considers non-Muslims as Infidels and calls for the annihilation of all Infidels escapes you.

You claimed Jesus would cleanse the earth of the devil's disciples.

So you think it's a detrimental thing to cleanse the earth of the Devil's Disciples?

Devil's Disciples............

and those are

1- Harry S Truman who in 1949 removed 1.3 million Muslims from Palestine

2- Clinton - Bush II - who parked themselves in Iraq in 1990 stayed there for 18 years and slaughtered millions of Sunnis (they created ISIS)

3- Barack H Obama
- who invaded Syria and completely destroyed that country

Those are the Devil's disciples you were referring to, right?

It's "unthinkable" to American immigration officials, but not to any American capable of understanding common sense:

Swiss Do the Unthinkable: Deny Muslims Citizenship

In a move which no doubt has American immigration officials baffled, the Swiss are denying citizenship to Muslim after Muslim for failing to integrate into their society.

In this latest case, two Muslim girls were denied citizenship because they refused to swim in a pool with boys present.
No all Muslims must be thought of as guilty by association, until we see millions of them on the streets across the world demanding "Death To ISIS" and "Down With Radical Islam" and until tens of thousands of Iman's issue a clarion call that they're going to reclaim Islam from the Radicals.

They have no obligation to do that. Silence is not a capital crime.

They do have an obligation to do that and their silence speaks volumes and tells us that we're correct to consider them potential dangers and enablers and condoning atrocity.

They have no obligation whatsoever. That is an Islamophobic propaganda line. My mom almost never talks politics but I do not consider her guilty of complicity with evil.

Islamaphobic. I like that word. Islam has a lot to be phobic about. Kudos to the Swiss for doing what's best for their citizens, not what's best for the new world order. By the way. How many Islamophile politicians do we have who make sure the syrian refugees are quartered in their neighborhood. I mean, klinton, obama, schumer, feinstein etc,.

I think it's natural to have some phobia about a religion where a good portion of that religion either wants to shoot us or blow us up with suicide bombs, whilst another good portion of that religion remains silent and only a tiny portion speaks about how awful this all is.

What's stopping that tiny portion from becoming the majority, something's preventing it, either they don't care, they're afraid of being termed Infidels themselves or they agree with and condone the suicide attacks etc.

How many posts on this forum do you have condemning anti-abortion terrorism?
Switzerland is a wonderful nation.

Visiting it would be fine, but I wouldn't want to live there under such restrictive cultural's one thing to be willing, quite another to be forced.

It's not restrictive asking people to adequately integrate into a nation and adhere to it's laws and customs.

Switzerland is a peaceful nation, you make it sound like Saudi Arabia or North Korea, they're not going to chop someone's head or force someone to labour in a salt mine for the rest of their life or something.

I prefer a less restrictive form of "integration" - but as an American, that is what I'm used to. Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that. As long as our laws are obeyed, I'm fine with what people choose to do. But Switzerland is also a very small and homogenous nation - our culture isn't even the same from region to region. I'm not saying it's like NK or SA, but to me it would be stifling - no room for crazy dog ladies! :eek:

"Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that."

This is the fundamental difference between America and the European Continent, America was founded on immigration and you are continuously a nation of immigrants.

The European Continent consists of nations who's culture and heritage have been settled for almost Millenia, why should we want our nations disrupted in such ways as to flood us with alien cultures and peoples, we have nothing in common with each other and this all leads to a dangerous culture clash, we don't want this, we essentially just want to be left alone to continue as we are. This ISN'T a crime wanting this and it doesn't matter how many times the pro-Multiculturists shout and call us names, we're immune from the name calling now, it goes in one ear and out of the other.

I see your point, regarding Europe - but the immigrant experience isn't necessarily a bad thing. It can enrich a culture.

Yes but some cultures bring a Cultural Enrichment we don't need.

We have no problem with Chinese, Japanese etc coming to us, they integrate very well, they have their own little communities, but they're friendly and none of them want to cause trouble and they certainly don't want to given the opportunity kill us.
So another person was denied citizenship because he wore sweatpants around town and didn't greet passersby (you're screwed if you're shy)....and another (American) because he could not name any of his Swiss friends or neighboring villages.

Very heavy handed. I would not want to live there.

Switzerland is a wonderful nation.

Visiting it would be fine, but I wouldn't want to live there under such restrictive cultural's one thing to be willing, quite another to be forced.

It's not restrictive asking people to adequately integrate into a nation and adhere to it's laws and customs.

Switzerland is a peaceful nation, you make it sound like Saudi Arabia or North Korea, they're not going to chop someone's head or force someone to labour in a salt mine for the rest of their life or something.

I prefer a less restrictive form of "integration" - but as an American, that is what I'm used to. Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that. As long as our laws are obeyed, I'm fine with what people choose to do. But Switzerland is also a very small and homogenous nation - our culture isn't even the same from region to region. I'm not saying it's like NK or SA, but to me it would be stifling - no room for crazy dog ladies! :eek:

"Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that."

This is the fundamental difference between America and the European Continent, America was founded on immigration and you are continuously a nation of immigrants.

The European Continent consists of nations who's culture and heritage have been settled for almost Millenia, why should we want our nations disrupted in such ways as to flood us with alien cultures and peoples, we have nothing in common with each other and this all leads to a dangerous culture clash, we don't want this, we essentially just want to be left alone to continue as we are. This ISN'T a crime wanting this and it doesn't matter how many times the pro-Multiculturists shout and call us names, we're immune from the name calling now, it goes in one ear and out of the other.

But when we had sane immigration policies, not just anybody could come here. They were even checked for diseases and were either quarantined or sent back to where they came from. Insanity is allowing anybody who wants to, to come here. Wonder if any of these open border free for all posters have fences or locks on their doors at home. That would be like...judgemental and probably xenophobic.
Shouldn't Catholicism been eradicated in the thousand years that it terrorized Europe, as well as much of the colonized world?

Would we be better off if Catholicism had been stopped in its tracks?

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