Switzerland issues every adult a gun and trains them how to use it: Switzerland has lowest gun-relat

I have a retarded cousin who is 66 years old. He can't drive, but holds down a job corralling grocery carts at Winn-Dixie. He has never committed a crime, and is perfectly sane, so, in spite of his 67 point IQ he has every right to carry a gun. Fortunately for us all, he does not want one.
"Switzerland issues every adult a gun and trains them how to use it: Switzerland has lowest gun-relat"

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Switzerland can't be compared to other countries, the United States in particular.

But Britain, France, Australia and Japan can.......I wonder why that is?

Small problem with your facts... Switzerland have the second highest gun related deaths in Europe...

Wow, it's such a lot and 2.68, the highest is suicide :rolleyes-41:

Country Total Method of Calculation Homicides Suicides
Switzerland 3.08 (mixed years) 0.23 (2013) 2.68 (2011)

List of countries by firearm-related death rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Suicide by gun is by far-----BY FAR the most successful way to commit suicide - gun and ammunition buyers should pay a tax on guns and ammunition to pay for the high cost to society of suicide. Or maybe liability insurance on guns and ammunition would be a better method? Or-----or how would you fund mental health services to reduce the incidence of suicide by gun?

I like that part of Swiss gun laws where they reference mandatory military service for ALL males over the age of majority (18) - that would mean, for example, people like me can have weapons and people like Deceitful Donald Trump would have to... see below

Check out Switzerland's gun laws without the legalese here Should America Follow Switzerland’s Gun Rules?

Switzerland also has strict gun ownership, registration, carry, and transport rules. Guns must be registered, you need a permit to buy them, you need a permit to transport them (unloaded only, and only from home to the shooting range, armory, etc, no carrying it around freely) and you need a special, hard to get permit to publicly carry them.


Hey twit...do you realize that China, Japan and South Korea have higher suicide rates than we do....and they only allow their criminals and police to have guns....

How do you explain that?

Did you know that France, which bans guns....has a higher suicide rate than we do....

How do you explain that?

Switzerland also has strict gun ownership, registration, carry, and transport rules. Guns must be registered, you need a permit to buy them, you need a permit to transport them (unloaded only, and only from home to the shooting range, armory, etc, no carrying it around freely) and you need a special, hard to get permit to publicly carry them.

So....you listed all those things.....not one of them is obeyed by criminals and terrorists...you realize that...right? The people who aren't going to shoot people or use guns to commit crimes..obey all of them...the people who are going to shoot up malls, and theaters or use guns to commit crimes...aren't going to obey any of them.....

Why is it that that concept is so hard for you guys to understand....

France has every single gun law you want...they ban almost all guns for all civilians...the rich and politically connected get them though, of course.......fully automatic rifles are completely illegal.....and terrorists on the French government, terrorist watch lists got fully automatic rifles, pistols and explosives....

Do you think they obeyed French gun laws for their illegal, fully automatic rifles?

What is it with you anti gun loons and thinking that your gun laws prevent gun crime or mass shootings? Did you fall on your heads at birth.....

And tell us...please.....if a Swiss citizen wanted to shoot up a mall with his government issued fully automatic, actual assault rifle........which Swiss gun control law that you just listed would have stopped him?
"Switzerland issues every adult a gun and trains them how to use it: Switzerland has lowest gun-relat"

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Switzerland can't be compared to other countries, the United States in particular.
You fail period. The point is the guns aren't the problem.

Goddamn you're dumb.

Right. It's the type of weapon, the number of rounds they can shoot and the too easy access to them that is the problem.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No, actually, it isn't...we have 8 million rifles with detachable magazines.

In 34 years how many people have those types of rifles murdered in mass shootings.... 149. In 34 years.

Knives....how many people did they murder in one year...2014..... 1,567....and every year they murder over 1,000.

Gun availability isn't the problem, as the Swiss prove....it is our thug culture that causes gun murder.....

Wrong, the common denominator for all of our gun issues is men+violence. When we learn to address that you will see a dramatic drop in the gun problem.
"Switzerland issues every adult a gun and trains them how to use it: Switzerland has lowest gun-relat"

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Switzerland can't be compared to other countries, the United States in particular.

But Britain, France, Australia and Japan can.......I wonder why that is?

Small problem with your facts... Switzerland have the second highest gun related deaths in Europe...

Wow, it's such a lot and 2.68, the highest is suicide :rolleyes-41:

Country Total Method of Calculation Homicides Suicides
Switzerland 3.08 (mixed years) 0.23 (2013) 2.68 (2011)

List of countries by firearm-related death rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Suicide by gun is by far-----BY FAR the most successful way to commit suicide - gun and ammunition buyers should pay a tax on guns and ammunition to pay for the high cost to society of suicide. Or maybe liability insurance on guns and ammunition would be a better method? Or-----or how would you fund mental health services to reduce the incidence of suicide by gun?

I like that part of Swiss gun laws where they reference mandatory military service for ALL males over the age of majority (18) - that would mean, for example, people like me can have weapons and people like Deceitful Donald Trump would have to... see below

Check out Switzerland's gun laws without the legalese here Should America Follow Switzerland’s Gun Rules?

Switzerland also has strict gun ownership, registration, carry, and transport rules. Guns must be registered, you need a permit to buy them, you need a permit to transport them (unloaded only, and only from home to the shooting range, armory, etc, no carrying it around freely) and you need a special, hard to get permit to publicly carry them.


Yes...people like you didn't want blacks to exercise their right to vote after Republicans freed them.....so what did you do...you created Poll Taxes...to increase the cost of exercising the Right so blacks couldn't vote......you created Literacy Tests, so Blacks couldn't pass them so they couldn't exercise their Right to vote...

Now...you don't want people to own guns...so you want the equivalent of Poll Taxes and Literacy tests to keep people from owning guns......

You nuts never change.
"Switzerland issues every adult a gun and trains them how to use it: Switzerland has lowest gun-relat"

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Switzerland can't be compared to other countries, the United States in particular.

But Britain, France, Australia and Japan can.......I wonder why that is?

Small problem with your facts... Switzerland have the second highest gun related deaths in Europe...

Wow, it's such a lot and 2.68, the highest is suicide :rolleyes-41:

Country Total Method of Calculation Homicides Suicides
Switzerland 3.08 (mixed years) 0.23 (2013) 2.68 (2011)

List of countries by firearm-related death rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Suicide by gun is by far-----BY FAR the most successful way to commit suicide - gun and ammunition buyers should pay a tax on guns and ammunition to pay for the high cost to society of suicide. Or maybe liability insurance on guns and ammunition would be a better method? Or-----or how would you fund mental health services to reduce the incidence of suicide by gun?

I like that part of Swiss gun laws where they reference mandatory military service for ALL males over the age of majority (18) - that would mean, for example, people like me can have weapons and people like Deceitful Donald Trump would have to... see below

Check out Switzerland's gun laws without the legalese here Should America Follow Switzerland’s Gun Rules?

Switzerland also has strict gun ownership, registration, carry, and transport rules. Guns must be registered, you need a permit to buy them, you need a permit to transport them (unloaded only, and only from home to the shooting range, armory, etc, no carrying it around freely) and you need a special, hard to get permit to publicly carry them.


Hey genius....suicide rate by country....notice....many of them have more extreme gun control than we do...

So...to lower their suicide rates.....should they let more people have guns like us?

World suicide rates by country

World suicide rates by country

Per 100,000

Hungary ... 21.0
Belgium .... 18.4
Finland... 16.5
France... 14.6
Poland... 13.8
Austria... 13.8
Czech Republic... 12.7
New Zealand.... 11.9
Denmark... 11.3

United States.......10.1

So our murder rate should go down once the gangbangers are better armed, eh?

No.....putting thugs in jail when they get caught carrying a gun or using a gun for crime is how you get the murder rate to go down.....

And just a reminder......in the 1990s, 2 million people carried guns for self defense....in 2007, 4.7 million people carried guns for self defense....and the gun murder rate went down......in 2013....13 million people carried guns for self defense...and the gun murder rate went down again......

So Arming Americans 1) does not increase the gun murder rate...so you anti gun loons are wrong on that....and 2) the gun murder rate went down as more Americans carried guns for self defense....

Now if we actually put gun criminals in prison, like Japan does for 30 years...our gun crime rate will plummet even more.....
"Switzerland issues every adult a gun and trains them how to use it: Switzerland has lowest gun-relat"

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Switzerland can't be compared to other countries, the United States in particular.
You fail period. The point is the guns aren't the problem.

Goddamn you're dumb.

Right. It's the type of weapon, the number of rounds they can shoot and the too easy access to them that is the problem.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No, actually, it isn't...we have 8 million rifles with detachable magazines.

In 34 years how many people have those types of rifles murdered in mass shootings.... 149. In 34 years.

Knives....how many people did they murder in one year...2014..... 1,567....and every year they murder over 1,000.

Gun availability isn't the problem, as the Swiss prove....it is our thug culture that causes gun murder.....

Wrong, the common denominator for all of our gun issues is men+violence. When we learn to address that you will see a dramatic drop in the gun problem.

Yes....I keep telling anti gun loons this and they laugh........stop thugs with guns and our gun murder rate drops....
Great, so we can all agree we need Switzerland gun laws in the United States.

Works for me.

So our murder rate should go down once the gangbangers are better armed, eh?

No.....putting thugs in jail when they get caught carrying a gun or using a gun for crime is how you get the murder rate to go down.....

And just a reminder......in the 1990s, 2 million people carried guns for self defense....in 2007, 4.7 million people carried guns for self defense....and the gun murder rate went down......in 2013....13 million people carried guns for self defense...and the gun murder rate went down again......

So Arming Americans 1) does not increase the gun murder rate...so you anti gun loons are wrong on that....and 2) the gun murder rate went down as more Americans carried guns for self defense....

Now if we actually put gun criminals in prison, like Japan does for 30 years...our gun crime rate will plummet even more.....
The conservative propaganda on Switzerland and guns is as much myth as fact.

Wrong....name one myth genius....

That the high rate of gun ownership in Switzerland causes the low murder rate.
Great, so we can all agree we need Switzerland gun laws in the United States.

Works for me.

From what I am reading- while guns are somewhat common in Switzerland- ammo is not.

Switzerland issues guns- but not ammo- to its trained military- which is most men.

I think it is clear that the OP wants the ammo laws in the United States to be like that of Switzerland- more guns in the hands of trained military- less ammo.

Switzerland guns: Living with firearms the Swiss way - BBC News
Great, so we can all agree we need Switzerland gun laws in the United States.

Works for me.

From what I am reading- while guns are somewhat common in Switzerland- ammo is not.

Switzerland issues guns- but not ammo- to its trained military- which is most men.

I think it is clear that the OP wants the ammo laws in the United States to be like that of Switzerland- more guns in the hands of trained military- less ammo.

Switzerland guns: Living with firearms the Swiss way - BBC News

I think the OP is salivating over the Swiss having guns (even though it's at a less rate than the US) and some how thinks they do what they want with their guns. In actuality, the Swiss gun laws make perfect sense. Since the wingnuts keep bringing up Switzerland then let's them have what they claim to want.
Great, so we can all agree we need Switzerland gun laws in the United States.

Works for me.

No....I am against making it a law that every home has to have a fully automatic rifle....that is up to the individual.

And those gun laws they have that do nothing to stop crime or mass shootings.....we don't need those useless laws either.....

So our murder rate should go down once the gangbangers are better armed, eh?

No.....putting thugs in jail when they get caught carrying a gun or using a gun for crime is how you get the murder rate to go down.....

And just a reminder......in the 1990s, 2 million people carried guns for self defense....in 2007, 4.7 million people carried guns for self defense....and the gun murder rate went down......in 2013....13 million people carried guns for self defense...and the gun murder rate went down again......

So Arming Americans 1) does not increase the gun murder rate...so you anti gun loons are wrong on that....and 2) the gun murder rate went down as more Americans carried guns for self defense....

Now if we actually put gun criminals in prison, like Japan does for 30 years...our gun crime rate will plummet even more.....
The conservative propaganda on Switzerland and guns is as much myth as fact.

Wrong....name one myth genius....

That the high rate of gun ownership in Switzerland causes the low murder rate.

No. Their culture causes the low murder rate.....guns just keep people safe in high crime areas....
Great, so we can all agree we need Switzerland gun laws in the United States.

Works for me.

From what I am reading- while guns are somewhat common in Switzerland- ammo is not.

Switzerland issues guns- but not ammo- to its trained military- which is most men.

I think it is clear that the OP wants the ammo laws in the United States to be like that of Switzerland- more guns in the hands of trained military- less ammo.

Switzerland guns: Living with firearms the Swiss way - BBC News


The Swiss Difference: A Gun Culture That Works | TIME.com

The Swiss Difference: A Gun Culture That Works | TIME.com

The authorities made one concession, though: since 2008, all military — but not private — ammunition must be stored in central arsenals rather than in soldiers’ homes. The debate culminated in a nationwide referendum last year, when 56% of voters rejected the proposal initiated by anti-gun organizations to ban army rifles from homes altogether.


One of the reasons the crime rate in Switzerland is low despite the prevalence of weapons — and also why the Swiss mentality can’t be transposed to the current American reality — is the culture of responsibility and safety that is anchored in society and passed from generation to generation.

Kids as young as 12 belong to gun groups in their local communities, where they learn sharpshooting.

The Swiss Shooting Sports Association runs about 3,000 clubs and has 150,000 members, including a youth section.

Many members keep their guns and ammunition at home, while others choose to leave them at the club.

And yet, despite such easy access to pistols and rifles, “no members have ever used their guns for criminal purposes,” says Max Flueckiger, the association’s spokesperson.
Great, so we can all agree we need Switzerland gun laws in the United States.

Works for me.

From what I am reading- while guns are somewhat common in Switzerland- ammo is not.

Switzerland issues guns- but not ammo- to its trained military- which is most men.

I think it is clear that the OP wants the ammo laws in the United States to be like that of Switzerland- more guns in the hands of trained military- less ammo.

Switzerland guns: Living with firearms the Swiss way - BBC News

Yeah...you need to read your articles....they had a mass shooter....and the cops had already confiscated his guns...and he got more....their gun laws work as good as ours do...

Switzerland guns: Living with firearms the Swiss way - BBC News

Last month, in the French-speaking village of Daillon, 100km (62 miles) from Geneva, a psychologically disturbed man opened fire on locals, killing three people and wounding two others. Police had already confiscated weapons from the gunman in 2005, after he had been placed in psychiatric care.

Yeah.....and if their nuts want guns...they can get them....they just have fewer nuts....

We discuss the recent shootings in Daillon, and I ask him whether he is concerned that each of Switzerland's 26 cantons have gun registers but do not share their data nationally. Under such a system isn't it feasible, I ask, that I could be refused a licence to buy a gun in the canton of Vaud and yet could hop on the train to nearby Valais and buy one there without anyone knowing I had been refused a permit a few miles down the road?

"There is a lack there," admits Mr Suter. "The systems are not connected. But today they are really on their way to fitting all the information together, and there is not a single legal gun here which is unregistered. But a national register does not necessarily avoid tragedy - 100% control you cannot organise. It's impossible."

Yet despite the prevalence of firearms, violent gun-related street crime is extremely rare in Switzerland.
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