Syria rebel coalition rejects Russia chemical weapons handover proposalSeptember 12,

You said supporting the rebels is supporting Al Qaeda you dumb cocksucker, do you read English or Farsi?:cuckoo:

That is what I said and I say it again, supporting the Rebels is supporting Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda groups are part of the Rebel groups. They fight together. An illustration is the attack ongoing on the Christian Village of Maaloula.

First's not as binary as that.

The rebels are a mixture of multiple groups.

And even within the Al Qaeda groups, there are factions which have no desire to tangle with the US military.

Of course but lets not pretend that Islamic militants who hate the US won't benefit from a Tomahawk strike.
Can you read English? I did not say they were.

You said supporting the rebels is supporting Al Qaeda you dumb cocksucker, do you read English or Farsi?:cuckoo:

That is what I said and I say it again, supporting the Rebels is supporting Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda groups are part of the Rebel groups. They fight together. An illustration is the attack ongoing on the Christian Village of Maaloula.

You are fooling alot of the people here but you don't fool me, you are a rabid supporter of Hamas and Hezbollah who are cut from the same cloth as the rebels you despise.:cuckoo:
When Syria surrenders it's chemical weapons, any further chemical attacks will be from the American backed Al-quiada "rebels"

We don't back Al Qaeda in Syria. That has long been a fallacy, and its a pretty dishonest representation of the complexities of the Syrian opposition.

Well you can't blame some of the folks.

After all, America, under Ronald "The Traitor" Reagan, did give chemtech and ingredients to Iraq to use against Iran.

at least you understand the concept of us supporting Al Qaeda and other Islamic militants.
The Saudis are hiring whoever they can---they don't care if some al Qaeda mercenaries are thrown in. Obama better listen to his Saudi boss and fire the Tomahawks cuz he's gonna have some pissed off mercenaries on his hands...

Corker and McCain are Saudis? Boy, they get around.
Can you read English? I did not say they were.

You said supporting the rebels is supporting Al Qaeda you dumb cocksucker, do you read English or Farsi?:cuckoo:

That is what I said and I say it again, supporting the Rebels is supporting Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda groups are part of the Rebel groups. They fight together. An illustration is the attack ongoing on the Christian Village of Maaloula.

FSA’s Kerry & McCain Terrorists Enter World’s Only Aramaic-Speaking Mostly Christian Town, Maaloula, Syria ~ (ENG-ITA)

This footage from September 4, 2013 shows terrorists from the ‘Revolutionaries of Bab Amr’ Brigade of the “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) conducting a joint invasion with al-Qaeda’s Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) of the only town in the world where the ancient language of Aramaic is still spoken by its inhabitants.USA?s Kerry & McCain Terrorists Enter World?s Only Aramaic-Speaking Mostly Christian Town, Maaloula, Syria ~ (ENG-ITA) |
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Seriously----Obama needs to pull out the biggest Cross he can find and just yell " We're going in to save the Christians !! "

It's just as good as any other idea he has.
You and I already went over how dishonest that assertion is.

How many links do you need to believe that there are al Qaeda mercenaries ? cuz I can find a bunch for ya.

My response was in no way a denial of the existence of the ISI(S), Al Nusra, or Fatah al-Islam. It was a reproaching of the dishonesty of her initial statement.

Let us think a moment. The US sends weapons to the FSA. They carry out an attack against a Christian village jointly with an Al Qaeda related group. With these US weapons, they take over a village. They force conversions of Christians. They kill Christians. They damage Christian buildings. Are you going to tell me you do not see in that tale the US supporting Al Qaeda?
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When Syria surrenders it's chemical weapons, any further chemical attacks will be from the American backed Al-quiada "rebels"

and who does obama blame then?

A video posted on YouTube, embedded below, shows Free Syrian Army, or FSA, rebel forces launching a Sarin gas attack on a Syrian village.Another video posted on YouTube shows what appears to be Syrian rebel forces loading a canister of nerve gas on a rocket to fire presumably at civilians and possibly government forces.

The video proves nothing. What are you trying to prove and what side are you rooting for? It sure isn't the American side.
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Let us think a moment. The US sends weapons to the FSA. They carry out an attack against a Christian village jointly with an Al Qaeda related group.

The attack on the Christian town was largely the work of Al Nusra (they led it, not the FSA), Nor does the SNC support sectarian violence against Christian.

That aside, sectarianism is an unfortunate side effect of war, and every side in Syria is engaging in war crimes. If you're looking for a perfect organization you're not going to find one.

Plus we have already gone over the very real and militant tensions between Al Qaeda and the FSA which you have largely ignored. You ignored the fact that they beheaded an FSA leader and blew another one up with a car bomb. They are hardly buddy buddy.
When Syria surrenders it's chemical weapons, any further chemical attacks will be from the American backed Al-quiada "rebels"

We don't back Al Qaeda in Syria. That has long been a fallacy, and its a pretty dishonest representation of the complexities of the Syrian opposition.

Supporting the Rebels is supporting AlQaeda.

Wait let me get this right.... You support Hezbollah and Hamas but not AQ? Whats wrong not Arab enough for you?
Let us think a moment. The US sends weapons to the FSA. They carry out an attack against a Christian village jointly with an Al Qaeda related group.

The attack on the Christian town was largely the work of Al Nusra (they led it, not the FSA), Nor does the SNC support sectarian violence against Christian.

That aside, sectarianism is an unfortunate side effect of war, and every side in Syria is engaging in war crimes. If you're looking for a perfect organization you're not going to find one.

Plus we have already gone over the very real and militant tensions between Al Qaeda and the FSA which you have largely ignored. You ignored the fact that they beheaded an FSA leader and blew another one up with a car bomb. They are hardly buddy buddy.

The attack was a joint attack with participation of the FSA and this is reported by many sources. Obviously, what these Rebel groups say when they beg for US arms and what they do are two entirely different matters. The Rebels are carrying out atrocities and when the US assists them, we essentially become participants in their crimes. The UN Human Rights Council recently issued a report addressing human rights abuses carried out by the Regime and the Rebels. Both sides are guilty. That report can be downloaded from their website.
We don't back Al Qaeda in Syria. That has long been a fallacy, and its a pretty dishonest representation of the complexities of the Syrian opposition.

Supporting the Rebels is supporting AlQaeda.

Wait let me get this right.... You support Hezbollah and Hamas but not AQ? Whats wrong not Arab enough for you?

No, my position is that I oppose US interference in the Syrian Civil War. I never support anyones violence in any circumstances.
We don't back Al Qaeda in Syria. That has long been a fallacy, and its a pretty dishonest representation of the complexities of the Syrian opposition.

Supporting the Rebels is supporting AlQaeda.

Wait let me get this right.... You support Hezbollah and Hamas but not AQ? Whats wrong not Arab enough for you?

Yes, she does. She has said in the past that when Hamas was killing Israelis via the suicide bombing during the second intifada, that they had every right to do so because it is considered resistance.
Supporting the Rebels is supporting AlQaeda.

Wait let me get this right.... You support Hezbollah and Hamas but not AQ? Whats wrong not Arab enough for you?

No, my position is that I oppose US interference in the Syrian Civil War. I never support anyones violence in any circumstances.

You are a bald faced liar, you support Hamas and Hezbollah and have done so in numerous threads. I see, AQ isn't attacking the evil Jews so you don't support them. Got it you Anti Semite
The attack was a joint attack with participation of the FSA and this is reported by many sources.

The problem is that many sources, like you, don't bother with the specific details. It's a pet peeve of mine with general media sources. The attack was a joint operation between Al Nusra (which led it), A non-Al Qaeda jihadi group known as Ahrar al-Sham (part of the Syrian Islamic Front coalition, not of the FSA), and the Qalamoun Liberation Front.

This is one of the reasons why it is a poor idea to simply lump all of Syria's rebel groups together as "rebels" because it ignores the vast intricacies of the Syrian civil war, and the power structures within the rebel groupings.

It's also one of the reasons why it is a poor idea to follow conflict simply by reading articles from the associated press.

The UN Human Rights Council recently issued a report addressing human rights abuses carried out by the Regime and the Rebels. Both sides are guilty. That report can be downloaded from their website.

I already read the report, and it doesn't change anything that I have said, in fact, in the post you just quoted I already stated that all sides have committed war crimes. That doesn't mean that doing nothing on our part is the best way forward.
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You are a bald faced liar, you support Hamas and Hezbollah and have done so in numerous threads. I see, AQ isn't attacking the evil Jews so you don't support them. Got it you Anti Semite

It's also worth noting that Assad also used to support Al Qaeda in Iraq and the Kurdish Worker's Party (PKK) in Turkey. His administration has been a rather large exporter of terrorism.
Wait let me get this right.... You support Hezbollah and Hamas but not AQ? Whats wrong not Arab enough for you?

No, my position is that I oppose US interference in the Syrian Civil War. I never support anyones violence in any circumstances.

You are a bald faced liar, you support Hamas and Hezbollah and have done so in numerous threads. I see, AQ isn't attacking the evil Jews so you don't support them. Got it you Anti Semite

What you say is not true. I have never supported violent acts of Hamas or Hezbollah, I oppose violence. The only way you attribute violence to me is if you attribute my own nations terrorism to me.
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You are a bald faced liar, you support Hamas and Hezbollah and have done so in numerous threads. I see, AQ isn't attacking the evil Jews so you don't support them. Got it you Anti Semite

It's also worth noting that Assad also used to support Al Qaeda in Iraq and the Kurdish Worker's Party (PKK) in Turkey. His administration has been a rather large exporter of terrorism.

So what? The US supports Al Qaeda terrorists in Syria. It seems all nations support somebodys terrorism somewhere in the world. The US drone attacks are themselves acts of terrorism that have killed hundreds of children.
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