Take the Tide pod challenge today!!!!!!


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
You gotta freaking be kidding me. I just heard this on the nightly news, and had to go look it up myself online. Seems that now, kids are daring each other to take the Tide pod challenge by putting one in their mouth and taking a selfie to prove they did.

I'm not kidding................this is a real thing, even Snopes verifies that teenagers are really this stupid.

Don't they realize that the plastic that coats those things isn't really plastic, but a solid coating that dissolves in water? As soon as it contacts the saliva in your mouth, it's gonna melt and start leaking. There has even been a death associated with this.

Please, talk to your kids and tell them this is a bad idea. If necessary, show them how quickly one dissolves in a glass of water, as well as remind them that the coating itself is toxic as well.

Teens are daring each other to eat Tide pods. We don't need to tell you that's a bad idea.
Don't tell your kids about this, don't advise them to not take the challenge.

Let darwins theory run it's course, the country, nay, the world will thank you for getting rid of anyone so dumb.
If I raised a kid that stupid, I'd tell him to eat the whole box.

You know Billy, it's not always stupidity that can cause teenagers to do stupid things, it can also be because of peer pressure and wanting to be in the "cool crowd".

Remember a few years back when they were trying to chug an entire gallon of milk? Most ended up puking their guts out after about a quart to half gallon. Nobody can chug an entire gallon of milk, there is too much there for the body to process.

And then, there was that other little gem called the cinnamon challenge, where kids tried to swallow an entire spoonful of cinnamon. Some injured themselves quite badly on that one as well, because they ended up inhaling the cinnamon and damaging their lungs.
If I raised a kid that stupid, I'd tell him to eat the whole box.

You know Billy, it's not always stupidity that can cause teenagers to do stupid things, it can also be because of peer pressure and wanting to be in the "cool crowd".

Remember a few years back when they were trying to chug an entire gallon of milk? Most ended up puking their guts out after about a quart to half gallon. Nobody can chug an entire gallon of milk, there is too much there for the body to process.

And then, there was that other little gem called the cinnamon challenge, where kids tried to swallow an entire spoonful of cinnamon. Some injured themselves quite badly on that one as well, because they ended up inhaling the cinnamon and damaging their lungs.

It's stupidity, plain and simple. If you're stupid, you choose stupid friends who do stupid things.

No crowd is cool eating laundry detergent. They are merely stupid. They are the equals of the glue-sniffers when I was in school.
It's better they do this then get a sex change
Like the dopes that climb 1,500 ft cranes on buildings and dangle by one arm while taking a video with a selfie stick.

It has to be EXTREEEME. What's next, douse yourself in kerosene and see how close to a fire you can get without bursting into flames? Or maybe they'll start hiding in the baggage compartment of airliners to see who can survive the longest? Or the wheel-well. The put your hand into a bag of scorpions challenge!?

Here's a challenge you young idiots, see how long you can resist being one of the morons that has to join one of these 'social challenges'.
You know, I kinda blame the internet for some of this stupidity. Why? Because it makes toxic stupidity easier to pass. Especially when it goes viral.

And, some people will do ANYTHING to get attention. A little while back, there was some lady that threw acid on her own face and claimed it was a terrorist attack. She did it just to get attention, but will now be disfigured for the rest of her life.

Same thing with that other idiot that carved her own forehead.
Get rid of the illegals. These kids need to be working 4-8 hours per day at McDonalds or similar. They would be too tired to play around and invent "challenges". Age 13 and up. Do something AND schoool AND homework AND chores. Get a bus pass, get to work. No more laying around doped up on XBox.
Get rid of the illegals. These kids need to be working 4-8 hours per day at McDonalds or similar. They would be too tired to play around and invent "challenges". Age 13 and up. Do something AND schoool AND homework AND chores. Get a bus pass, get to work. No more laying around doped up on XBox.

Hate to tell you but that isn't going to stop people from doing stupid things and hoping that their video goes viral so they can get some fame.
I would love to take this challenge, but I filled up on furniture polish earlier.
Well, decades ago they were huffing and sniffing glue and gas. At least they got high. Do Tide pods make you high or something? What a spectacular moronic idea.
Well, decades ago they were huffing and sniffing glue and gas. At least they got high. Do Tide pods make you high or something? What a spectacular moronic idea.

No, they don't make you high. They melt in your mouth and poison you. I think the reason they are doing this is to show they can put it in their mouth, take the selfie, and spit it out before the detergent leaks out.
I liked the idiot that had his girlfriend shoot him in the chest with a .50 cal and expecting a book to stop the round for likes on youtube.

You would have thought that he would have at least checked what would happen first by firing at a phone book that was mounted to a board. Just thinking it would work without testing it on something that won't die first gets him a Darwin Award.

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