Syria and the US Exchange Messages The People of Both Countries Breathe More Easily,


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
Damascus Notes: A Meeting with Syrians on the Street Well-Informed of US Plans for Their Country

Meanwhile, the ever-rising cost of living for Syria’s population, due in large measure to the US-led economic sanctions, continues to devastate many families here. Those sanctions are designed by the US Treasury Department’s Office of Financial Assets Control (OFAC), and they intentionally target Syria’s civilian population in an effort to get the population to break with its government, thereby facilitating the US goal of regime change in Syria and Iran....Before ending a very long day with sleep, this observer invited the Palestinian family to dinner near my hotel as it was not apparent that they had been eating much recently. *We talked about prospects for the Syrian Arab Republic, and Palestinian refugees, so many of whom have been internally and externally displaced as result of this maelstrom, and as I interacted with the wonderful children, I could not help becoming wistful as I contemplated the certainty that it is these children, and Syria’s poor, who are condemned, unless the American people prevent it, to suffer the brunt of this latest US adventure—condemned as their country becomes more divided, and a new batch of terrorist groups springs up like mushrooms after a summer rain. Syria and the US Exchange Messages | Foreign Policy Journal Franklin Lamb writes from Syria about the suffering of civilians caused by US sanctions. And he writes of the fears of the people of devastation they feel will come with US strikes and the fear they have of the terrorists the US is unleashing upon them. And I cannot hardly stand to watch what we are doing, I cant stand to watch it but I cannot turn my eyes away either.
We, the American people, have the power to make a difference in Syria. We need to continue with letters and calls to our Representatives and we need to keep on letting it be known we do not support war with Syria or military strikes or arming one side or sanctions that hurt civilians. Put yourself in the position the Syrian people are in.
Damascus Notes: A Meeting with Syrians on the Street Well-Informed of US Plans for Their Country

Meanwhile, the ever-rising cost of living for Syria’s population, due in large measure to the US-led economic sanctions, continues to devastate many families here. Those sanctions are designed by the US Treasury Department’s Office of Financial Assets Control (OFAC), and they intentionally target Syria’s civilian population in an effort to get the population to break with its government, thereby facilitating the US goal of regime change in Syria and Iran....Before ending a very long day with sleep, this observer invited the Palestinian family to dinner near my hotel as it was not apparent that they had been eating much recently. *We talked about prospects for the Syrian Arab Republic, and Palestinian refugees, so many of whom have been internally and externally displaced as result of this maelstrom, and as I interacted with the wonderful children, I could not help becoming wistful as I contemplated the certainty that it is these children, and Syria’s poor, who are condemned, unless the American people prevent it, to suffer the brunt of this latest US adventure—condemned as their country becomes more divided, and a new batch of terrorist groups springs up like mushrooms after a summer rain. Syria and the US Exchange Messages | Foreign Policy Journal Franklin Lamb writes from Syria about the suffering of civilians caused by US sanctions. And he writes of the fears of the people of devastation they feel will come with US strikes and the fear they have of the terrorists the US is unleashing upon them. And I cannot hardly stand to watch what we are doing, I cant stand to watch it but I cannot turn my eyes away either.

You can calm down Shia Sherri, we are not going to strike Syria. Now please explain why you stated that you are ashamed to be an American and explain how you could call America war criminals and butchers when we haven't fired a shot?
I am an American who does not desire my country deliberately and directly contribute to the suffering of civilians in Syria. And I am not alone.
I am an American who does not desire my country deliberately and directly contribute to the suffering of civilians in Syria. And I am not alone.

Americans are against a strike on Syria because they are tired of war, Not because they give a Shiite about Syrians. Now quit ducking my question as to why you stated you are ashamed to be an American and how you could call Americans war criminals and butchers when we have not attacked.
Why dont you respond to the thread which is the suffering the US is causing civilians in Syria? Millions of Iraqi civilians died from US sanctions. Do you like to see America cause civilians in Syria suffering and death?
The Secret Behind the Sanctions: How the U.S. Intentionally Destroyed Iraq's Water Supply

Over the last two years, I've discovered documents of the Defense Intelligence Agency proving beyond a doubt that, contrary to the Geneva Convention, the U.S. government intentionally used sanctions against Iraq to degrade the country's water supply after the Gulf War. The United States knew the cost that civilian Iraqis, mostly children, would pay, and it went ahead anyway. The Secret Behind the Sanctions: How the U.S. Intentionally Destroyed Iraq's Water Supply | The Progressive
Why dont you respond to the thread which is the suffering the US is causing civilians in Syria? Millions of Iraqi civilians died from US sanctions. Do you like to see America cause civilians in Syria suffering and death?

Breaking News

Assad confirms Syria to hand over chemical weapons (Russian TV)
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has said in an interview with Russian TV that his government’s decision to place its arsenal of chemical weapons under international control was because of Russia’s proposal and not a result of the US’ threat to take military action.


Assad confirms Syria to hand over chemical weapons (Russian TV) - FRANCE 24
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports

By BARBARA CROSSETTEPublished: December 01, 1995SIGN IN TO E-MAILPRINTAs many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.The study also found steeply rising malnutrition among the young, suggesting that more children will be at risk in the coming years. The results of the survey will appear on Friday in The Lancet, the journal of the British Medical Association. Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports -
Why dont you respond to the thread which is the suffering the US is causing civilians in Syria? Millions of Iraqi civilians died from US sanctions. Do you like to see America cause civilians in Syria suffering and death?

Because, Shia Sherri, Americans aren't causing suffering in Syria. Syrians are causing Syrian suffering. Remember? It's a civil war? Now explain why you are ashamed to be an American (if you really are an American) and tell us why you stated Americans are war criminals and butchers. And change your've been posting 48 consecutive hours.
Damascus Notes: A Meeting with Syrians on the Street Well-Informed of US Plans for Their Country

Meanwhile, the ever-rising cost of living for Syria’s population, due in large measure to the US-led economic sanctions, continues to devastate many families here. Those sanctions are designed by the US Treasury Department’s Office of Financial Assets Control (OFAC), and they intentionally target Syria’s civilian population in an effort to get the population to break with its government, thereby facilitating the US goal of regime change in Syria and Iran....Before ending a very long day with sleep, this observer invited the Palestinian family to dinner near my hotel as it was not apparent that they had been eating much recently. *We talked about prospects for the Syrian Arab Republic, and Palestinian refugees, so many of whom have been internally and externally displaced as result of this maelstrom, and as I interacted with the wonderful children, I could not help becoming wistful as I contemplated the certainty that it is these children, and Syria’s poor, who are condemned, unless the American people prevent it, to suffer the brunt of this latest US adventure—condemned as their country becomes more divided, and a new batch of terrorist groups springs up like mushrooms after a summer rain. Syria and the US Exchange Messages | Foreign Policy Journal Franklin Lamb writes from Syria about the suffering of civilians caused by US sanctions. And he writes of the fears of the people of devastation they feel will come with US strikes and the fear they have of the terrorists the US is unleashing upon them. And I cannot hardly stand to watch what we are doing, I cant stand to watch it but I cannot turn my eyes away either.

You can calm down Shia Sherri, we are not going to strike Syria. Now please explain why you stated that you are ashamed to be an American and explain how you could call America war criminals and butchers when we haven't fired a shot?

Why are you lying and accusing me of making statements I did not make? Can you read English? Where in the OP are the words you accuse me of saying? They are not there. And how does calling me names address the thread topic?
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Damascus Notes: A Meeting with Syrians on the Street Well-Informed of US Plans for Their Country

Meanwhile, the ever-rising cost of living for Syria’s population, due in large measure to the US-led economic sanctions, continues to devastate many families here. Those sanctions are designed by the US Treasury Department’s Office of Financial Assets Control (OFAC), and they intentionally target Syria’s civilian population in an effort to get the population to break with its government, thereby facilitating the US goal of regime change in Syria and Iran....Before ending a very long day with sleep, this observer invited the Palestinian family to dinner near my hotel as it was not apparent that they had been eating much recently. *We talked about prospects for the Syrian Arab Republic, and Palestinian refugees, so many of whom have been internally and externally displaced as result of this maelstrom, and as I interacted with the wonderful children, I could not help becoming wistful as I contemplated the certainty that it is these children, and Syria’s poor, who are condemned, unless the American people prevent it, to suffer the brunt of this latest US adventure—condemned as their country becomes more divided, and a new batch of terrorist groups springs up like mushrooms after a summer rain. Syria and the US Exchange Messages | Foreign Policy Journal Franklin Lamb writes from Syria about the suffering of civilians caused by US sanctions. And he writes of the fears of the people of devastation they feel will come with US strikes and the fear they have of the terrorists the US is unleashing upon them. And I cannot hardly stand to watch what we are doing, I cant stand to watch it but I cannot turn my eyes away either.

You can calm down Shia Sherri, we are not going to strike Syria. Now please explain why you stated that you are ashamed to be an American and explain how you could call America war criminals and butchers when we haven't fired a shot?

Why are you lying and accusing me of making statements I did not make? Can you read English? Where in the OP are the words you accuse me of saying? They are not there. And how does calling me names address the thread topic?

Oh you are one coy bitch. I never said it was in the OP. It was in the Mideast forum. And now I see you went in and edited your remarks. Conscience? Or did you have a moment of sanity and realize viewer would not appreciate being called war criminals and butchers? You are one dishonest ho.
More concerns and fears of Syrians being expressed: "One sentiment that is virtually unanimous here is that very few, if any at all, credit the White House smooth talk to the effect that the purpose of the American attack, without the benefit of UN Security Council approval, is to be very limited and short and is only designed to send a message or punish the Syrian leadership, even though the last couple of days the President’s team is using the word “degrade” (as in demolish and utterly destroy)*" Damascus Notes: A Meeting with Syrians on the Street Well-Informed of US Plans for Their Country | Foreign Policy Journal
Sheri would prefer that Assad kill, torture and maim the Syrians. Then she can call him her hero.
Why dont you respond to the thread which is the suffering the US is causing civilians in Syria? Millions of Iraqi civilians died from US sanctions. Do you like to see America cause civilians in Syria suffering and death?

No Iraqis died from US sanctions. They died because Saddam Hussein refused to distribute the aid sent to Iraq to help the Iraqi people. When Hussein (the Saddam, not the Obama) fell, they found warehouses stuffed full of goods sent by the world to help the Iraqis. - Complex found bulging with food in hungry city - Apr. 3, 2003

Distribution center was used by U.N. oil-for-food program
BASRA, Iraq (CNN) -- A giant food distribution complex seized Wednesday by U.S. and British forces in this city grappling with hunger contained massive amounts of food.

A walk through only about 20 percent of the warehouses in the complex revealed that tens of thousands of tons of supplies -- including huge quantities of baby milk -- were being stored in Iraq's second-largest city, which has been wracked by a food shortage.

There are vast amounts of food staples, tea, sugar, tires, car batteries and sewing machines in the warehouses

This is a Syrian civil war, there are no sanctions. The Syrians are killing one another. Obama is supporting terrorists who are killing Syrian Christians because they are Christians. Those are the ones he is feeding, giving medical aid to and arming.
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I am reading about sanctions and their effects on Syrians. So, do not tell me there are no sanctions. There are. And they hurt ordinary people. And human rights organizations , looking at past conflicts, tell us these sanctions cause deaths. So, bury your head in the sand and ignore suffering US supported sanctions cause, none of that will stop the hurting and dying that are caused by the sanctions. The US cannot stop violence in Syria by others. But we can choose to refuse to add to the violence there and refuse to add to the suffering there.
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I am an American who does not desire my country deliberately and directly contribute to the suffering of civilians in Syria. And I am not alone.

I believe it was Bob Woodward that said on TV yesterday, and I paraphrase. Assad has killed over 100,000 Syrians and used poison gas against International norm. Allowing him to merely surrender the poison gas is like having a murderer stabbing a dozen people and law enforcement breaking in the house and confiscating all of the knives.
You forget, we still have no evidence Assad ordered and carried out chemical weapons attacks. I am not willing to presume his guilt. But, whatever is the truth, it does not justify US intervention. It is not our business, and by intervening we will hurt civilians.When we arm the rebels, we strengthen the terrorists. When we enact sanctions, we hurt civilians. We should try diplomacy for a change.
I am reading about sanctions and their effects on Syrians. So, do not tell me there are no sanctions. There are. And they hurt ordinary people. And human rights organizations , looking at past conflicts, tell us these sanctions cause deaths. So, bury your head in the sand and ignore suffering US supported sanctions cause, none of that will stop the hurting and dying that are caused by the sanctions.

Where is that heart felt contrition for:

Burma, since 1997 (see Burma-United States relations)
Cuba, since 1962 (see United States embargo against Cuba)
Iran, since 1979 (see Sanctions against Iran)
Libya, since 2011 (now applied only against parties closely associated with the former Gaddafi regime;[3] see Libya-United States relations)
North Korea, since 1950 (see North Korea–United States relations)
Sudan, since 2002 (see Sudan–United States relations)
United States embargoes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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