Tagg Romney Wanted to take a Swing at President Obama

Hmmmm....Violence, huh? This whole family has foot in mouth disease. Terrible! Where is the secret service on this? The familily of elites who feel entitled to be jerks!

Tagg Romney wanted to take a swing at Obama during the Debate

Bill LuMay, WPTF talk radio: What is it like for you to hear the President of the United States call your dad a liar?

Tagg Romney: Well, you want to jump out of your seat and rush down to the debate stage and take a swing at him.

It was clearly a joke. I am currently laughing because of out of all the news that came out today this is what you wanted to post. It is so ridiculous that you would even post something like this, and act as if it is some scandalous story. There is a lot more bigger, and more important scandalous activities going on currently.

I will even give you the benefit of the doubt, and we will say the Tagg was completely serious about swinging at the president. I think that when most people feel that someone is bad mouthing a person they hold dearly, they would too have the urge to swing at that person. Its human emotion.

I will give you one more. Let the secret service come after Tagg and arrest him, and then lets see how the american people appreciate that gesture. Then I think you will see just how ridiculous your statement is.

He is just regurgitating what the lefty blogs and funny papers and MSM talking heads are all fired up about currently. Talking points that the left gather daily and issue to their loyal mindless subjects.
What son would not want to punch some low life who calls his father a liar?

Especially if that low life happens to be in a high office?

Well, he is a liar.

And, as a matter of common sense, you don't say that about the President.

If Obama had a son his age and said that about Romney, would it be o.k?

Just common sense.

He can think it, but he needs to keep it to himself.

I mean look-now it's a news story. Does his dad need that to be a news story?

Tagg should know how Politics works better than that.
What son would not want to punch some low life who calls his father a liar?

Especially if that low life happens to be in a high office?

Well, he is a liar.

And, as a matter of common sense, you don't say that about the President.

If Obama had a son his age and said that about Romney, would it be o.k?

Just common sense.

He can think it, but he needs to keep it to himself.

I mean look-now it's a news story. Does his dad need that to be a news story?

Tagg should know how Politics works better than that.

Or maybe the media should focus on what truly is news and not something Tagg Romney said.

Deflection. Let's discuss anything but this sucky dismal economy under this administration. Big Bird losing his government stipend and Tagg speaking like many men might is truly worthy of top billing in the news cycle.
Well I guess being told by A DEMOCRAT Representative they would like to help send us to hell isn't nearly as big as some kid spouting off..

Oh well
Well I guess being told by A DEMOCRAT Representative they would like to help send us to hell isn't nearly as big as some kid spouting off..

Oh well

The irony is that many Dems on the boards I read cheered and high fived her for that wish.

Now let's review this very important moment for clarity and context. Faux lefty outrage aside.

Radio host: "What is it like for you to hear the President of the United States call your dad a liar?”

Tagg Romney: “Well, you want to jump out of your seat and you want to rush down to the stage and take a swing at him,” Tagg said, laughing.
“But you know you can’t do that because, well, first because there’s a lot of Secret Service between you and him, but also because that’s the nature of the process.”
“They’re gonna try to do everything they can do to try to make my dad into someone he’s not. We signed up for it, we’ve gotta try to kind of sit there and take our punches, and then send them right back the other way,” Tagg continued.
What son would not want to punch some low life who calls his father a liar?

Especially if that low life happens to be in a high office?

Well, he is a liar.

And, as a matter of common sense, you don't say that about the President.

If Obama had a son his age and said that about Romney, would it be o.k?

Just common sense.

He can think it, but he needs to keep it to himself.

I mean look-now it's a news story. Does his dad need that to be a news story?

Tagg should know how Politics works better than that.

No doubt, Obama IS a liar. A cover-up artist, the likes of which has not been witnessed since Nixon. Of course, Nixon had the courage, integrity, honesty and decency to resign, qualities that this President doesn't have and never will.

Biden's son is a lawyer. Not that there is anything wrong with that. But he had a chance to enlist but never did.

On the other hand, Sarah Palin's son just about four years ago was on his way to battle. Was he or Sarah Palin given any respect for that?

As a matter of common sense, one has the First Amendment to protect everyone to say anything about anybody, short of slander.

Right now there are TWO people running for the office of the President of The United States. One happens to be the incumbent. But that does not give him the right to demand any more respect than his competitor. An Olympic running champion does not get a head start in a race against other runners, and neither should the President.

When one has to keep something to himself, - according to you - the freedom of speech is gone forever.

No, it should not be a news story that a son wants to punch out a low life that calls his father a liar. Actually it is far less offensive than what Sarah Palin, her teenage daughter and her baby have been called by those ever so loving and tolerant and kind liberals who take offense when someone calls them out on their hypocrisy.
The guy has to make love to a turkey baster to have a baby. Look at him, nothing like soft squishy girly boys. Better he doesn't "swing", he might get hurt. Better he "slaps".

Tag swings and misses, then it's Obama's turn. He knows he would kill Tag with a man swing, so he gives him a "bitch slap".

The guy has to make love to a turkey baster to have a baby. Look at him, nothing like soft squishy girly boys. Better he doesn't "swing", he might get hurt. Better he "slaps".

Tag swings and misses, then it's Obama's turn. He knows he would kill Tag with a man swing, so he gives him a "bitch slap".


Obama should stick with his only strength and do nothing else:

Tagg? Did Palin name Romneys kid?

:lol: Same thought crossed my mind. Must be a different baby naming book than I used.

What the Hell is the difference?????????????

To a Muslim, or a Japanese person or a Tajic or a Sudanese, Keith and John and George and Jennifer and Catherine and Paul and Gavin and Morgan and Steven and Elizabeth and Frank would sound just as weird.

A name is only a name. No one should question the validity of a name.
What son would not want to punch some low life who calls his father a liar?

Especially if that low life happens to be in a high office?

Well, he is a liar.

And, as a matter of common sense, you don't say that about the President.

If Obama had a son his age and said that about Romney, would it be o.k?

Just common sense.

He can think it, but he needs to keep it to himself.

I mean look-now it's a news story. Does his dad need that to be a news story?

Tagg should know how Politics works better than that.

Pretty much. I'm sure YOU would be applauding.
Tagg? Did Palin name Romneys kid?

:lol: Same thought crossed my mind. Must be a different baby naming book than I used.

What the Hell is the difference?????????????

To a Muslim, or a Japanese person or a Tajic or a Sudanese, Keith and John and George and Jennifer and Catherine and Paul and Gavin and Morgan and Steven and Elizabeth and Frank would sound just as weird.

A name is only a name. No one should question the validity of a name.

lol Lighten up FJO. I thought what he said was amusing. I honestly love unique names but the fact is the name "Tagg" does sound like it could be a Palin name. I am hardly questioning the "validity" of it. haha Geesh. Chill. :razz:
They don't seem to understand why the polls haven't moved.

Now they have.

Factor in the fact that early voting has begun (early voters are no longer "likely" voters, thus excluded) who have been overwhelmingly voting Obama.

"overwhelmingly"?...Don't use big words you don't understand.
First, this is from a blog printed in a newspaper that offers no objection to it's label as a liberal publication. That means, you posted AN OPINION...Not a news story.
Now, let's examine this and how it relates to your use of the adverb "overhwemingly"..
Oh before I move on, you will be reminded that in your reply the descriptor "cherry picking" is an unacceptable response. I used YOUR link..If you post it, you live by it.
Quote...."Registered Democrats are voting at levels that are either equal to or exceeding the 2008 elections as a percentage of votes cast so far,” said political science professor Michael McDonald".....Ok, where is HIS research? Why has this not been presented? Are we to simply take his word for it?
Quote....Many states don’t supply party registration as part of early voting results. But information from those that do suggest that reports of waning Democratic enthusiasm in 2012 may be overstated, McDonald said. In Iowa, the state with the largest share of the electorate voting early (14.2 percent) Democrats have a nearly 2-to-1 edge (52 percent to 28 percent) among the 220,000 early votes cast. The margin is narrower when it comes to absentee ballot requests (48-30) and Republicans have gained ground there in recent weeks."..
Again, this is highly preliminary. Partisan data is not available in most states. I think this Michael Mc Donald just may be a slight Obama supporter. Why waste time doing a study if the vast majority of data which would help draw a a conclusion which would give a significant indication of voting data validity?
BTW, Iowa is a small state which leans to candidates who strongly favor unfettered and continued growth in farm subsidies.
Quote...."In Florida, Republicans have a four-point margin in party registration of early voters (44-40), but that is down considerably over the 12 point edge they enjoyed in 2008."
OOPS....BTW how do we know Mc Donald's study is doing an equal comparison? His blog does not state at which date the study takes into account? Is he comparing this year's numbers to those of the results of post election day 2008? Or is he comparing up to the same time before election day 2008? We do not know. Mc Donald never provided that information. Double OOPS.
"“The unknown question here is whether the Obama campaign is simply harvesting votes they would have gotten anyway or are actually activating people who would not have otherwise voted,” McDonald said...
So the WashPO in it's desire to see Obama reelected, has used a blog from an obviously biased study. This is another foolish attempt on the part of the liberal media to send the message that "it's over GOP voters. Don't bother showing up to vote"....
Overwhelmingly ..My ASS...

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