Syrian Air Defenses Shot Down American Missiles

It was a show of farce...
Millions of dollars to blow up 3 buildings. Told Russia and Syria ahead of time so they could clear them out. The airport reporting that it wasn’t even hit.

Then Trump resurrects “Mission Accomplished” during a toilet tweet :laugh:
TDS continues....................Perhaps he should have taken out the Russian Black Fleet.................

Would that make you happy..................

My position on what went down has been clear................and I'm happy it was a limited strike...........

People like you are gonna push this crap to the point of WWIII
He should have done nothing. Well, he basically did nothing. Other than waste millions of dollars worth of missiles.
I wanted nothing done..............until confirmation was beyond a doubt. I still don't believe Assad did this.

Our mission objective .......kill ISIS......leave.

It really is time for us to get out of the middle east. Let those carpet pilot assholes kill each other, or let the chinese and russian eat them

I no longer give a fuck.

I have to agree here, time to get our troopers home!
Somebody let me know if this should ever prove to be more than a rumor or propaganda.
Propaganda. Both sides will obviously claim 100% success. But the reality is, Syria is in ruins. We attacked a another nation that's absolutely no threat to the US. We need revolutionary change in our foreign policy. It's time to end this Permanent War Agenda.
The United States, Great Britain and France launched a missile attack on government facilities in Syria early in the morning of April 14, 2018. According to the British Royal Air Forces representative Air Vice Marshal Gavin Parker, the targets were the research center in Damascus, Mezzeh Military Airport of the Syrian Air Force located near Damascus and several warehouses in Homs where the chemical weapons were allegedly located.


The Buksurface-to-air missile system of the Syrian Air Defense Force at Mezzeh Military Airport

Of course, mainstreammedia started talking immediately about panic among the Syrianmilitary and the infrastructure facilities destruction but thesestatements were far from the truth.

103 missiles are reported were launched in Syria and the Syrian air defense systems managed to shoot down 71 missiles. In particular,five missiles were fired at the Mezze airfield and all of them were destroyed in the air. Thus, the Buk air defense systems accomplished their task successfully.


Mezzeh Military Airport after the U.S. shelling

According to the Syrian military airport photographs, the military equipment and the runways have not been destroyed.At the same time, the smoke is a consequence of launched Buk missiles.

In general, we can say with certainty that the attacks of the United States and its allies were ineffective, the targets were not affected, the critical infrastructure facilities were not destroyed.And most importantly, the Syrian air defenses have fulfilled their mission showing the countries of the West the Syrian land is under reliable protection.
Any proof to your bullshit noob? Do you think we're all stupid? You just joined to post your propaganda lol

They were token attacks. Not meant to actually accomplish anything.
It was a show of farce...
Millions of dollars to blow up 3 buildings. Told Russia and Syria ahead of time so they could clear them out. The airport reporting that it wasn’t even hit.

Then Trump resurrects “Mission Accomplished” during a toilet tweet :laugh:
Stop cheerleading for the enemy dumbass
Trump is far more of an enemy to me than some broken little army on the other side of the planet. Millions of dollars to hit 3 buildings that posed zero threat to the U.S.
They were token attacks. Not meant to actually accomplish anything.
It was a show of farce...
Millions of dollars to blow up 3 buildings. Told Russia and Syria ahead of time so they could clear them out. The airport reporting that it wasn’t even hit.

Then Trump resurrects “Mission Accomplished” during a toilet tweet :laugh:
Stop cheerleading for the enemy dumbass
Trump is far more of an enemy to me than some broken little army on the other side of the planet. Millions of dollars to hit 3 buildings that posed zero threat to the U.S.
I agree it was a dumb move but you are sympathizing with the enemy and endorsing a noob conspiracy thread. Unless you actually believe those inbred towel heads were capable of defeating 70% of our military might.
They were token attacks. Not meant to actually accomplish anything.
It was a show of farce...
Millions of dollars to blow up 3 buildings. Told Russia and Syria ahead of time so they could clear them out. The airport reporting that it wasn’t even hit.

Then Trump resurrects “Mission Accomplished” during a toilet tweet :laugh:
Stop cheerleading for the enemy dumbass
Trump is far more of an enemy to me than some broken little army on the other side of the planet. Millions of dollars to hit 3 buildings that posed zero threat to the U.S.
I agree it was a dumb move but you are sympathizing with the enemy and endorsing a noob conspiracy thread. Unless you actually believe those inbred towel heads were capable of defeating 70% of our military might.
Endorsed the thread? No, just pointing out we accomplished nothing and spent millions of dollars to do so. Meanwhile Assad gets to have some dinner, take a shower, and say MAGA-type things to rally his base.
I wanted nothing done..............until confirmation was beyond a doubt. I still don't believe Assad did this.

Our mission objective .......kill ISIS......leave.
We didn’t bomb ISIS. And they can handle ISIS without us anyways.
Really..........they lost 2/3rds of their country...............the kurds have taken more ground than them with our support.

The tomahawks hit their intended thing about our fire control systems.........they almost NEVER MISS and hit with Pin point accuracy..........................the only time they ever miss is due to a malfunction .............and Syria shot down nothing............tomahawks fly low to the ground making them almost impossible to detect let alone shoot down............they hug the ground.........then go up and down like a fish hook at the target.
Yes tomahawk missiles are great. That’s why it costs millions of dollars to fire them.

3 buildings hit, no chemical weapons destroyed.
Their ability to manufacture chems has been severely hampered. Fact.
Lol yeah... see you at next year’s chemical attack thread, buddy :itsok:
I don't think so. This President is actually doing something, rather than your muslim errand boy that occupied the oval office previously.
It was a show of farce...
Millions of dollars to blow up 3 buildings. Told Russia and Syria ahead of time so they could clear them out. The airport reporting that it wasn’t even hit.

Then Trump resurrects “Mission Accomplished” during a toilet tweet :laugh:
Stop cheerleading for the enemy dumbass
Trump is far more of an enemy to me than some broken little army on the other side of the planet. Millions of dollars to hit 3 buildings that posed zero threat to the U.S.
I agree it was a dumb move but you are sympathizing with the enemy and endorsing a noob conspiracy thread. Unless you actually believe those inbred towel heads were capable of defeating 70% of our military might.
Endorsed the thread? No, just pointing out we accomplished nothing and spent millions of dollars to do so. Meanwhile Assad gets to have some dinner, take a shower, and say MAGA-type things to rally his base.
You dont know what was or wasn't accomplished. Unless you're going to pretend you have private investigators on the ground.
Your hate for trump clouds your critical thinking.
read some military history
the enemy ALWAYS over claims
there is no way they shot down 70% of the incoming missiles
Regardless...70% intercept rate is pretty damn good. Especially when we consider the fact that the Russians are claiming that their S400 system was not even utilized during the attack.
NATO jets didn't break Syrian airspace either. If they had we may be reading about downed jets as well. That Russian system looks like the real deal.
Regardless...70% intercept rate is pretty damn good. Especially when we consider the fact that the Russians are claiming that their S400 system was not even utilized during the attack.
NATO jets didn't break Syrian airspace either. If they had we may be reading about downed jets as well. That Russian system looks like the real deal.
there is no way they shot down 70%
Regardless...70% intercept rate is pretty damn good. Especially when we consider the fact that the Russians are claiming that their S400 system was not even utilized during the attack.
NATO jets didn't break Syrian airspace either. If they had we may be reading about downed jets as well. That Russian system looks like the real deal.

But remember, it's propaganda. Both sides will obviously claim 100% success. They likely did shoot a few missiles down, but some got through.
no freakin way they shot down 70%
you people are military illiterate
Regardless...70% intercept rate is pretty damn good. Especially when we consider the fact that the Russians are claiming that their S400 system was not even utilized during the attack.
NATO jets didn't break Syrian airspace either. If they had we may be reading about downed jets as well. That Russian system looks like the real deal.
A fool is born every minute lol
There is plenty of video footage of missiles coming in on TV and all over social media. You know what there isn't any footage of?

Missiles exploding in the air because they were shot down.

You people are ignorant

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