Swiss Patient Dies Shortly After Receiving Pfizer Covid Vaccine

So ignore it? Do nothing?

Huh uh. I'm not advocating for anything like that. I think it's more beneficial to humanity and democracy itself to approach it in a naturally scientific manner versus the politically scientific manner that is being invoked, however. Someone asked me something about that a while ago on here, I dunno who it was, their name started with an a, though. Think it's a new guy. I just briefly shared thought on it in that thread.
A rumor can travel half way around the world before the truth gets its pants on.

OL, you may have just inadvertently discovered the source of the global spread of the covid scare.
I think the dead are what is scaring people.

The problem is you're putting far too much trust in the fear porn controlled media. The death count has been hugely inflated. Not only are they counting deaths from other causes as Covid if the person allegedly tested positive (the problem with that is the testing itself has proven to be totally unreliable) but they have also been counting "presumed" and "probable" Covid deaths, even without confirmation. So basically anything goes. Also, there's a financial incentive for doctors to diagnose covid and an even bigger incentive to put them on a respirator.

When you put all of that and more together, it's obvious that it's a manufactured crisis. Why? As always, for purposes of pushing agendas and stripping us of even more rights and liberties. Ever heard of the Hegelian Dialectic? Or a simpler way of putting it, Problem - Reaction - Solution.

Take 30 seconds to watch this please.

I think it's more beneficial to humanity and democracy itself to approach it in a naturally scientific manner versus the politically scientific manner that is being invoked,
I found the response you were referring to, and I read it twice. You don't offer any "naturally scientific" ideas in it. If you don't want to ignore Covid, yet you want to criticize everything so far as a political power grab, what ideas have you got?

Deaths are increasing because cases are increasing, and we now have a mutation of the virus making it almost twice as contagious. Hospitals are filling up, interfering with care in some places, and some cities and states are resorting to shutdowns again, because we are nowhere close to completing vaccinations--not even for the first group, healthcare workers.

It is an airborn virus, we know that much. Masks and social distancing slow contagion by cutting down on the amount of virus transmitted when we breathe near each other. That's easy enough for a five year old to understand. It isn't a political idea. It was MADE political by Trumpers who followed his example and ignored or defied the scientific knowledge out there.

Of course you're right that scientific knowledge is never static and that scientific inquiry is a healthy thing. But the scientific method calls for not backing a finding until it can be replicated many times. The consensus so far is that masks and social distancing and strict sanitation procedures do cut back on transmission. Why do you think surgeons wear a mask when they operate? Scrub their hands for minutes before entering the operating room? They've done that since they figured out what germs are.

It's easy to cut down and criticize a thing, but a little more challenging to come up with something better. I refuse to just do nothing while we wait this thing out. Discouraging vaccination with dishonest stories at a time like this is not helping anyone; not when it was a 91 year old man with multiple medical conditions who died a week after being vaccinated and there has been no correlation between the shot and the death. That is nothing but an anti-vaxxer cheap shot.
A rumor can travel half way around the world before the truth gets its pants on.

OL, you may have just inadvertently discovered the source of the global spread of the covid scare.
I think the dead are what is scaring people.

The problem is you're putting far too much trust in the fear porn controlled media. The death count has been hugely inflated. Not only are they counting deaths from other causes as Covid if the person allegedly tested positive (the problem with this is the testing itself has proven to be totally unreliable) but they have also been counting "presumed" and "probable" Covid deaths, even without confirmation. So basically anything goes. Also, there's a financial incentive for doctors to diagnose covid and an even bigger incentive to put them on a respirator.

When you put all of that and more together, it's obvious that it's a manufactured crisis. Why? As always, for purposes of pushing agendas and stripping us of even more rights and liberties. Ever heard of the Hegelian Dialectic? Or a simpler way of putting it, Problem - Reaction - Solution.

Take 30 seconds to watch this please.

I understand how media functions, buttercup. I see them keeping it front and center to keep us coming back for more clicks. I keep in mind when I hear of a hospital somewhere with serious problems caring for all the sick that it is isolated hospitals, not ALL. I have to hunt and do the math to see how many active cases we have in our county, because it's much more dramatic to talk about how many cases we've had since March than to tell people how many have also recovered. If that information is even included it's always in small print at the end.

Where you and I diverge is the idea that these numbers have been manufactured dishonestly or that our government is engaged in some diabolical plot to make us broke, lonely and miserable. I ain't buying that, ever.
A rumor can travel half way around the world before the truth gets its pants on.

OL, you may have just inadvertently discovered the source of the global spread of the covid scare.
I think the dead are what is scaring people.

The problem is you're putting far too much trust in the fear porn controlled media. The death count has been hugely inflated. Not only are they counting deaths from other causes as Covid if the person allegedly tested positive (the problem with this is the testing itself has proven to be totally unreliable) but they have also been counting "presumed" and "probable" Covid deaths, even without confirmation. So basically anything goes. Also, there's a financial incentive for doctors to diagnose covid and an even bigger incentive to put them on a respirator.

When you put all of that and more together, it's obvious that it's a manufactured crisis. Why? As always, for purposes of pushing agendas and stripping us of even more rights and liberties. Ever heard of the Hegelian Dialectic? Or a simpler way of putting it, Problem - Reaction - Solution.

Take 30 seconds to watch this please.

I understand how media functions, buttercup. I see them keeping it front and center to keep us coming back for more clicks. I keep in mind when I hear of a hospital somewhere with serious problems caring for all the sick that it is isolated hospitals, not ALL. I have to hunt and do the math to see how many active cases we have in our county, because it's much more dramatic to talk about how many cases we've had since March than to tell people how many have also recovered. If that information is even included it's always in small print at the end.

Where you and I diverge is the idea that these numbers have been manufactured dishonestly or that our government is engaged in some diabolical plot to make us broke, lonely and miserable. I ain't buying that, ever.

It's not our government, per se. It's corrupt elements within our government, but COVID-1984 is a global scam. The people behind it are globalists who have openly admitted they want an entirely new system. They've been calling it "The Great Reset" (I'll post the video below) but that's just a euphemism for what has always been their goal, world government.

Another thing that many people either don't realize or don't want to accept is that fear has ALWAYS been used as the best tool for corrupt powers to manipulate and control the public.

I mean, think about it. With a "crisis" or "emergency", they can literally get away with just about anything. Throw the Constitution and Bill of Rights in the trash, we have to save lives!

And of course they ALWAYS frame it in a way that it's for our "safety" or our "good." But why would you trust corrupt agenda-driven politicians or world leaders to care about your health or safety? They couldn't care less about us, these are not decent, honest people. They view us as "chattel".



A rumor can travel half way around the world before the truth gets its pants on.

OL, you may have just inadvertently discovered the source of the global spread of the covid scare.
I think the dead are what is scaring people.

The problem is you're putting far too much trust in the fear porn controlled media. The death count has been hugely inflated. Not only are they counting deaths from other causes as Covid if the person allegedly tested positive (the problem with that is the testing itself has proven to be totally unreliable) but they have also been counting "presumed" and "probable" Covid deaths, even without confirmation. So basically anything goes. Also, there's a financial incentive for doctors to diagnose covid and an even bigger incentive to put them on a respirator.

When you put all of that and more together, it's obvious that it's a manufactured crisis. Why? As always, for purposes of pushing agendas and stripping us of even more rights and liberties. Ever heard of the Hegelian Dialectic? Or a simpler way of putting it, Problem - Reaction - Solution.

Take 30 seconds to watch this please.

That video is obviously fake news :rolleyes:
I found the response you were referring to, and I read it twice. You don't offer any "naturally scientific" ideas in it. If you don't want to ignore Covid, yet you want to criticize everything so far as a political power grab, what ideas have you got?

Deaths are increasing because cases are increasing, and we now have a mutation of the virus making it almost twice as contagious. Hospitals are filling up, interfering with care in some places, and some cities and states are resorting to shutdowns again, because we are nowhere close to completing vaccinations--not even for the first group, healthcare workers.

It is an airborn virus, we know that much. Masks and social distancing slow contagion by cutting down on the amount of virus transmitted when we breathe near each other. That's easy enough for a five year old to understand. It isn't a political idea. It was MADE political by Trumpers who followed his example and ignored or defied the scientific knowledge out there.

Of course you're right that scientific knowledge is never static and that scientific inquiry is a healthy thing. But the scientific method calls for not backing a finding until it can be replicated many times. The consensus so far is that masks and social distancing and strict sanitation procedures do cut back on transmission. Why do you think surgeons wear a mask when they operate? Scrub their hands for minutes before entering the operating room? They've done that since they figured out what germs are.

It's easy to cut down and criticize a thing, but a little more challenging to come up with something better. I refuse to just do nothing while we wait this thing out. Discouraging vaccination with dishonest stories at a time like this is not helping anyone; not when it was a 91 year old man with multiple medical conditions who died a week after being vaccinated and there has been no correlation between the shot and the death. That is nothing but an anti-vaxxer cheap shot.

Relevant reading - Second Israeli Man Dies After Receiving Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine - Reports
I found the response you were referring to, and I read it twice. You don't offer any "naturally scientific" ideas in it. If you don't want to ignore Covid, yet you want to criticize everything so far as a political power grab, what ideas have you got?

Deaths are increasing because cases are increasing, and we now have a mutation of the virus making it almost twice as contagious. Hospitals are filling up, interfering with care in some places, and some cities and states are resorting to shutdowns again, because we are nowhere close to completing vaccinations--not even for the first group, healthcare workers.

It is an airborn virus, we know that much. Masks and social distancing slow contagion by cutting down on the amount of virus transmitted when we breathe near each other. That's easy enough for a five year old to understand. It isn't a political idea. It was MADE political by Trumpers who followed his example and ignored or defied the scientific knowledge out there.

Of course you're right that scientific knowledge is never static and that scientific inquiry is a healthy thing. But the scientific method calls for not backing a finding until it can be replicated many times. The consensus so far is that masks and social distancing and strict sanitation procedures do cut back on transmission. Why do you think surgeons wear a mask when they operate? Scrub their hands for minutes before entering the operating room? They've done that since they figured out what germs are.

It's easy to cut down and criticize a thing, but a little more challenging to come up with something better. I refuse to just do nothing while we wait this thing out. Discouraging vaccination with dishonest stories at a time like this is not helping anyone; not when it was a 91 year old man with multiple medical conditions who died a week after being vaccinated and there has been no correlation between the shot and the death. That is nothing but an anti-vaxxer cheap shot.

Relevant reading - Second Israeli Man Dies After Receiving Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine - Reports
And thousands have received it without issue

How do you know they have received it without issue? What if the issues are more long-term discoveries rather than short-term discoveries?

What is "the science''? Are you making the claim that whatever has not yet been proven false must be true? That's appealing to ignorance. It's deceptive, in fact. Scientifically speaking anyway.
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That's two ... it happens ... Anaphylactic Shock is a real thing ...

yes it is. If it was anaphylactic shock THAT WOULD BE NEWS.
So far the impression is just Myocardial infarction---an autopsy
would probably make the diagnosis----I would be good if
an autopsy would be done---but it probably will not be done
yes it is. If it was anaphylactic shock THAT WOULD BE NEWS.
So far the impression is just Myocardial infarction---an autopsy
would probably make the diagnosis----I would be good if
an autopsy would be done---but it probably will not be done

Well, now a second Israeli has died shortly after receiving the Pfizer vaccine.

Both seemed to have underlying heart conditions. Do you consider it wise to be guinea pigging that demographic first? If so, then why? Are they more expendable in a society where the recent trend is government deeming elements of society essential or non-essential?
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