Syria Is Going to be Bombed to Hell in the Next 24 Hours

What's the idea with taking in refugees when they want their state back? if you don't deal with the root of the problem but just take in refugees, you did nothing. It's like instead of fixing a broken bridge, you're setting a hospital next to it.
You do both.

So Trump bombs them.

What then?

What's the plan?

Hell if I knew. We can ask each side involved in this war "What's the plan".

Lipush...this is so reminiscent of the lead up to WW1....that is what worries me.
But you're all for it

Sorry, I'm tired.
Factbox: Assad's foreign backers in Syria's war

Well, They have been winning. Bring on Iran Strikes on Israel.

Iran isn't that stupid
If Making the State of Israel Boat City Peoples.
In the new Floating Ocean City of Israel. It's a Win, Win for ALL!
I'm ok with that. The USA can get out of the ME!
Other than them, what else is there?
Let the remaining kills themselves as they have done for over 2500 years in the ME!
I'm not opposed to bombing Assad...but I sure as hell hope there is a long term plan in play and I'm scared to death there isn't.

Russia and Iran will protest...Assad will claim innocence and the sabers will continue to rattle.

Russia isn't going to risk war over this.

I hope you are right. It feels as if Syria and the surrounding area is a proxy war for other players. Who cares about lives? It's not in Russia. It's not in Europe. It's not in the US. :(

yes---proxy MOSTLY for Iran-----but Russia is delighted
Just as a side of the people I work for does research on refugees, and in most recently the Syrian refugees. It's extremely hard. She says she has never seen anything like it, never seen people so traumatized. She said she will never be the same after her last visit in March. I can only imagine.
The removal of Assad
That is not going to happen. The Russians can just stay right where they are, and we are not going to war with them. I can appreciate your sentiment...but you are dreaming.
If we disable Assad's air force and helicopter fleet, he will be of little help to the Russians, and the Russian investment in fighting the Sunni will have to increase. Russia holds its naval base because of a long term lease with the Assad government, but if the US would agree to support that lease if Assad were gone then Russia would have no more use for him.
Factbox: Assad's foreign backers in Syria's war

Well, They have been winning. Bring on Iran Strikes on Israel.

Israel is ready for that too.
LOL! Israel can't invade Iran.
Die well, my friends.

Who said anything about invading Iran?

You're not making any sense.
Isreal Can Not win any new war with Iran. The Whole ME will remove you, AGAIN!
Which you know needs to be done. Making you folks 4-time LOSERS!

btw: Some good friends are Jewish and feel the same. They are over being Stupid here.
Factbox: Assad's foreign backers in Syria's war

Well, They have been winning. Bring on Iran Strikes on Israel.

Israel is ready for that too.
LOL! Israel can't invade Iran.
Die well, my friends.

Who said anything about invading Iran?

You're not making any sense.
Isreal Can Not win any new war with Iran. The Whole ME will remove you, AGAIN!

Oh for god's sake Baz - they aren't seeking war with Iran!

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