Take the 3 min test to see which candidate mirrors your views

Interesting results. More people making pragmatic decisions, like Bernie
Trump with 80% which is who I am backing and already voted for. Sanders comes in 5th with 57% which is bout right...like the guy on a lot of issues.
I came out 80 percent Ted Cruz.

The test took a lot more than three minutes because I chose to answer all the extra questions.

I don't know how such a poll could determine what percentage Trump you are, unless you are a person who never says the same thing twice and were a far left Democrat nine months ago.
did you opt for the more nuanced answers as I did or simply choose the yes or no for all of them
I chose the more nuanced answers. I also chose to answer the extra questions. You can take a short version of the poll, or you can take a much longer version. I took the longer version.





I clicked on all of these ^
I took them both - short form first and long form second. It makes a difference in the overall result. Considering that my percentage for Johnson did not budge an inch but everyone else dropped it makes me think that the short form is very biased to the standard candidates. More than likely because of what is in the news and what the candidates respond to as well as the questions that are asked. I would note that many of the questions were also somewhat difficult to answer as there really was not a good selection. Something that will always be an issue with a multiple choice answer to very complex and nuanced concepts.



More interesting IMHO is the political themes portion. It was more accurate than I would have thought.

Your political themes
Privacy vs Security
You side moderately towards “Privacy”, meaning you believe the government should not undermine the rights and privacy of its citizens under the guise of national security. This theme is most important to you.

Capitalism vs Socialism
You side moderately towards “Capitalism”, meaning you support an economic system that features private ownership of wealth. This theme is most important to you.

Globalization vs Protectionism
You side strongly towards “Globalization”, meaning you strongly believe globalization is necessary in order to increase the economic strength, prosperity, and standard of living of the nation. This theme is most important to you.

Environmentalism vs Anthropocentrism
You side strongly towards “Anthropocentrism”, meaning you strongly believe humankind is the central element of existence. This theme is most important to you.

Laissez-faire vs Keynesian
You side strongly towards “Laissez-faire”, meaning you strongly believe government intervention in economic markets leads to long term negative results. This theme is more important to you.

Small Government vs Big Government
You side strongly towards “Small Government”, meaning you strongly believe the government is overly bureaucratic, inefficient, and wasteful. This theme is more important to you.

Collectivism vs Individualism
You side strongly towards “Individualism”, meaning you strongly support free market policies that create opportunity for personal liberty and success. This theme is more important to you.

Regulation vs Deregulation
You side moderately towards “Deregulation”, meaning you believe that government regulation stifles innovation and economic prosperity. This theme is more important to you.

Centralization vs Decentralization
You side extremely towards “Decentralization”, meaning you very strongly believe that administrative power and decision making should be handled at the local level and serve the best interests of the local community. This theme is more important to you.

Populism vs Elitism
You side slightly towards “Populism”, meaning you more often believe decisions are best made when everyone has a say. This theme is somewhat important to you.

Tough vs Tender
You side slightly towards “Tough”, meaning you more often believe in tough love and have little sympathy for those that break the law or make bad choices. This theme is somewhat important to you.

Pacifism vs Militarism
You side slightly towards “Militarism”, meaning you more often believe we should use whatever force necessary to protect ourselves against foreign threats. This theme is somewhat important to you.

Multiculturalism vs Assimilation
You side strongly towards “Assimilation”, meaning you strongly believe we should be a unified culture. This theme is somewhat important to you.

Traditional vs Progressive
You are a centrist on Traditional and Progressive issues. This theme is somewhat important to you.
Ben Carson, Cruz and Rubio round out my top 3.

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