Talent on loan from god!


RUSH: We're going to get to health care in detail in just a second, but the thing that you have to understand, the Senate can say that they want to take the death panels away and it doesn't matter and Sebelius can say, "Well, we're thinking about getting of the public option," and Obama say, "Well, I don't know that we're thinking of getting rid of the public option, we may go to health care exchanges," and Kent Conrad can say, "Well, there's going to be a public --" folks, look, whether you call them death panels or not, just to reiterate this, the only people on whom we spend health care dollars are the sick. We do not spend money on the healthy. Therefore, we've gotta cut spending, we gotta cut costs, that's one of the objectives, and, in addition to that, we've gotta insure 47 million more people, ostensibly. There's no way to do this without spending more money and we don't have the money. If you're going to cut medical costs the only way to do it is to cut it on people on whom you spend it, and that's the sick.

I guarantee you whether there's a death panel counseling you on your death at the end of your life, whether it's a government panel or whether it's a doctor doing it or whoever -- and there is going to be a public option -- there is no reason to have this kind of liberal reform without a public option. All this talk about a public option, dropping it or maybe putting it back in, whatever they're going to call it, there's no reason to do this kind of reform from this standpoint, from Obama, from the liberals in Congress, without the government running it. If that's not on the table there's no reason for them to reform it. Do you think, for example, if we're going to think about reforming health care that Obama will say, "Hey, let's look at some private sector reforms." That's not going to be on the table. So if we're going to have health care reform, it's going to be what Obama wants. This is all these people have wanted for 50 years is the government to run it. Whether they call them health care exchanges or whether they call them the public option or whatever, there's not going to be a health care plan that doesn't get us there at some point.

Now, they may head fake us and try to get everybody to kind of back down on their opposition to this, but I guarantee you, these are liberals, these are socialists, these are people that believe the government has all the answers, these are people that believe the government, as big as it can be, equals utopia and they're not going to do anything in health care that doesn't get them there, so don't fall for the rhetoric, don't fall for the head fakes, don't fall for the supposed disagreements of the administration and Congress, it's all a game. Everything is designed to react to the opposition that's out there and to get you to cool down. This is not time to cool down, and it's not time to get giddy. This is something that for the rest of your life you're going to be fighting these people. As long as they are in charge, as long as they have majorities in the House and Senate, along with the White House, this is going to be a never-ending thing even if they have to come back and try to get it piecemeal at some point.


RUSH: Let's review the audio sound bites. First off, Sunday, CNN's State of the Union, John King interviewing the Health and Human Services secretary -- the hapless Kathleen Sebelius -- and King said, "You don't have the votes right now in the Senate for the public option. Is the message from the president that the votes aren't there; it's time to come up with plan B?"

SEBELIUS: What we don't know is exactly what the Senate Finance committee is likely to come up with. They've been more focused on a co-op, a not-for-profit co-op as a comm-petitor as opposed to a -- a straight government-run program. What's important is choice and competition and I'm convinced at the end of the day the plan will have both of those but that is not the essential element.

RUSH: I'm sorry. She doesn't believe that. She's a liberal. Choice and competition is not what they want. If they want choice and competition, then the government should get out of this altogether and let the private sector do the reform. Let the market take care of it. They don't want competition and choice. And these co-ops like we're too stupid to know what that's all about. Co-op? Why don't they just call them communes? Look, I know liberal lingo when I hear it. A co-op? Yeah, let's go to the farmers market. Let's go to the community garden! What, do they think we're idiots? They said they want to cover the uninsured. We can do that without doing this. They said they want competition, they said. Okay, great, we can do that, too. But they want single payer and they're not going to give up and there's no competition in single payer.

They tried the back door of the phony public option, and it didn't work because people figured out what the public option is. People are not that stupid, especially when you tell 'em, "Okay, you got private insurance agencies here in the private sector, and then you've got the public option," and you've got businesses who are already panicked at their health care costs who would love to off-load their health care costs to the government, the public option. And the public option run by the government, it does not have to turn a profit so if you do -- if you have to make a profit in the private sector -- there's no way you can compete and stay in business with an outfit that doesn't have to make a profit. Now, co-ops. Co-ops. As long as they're going to create some government entity and as long as they're going to make private insurance unsustainable with limits and regulations and taxation, their objective is the same. Co-ops! Man, you people at the administration, if you're going to try to fool us by thinking you're dumping the public option well then come up with some name that doesn't reek of liberalism. Here's Kent Conrad. He was on Fox News Sunday. He's a Senator from North Dakota, Democrat. Chris Wallace: "Would the president be better off just taking the public option off the table right now?"

CONRAD: Look, the -- the fact of the matter is, there are not the votes in the United States Senate for the public option. There never have been. So to continue to chase that rabbit I think, uh, is just a wasted effort.

RUSH: The public option is dead in the Senate. Maybe so. This is what they say. You know, I did a little test today. I love going to the Democrat Underground, because the Democrat Underground is the greatest collection -- it's a close competition with the Daily Kos. But the Democrat Underground, that website, is the most concentrated collection of sheer lunatics that the Democrat Party has to offer that you have ever seen, and they are just livid. Once this public option news hit, that it's going to be taken off the table, I mean every other word is the F-bomb in practically every post and they're mad as hell. "Why do we have to do it? We run the House, we run the Senate, we run the White House! Why can't we just pass what we want?" F-bomb, F-bomb, F-bomb, F-bomb, Jesus Christ, F-bomb, F-bomb. I mean, it's just hilarious. (laughing) It's kind of fun to see these lunatics get upset when their elected lunatics don't deliver. Howard Dean. See, Howard Dean is not happen happy about it. He was on the CBS Early Show today with the host Maggie Rodriguez. Let me check the clock. Do we have time? And she said to him, "What if the public doesn't want this, Mr. Dean? Obama's approval rating down to 53. Forty-two percent of voters believe he's mishandled the health care. How do you explain he's losing public support?"

DEAN: Bill Clinton is still the smartest political mind in America and he said at a nutroots convention in Pittsburgh, "As soon as President Obama signs the bill his ratings will go up again," and I think that's true. This is a politics process. The Senate's not even back in session for another three weeks. My guess is the Republicans aren't going to vote for this bill no matter what. So there's no point in making a lot of concessions for people that aren't going to vote for the bill under any circumstances anyway.

RUSH: This is interesting because he's right. The Republicans, we don't have to tailor it to the Republicans. This is all Democrats, and there are some of them up for reelection, and they're hearing about it. These town hall eruptions that you are engaging in are working. Now, I got a bunch of sound bites. Cookie gave me a bunch of sound bites today from the media that are really over the top, that this is all racist, that my opposition to Obama is racist, that your opposition to Obama is racist, that I'm inspiring racism. I mean, it's gotten to the point they've played this card for 21 years. It doesn't work anymore. You don't have the number one, most listened to radio show in America -- the most respected, the most feared, the most loved, the most whatever -- if it's filled with hate and racism and bigotry and all this.

It's just not the case. They just keep going back to that same play in the playbook, and it's not working. But they are desperate. And there's even some members of Congress not even going home to their districts during the recess for fear that they will be found. So Howard Dean says, "To hell with the Republicans. We'll do the public option. The Senate doesn't get back for three weeks." There will be a public option. This is the thing that you have to realize, or have to remember. When liberals are in charge of this -- and this is the number one thing on their wish list, when they say they're taking the public option off the table or going to do co-ops -- trust me on this, folks, there's going to be a government entity, and it's eventually going to be single payer. That is what they want, and they'll get it however much they have to lie about it.


RUSH: All right, back to the audio sound bites, still sticking here with the public option. Eddie Bernice Johnson, she's a Democrat congresswoman from Texas. She's also on CNN yesterday. John King says, "The White House now says too much attention on the public option, clearly signaling it's ready to sign a health care bill without one." I can't believe... There's a reason nobody's watching the Drive-By Media anymore. How is it that these people who are the closest to Obama are the least curious? They have absolutely no curiosity. There's not even any attempt to question the authority and power. How in the world...? If you know who Obama is, and you've studied his career (all five minutes of it) how can you believe him? He hasn't told the truth about any number of things. How can you just automatically believe him when he says he's ready to sign a health care bill without a public option? Anyway, that's the question to Eddie Bernice Johnson, who was asked, "Could you support health care bill without a public option? Could other House Democrats support a health care reform measure that does not have a robust public option?"

JOHNSON: It would be very, very difficult because without the public option we'll have the same number of people uninsured. If the in-surance companies wanted to in-sure these people now, they'd be in-sured. The only way that we can be sure that very low-income people and persons that work for companies who don't offer insurance can have access to it is through an option that would give the private insurance companies a little competition. The private insurance companies been in charge of so long that I think they feel that nobody else ought to be able to do it.

RUSH: Now, that's just rich. This is just loaded. How about this? "If the insurance companies wanted to insure these people now they'd be insured." Yeah, I guess if General Motors wanted everybody to have a car, everybody would have a car. If people that build houses on the beach wanted everybody to have a house on the beach they would give 'em a house on the beach. If the insurance companies wanted to insure these people they'd be insured? This woman doesn't even understand how the private sector works. This is just all part of the demonization of the insurance companies. "The only way that we can be sure that very low-income peoiple...? Oh, speaking of which, I've got this in the stack here, guess what? The stimulus money, the American dream is over, the Obama administration...

I don't know what jogged this in my memory. The Obama administration has decided that home ownership is not the American dream. Something like $5.4 billion in stimulus money is going to go to help people rent all of a sudden. (interruption) That's right! It's in the Boston Globe. Barney Frank, this is going to upset him greatly because affordable housing is all about putting people in houses whether they can afford 'em or not. So the administration basically comes out and says, "You know what? We're not going to define the American dream anymore as owning a house." That can only mean that down the road bye-bye mortgage deduction because it won't be fair for the people who can buy a house and get a mortgage and take the deduction versus the people that can only afford to rent. I guarantee you they're going to have to do all kinds of radical things like that in order generate revenue. So Eddie Bernice Johnson says if the insurance companies wanted you to be insured, you'd be insured, whether you can afford it or not. Now, listen to this from James Carville also Sunday, CNN. He was on with his wife, Mary Matalin and she said, "The generic ballot for the second consecutive month is tending to Republicans. On eight out of ten issues people are favoring Republicans now, our recruiting, our if you went gubernatorial seats in New Jersey, Virginia -- the blue the old blue -- are tending Republicans."

CARVILLE: I -- I think it helps congressional Democrats. Put a bill out there make 'em filibuster it. Make 'em be what they are, d'Party of No. Look we spend... The truth of the matter is we spend about $8,000 per person in the United States on health care. Let 'em kill it. Let 'em kill it with the interest group money, then run against them.

RUSH: Now, this is rich because the Republicans can't kill anything. The Republicans can't filibuster anything. If the Democrats in the Senate want to go the reconciliation route they can do that and just use 51 votes. It would be controversial they can do it rather than getting 60. But propose a public option and let the Republicans kill it? Mr. Carville, what's happened is that the public option has been proposed, and the American people are killing it! The American people want no part of the government running health care. They like it. They have no desire. In fact, we have some polling data on this. I gotta be a lot closer to this microphone here than I do in Florida. Right on top of it. (softer) Can you hear me? Let me find the polling data. Well, it's an amazing number. I've got it buried. I've got four different stacks here, but it's an amazing number about the number of people that do not want a public option and who think that their health care now and the insurance company, the way they're running it, is fine. Well, it will come to me later. I gotta keep going with the sound bites because the next series is excellent. This is from Grand Junction, Colorado, on Saturday; Obama and a town hall meeting. Zack Lane, a student from the University of Colorado.

LANE: I'd love to have a debate, just all-out, anytime. Oxford-style if you'd like. I understand how --

AUDIENCE: (laughter)

LANE: I'm willing to do that. But my question is this: We all know the best way to reduce prices in this economy is to increase competition. How in the world can a private corporation providing insurance compete with an entity that does not have to worry about making a profit, does not have to pay local property taxes? They do not have to pay -- they're not subject to -- local regulations.

AUDIENCE: (applause)

LANE: How can a company compete with that? And I'm not looking for anything... I don't want generalities. I don't want philosophical arguments. I'm just asking a good question.

RUSH: This kid is amazing, and there's no question in my mind this kid listens to this program. In fact... Well, really. There's a New York Times column today by Ross Douthat (I'm not sure how he pronounces his last name: Do-u-t-h-a-t) and he just point-blank says that these town hall meetings are just filled with Rush Limbaugh listeners. He didn't even put my first name in there. Town hall meetings are filled with "Limbaugh listeners." Well, how does a private entity compete with a company doesn't have to make a profit, the government? Stop talking generalities and philosophical arguments. So this kid, this student challenges the president to a debate then with one simple question that Obama can't answer, nukes the entire foundation of Obamacare, and listen to this answer.

OBAMA: It is true that there are certain costs associated with a private business that a government would not have to worry about. You mentioned a couple of them. It's conceivable that a private entity that's having to pay a certain interest rate for their money would be really undermined if the government is able to get money much cheaper implicitly because Uncle Sam backs this operation. I think there are ways that we can address those competitive issues. And you're absolutely right: if they're not entirely addressed, then that raises a set of legitimate problems.

RUSH: Well, here you have a rambling answer -- and Obama just agreed with the student and explained why the centerpiece of his plan, the public option, won't work! It's because he can print money. He didn't say that, but when he says, "Well, uh, uh Uncle Sam, you know, can get money much cheaper implicitly because Uncle Sam..." prints it! (laughing) Our tax people just go out and take it from people. Private insurance companies can't do that. So this student gets Obama to admit that his whole plan won't work as he himself said. But "we can address those competitive issues." How? He does it again in this next sound bite. He keeps making this comparison.

OBAMA: The notion that somehow just by having a public option you have the entire private marketplace destroyed is just not borne out by the facts. And in fact, right now, you got a lot of private companies who do very well competing against the government. UPS and FedEx are doing a lot better than the Post Office.

AUDIENCE: (silence)

OBAMA: No, they are.

RUSH: I can't believe they're letting him still say this. This is something that after the first time he uttered this there should have been an emergency meeting in Axelrod's office or Rahm Emanuel's office and they shoulda bent Obama over their knee and spanked him. "You idiot! You have just gone out and said that the government doesn't do nearly as well as the private sector doing something! And you're trying to convince people the government can do it better than the private sector," and he's now keeping up with it. What are we supposed to say? "Oh, yeah, private insurance won't go away." Well, look, if you come out, Mr. President, and say the federal government is going to take over overnight package delivery -- that there is going to be a cheaper (ostensibly) public option where people... "But, Rush! But, Rush! It already exists. The Post Office does offer overnight delivery." Yeah, and you know who delivers it? FedEx.

You know the Post Office contracts with FedEx and UPS? They do. The Post Office contracts with FedEx for their overnight whatever they call it. What's the Post Office...? I don't even know what they call their overnight stuff. Priority Delivery or whatever it is. On Saturday I was running errands getting ready for the trip and I'm driving down the road and I saw a sight that I haven't seen in a long time. It was a white Post Office delivery truck on a Saturday. And I figured it had to be an express package this they were delivering 'cause... But FedEx is who they contract with. I can't believe that he's making this statement over and over again. The bottom line, nobody wants health insurance that works like the Post Office does -- and he's continuing to give everybody that vision and that picture. Finally here at the end of his answer, Obama signals that he is ready to give up on the public option.

OBAMA: The public option, whether we have it or we don't have it, is not the entirety of health care reform. This is just one sliver of it, one aspect of it -- and by the way it's both the right and the left that have become so fixated on this that they forget everything else.

RUSH: I'm going to agree with him about something here. The whole plan is rotten to the core. Whether there's a public option in this or not, there are still provisions in that House bill of over a thousand pages of the government running this and making that decision, your health care records being digitized and being made public. It's a disaster. The whole thing is a disaster and it would be a totally unfamiliar way to contract and get a service -- pay for it, the American people are used to. It is just a total abomination. Now, the public option is what makes it primary, but he's now getting very sensitive about this whole thing. He's learning... I think they've always known. I think the reason for the speed at the outset here is they know people don't want this. See, that doesn't matter. They're still going to force it down your throats no matter what, folks, even if they have to tell you that they're taking the public option out.


RUSH: There's one simple reason why FedEx and UPS are outdoing the post office, and that is the federal government doesn't set the rates and they don't define the terms of business, and they don't tell FedEx and UPS how to do what they're doing. I guarantee you if the post office could regulate UPS and FedEx, they wouldn't survive, either. Very simple. I found that poll I was looking for. This is a Rasmussen Reports poll: "Fifty-four percent say passing no health care reform is better than passing the congressional plan." So Obama, 54% of the American people say doing nothing is better than your idea, or whatever your idea is because you didn't really have a plan. The only plan that we really know out there is the congressional plan. Obama loves to run out there and say, "Well, can't do nothing." Fifty-four percent now have seen what's in store for them and they don't want you to do anything. They want you to just stop. They want you to stop doing town meetings, they want you to stop trying to argue with people, just stop it, don't do it. The sentiment is spreading.

And, get this, USA Today/Gallup poll: "Fifty-seven percent of adults say the stimulus package is having no impact on the economy or making it worse." And even more than that, "60% doubt that the stimulus plan will help the economy in the years ahead, and only 18% say it's done anything to help improve their personal situation." Ladies and gentlemen, very simple here, Obama is losing traction. He's losing the trust of the American people. His ideas are not working. It's not time to get giddy. I'll tell you when it's time to get giddy. By the way, James Carville said spend $8,000 on health care. I thought it was six. You know, just a couple months ago it was $6,000 per person on health care. How much do we spend on education? I know in New Jersey in the neighborhoods that Bob Dylan walks we're spending sometimes up to $18,000 a student, or $14,000, and what's that getting us?

Does anybody want to tackle the notion that maybe we're spending too much on welfare, maybe we're spending too much on food stamps? Why all of a sudden are we just spending too much on health care? So when you hear them talk about this, we're spending too much on health care, cutting back, reducing spending, that's what they're talking about, and the only place we spend in health care is on the sick. So if we're going to reduce costs, while insuring this mythical 47 million people who aren't insured, how in the hell are we going to reduce costs without reducing costs on the people who are sick?

Okay, [email protected] is officially dead. This was the snitch website. A third-party was sending out all those Axelrod e-mails. Now, that's possible, right? It's possible a third party could have been spamming them, it's possible but it's not likely with the security techniques that they have up there. So they're passing this off on probably some spammer over in the Greek isles on his yacht. I'll tell you who it is. The guy that did the Joker posters of Obama out here in Los Angeles probably is who is behind the spamming. But, anyway, [email protected] is no longer in service. You get a failure message when you try to snitch on somebody. The e-mail address you just sent a message to no longer in service, we are now accepting your feedback about health insurance reform at WhiteHouse.gov/realitycheck. So they haven't really gotten rid of the snitch website. They're just moving it to different place. Hang on a minute. I gotta check. Oh. I got a note. I had an instant message window covering up the e-mail. All I could see in the subject line was "you sound." I thought, oh, no, people are going to complain about the tech setup. I removed the IM window, "You sound great, isn't technology wonderful?"


RUSH: Jason in Philadelphia, I'm glad you called, sir. Great to have you on the EIB Network.

CALLER: Rush, 20-year-listener. Thank you very much for being such a patriot. I appreciate it.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: My point is seven months ago Barack Obama and the Democrats said they had a mandate based on 52% in the election. But now seven months later, 54% against it, and we're all racists. I don't know how they can quantify that 52% was a mandate but now 54% against them means that we're all racists again.

RUSH: They'd say they had a mandate if they had 10% supporting. They don't care about mandates. The only reason Obama cares about public support is all presidents care about approval numbers. In terms of needing public support to get this done, that's incidental to them. If they had a way to ram this down our throats regardless what we want, they'll do it. They are going to do it. They are going to try. They'll play word games, they'll say they're getting rid of the public option and going to co-ops, they say they're going to get rid of the death panels. They can't get rid of either. Not possible with this plan. If they don't have a public option there's no reason for them to do this. The public option's all they want. Public option simply means government control; government makes decisions; government in charge. They're not going to give that up. They're liberals. This is who they are. It's who Obama is.

Now, don't misunderstand. In the White House they're concerned 54% want nothing to do with the health care bill now, 54% say doing nothing would be better than what Obama wants to do, 57% say the stimulus is bad and didn't help, may be making things worse. They look at that and they love to turn the numbers around but they're going to do it with policy, they're going to do it with rhetoric, they're going to try to do it with the old stand-by, Obama and his "gift," as he said to Harry Reid. "Harry, I have a gift." So he's out there again today, he's out there talking about Iraq and Afghanistan now, but he's out there every day. They still think that Obama has that kind of magic. But he wants to build monuments to himself. The guy has got an ego out the wazoo. So whether they have a mandate or not, they have the power. He's in the White House. The Democrats run the show in the House of Representatives and, for the most part, they run the show in the Senate. So that's a fact. That's really what these town hall protests are all about. The American people don't want it, they know they live in a representative republic, and when their representatives are totally unresponsive they're going to hear about it, as should be the case.

i'm more of a cynic than you ever could be
you are nothing more than a fucking moron
and a partisan one at that
you are obsessed with Rush
get over it, he's not your type

Wishful thinking!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
wrong again
but then you are always wrong
and you are nothing but a one track pony

When a CON$ervative says I'm wrong, that confirms I'm right since CON$ are perfect Contrarian Indicators.

And it's one TRICK pony.

BTW, did you catch LimpBoy doing his imitation of Nixon's "I'm not a crook" speech yesterday when a critic nailed him on his Death Care, Death Panels crapola?

August 26, 2008
RUSH: "When critics get it right, then you reply," and when you reply to something they've gotten right, it's evidence that the critic has gotten to you.

August 17, 2009
RUSH: You know, I don't tell lies on this program. It is not necessary. I don't have to lie about my beliefs. I don't have to lie about what liberals want to do. I don't have to lie about what liberals say. I don't have to make it up! I do not make up one thing. I do not lie. I don't even exaggerate other than for the purposes of humor and satire. I have not said one lie about what Obama's plan is. All we've done, as you well know, is try to get the word out about it.

The Bottom Line on "Death Panels"
August 17, 2009
RUSH: I have not used the word "death panels" except quoting Sarah Palin. I have talked about the reality of what's going to happen.

August 13, 2009
RUSH: These are death panels, by the way.

RUSH: Now, this story in Oregon involving Barbara Wagner, again it's in Mark Levin's book Liberty and Tyranny, illustrates that they are death panels. And it's a great way to phrase this end-of-life counseling and so forth.

Obamacare is Really "End of Care"
July 30, 2009
CALLER: I am a physician and I practice geriatric medicine and I wanted to make a comment on this-every-five-year conversation on advanced care planning. First of all, I'll say that I hope this health care reform bill does not pass. In fact, I'd love to get rid of Medicare altogether. But I think this-every-five-year discussion is actually a good idea. It's something that I do with my patients often, have discussions about who their health care power of attorney should be, their advanced care plan, but I cannot reimburse Medicare for doing that. Medicare won't pay me for that, and so this is actually one piece of the legislation I think is a good idea.

RUSH: Well, if you think it's a good idea, and you want to have death care discussion with your patients and they wish to consent to death care discussions with you, then that's fine. If you want to run your practice that way and your patients are cool with it. But I will be damned if it's going to be become federally mandated law that the government hires a bunch of counselors that has these death care -- as you call it, death care -- discussions, "end-of-life discussions." Really what those discussions are, when you call it "death care" or "end of life," it's "end of care." That's what the counselors are preparing these people for: end of care, 'cause they're getting old and it isn't going to be worth of investment. It's right in the House bill!
"The Bottom Line on "Death Panels"
August 17, 2009
RUSH: I have not used the word "death panels" except quoting Sarah Palin. I have talked about the reality of what's going to happen.

August 13, 2009
RUSH: These are death panels, by the way.

RUSH: Now, this story in Oregon involving Barbara Wagner, again it's in Mark Levin's book Liberty and Tyranny, illustrates that they are death panels. And it's a great way to phrase this end-of-life counseling and so forth..."


Vicodin man lies so much he doesn't even know when he's lying.
Talent on loan from God? I wonder why he gives it all to the gays. If he gave only a little to the Christians, they could stop making that crappy Christian music. As long as they keep making that "noise", he will never let them into heaven. He wants’ his choir to sound, well, "heavenly".
"The Bottom Line on "Death Panels"
August 17, 2009
RUSH: I have not used the word "death panels" except quoting Sarah Palin. I have talked about the reality of what's going to happen.

August 13, 2009
RUSH: These are death panels, by the way.

RUSH: Now, this story in Oregon involving Barbara Wagner, again it's in Mark Levin's book Liberty and Tyranny, illustrates that they are death panels. And it's a great way to phrase this end-of-life counseling and so forth..."


Vicodin man lies so much he doesn't even know when he's lying.

Oh he knows, he just lies so much he forgets what lies he told.

For example in the same rant after denying that he misrepresented the "government" (DEATH) panels and gave his "Checkers" speech, after the break he stupidly decided to read the bill (he condemned others for never reading) over the air to prove the caller wrong who said he was misrepresenting the bill and that it did indeed call for "government" (DEATH) panels.

This was obvoiusly the very first time he had ever read the bill and before he finished the second sentence he realized he was exposing himself as a liar. So in mid sentence he started to paraphrase the bill rather than read it further. This shoots down DumbCon's claim that he believes the GOP scripted lies he parrots.

The Bottom Line on "Death Panels"
August 17, 2009
RUSH: And I've got section 1233 here. We had the call from the guy in Tulsa who said you're misrepresenting and maligning the death panel business. Section 1233, House bill, "Advanced Care Planning," excerpts, pages 424 to 430. I've got some of this stuff highlighted. Here's section 4E, an explanation... Well, it's not section 4E. It's line four: "An explanation by the practitioner of the continuum of end-of-life services and supports available, including palliative care and hospice, and benefits for such services and supports that are available under this title. A program for orders for life sustaining treatment for estates described in this clause is a program that ensures such orders are..."

LimpBoy stops reading the bill here and then "paraphrases" what he claims comes next.

RUSH: It goes on and on. When you go through this, it sure sounds like a government panel is going to be deciding a lot of stuff -- and it will! There's no way around this.

Here's what ACTUALLY came after LimpBoy stopped reading the bill for the first time. GEE no "government" (DEATH) panel.

"A program for orders for life sustaining treatment for a States described in this clause is a program that— ensures such orders are standardized and uniquely identifiable throughout the State; distributes or makes accessible such orders to physicians and other health professionals that (acting within the scope of the professional’s authority under State law) may sign orders for life sustaining treatment; provides training for health care professionals across the continuum of care about the goals and use of orders for life sustaining treatment"

And here the bill defines his fictitious "government" (DEATH) panel.

"A practitioner described in this paragraph is—(A) a physician (as defined in subsection 7; and (B) a nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant who has the authority under State law to sign orders for life sustaining treatments."

So the BILL in Section 1233 pages 424 to 430 allows for the reimbursement of the INDIVIDUAL when he VOLUNTARILY gives the ORDERS for LIFE SUSTAINING treatments to the PRACTITIONER that the State is required to recognize and OBEY.

What's even funnier, LimpBoy said he supports that, so MessishRushie supports "DEATH PANELS". :lol:

Obamacare is Really "End of Care"
Obamacare is Really "End of Care"
July 30, 2009
CALLER: I am a physician and I practice geriatric medicine and I wanted to make a comment on this-every-five-year conversation on advanced care planning. First of all, I'll say that I hope this health care reform bill does not pass. In fact, I'd love to get rid of Medicare altogether. But I think this-every-five-year discussion is actually a good idea. It's something that I do with my patients often, have discussions about who their health care power of attorney should be, their advanced care plan, but I cannot reimburse Medicare for doing that. Medicare won't pay me for that, and so this is actually one piece of the legislation I think is a good idea.

RUSH: Well, if you think it's a good idea, and you want to have death care discussion with your patients and they wish to consent to death care discussions with you, then that's fine. If you want to run your practice that way and your patients are cool with it. But I will be damned if it's going to be become federally mandated law that the government hires a bunch of counselors that has these death care -- as you call it, death care -- discussions, "end-of-life discussions." Really what those discussions are, when you call it "death care" or "end of life," it's "end of care." That's what the counselors are preparing these people for: end of care, 'cause they're getting old and it isn't going to be worth of investment. It's right in the House bill!

People to want try to deny all these things that are right there. People have read it. They're in the bill.
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RUSH: I want to go back to January 16th on this program. I want you to listen to my whole notion on "I want and hope Obama fails." The reason Obama is having big trouble with his policies right now is just as I warned you. He was elected on platitudes; he was elected on feelings; he was elected on atmospherics and cult-like things, not specifics. So here come the specifics, and the specifics Obama's pushing don't match any of his rhetoric. We were going to get rid of all the angst; we were going to get rid of all the arguing; we were going to get rid of all the racism, and now look at us. The polarization is as it's always been and I told you it would be. I predicted all of this, but here's what I said about I wanted Obama to fail.

RUSH: If I wanted Obama to succeed, I'd be happy the Republicans have laid down. And I would be encouraging Republicans to lay down and support him. Look, what he's talking about is the absorption of as much of the private sector by the US government as possible, from the banking business, to the mortgage industry, the automobile business, to health care. I do not want the government in charge of all of these things. I don't want this to work. So I'm thinking of replying to the guy, "Okay, I'll send you a response, but I don't need 400 words, I need four: I hope he fails." (interruption) What are you laughing at? See, here's the point. Everybody thinks it's outrageous to say. Look, even my staff, "Oh, you can't do that." Why not? Why is it any different, what's new, what is unfair about my saying I hope liberalism fails? Liberalism is our problem. Liberalism is what's gotten us dangerously close to the precipice here. Why do I want more of it? I don't care what the Drive-By story is. I would be honored if the Drive-By Media headlined me all day long: "Limbaugh: 'I Hope Obama Fails.'" Somebody's gotta say it.

RUSH: And they did. They just trumpeted it all over the place, "Limbaugh, I can't believe he said, 'I hope Obama fails.'" What this was in reaction to was some publication wanted me to do 400 words on my hopes for the new administration. They had a bunch of people on their editorial page and I said, "I don't need 400 words. I need four: 'I hope he fails.'" That's what got the whole thing started and it's important to remember this because he is failing and I'm happy and you're happy. Fifty-four percent of the American people think no health care change is better than his plan. Fifty-seven percent say the stimulus isn't working and it might be making things worse. I'm winning. He's failing. The American people don't want Obama to succeed. This just has the state-controlled media out of control. They are just off the reservation. They are so mad they can't see straight. Here is last night's CNN's Newsroom, the anchor Don Lemon interviewing the author Tim Wise who has a book called Between Barack and a Hard Place: Racism and White Denial in the Age of Obama. Don Lemon says, "Some of the conservative talk show hosts there, should they be more responsible with their language 'cause people may be buying into what they're saying and not realizing it's coded racism."

WISE: When you portray Obama as Hitler, as some of these folks have done, what you're saying, and this is very interesting, think about Hitler, we think of Hitler as not just a fascist but a racial fascist so if what they're saying is this man, Obama, is a racial fascist the question that gets begged in a lot of white people's minds is, hmm, I wonder what race he's going to come for, oh yes, us, because Glenn Beck said it's reparations and Rush Limbaugh said Obama hates white people. It gins up this type of hostility and really white racial paranoia and white racial resentment at a time when we need to be seriously talking about issues that face us as a nation and not being engaged in this kind of racial politics. But that's what's going on.

RUSH: So this is the kind of lying that passes for reporting and wise commentary on the left. I never said Obama hates white people. I said got a chip on his shoulder about the unjust and immoral past of this country. I never called him Hitler. And let's not forget, you dopes at CNN and everywhere else, could you please, for 21 years behind this microphone I have listened to people like you try to equate conservatives with Nazism and with Adolf Hitler and I'm fed up with it. Hitler was a man of the left. Adolf Hitler was much closer to you guys than he is to me or any of my friends. And Nancy Pelosi started this. She called the people showing up at town hall meetings Nazis wearing swastikas. And you're purposely leaving that out of this so you can run with your template. And then, of course, the White House, the Obama machine starts attacking half the American people calling them an unruly mob.

You guys have got it ass backwards here in terms of what's happening out there. Nobody called him Hitler, but if you compare his health care plan to the National Socialist health care plan of Germany, I'm going to find a lot of similarities there. You won't find any similarities between whatever conservative health care plans there are and what the national socialists did. We've written about this extensively, Andy McCarthy, nobody is talking genocide here, nobody is talking racism, we're talking socialism and we're talking how it doesn't work. We're trying to make comparisons to people for historical perspective so that rather than just believe us when we say it doesn't work, we can point to places where it hasn't worked. Same program, Don Lemon had this exchange with the same author, Tim Wise.

LEMON: I was at a town hall yesterday, and I really had to take some people to task. They were using those buzzwords that I don't think people realize all the time, like "real Americans" or "give me back my America" was one of the songs or "take back America." It was like, what do you mean by that?

WISE: When you stand up and wax nostalgic and say things like, "I want the country that the Founders envisioned," when the country the Founders envisioned was a system of white supremacy, I think that race is playing a pretty big role.

RUSH: You know, now, this steams me. This steams me on a number of levels. But here's a guy, Tim Wise, writing a book about Obama who is ignorant about the founding of this country. This give me back my America, take back my country, that's Howard Dean, we've got that sound bite montage coming up, Howard Dean was talking about that all through 2004. But the country the Founders envisioned was a system of white supremacy? Mr. Wise, you ought to be ashamed. This country was not founded on the premise of white supremacy. What happened was the original 13 colonies, there were 13 of them and they needed all 13 to be unified, to declare independence, to send the message across the pond that we're breaking away. There were some of these colonies that were slaves, states, colonies, whatever you call them, and it was an agonizing thing for many of these founders. John Adams, particularly agonizing, and they knew that it was going to cause problems down the road because the whole principle of one man owning another did not jibe with the Constitution they wrote, the Declaration that they wrote, and so guess what? They wrote a Constitution which allowed for that to change, and it did.

We lost 500,000 of our own citizens getting rid of slavery. We went to war with ourselves over it, and the Constitution and our laws have made many changes. It is not the America of 200 years ago. What's really frosting me is, you know, I like being right, but I don't really like being right about this. I predicted pretty much every bit of this. Any criticism of Obama no matter what is going to be called racist and I'm going to hit back, and just like they say you hit us we're going to punch back twice as hard, I'm punching back twice as hard. Nancy Pelosi calls my audience, calls me, calls my friends Nazis. I'm hitting back twice as hard. I'm not putting up with this anymore. And you dunderheads, you people who have the smallest minds who think you're the brightest and most brilliant people among us, you're not even qualified to write a credible book on Obama, Mr. Wise, and this anchor at CNN is likewise an embarrassment. Now, you wonder where this phrase "take back my country, give me my country back" came from? Well, listen to, at the time, the chairman of the Democrat National Committee during the 2004 primaries.

DEAN: We are taking our country back piece by piece from the Rush Limbaughs. You have the power to take back our country so that the flag no longer represents solely Rush Limbaugh. You have the power to take back our country so that the flag never again is the sole property of Rush Limbaugh. You have the power to take back our country so that the flag of the United States is no longer the sole property of Rush Limbaugh. This country does not belong to Rush Limbaugh. Move over, I want my country back again. Because the flag of this country does not belong to Rush Limbaugh. You have the power to take back the flag so it does no longer belong solely to Rush Limbaugh. Aaarrrgggh!

RUSH: Howard Dean back in 2004, the Democrat primaries. And these two dunderheads on CNN wonder where in the hell this all came from.
August 3, 2009
PELOSI: I think they are Astroturf -- you be the judge -- of carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town hall meeting on health care.

RUSH: Nancy Pelosi started this. She called the people showing up at town hall meetings Nazis wearing swastikas. And you're purposely leaving that out of this so you can run with your template.

Awwww, the poor little Crybaby CON$ervatives!

That lie is so typical of the hate religion of CON$ervatism. They attack someone for something they never said and then cry like babies when their lies are not reported as fact.

Pelosi correctly reports that the GOP Tea Bag thugs are CARRYING signs with Nazi symbols that call American citizens NAZIS for supporting reform, and LimpBoy whines that the GOP Tea Bag thugs are the ones being slurred as Nazis. :cuckoo:
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August 3, 2009
PELOSI: I think they are Astroturf -- you be the judge -- of carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town hall meeting on health care.

RUSH: Nancy Pelosi started this. She called the people showing up at town hall meetings Nazis wearing swastikas. And you're purposely leaving that out of this so you can run with your template.

Awwww, the poor little Crybaby CON$ervatives!

That lie is so typical of the hate religion of CON$ervatism. They attack someone for something they never said and then cry like babies when their lies are not reported as fact.

Pelosi correctly reports that the GOP Tea Bag thugs are CARRYING signs with Nazi symbols that call American citizens NAZIS for supporting reform, and LimpBoy whines that the GOP Tea Bag thugs are the ones being slurred as Nazis. :cuckoo:


Pelousy was lying just like EdTheLoveSickLiar.

I doubt anybody can post REAL pictures of protestors carrying or wearing or displaying swastikas (except, possibly, to suggest that idiots like Nazi Pelousy herself are Nazis).
Oh nosies! I found one. A protestor displaying (sort of) a "swastika."


Oh my!

The nerve of arguing AGAINST fascism.

Pelousy must be all enraged and stuff.
August 3, 2009
PELOSI: I think they are Astroturf -- you be the judge -- of carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town hall meeting on health care.

RUSH: Nancy Pelosi started this. She called the people showing up at town hall meetings Nazis wearing swastikas. And you're purposely leaving that out of this so you can run with your template.

Awwww, the poor little Crybaby CON$ervatives!

That lie is so typical of the hate religion of CON$ervatism. They attack someone for something they never said and then cry like babies when their lies are not reported as fact.

Pelosi correctly reports that the GOP Tea Bag thugs are CARRYING signs with Nazi symbols that call American citizens NAZIS for supporting reform, and LimpBoy whines that the GOP Tea Bag thugs are the ones being slurred as Nazis. :cuckoo:


Pelousy was lying just like EdTheLoveSickLiar.

I doubt anybody can post REAL pictures of protestors carrying or wearing or displaying swastikas (except, possibly, to suggest that idiots like Nazi Pelousy herself are Nazis).

And there you have it. CON$ are free to call American citizens Nazis but CON$ become "innocent" VICTIMS of Nazi slurs after they invent things that were never said. That's how they RATIONALIZE that Pelosi "STARTED IT." :cuckoo:

Here is a video the GOP Tea Bag thugs put out to show how "polite and respectful" the GOP Tea Bag thugs were 2 days before Pelosi spoke. At around the 2 minute mark you see a sign DEMONIZING the congressman by giving him devil's horns and to the left of the sign you see a poster using the Nazi SS symbol to call Americans who support reform Nazi Socialists.
YouTube - Lloyd Doggett's meeting on Obamacare in south Austin, TX, 1 Aug 2009
Now if you remember it was GOP senator Cornyn who then complained about GOP Tea Bag thugs being "demonized." CON$ always demonize their opponents and then play the victim.
LimpBoy was demonizing the Dems as Nazis throughout the 2008 primaries and through to the present time, but "Pelosi STARTED IT." :cuckoo: And he proudly proclaims he coined the word FemmiNAZI.

Outrage: Geithner and Congress Lied to You About the AIG Bonuses
March 23, 2009
RUSH: Folks, if you're angry, your anger needs to be directed at your government, not your fellow citizens. You're being whipped into a frenzy the way they were whipped into a frenzy in Nazi Germany

RushLimbaugh.com Home - Monday March 23
March 23, 2009
Angry Mobs Target AIG Employees
We have mob rule, the way it started in Nazi Germany.

Fast Eddie vs. Puff Daschle
March 10, 2008
RUSH: Now I have to ask a question as a man of integrity and character. If the superdelegates, by definition, can vote however they want, which they can, then why all this Nazi-like pressure to make 'em vote in a uniform way?
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* * * *
And there you have it. CON$ are free to call American citizens Nazis but CON$ become "innocent" VICTIMS of Nazi slurs after they invent things that were never said. That's how they RATIONALIZE that Pelosi "STARTED IT." :cuckoo:

* * * *

Well, EdTheSickDickLiar did get one thing right, finally. He is cuckoo.

It was your compatriot-moron-in-arms, Nazi Pelousy, who claimed (dishonestly) that people were displaying swastikas. It was a fabrication. She lied.

This is a simple enough concept for the compulsive habitual liar you are to grasp.

Nazi Pelousy lied. Outright. Deliberate.

You continue her lies for her. It is what liars like you do.

No big thing. It's not like anybody with a brain takes any of your nonsense seriously.

On a semi-related topic, I have a question for you and you alone, EdTheSickDickLoveSickForRushMassiveLyingMoron:

In your dreams, when you "see" Rush, do you run into his arms or does he run into yours? :razz:
August 3, 2009
PELOSI: I think they are Astroturf -- you be the judge -- of carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town hall meeting on health care.

* * * *
And there you have it. CON$ are free to call American citizens Nazis but CON$ become "innocent" VICTIMS of Nazi slurs after they invent things that were never said. That's how they RATIONALIZE that Pelosi "STARTED IT." :cuckoo:

* * * *

Well, EdTheSickDickLiar did get one thing right, finally. He is cuckoo.

It was your compatriot-moron-in-arms, Nazi Pelousy, who claimed (dishonestly) that people were displaying swastikas. It was a fabrication. She lied.

This is a simple enough concept for the compulsive habitual liar you are to grasp.

Nazi Pelousy lied. Outright. Deliberate.

You continue her lies for her. It is what liars like you do.

No big thing. It's not like anybody with a brain takes any of your nonsense seriously.

And again we that CON$ when caught lying just continue to lie.

She said "swastikas and symbols like that" and you called her a lying Nazi, but then you posted a swastika and I posted a symbol like that, the Nazi SS symbol, proving she was telling the truth and to CON$ that makes Pelosi a lying Nazi. Brilliant :cuckoo:

This is why CON$ make PERFECT Contrarian Indicators, and why no honest person ever believes them.
* * * *

And again we that CON$ when caught lying just continue to lie.

She said "swastikas and symbols like that" and you called her a lying Nazi, but then you posted a swastika and I posted a symbol like that, the Nazi SS symbol, proving she was telling the truth and to CON$ that makes Pelosi a lying Nazi. Brilliant :cuckoo:

This is why CON$ make PERFECT Contrarian Indicators, and why no honest person ever believes them.

Wouldn't know. Since your claim that Cons have been caught lying is just YOUR lie.

She DID lie.

We all know it.

Even you.

But you will never admit it because you remain a habitual compulsive liar.
* * * *

And again we that CON$ when caught lying just continue to lie.

She said "swastikas and symbols like that" and you called her a lying Nazi, but then you posted a swastika and I posted a symbol like that, the Nazi SS symbol, proving she was telling the truth and to CON$ that makes Pelosi a lying Nazi. Brilliant :cuckoo:

This is why CON$ make PERFECT Contrarian Indicators, and why no honest person ever believes them.

Wouldn't know. Since your claim that Cons have been caught lying is just YOUR lie.

She DID lie.

We all know it.

Even you.

But you will never admit it because you remain a habitual compulsive liar.
well, of course, because Pelousi claiming they were carrying them is so far removed from wearing them
If Al Qaeda isn't free to plot mass murder, are any of us truly free? - CF

What does that even mean? If Bush had not let Bin Laden go scott free, would we even be talking about al Qaeda?

2004: President Bush said, "Where is Osama bin Laden? I don't know. I don't really think about him very much. I'm not that concerned."
If Al Qaeda isn't free to plot mass murder, are any of us truly free? - CF

What does that even mean? If Bush had not let Bin Laden go scott free, would we even be talking about al Qaeda?

2004: President Bush said, "Where is Osama bin Laden? I don't know. I don't really think about him very much. I'm not that concerned."
wow, that line getting taken out of context yet again by a moronic liberal
* * * *

And again we that CON$ when caught lying just continue to lie.

She said "swastikas and symbols like that" and you called her a lying Nazi, but then you posted a swastika and I posted a symbol like that, the Nazi SS symbol, proving she was telling the truth and to CON$ that makes Pelosi a lying Nazi. Brilliant :cuckoo:

This is why CON$ make PERFECT Contrarian Indicators, and why no honest person ever believes them.

Wouldn't know. Since your claim that Cons have been caught lying is just YOUR lie.

She DID lie.

We all know it.

Even you.

But you will never admit it because you remain a habitual compulsive liar.
well, of course, because Pelousi claiming they were carrying them is so far removed from wearing them

Nobody plays dumb better than you. You should be very proud.

If there wasn't a world of difference between wearing and carrying Nazi symbols, you CON$ would not have changed "carrying" to "wearing" in the first place!!!

Wearing Nazi symbols means the wearer supports Nazism, but carrying signs with Nazi symbols especially with a line through the swastika means the GOP Tea Bag thugs were calling all American citizens NAZIS who support reform.
So the the GOP Tea Bag thugs call about half of America's citizens a bunch of Nazis, and then these America hating CON$ervative thugs pretend to be the poor innocent victims of Nazi slurs. :cuckoo:

August 10, 2009
RUSH: I said, "Everybody seems to forget that Nancy Pelosi started this." Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House of Representatives started this by telling TV cameras and microphones that Americans showing up to protest health care were wearing swastikas. That's saying they're Nazis
Wouldn't know. Since your claim that Cons have been caught lying is just YOUR lie.

She DID lie.

We all know it.

Even you.

But you will never admit it because you remain a habitual compulsive liar.
well, of course, because Pelousi claiming they were carrying them is so far removed from wearing them

Nobody plays dumb better than you. You should be very proud.

If there wasn't a world of difference between wearing and carrying Nazi symbols, you CON$ would not have changed "carrying" to "wearing" in the first place!!!

Wearing Nazi symbols means the wearer supports Nazism, but carrying signs with Nazi symbols especially with a line through the swastika means the GOP Tea Bag thugs were calling all American citizens NAZIS who support reform.
So the the GOP Tea Bag thugs call about half of America's citizens a bunch of Nazis, and then these America hating CON$ervative thugs pretend to be the poor innocent victims of Nazi slurs. :cuckoo:

August 10, 2009
RUSH: I said, "Everybody seems to forget that Nancy Pelosi started this." Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House of Representatives started this by telling TV cameras and microphones that Americans showing up to protest health care were wearing swastikas. That's saying they're Nazis

Why don't you go teabag Chris?
Wouldn't know. Since your claim that Cons have been caught lying is just YOUR lie.

She DID lie.

We all know it.

Even you.

But you will never admit it because you remain a habitual compulsive liar.
well, of course, because Pelousi claiming they were carrying them is so far removed from wearing them

Nobody plays dumb better than you. You should be very proud.

If there wasn't a world of difference between wearing and carrying Nazi symbols, you CON$ would not have changed "carrying" to "wearing" in the first place!!!

Wearing Nazi symbols means the wearer supports Nazism, but carrying signs with Nazi symbols especially with a line through the swastika means the GOP Tea Bag thugs were calling all American citizens NAZIS who support reform.
So the the GOP Tea Bag thugs call about half of America's citizens a bunch of Nazis, and then these America hating CON$ervative thugs pretend to be the poor innocent victims of Nazi slurs. :cuckoo:

August 10, 2009
RUSH: I said, "Everybody seems to forget that Nancy Pelosi started this." Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House of Representatives started this by telling TV cameras and microphones that Americans showing up to protest health care were wearing swastikas. That's saying they're Nazis
yeah, because the nazi's didnt carry swastikas, they only wore them :rolleyes:


more proof you are a fucking moron one track pony
well, of course, because Pelousi claiming they were carrying them is so far removed from wearing them

Nobody plays dumb better than you. You should be very proud.

If there wasn't a world of difference between wearing and carrying Nazi symbols, you CON$ would not have changed "carrying" to "wearing" in the first place!!!

Wearing Nazi symbols means the wearer supports Nazism, but carrying signs with Nazi symbols especially with a line through the swastika means the GOP Tea Bag thugs were calling all American citizens NAZIS who support reform.
So the the GOP Tea Bag thugs call about half of America's citizens a bunch of Nazis, and then these America hating CON$ervative thugs pretend to be the poor innocent victims of Nazi slurs. :cuckoo:

August 10, 2009
RUSH: I said, "Everybody seems to forget that Nancy Pelosi started this." Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House of Representatives started this by telling TV cameras and microphones that Americans showing up to protest health care were wearing swastikas. That's saying they're Nazis
yeah, because the nazi's didnt carry swastikas, they only wore them :rolleyes:


more proof you are a fucking moron one track pony

You are STILL the best at the Dumb Act.

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