Take pride that you are not fooled.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
In 1965 Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a prominent politician in the Democratic Party and a trained sociologist, issued the Moynihan Report containing criticisms of the War on Poverty and its propensity to encourage women to reproduce outside of marriage by financing a government-gifted livelihood for out-of-wedlock births. The War on Poverty and its cohort, the Great society, simultaneously obliterated the historical concept of paternal responsibility and intact families. The predictable explosion of single motherhood across all racial demographics grew government programs by leaps and bounds with an accompanying, foreseeable degradation of personal responsibility and individual initiative among growing factions of the population and it continues to grow today.

One of the major problems with running a planned society in a government-implemented orphan state is drugs and crime which are rampant in the US. It doesn’t help that Mexico’s largest import to the United States is illegal drugs and the shady relationship between Mexico and the American political establishment should be studied without the veil of political correctness that protects it. The political establishment that includes both major parties is heavily invested in maintaining a status quo and that includes nurturing a population managed by drugs because people on drugs are easy to control and seldom question their circumstances so long as their supply of illegal chemicals is guaranteed by easy access and affordable pricing.

But there is an additional dilemma to this construct and that is a dangerous lowering of the collective intelligence of average US citizens. America is the most powerful representative of the free world. Its military capability is unsurpassed and unequalled. But a chain is only as strong as its weakest link and the political establishment here has been functioning to keep itself nested in a protected privileged ivory tower at the expense of the everyday citizen. They have been doing this by selling out their brethren to globalization which deprives working citizens of a dignified livelihood to benefit foreign interests that pay them both on and under the table.

There are very few Americans left from the generation that lived through the Great Depression and World War Two and the number of Baby Boomers is on the decline but they will vividly recall that America has always survived and thrived by example not by submission. This may not be possible today due to the unfortunate circumstance that the political establishment in the US has been using Mexico as the world’s largest drugstore to degrade the frontal lobes and cloud the judgement of its citizens while it presides over policies to deliver Americans into the concentration camps of globalization.

Anyone who has worked in an industry that once produced quality products can easily understand how this works. Global initiatives foisted onto American workers under the fraudulent patch of ISO 9000 and 90001 where jackbooted stooges enter a workplace and pretend to know what they are looking for while they supposedly gauge the global proficiency of an industry provide comic relief to workers. The workers laugh because they can see that junk is going out the door like it never did before because the management is clinically inept. They also see that highly trained, experienced engineers are running out of the place like they are trying to escape a nuclear blast. It’s pretty evident that the management of much of our industry is being purposely populated with nitwits because it’s in the plan for them to fail. Hubble Telescope anyone?

The first thing we need to do is get the United Nations out of the United States. Then we need to purge the entire political establishment of America. The Pelosi’s and the McCain’s have been lining their pockets long enough. We finally have a President who actually represents the people and wants to bring back prosperity but the globalist interests in both parties are counting on a cognitively challenged population drunk on Mexican Kool Aid to swallow their absurd accusations that there is a communist plot in the White House. These interests have everything invested in destroying the American way of life. They were taken by surprise by the elections and they will stop at nothing to take down the result. Carry on and take pride that you are not fooled.

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