Taking early bets on Texas massacre lawsuit.

Yes, because armed students is such a good idea

They seemed to do just fine. I can't think of a single incident when guns were allowed on campus. It's only the woke mob, incompetent, whiney, incapable of wiping their own asses who seem to have a problem. And they lash out like the infant children that they are.
Hardy har har.
:) :) :)
Anyway, despite your tasteless joke, guns were banned in the school, so as usual thanks to the fact that no adult could be armed (except of course of the law breaking criminal shooter) the school became a shooting gallery, and the shooter knew going in he would not get any resistance until the cops showed up.
It always makes me smirk when I hear Americans say things like that or that blasting people to smithereens "is a fact of life". Have you ever been to Europe and wondered why blasting people to smithereens just doesn't happen? Is it the people .... is it the guns ..... is it the weather .... a-n-d ... are Europeans Fascists ("removing guns is the first step to Fascism!") Hardy-ho Hardy-ho Hardy-ho!
They should not pay anything. The federal government should pay every motherfucking penny of it.
Chickenshit Texas police failed to stop the school shooter.

FEDERAL AGENTS went in & stopped that terrorist.

Texas Owes the Feds millions for doing their jobs & Texas owes those families hundred's of millions.
Chickenshit Texas police failed to stop the school shooter.
Well now, the population of Texas is about 30 million and each one of those idiots owns a gun and likes to shoot it. The number of gun-toting police officers in Texas is only about 80,000. Do the math.
If this happened in Cali you'd keep that clap crap shut woudn't you mother fucker

Your indoctrination of hate in these public indoctrination camps is the cause

You want this to happen.You fucking enjoy it pathetic pofs

Do don’t have the common sense God gave a goose.

Indoctrination? Hate camps?? You parrot all of this right wing garbage and lies and then talk about “indoctrination”.

You are a living example of indoctrination and brainwashing.
:)I remember when guns were banned so Bif & Johnnie had to make zip guns and the worst injury was a “flesh wound”. Ban guns and let’s get back to the good ole days! :)
Watching that video leaves one baffled. What were they doing standing there for over an hour while the deranged sicko is doing the unthinkable? Is this proper protocol in Texas police training?
:)I remember when guns were banned so Bif & Johnnie had to make zip guns and the worst injury was a “flesh wound”. Ban guns and let’s get back to the good ole days! :)
Come get them commie.
:) :) :)

It always makes me smirk when I hear Americans say things like that or that blasting people to smithereens "is a fact of life". Have you ever been to Europe and wondered why blasting people to smithereens just doesn't happen? Is it the people .... is it the guns ..... is it the weather .... a-n-d ... are Europeans Fascists ("removing guns is the first step to Fascism!") Hardy-ho Hardy-ho Hardy-ho!
Stay out of here commie.
Chickenshit Texas police failed to stop the school shooter.

FEDERAL AGENTS went in & stopped that terrorist.

Texas Owes the Feds millions for doing their jobs & Texas owes those families hundred's of millions.

No....the Uvalde police failed......a Border Patrol Agent who came in from off duty killed the attacker.......
:) :) :)

It always makes me smirk when I hear Americans say things like that or that blasting people to smithereens "is a fact of life". Have you ever been to Europe and wondered why blasting people to smithereens just doesn't happen? Is it the people .... is it the guns ..... is it the weather .... a-n-d ... are Europeans Fascists ("removing guns is the first step to Fascism!") Hardy-ho Hardy-ho Hardy-ho!

No...in Europe the only blasted some people into mass graves, the other of the 15 million they murdered were gassed to death.....at the point of a gun....

As I have pointed out on other threads....

.what if we averaged the number of gun murders over the entire history of the United States.... 246 years.

This won't include all gun deaths, since even here, the majority are done by the government against our citizens....see the democrat party Civil War.......

So....I took 10,000 as an average number of gun murders.....some years more, some years less....later we can even bump that number up...but (spoiler), it won't change the underlying truth...

Soooo...10,000 gun murders a year X 246..... punch that in to the calculator ( who has time for doing it by hand....)

We get?

2,460,000 gun murders......I know, I know.....gun crime in the early colonies didn't reach 10,000 murders a year....you only get that if you look at the future democrat party members and what they would do to their slaves....


246 years....and we average out to 2,460,000 gun murders........

What about old Europe.....

in the 6 years between 1939-1945 when the socialists in German and their conquered countries began to murder their citizens.....what was the grand total of their murder?

15 million....innocent men, women and children.......

I don't know about you, but I went to public school, but I can still see how those numbers are falling out....and..........the United States gun murder isn't the biggest problem when it comes to murder.....

Now.....I know...this is going to cause major butt hurt among the left wing, anti-gun fanatics out there...they will cry out about the most recent gun murder numbers after 5 years of the democrat party attacking the police...forcing them to not do their jobs....and the democrat party refusing to prosecute gun criminals....and then releasing gun criminals from jail and prison like they were on sale.....so we have a higher rate of gun murder because of the democrats and their policies...

So heck....let's indulge them like the spoiled little infants that they are....

Lets bump up the average number of gun murders to 20,000.....which is far more than the actual average, but I am a generous kinda guy....

20,000 X 246 years = 4,920,000

over 246 years....

Again...matching that to Europe....

1939-1945..... 6 years.....

15 million murdered...........

The gun murders in the U.S...the vast majority of the victims are criminals...murdered by other criminals as they engage in crime........and their unfortunate friends and family caught in that crossfire....

In Europe?

The vast majority of the murdered were innocent men, women and children.....not collateral from the socialist war....simply murdered by their governments.....

Nope...........not freaking giving up our guns cause anti-gun fanatics tell us to trust the government.....

Expect to see these calculations in future discussions.....

As to the 15,000,000 million number...the source...



German socialists

By genocide, the murder of hostages, reprisal raids, forced labor, "euthanasia," starvation, exposure, medical experiments, and terror bombing, and in the concentration and death camps, the Nazis murdered from 15,003,000 to 31,595,000 people, most likely 20,946,000 men, women, handicapped, aged, sick, prisoners of war, forced laborers, camp inmates, critics, homosexuals, Jews, Slavs, Serbs, Germans, Czechs, Italians, Poles, French, Ukrainians, and many others. Among them 1,000,000 were children under eighteen years of age.1

And none of these monstrous figures even include civilian and military combat or war-deaths

Chickenshit Texas police failed to stop the school shooter.

FEDERAL AGENTS went in & stopped that terrorist.

Texas Owes the Feds millions for doing their jobs & Texas owes those families hundred's of millions.
That poster is spot on.

View attachment 649688

Kind of funny when the 1 million a year doesn't mean much.
The FBI conducted background checks for new firearms purchases and approved more than 2 times that last month.

They not only know what we have and are approving the sells ... They know we are arming ourselves to the teeth.

Grab a soapbox and sell some more firearms promoting Gun Control.
I appreciate your assistance in helping arm the People.

No....the Uvalde police failed......a Border Patrol Agent who came in from off duty killed the attacker.......
A border agent they wanted to arrest for "whipping" illegal aliens. You can't make this shit up.

The fucking animals ran off all the good cops with their defund the police and killer jab mandates and now we're left with the cowardly dregs. Good job Brandon!

uvalde 37.jpg
:)I remember when guns were banned so Bif & Johnnie had to make zip guns and the worst injury was a “flesh wound”. Ban guns and let’s get back to the good ole days! :)
Ban guns? What do you propose to do with the 600 million plus already in use?

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