Syria Rebels Turn On One Another


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
"Ongoing clashes between rival groups within the armed opposition intensified in Syria’s Aleppo province this past week following protests against the heavy-handed tactics of the al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)."

"For the past several months rebel groups aligned with ISIS in Aleppo province have spent nearly as much energy battling factions serving under the umbrella of the Western-leaning Free Syrian Army (FSA) as they have fighting the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad."

"According to*al-Quds al-Arabi, an Arabic-language newspaper published out of London, the media office of ISIS issued a statement on Sept. 12 saying it had launched a military campaign against FSA battalions in Aleppo province in response to a previous attack on the ISIS headquarters there.*"

Syria?s Rebels Turn on One Another, and That?s Not a Bad Thing |

With half of the Opposition now foreign Islamic extremists, none of this is surprising.
Hopefully Assad will take the Northern regions back soon. If he will not be able an autonomic region ruled by Al Qaeda could be built.
"Ongoing clashes between rival groups within the armed opposition intensified in Syria’s Aleppo province this past week following protests against the heavy-handed tactics of the al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)."

"For the past several months rebel groups aligned with ISIS in Aleppo province have spent nearly as much energy battling factions serving under the umbrella of the Western-leaning Free Syrian Army (FSA) as they have fighting the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad."

"According to*al-Quds al-Arabi, an Arabic-language newspaper published out of London, the media office of ISIS issued a statement on Sept. 12 saying it had launched a military campaign against FSA battalions in Aleppo province in response to a previous attack on the ISIS headquarters there.*"

Syria?s Rebels Turn on One Another, and That?s Not a Bad Thing |

With half of the Opposition now foreign Islamic extremists, none of this is surprising.

Obama is sending them all more arms. Free guns for Arabs but gun control for America.
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"Ongoing clashes between rival groups within the armed opposition intensified in Syria’s Aleppo province this past week following protests against the heavy-handed tactics of the al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)."

"For the past several months rebel groups aligned with ISIS in Aleppo province have spent nearly as much energy battling factions serving under the umbrella of the Western-leaning Free Syrian Army (FSA) as they have fighting the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad."

"According to*al-Quds al-Arabi, an Arabic-language newspaper published out of London, the media office of ISIS issued a statement on Sept. 12 saying it had launched a military campaign against FSA battalions in Aleppo province in response to a previous attack on the ISIS headquarters there.*"

Syria?s Rebels Turn on One Another, and That?s Not a Bad Thing |

With half of the Opposition now foreign Islamic extremists, none of this is surprising.

So...the rebels hate Assad, but some rebels also hate other rebels? Geez this shit is confusing without a scorecard.

And Obozo wants to send these guys weapons?
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Unbelievable is contemplating how much a US war in Iraq and US meddling in Syria has led us to the day that may be coming soon when Al Qaeda may control large parts of Iraq and Syria.

I call that reaping what we have sown.
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"Ongoing clashes between rival groups within the armed opposition intensified in Syria’s Aleppo province this past week following protests against the heavy-handed tactics of the al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)."

"For the past several months rebel groups aligned with ISIS in Aleppo province have spent nearly as much energy battling factions serving under the umbrella of the Western-leaning Free Syrian Army (FSA) as they have fighting the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad."

"According to*al-Quds al-Arabi, an Arabic-language newspaper published out of London, the media office of ISIS issued a statement on Sept. 12 saying it had launched a military campaign against FSA battalions in Aleppo province in response to a previous attack on the ISIS headquarters there.*"

Syria?s Rebels Turn on One Another, and That?s Not a Bad Thing |

With half of the Opposition now foreign Islamic extremists, none of this is surprising.

So...the rebels hate Assad, but some rebels also hate other rebels? Geez this shit is confusing without a scorecard.

And Obozo wants to send these guys weapons?

It keeps them out of the hands of Americans.
"Ongoing clashes between rival groups within the armed opposition intensified in Syria’s Aleppo province this past week following protests against the heavy-handed tactics of the al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)."

"For the past several months rebel groups aligned with ISIS in Aleppo province have spent nearly as much energy battling factions serving under the umbrella of the Western-leaning Free Syrian Army (FSA) as they have fighting the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad."

"According to*al-Quds al-Arabi, an Arabic-language newspaper published out of London, the media office of ISIS issued a statement on Sept. 12 saying it had launched a military campaign against FSA battalions in Aleppo province in response to a previous attack on the ISIS headquarters there.*"

Syria?s Rebels Turn on One Another, and That?s Not a Bad Thing |

With half of the Opposition now foreign Islamic extremists, none of this is surprising.
Good post, Sherrikins. We should sit back and wait til these creatures annihilate one another, then pick a winner and set him on the throne.
As long as Syrians want to massace each other on their own soil, fine by me. Thank goodness Israel is helping to heal & save the lives of the innocent Syrian children who are the victims of their own people.
Syrian rebel infighting kills 5 near Iraqi border

BEIRUT (AP) — Al-Qaida-affiliated rebels battled more moderate Syrian opposition fighters in a town along the Iraqi border on Saturday, killing at least five people in the latest outbreak of infighting among the forces opposed to President Bashar Assad's regime. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Saturday's fighting took place in the town of al-Boukamal between the al-Qaida-linked Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant against more mainstream rebel groups.Observatory director Rami Abdul-Rahman said the more moderate rebels used mosque loudspeakers Friday to demand the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant leave Boukamal. When it was clear Saturday the ISIL had no plans to decamp, the mainstream groups attacked, Abdul-Rahman said. Three mainstream rebels and two ISIL fighters were killed in the clashes, he said."

Syrian rebel infighting kills 5 near Iraqi border
Syrian rebel infighting kills 5 near Iraqi border

BEIRUT (AP) — Al-Qaida-affiliated rebels battled more moderate Syrian opposition fighters in a town along the Iraqi border on Saturday, killing at least five people in the latest outbreak of infighting among the forces opposed to President Bashar Assad's regime. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Saturday's fighting took place in the town of al-Boukamal between the al-Qaida-linked Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant against more mainstream rebel groups.Observatory director Rami Abdul-Rahman said the more moderate rebels used mosque loudspeakers Friday to demand the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant leave Boukamal. When it was clear Saturday the ISIL had no plans to decamp, the mainstream groups attacked, Abdul-Rahman said. Three mainstream rebels and two ISIL fighters were killed in the clashes, he said."

Syrian rebel infighting kills 5 near Iraqi border
Great post, Cronkite! Keep 'em coming!
This is an article written by Franklin Lamb, from Syria

Jihadists are entering Syria at an accelerating pace, according to Syrian, UNWRA, and Palestinian officials as well as residents in the refugee camps here. For the now-estimated 7000 imported foreign fighters, Palestinian camps are seen as optimal locales for setting up bases across Syria.“Syria’s Palestinian camps have become theaters of war,” said UNWRA Commissioner Filippo Grandi.The Syrian people compassionately host 10 official, UN-mandated Palestinian camps, along with three unofficial ones, whose populations total at least 230,000. Eight of these are “Nakba (“catastrophe”) camps,” organized soon after Palestinians were expelled from their homes in 1948, while two, Qabr Essit and Dera’a (emergency camp), are “Naksa (“day of setback”) camps.” The latter were set up in 1967 as a result of the internationally condemned Zionist-colonial aggression against the two sister-Arab-nationalist regions—Palestine’s West Bank and Syria’s Golan Heights.Seven of Syria’s Thirteen Palestinian camps now controlled by Salafi- Jihadists

Vows of ‘Occupation Until Martyrdom’
How do the jihadists infiltrate the camps?

“First they (the intruders) appeared only a few in number. We noticed them and that some had ‘foreign’ accents and wore conservative clothes, most had beards. They were polite and friendly. Then more arrived, a few followed by women and children. They stayed to themselves at first and they began using the local mosque—even being welcomed at first by local sheiks who sometimes expressed admiration for the sincerity and devoutness. Then some of them began to preach their versions of the Koran, and at some point their gentle teaching became more strident, and soon these men were commenting on how some of the Palestinian women dressed in an un-Islamic fashion and even lectured young women about modesty and that they must change their ways, including stop smoking, and to leave public meetings if they were the only women present, and wear a full hijab.”

"The lady’s sister interrupted: “Then guns appeared and some of the men appeared to be very skilled when they would use, for example, a school or playground to train. They were so serious and seemed to be in a trance of some kind. There was no possibility to talk or reason with them. All they seemed to want was martyrdom! Some actually believe that Syria was Palestine and they were here to liberate Al Quds!”Upon some in the camps it began to dawn that the newcomers intended imposing their ideas, and that they fully intended that camp residents should submit to “pure Islam,” as they view it. Some resistance began to jell from camp residents, but the camp popular committees did not have the power to confront them, and a few actually joined them. The fighting with Syrian government troops accelerated the takeover process, and soon the camp residents were presented with a demand: join the gunmen and “liberate” the camps.Again, this chain of events is singularly similar to what we saw (too late as it turned out) in Lebanon’s Nahr al Bared, a process which, like the one unfolding now in Syria, was accelerated by the civil war raging here."

Vows of ‘Occupation Until Martyrdom’
Those last two posts make me sick. I look at what the US has done, stir up dissension in Syria with Special Ops Forces there for years and our acts in arming Foreign Fighters/Extremists. We stir up and fuel wars. And I watch Americans filled with glee when people kill each other in those wars we stirred up. For me, what is exposed clearly for all to see is who and what the US has become. No morality there, no humanity there, no compassion there, no guilt or remorse for our bad acts, it is all long gone.

AND the picture is not pretty.

We certainly are Exceptional.
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Arab League Report Provides Evidence CIA, MI6, Mossad Behind Violence in Syria

"In January, it was reported that*MI6, the CIA, and British SAS*are in Syria*working with the Free Syrian Army and the Syrian National Council*to overthrow the al-Assad regime. The Free Syrian Army is widely recognized as a creation of NATO. It is comprised largely of militants*from the Muslim Brotherhood*– itself an*asset of British intelligence*– and is funded, supported, and armed by the United States, Israel, and Turkey.The report lends credence to reports filed in November of last year by journalist Webster Tarpley, who visited the Middle Eastern nation.The report mentions an “armed entity’ that is killing civilians and police and conducting terrorist attacks targeting innocent civilians. Casualties from these attacks are attributed to the al-Assad government and used to build a case against Syria in the United Nations.Rebels in Idlib, Syria. Evidence reveals they are supported by the CIA, MI6, and Mossad."

Arab League Report Provides Evidence CIA, MI6, Mossad Behind Violence in Syria | Friends of Syria
Arab League Report Provides Evidence CIA, MI6, Mossad Behind Violence in Syria

"In January, it was reported that*MI6, the CIA, and British SAS*are in Syria*working with the Free Syrian Army and the Syrian National Council*to overthrow the al-Assad regime. The Free Syrian Army is widely recognized as a creation of NATO. It is comprised largely of militants*from the Muslim Brotherhood*– itself an*asset of British intelligence*– and is funded, supported, and armed by the United States, Israel, and Turkey.The report lends credence to reports filed in November of last year by journalist Webster Tarpley, who visited the Middle Eastern nation.The report mentions an “armed entity’ that is killing civilians and police and conducting terrorist attacks targeting innocent civilians. Casualties from these attacks are attributed to the al-Assad government and used to build a case against Syria in the United Nations.Rebels in Idlib, Syria. Evidence reveals they are supported by the CIA, MI6, and Mossad."

Arab League Report Provides Evidence CIA, MI6, Mossad Behind Violence in Syria | Friends of Syria
You mean to tell us, Frau Sherri, that there were not numerous people in Syria who didn't want to be free of Assad so didn't start acting up against him? How nice to be able to blame other entities. Meanwhile, there are Syrians in the U.S. who actually want to see Assad gone and say that the U.S. and others should start acting on this. I personally don't care which side wins and hope we stay out of it, but it appears that since Shiite Iran is backing Assad, that is one of the main reasons you are championing him. Meanwhile, one of the big players in the Arab League, Saudi Arabia, certainly is pushing to see him gone. The sad thing is that the crazy Islamists had to come in from different Muslim countries to take part in all this because they are hoping that Syria becomes a strict Islamist state which I don't believe the FSA had in mind. We at least have to give Assad credit for being more tolerant when it comes to religion. I don't think he ever acted like the crazy regime we see in Iran.

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