Take That NFL: You lost your fans

Yes its so cool for cops shoot unarmed black men and for the white cops to get off. Conservatives need to stop politicizing everything and the DOD should not be paying leagues to stand for the anthem.

So its a requirement for a black man to be armed to be shot? Problem is, the vast majority of blacks are shot by other blacks, not by whites and certainly not by white cops.

But don't let facts get in the way.

So please don't pretend you give a rats ass about these ghetto niggas getting killed on the streets.
They don't.
Can you imagine this being a subject at an MBA course near you? I sure can.

"How to take a massive, Right to Print money business, with excessive revenue streams, a loyal consumer base that reaches citizens while they are young and keeps them emotionally attached to a "product" (home team) for the rest of their lives. Which is not only one of a kind but also has for all intents and purposes no competition...and SCREW IT UP!"
It's as addictive as OxyContin.
Excuse me while I laugh at the idiotic notion that an organization that makes wife beaters, rapists,murderers,drug dealers and other assorted criminals rich and famous playing a game...now throwing a superior attitude at the fans about " racial profiling" by law enforcement. Please. Who are they trying to kid. The players don't like cops because most of them are criminals themselves.
Excuse me while I laugh at the idiotic notion that an organization that makes wife beaters, rapists,murderers,drug dealers and other assorted criminals rich and famous playing a game...now throwing a superior attitude at the fans about " racial profiling" by law enforcement. Please. Who are they trying to kid. The players don't like cops because most of them are criminals themselves.

When white cops get away with killing unarmed black men, then its called social injustice.
heard 2. 5 million viewers tuned out last week


Sure, uh-huh....

Fox sees big jump in ratings for Week 4 NFL coverage

Also, attendance is at an all time high, averaging 69,766 fans per game.

2017 NFL Football Attendance - National Football League - ESPN

From the end of August to the end of September, the favorable ratings for the NFL have dropped from 57 percent to 44 percent, and it has the highest unfavorable rating – 40 percent – of any big sport, according to the Winston Group survey provided exclusively to Secrets.

The Winston Poll from the Washington-based Winston Group found that the attitude of those fans went from an August rating of 73 percent favorable and 19 percent unfavorable to 42 percent favorable and 47 percent unfavorable, a remarkable turn against the sport.

According to the poll analysis, “more critically for the NFL, the fall off in favorables occurred among important audiences. Among males, NFL favorables fell 23 percent, going from 68 percent to 45 percent. In looking at a more specific audience, males 34-54, NFL favorables fell 31 percent, going from 73 percent to 42 percent. Among this group the NFL has a surprising negative image, as it went from +54 percent in August to -5 percent in September.”

Shock poll: NFL now least liked sport, core fans down 31%
Sadly for you, unfavorability ratings don’t translate into TV ratings or attendance, both of which were up last week.

poor you

You’re the one cryin’ like a bitch, not me.

C'ya faun have fun trollin someone else
Libs need to stop politicizing everything. Americans will not support it.

Shock poll: NFL now least liked sport, core fans down 31%

Yes its so cool for cops shoot unarmed black men and for the white cops to get off. Conservatives need to stop politicizing everything and the DOD should not be paying leagues to stand for the anthem.
You talking about the black guy that robbed a store, and then charged at a cop? The guy got what he deserved. Oh, and I don't care if he was white or black, if you charge at a cop. You are putting your life in his hands.
Unarmed Caregiver: Cops 'Don't Know' Why They Shot Me

I haven't completely stopped watching, but I'm at just a fraction of where I normally would be as far as how much time I would have invested in watching.

Family members who like me are former military, have dropped it altogether.

Not a thing to do about military but about racial injustice. You should quit getting your news from T's tweets.

You guys don't get it, who continue to claim this has nothing to do with the military.

Here's the point. While the content of their protests have nothing to do with the military, sitting or kneeling during our Anthem, is especially offensive to members of the military, past and present.

Understand now?

What should be offensive to the military is social injustice that they are suppose to be fighting for.

Sure, uh-huh....

Fox sees big jump in ratings for Week 4 NFL coverage

Also, attendance is at an all time high, averaging 69,766 fans per game.

2017 NFL Football Attendance - National Football League - ESPN

From the end of August to the end of September, the favorable ratings for the NFL have dropped from 57 percent to 44 percent, and it has the highest unfavorable rating – 40 percent – of any big sport, according to the Winston Group survey provided exclusively to Secrets.

The Winston Poll from the Washington-based Winston Group found that the attitude of those fans went from an August rating of 73 percent favorable and 19 percent unfavorable to 42 percent favorable and 47 percent unfavorable, a remarkable turn against the sport.

According to the poll analysis, “more critically for the NFL, the fall off in favorables occurred among important audiences. Among males, NFL favorables fell 23 percent, going from 68 percent to 45 percent. In looking at a more specific audience, males 34-54, NFL favorables fell 31 percent, going from 73 percent to 42 percent. Among this group the NFL has a surprising negative image, as it went from +54 percent in August to -5 percent in September.”

Shock poll: NFL now least liked sport, core fans down 31%
Sadly for you, unfavorability ratings don’t translate into TV ratings or attendance, both of which were up last week.

poor you

You’re the one cryin’ like a bitch, not me.

C'ya faun have fun trollin someone else
I never said I was protesting. I just chose not to give the NFL my money for that week.
You gave them your money already if you have season tickets.
I plan on attending games later in the year, unless my team kneels. They didn't kneel this week. However, if you want to put your money where your mouth is I'll sell my tickets to you so you can be a no show. Deal? Or are YOU the hypocrite?
I am not against the protests. I'm in favor of them because it triggers Trumpflakes. However, buying tickets from you would just give you money, and I don't see any reason to reward your butthurt.

Ah, you hate Trump. Now I get it. I thought you were a Trump supporter giving me crap because I refuse to eat the cost of my tickets. It's easy enough to sell my tickets when I don't want to go. So yea, they aren't getting my money for any given week.

But seriously, you have no horse in the race except to hope Trump supporters get mad? What a pathetic existence you lead. At least I stand (literally) for a principle. If I choose not to go any week it's easy to get my money back. Someone else can go. So our debate is all because you still can't get over Trump's victory. Dude, that's the ultimare in BUTT HURT!.. LOL Trump is in the White House. I got my money back the week my team took a knee and yesterday my team is back to standing - and they won! Life is good for us Trump supporters! Deal...
Libs need to stop politicizing everything. Americans will not support it.

Shock poll: NFL now least liked sport, core fans down 31%

Yes its so cool for cops shoot unarmed black men and for the white cops to get off. Conservatives need to stop politicizing everything and the DOD should not be paying leagues to stand for the anthem.
You talking about the black guy that robbed a store, and then charged at a cop? The guy got what he deserved. Oh, and I don't care if he was white or black, if you charge at a cop. You are putting your life in his hands.
Unarmed Caregiver: Cops 'Don't Know' Why They Shot Me

Unfortunately there are bad cops and I hope he got what he deserved. But having to go back over a year ago, proves my point that it doesn't happen as often you wish it did. Oh, and by the way, Colin said he would stop kneeling if he could get on a team. So he is a sell out, and I guess you are to.
Fuck the NFL

Seems very whitey of you. To follow in the whitey boots of the past.

I never said I was protesting. I just chose not to give the NFL my money for that week.
You gave them your money already if you have season tickets.
I plan on attending games later in the year, unless my team kneels. They didn't kneel this week. However, if you want to put your money where your mouth is I'll sell my tickets to you so you can be a no show. Deal? Or are YOU the hypocrite?
I am not against the protests. I'm in favor of them because it triggers Trumpflakes. However, buying tickets from you would just give you money, and I don't see any reason to reward your butthurt.

Ah, you hate Trump. Now I get it. I thought you were a Trump supporter giving me crap because I refuse to eat the cost of my tickets. It's easy enough to sell my tickets when I don't want to go. So yea, they aren't getting my money for any given week.

But seriously, you have no horse in the race except to hope Trump supporters get mad? What a pathetic existence you lead. At least I stand (literally) for a principle. If I choose not to go any week it's easy to get my money back. Someone else can go. So our debate is all because you still can't get over Trump's victory. Dude, that's the ultimare in BUTT HURT!.. LOL Trump is in the White House. I got my money back the week my team took a knee and yesterday my team is back to standing - and they won! Life is good for us Trump supporters! Deal...
Hilarious how you are wrong yet again. I don't hate Trump, as I have never met Trump. I simply thoroughly enjoy watching fools get angry at stupid shit. So thank you for that at least.

It is interesting how now suddenly it's easy to get rid of your tickets, but when we started you were whining about how it was more difficult. Let me know when you decide which story to go with.

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk
Yes its so cool for cops shoot unarmed black men and for the white cops to get off.

From all I've seen, our police officers are shooting criminals. Some of these criminals, after the fact, have been found to be unarmed. So what? When dealing with criminals, it must be assumed they are armed or you put yourself in jeopardy.

I applaud all police officers for protecting the public and themselves when dealing appropriately with criminals.
Fuck due process though, amirite?

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