Talent on loan from god!

* * * *

There you go lying again, just like a typical Ditto-Nazi.
I said you were a "Fellow Traveler."

And the only stats acceptable to CON$ are the ones they make up out of thin air. :cuckoo:

Your endless willingness to make crap up about me and others tells us all anything and everything we need to know about your credibility.

You are a moron and aliar, thus you have no credibility.

At the risk of praising you with faint damn, let's toss one out to see how you handle a simple, honest direct question without having to depend on your usual M.O. of falsely labeling somebody else.

Seriously. Let's see if you can JUST stick to some facts. I am betting the answer will be a resounding "no way!"

Here's your chance.

In those unemployment numbers you bandy about, provide, first of all the source link.

THEN, tell us all: what numbers compare the so-called U6 figures with the recent U6 figures you QUOTED Rush as discussing?
RUSH: The real unemployment rate is not 9.4%. If laid-off workers who have given up looking for new jobs or have settled for part-time work are included in the unemployment rate -- this is what's called U6 -- the total unemployment rate nationwide is 16.3%. If you add the people still looking for work and those who have given up, it's 16.3% unemployed. State-Run Media is trying to make this out to be some big successful day today.

Well, let's compare how GOP Hate-Run Media "reports" the same data.

GOP Hate-Run Media uses only Bush's U3 numbers and not even the U3 numbers passed to him by Clinton and the U3 numbers he passes to Obama but Bush"s best U3 numbers. Furthermore GOP Hate-Run Media claims the Bush Recession of March 2001 was inherited by Bush from Clinton and as you know GOP Hate-Run Media denies Obama inherited a recession.

Clinton inherited a 7.49% U3 unemployment from Bush I and passed a 3.97% U3 and a 7.0% U6 unemployment plus a surplus to Bush II. Bush II in turn passed a 7.2% U3 unemployment to Obama. If you remember GOP Hate-Run Media never used U6 numbers for Bush, but Bush passed a 13.5% U6 unemployment to Obama.

Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page
August 7, 2009
Story #5: NYT to Claim Unemployment Problem "Decade Old"

RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, I have been advised that the New York Times planning heavy coverage for this weekend on the following story. It's being written by Floyd Norris. "In Last Decade, a Lack of Job Growth..." This the just amazing in its malpractice and irresponsibility. Listen to this now. "For the first time since the Depression, the American economy has added virtually no jobs in the private sector over a 10-year period. The total number of jobs has grown a bit, but that is only because of government hiring. The accompanying charts," which I don't have here; I just have the advanced text "show the job performance from July 1999, when the economy was booming and companies were complaining about how hard it was to find workers, through July of this year, when the economy was mired in the deepest and longest recession since World War II."

So from 1999 to now, we have produced no new jobs. We've been in a decade-long jobs recession. The Bush administration never happened! They're willing -- at their near bankrupt newsroom, at the New York Times -- they are willing to put out drivel like this in order to prop up this catastrophe of a president. You remember it was just two years ago we were at record employment at 4.7%, after coming out of a mild recession that Clinton left us with and then 9/11. We had a growing population. We had a booming economy that they tried to make everybody think was rotten, especially in the second Bush term.

Story #6: AP Admits Unemployment Rate Didn't Really Dip

RUSH: I must mention this. I finally read the full Associated Press story on the new unemployment numbers, and even the AP admits that unemployment didn't really dip. "Employers sharply scale back layoffs in July. The unemployment rate dips for the first time in 15 months, sending a strong signal, the worst recession..."

Then you go to the end of the article, buried at the bottom: "The dip in the unemployment rate was the first since April 2008. One of the reasons the rate declined, though, was that hundreds of thousands of people left the labor force. The labor force includes only those who are either employed or are looking for work." So even AP admits unemployment didn't really dip. We just had a hell of a lot of people give up looking, and they're not counted as members of the labor force. That's what we now know in the BLS figures they put out, Bureau of Labor Statistics. The U6, unemployment 6... Like 9.4% is U3 and that's people who are employed, looking for work, not employed, on unemployment benefits. U6 is everybody that's looking for work, on unemployment compensation and those who are no longer looking, they've given up, and that rate is 16%. Not 9.4. It is 16, maybe 16.9, but it's 16 something. And even AP admits unemployment didn't really dip. It just went off the charts, just went off the unemployment rolls. Well, we have been rescued. See, AP knows people aren't going to read the bottom of the story. We've been rescued from this catastrophe. The president said so today.
MinnPost - U6: The unemployment rate and the misery index - Political Economy by Steve Perry

U6 is defined as "total unemployed, plus all marginally attached workers plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of all civilian labor force plus all marginally attached workers."
You can think of this more expansive measure as a sort of employment misery index. And in December 2008, when the official unemployment rate rose to 7.2 percent, U6 reached 13.5 percent.
The United States Unemployment Rate By Year

Bush, G.H.W.









* * * *

There you go lying again, just like a typical Ditto-Nazi.
I said you were a "Fellow Traveler."

And the only stats acceptable to CON$ are the ones they make up out of thin air. :cuckoo:

Your endless willingness to make crap up about me and others tells us all anything and everything we need to know about your credibility.

You are a moron and aliar, thus you have no credibility.

At the risk of praising you with faint damn, let's toss one out to see how you handle a simple, honest direct question without having to depend on your usual M.O. of falsely labeling somebody else.

Seriously. Let's see if you can JUST stick to some facts. I am betting the answer will be a resounding "no way!"

Here's your chance.

In those unemployment numbers you bandy about, provide, first of all the source link.

THEN, tell us all: what numbers compare the so-called U6 figures with the recent U6 figures you QUOTED Rush as discussing?

What do you want to bet?

First of all, I gave the links in the original post, which you obviously didn't read or click on. And here's Clinton's U6 data link.

And LimpBoy gave you the current U6 numbers, do you question your God and master??

I separated your Messiah's link and my source links with quotes this time so even a Ditto-Nazi can follow.

So what possible links could you still need?

Now the only question is will you be honest enough to admit my stats are correct or will you be a sore loser and neg rep me like the pusillanimous poltroon DiveCon?
Last edited:
Now stack on up through Bush first budget going into effect in October 2001. We don't preach hate. That would be you morons on the left.

In General every president including Clinton inherits an economy from his predecessor that he is in general stuck with for the first 8 months of his presidency.
Now stack on up through Bush first budget going into effect in October 2001. We don't preach hate. That would be you morons on the left.

In General every president including Clinton inherits an economy from his predecessor that he is in general stuck with for the first 8 months of his presidency.

I'll do that when LimpBoy credits Bush with this economy until Obama's first budget goes into effect October 2009.

As you know, America hater MessiahRushie was blaming the Bush economy on Obama BEFORE he even took office, and obviously before Oct 2009 which hasn't even happened yet.

January 15,2009
RUSH: It's entirely fair to call this Obama's stock market because it's reacting to what Obama's plans are for the economy. It's not reacting to Bush. Bush isn't on anybody's mind here.

Financial markets are a rough predictor of future economic performance, and based upon what the markets know of Obama's plans, it's giving him a failing grade. I'm not being political. The markets deal in bottom lines. It takes the pulse of millions of investors, both in this country and abroad, to report the results, unfiltered.

March 3, 2009
RUSH: This is Obama distancing himself from his own economy, distancing himself from the failure of his own recovery plan, and dumping it on the Bush administration. We inherited everything!

March 3, 2009
RUSH: This is Obama's economy. They're trying to slough this off on Bush.

July 1, 2009
That's why the Republicans ought to not join any of this. Let the Democrats and let Obama own it. By the way, it is his economy now. We're into six months, it's his economy and the polls are showing that the American people know and think it's his economy and the more he continues as a child blaming his predecessor or predecessors, more and more people are going to start saying, "Grow up."
why isn't Lush in jail, had he been black it would have been THRERE FOR trafficking insteAD OF REHAB?
ANYBODY GOT SOME OXY?, we only need about 1o K pills, and I may go deaf! yoo hoo wing nuts LOL
except numbnots he didn't sell anything. And no one goes to jail for a first offense less than manslaughter.

Ed you will note that I said in general. In certain regards this is neither Bush's nor Obama's economy. It is the economy foisted upon us all by a Democratic congress that when it took office had a stock market at near record highs and after their first budget went into effect (October 2007) began to fall like a rock.
except numbnots he didn't sell anything. And no one goes to jail for a first offense less than manslaughter.

Ed you will note that I said in general. In certain regards this is neither Bush's nor Obama's economy. It is the economy foisted upon us all by a Democratic congress that when it took office had a stock market at near record highs and after their first budget went into effect (October 2007) began to fall like a rock.

Except that BUBBLE happened while the GOP controlled Congress and the White House but you expect us to believe that a budget that was days old crashed a SOUND stock market.

CON$ always claim that when the economy is good it is due to either the President or Congress, whichever is GOP and when the economy is bad it is whichever is Dem. :cuckoo:
* * * *
First of all, I gave the links in the original post, which you obviously didn't read or click on. And here's Clinton's U6 data link.
Friday's Jobs Report: Monkey Numbers -- Seeking Alpha

And LimpBoy gave you the current U6 numbers, do you question your God and master??

I separated your Messiah's link and my source links with quotes this time so even a Ditto-Nazi can follow.

So what possible links could you still need?

Now the only question is will you be honest enough to admit my stats are correct or will you be a sore loser and neg rep me like the pusillanimous poltroon DiveCon?

No no. I KNEW you couldn't and wouldn't do it.

First of all, as predicted, you are unable to post without the lie that I am a ditohead.

Your addiction to lying is noted.

Secondly, what I ASKED you to provide was the LINKS to the comarosion between the U6 figures cited by Rush about the current actual unemployment problems here under the Obama Administration and the U6 figures which YOU maintain Mr. Limbaugh somehow lied about,.

The ONLY U6 figures mentioned so far were the curent one CITED by Rush Limbaugh.

You thus (as I sagaciously but easily predicted) FAILED.

You declined a direct invitation (you plodding, predictable massive moron, liar and now coward!) to provide simple and verifiable figures to support your always dreary and unsupported contention that Rush lied and you failed in providing figures WITHOUT resort to your usual lies about me.

You remain a massively moronic liar and are even more thoroughly exposed as the FAILURE you are here.

There is some good news for you, though, EdTheMassiveMoronLiar. A bunch of almost equally moronic drones from the MSLSD Board (now defunct :lol:) are coming here to assist you in your mission of being a complete moron.
* * * *
First of all, I gave the links in the original post, which you obviously didn't read or click on. And here's Clinton's U6 data link.
Friday's Jobs Report: Monkey Numbers -- Seeking Alpha

And LimpBoy gave you the current U6 numbers, do you question your God and master??

I separated your Messiah's link and my source links with quotes this time so even a Ditto-Nazi can follow.

So what possible links could you still need?

Now the only question is will you be honest enough to admit my stats are correct or will you be a sore loser and neg rep me like the pusillanimous poltroon DiveCon?

No no. I KNEW you couldn't and wouldn't do it.

First of all, as predicted, you are unable to post without the lie that I am a ditohead.

Your addiction to lying is noted.

Secondly, what I ASKED you to provide was the LINKS to the comarosion between the U6 figures cited by Rush about the current actual unemployment problems here under the Obama Administration and the U6 figures which YOU maintain Mr. Limbaugh somehow lied about,.

The ONLY U6 figures mentioned so far were the curent one CITED by Rush Limbaugh.

You thus (as I sagaciously but easily predicted) FAILED.

You declined a direct invitation (you plodding, predictable massive moron, liar and now coward!) to provide simple and verifiable figures to support your always dreary and unsupported contention that Rush lied and you failed in providing figures WITHOUT resort to your usual lies about me.

You remain a massively moronic liar and are even more thoroughly exposed as the FAILURE you are here.

There is some good news for you, though, EdTheMassiveMoronLiar. A bunch of almost equally moronic drones from the MSLSD Board (now defunct :lol:) are coming here to assist you in your mission of being a complete moron.
he sure is a complete moron, isn't he
but i see he got his words for the day
except numbnots he didn't sell anything. And no one goes to jail for a first offense less than manslaughter.

Ed you will note that I said in general. In certain regards this is neither Bush's nor Obama's economy. It is the economy foisted upon us all by a Democratic congress that when it took office had a stock market at near record highs and after their first budget went into effect (October 2007) began to fall like a rock.

Except that BUBBLE happened while the GOP controlled Congress and the White House but you expect us to believe that a budget that was days old crashed a SOUND stock market.

CON$ always claim that when the economy is good it is due to either the President or Congress, whichever is GOP and when the economy is bad it is whichever is Dem. :cuckoo:
wrong again, moron, it happened in dec 2007 a full(or short) 11 months after the dems took over complete control of congress
except numbnots he didn't sell anything. And no one goes to jail for a first offense less than manslaughter.

Ed you will note that I said in general. In certain regards this is neither Bush's nor Obama's economy. It is the economy foisted upon us all by a Democratic congress that when it took office had a stock market at near record highs and after their first budget went into effect (October 2007) began to fall like a rock.

Except that BUBBLE happened while the GOP controlled Congress and the White House but you expect us to believe that a budget that was days old crashed a SOUND stock market.

CON$ always claim that when the economy is good it is due to either the President or Congress, whichever is GOP and when the economy is bad it is whichever is Dem. :cuckoo:
wrong again, moron, it happened in dec 2007 a full(or short) 11 months after the dems took over complete control of congress

MassiveMoronLiar objects to "facts" and so forth!

Unfair, he cries.

RUSH: You remember it was just two years ago we were at record employment at 4.7%, after coming out of a mild recession that Clinton left us with
RUSH: The real unemployment rate is not 9.4%. If laid-off workers who have given up looking for new jobs or have settled for part-time work are included in the unemployment rate -- this is what's called U6 -- the total unemployment rate nationwide is 16.3%. If you add the people still looking for work and those who have given up, it's 16.3% unemployed. State-Run Media is trying to make this out to be some big successful day today.

Well, let's compare how GOP Hate-Run Media "reports" the same data.

GOP Hate-Run Media uses only Bush's U3 numbers and not even the U3 numbers passed to him by Clinton and the U3 numbers he passes to Obama but Bush"s best U3 numbers. Furthermore GOP Hate-Run Media claims the Bush Recession of March 2001 was inherited by Bush from Clinton and as you know GOP Hate-Run Media denies Obama inherited a recession.

Clinton inherited a 7.49% U3 unemployment from Bush I and passed a 3.97% U3 and a 7.0% U6 unemployment plus a surplus to Bush II. Bush II in turn passed a 7.2% U3 unemployment to Obama. If you remember GOP Hate-Run Media never used U6 numbers for Bush, but Bush passed a 13.5% U6 unemployment to Obama.

* * * *

There you go lying again, just like a typical Ditto-Nazi.
I said you were a "Fellow Traveler."

And the only stats acceptable to CON$ are the ones they make up out of thin air. :cuckoo:

Your endless willingness to make crap up about me and others tells us all anything and everything we need to know about your credibility.

You are a moron and aliar, thus you have no credibility.

At the risk of praising you with faint damn, let's toss one out to see how you handle a simple, honest direct question without having to depend on your usual M.O. of falsely labeling somebody else.

Seriously. Let's see if you can JUST stick to some facts. I am betting the answer will be a resounding "no way!"

Here's your chance.

In those unemployment numbers you bandy about, provide, first of all the source link.

THEN, tell us all: what numbers compare the so-called U6 figures with the recent U6 figures you QUOTED Rush as discussing?

What do you want to bet?

First of all, I gave the links in the original post, which you obviously didn't read or click on. And here's Clinton's U6 data link.
Friday's Jobs Report: Monkey Numbers -- Seeking Alpha

And LimpBoy gave you the current U6 numbers, do you question your God and master??

I separated your Messiah's link and my source links with quotes this time so even a Ditto-Nazi can follow.

So what possible links could you still need?

Now the only question is will you be honest enough to admit my stats are correct or will you be a sore loser and neg rep me like the pusillanimous poltroon DiveCon?

No no. I KNEW you couldn't and wouldn't do it.

First of all, as predicted, you are unable to post without the lie that I am a ditohead.

Your addiction to lying is noted.

Secondly, what I ASKED you to provide was the LINKS to the comarosion between the U6 figures cited by Rush about the current actual unemployment problems here under the Obama Administration and the U6 figures which YOU maintain Mr. Limbaugh somehow lied about,.

The ONLY U6 figures mentioned so far were the curent one CITED by Rush Limbaugh.

You thus (as I sagaciously but easily predicted) FAILED.

You declined a direct invitation (you plodding, predictable massive moron, liar and now coward!) to provide simple and verifiable figures to support your always dreary and unsupported contention that Rush lied and you failed in providing figures WITHOUT resort to your usual lies about me.

You remain a massively moronic liar and are even more thoroughly exposed as the FAILURE you are here.

There is some good news for you, though, EdTheMassiveMoronLiar. A bunch of almost equally moronic drones from the MSLSD Board (now defunct :lol:) are coming here to assist you in your mission of being a complete moron.

This time you give multiple examples of the fact that you are a Ditto-Nazi. You play the dumb act and you change what I said, so typical of mindless Ditto-Dopers.

What I said was GOP shill LimpBoy always left out the U6 numbers when giving Bush's numbers, which he undeniably did in his rant. I never said the 16.3% U6 was a lie. I also pointed out that he gave Bush's best U3 numbers, which he called a "record," which is obviously a lie, and not the U3 numbers Clinton left him which were lower than the so called "record" or the U6 number Bush passed on to Obama which was 13.5%. LimpBoy was DISHONESTLY comparing Bush's U3 numbers to Obama's U6 numbers. So try reading it again s l o w l y this time.

So basically you asked for a link to something I didn't post assuring you an opportunity to lie and insult, like a typical Ditto-Nazi, when you didn't get what you asked for.

And no matter how many examples there are that you are a brainwashed Ditto-Nazi you still deny it, which is again typical of a Ditto-Nazi.

And if you didn't want me to keep calling you the Ditto-Nazi you are, you should have left the "moron and liar" wisecrack out of your "serious" question and not changed what I said.
Bear that in mind if you ever want to actually ask a serious question rather than just pretend to.
except numbnots he didn't sell anything. And no one goes to jail for a first offense less than manslaughter.

Ed you will note that I said in general. In certain regards this is neither Bush's nor Obama's economy. It is the economy foisted upon us all by a Democratic congress that when it took office had a stock market at near record highs and after their first budget went into effect (October 2007) began to fall like a rock.

Except that BUBBLE happened while the GOP controlled Congress and the White House but you expect us to believe that a budget that was days old crashed a SOUND stock market.

CON$ always claim that when the economy is good it is due to either the President or Congress, whichever is GOP and when the economy is bad it is whichever is Dem. :cuckoo:
wrong again, moron, it happened in dec 2007 a full(or short) 11 months after the dems took over complete control of congress

Again the dumb act so typical of Ditto-Nazis.

The poster was talking about the STOCK MARKET which started to crash in October 2007 and not the start of the Bush Depression which was December 2007.
Except that BUBBLE happened while the GOP controlled Congress and the White House but you expect us to believe that a budget that was days old crashed a SOUND stock market.

CON$ always claim that when the economy is good it is due to either the President or Congress, whichever is GOP and when the economy is bad it is whichever is Dem. :cuckoo:
wrong again, moron, it happened in dec 2007 a full(or short) 11 months after the dems took over complete control of congress

Again the dumb act so typical of Ditto-Nazis.

The poster was talking about the STOCK MARKET which started to crash in October 2007 and not the start of the Bush Depression which was December 2007.
hey dipshit, who was in control of congress in oct 2007?
hmmm, dipshit
the fucking dem assholes
you are too fucking moronic for words
wrong again, moron, it happened in dec 2007 a full(or short) 11 months after the dems took over complete control of congress

Again the dumb act so typical of Ditto-Nazis.

The poster was talking about the STOCK MARKET which started to crash in October 2007 and not the start of the Bush Depression which was December 2007.
hey dipshit, who was in control of congress in oct 2007?
hmmm, dipshit
the fucking dem assholes
you are too fucking moronic for words

The bubble would have burst no matter who controlled Congress, and you know it.
As you well know, the GOP blocked everything the Dems tried to do with filibusters, setting a record for filibusters in the process. So the market crashed from the inertia of the GOP policies from when they controlled both the Congress and the White House.
CON$ can't be honest about anything!!!
Again the dumb act so typical of Ditto-Nazis.

The poster was talking about the STOCK MARKET which started to crash in October 2007 and not the start of the Bush Depression which was December 2007.
hey dipshit, who was in control of congress in oct 2007?
hmmm, dipshit
the fucking dem assholes
you are too fucking moronic for words

The bubble would have burst no matter who controlled Congress, and you know it.
As you well know, the GOP blocked everything the Dems tried to do with filibusters, setting a record for filibusters in the process. So the market crashed from the inertia of the GOP policies from when they controlled both the Congress and the White House.
CON$ can't be honest about anything!!!
oh go cry me a fucking river asshole
the dems tried to block everything the GOP did too
tough shit
and now the GOP doesnt even fucking matter
its all on the DEMS now
hey dipshit, who was in control of congress in oct 2007?
hmmm, dipshit
the fucking dem assholes
you are too fucking moronic for words

The bubble would have burst no matter who controlled Congress, and you know it.
As you well know, the GOP blocked everything the Dems tried to do with filibusters, setting a record for filibusters in the process. So the market crashed from the inertia of the GOP policies from when they controlled both the Congress and the White House.
CON$ can't be honest about anything!!!
oh go cry me a fucking river asshole
the dems tried to block everything the GOP did too
tough shit
and now the GOP doesnt even fucking matter
its all on the DEMS now

ed being partisan again? Is he forgetting how Clinton did most of the deregulation?

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