Tales from the Highway Crisis


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
July 2014

Just when we thought we were safe, we now have to contend with our Crumbling Infrastructure and a Highway Crisis. The Brutal Sequester was crushing the life out of Western Civilization causing untold suffering. Well, we had a thread on it so the suffering wasn't completely untold.


We now face a legitimate Highway Crisis and we're asking all USMB members to post their Tales From the Highway Crisis. Tell us about collapsing bridges, sinkholes eating highways, etc.

Since only 6% of Engineers are Republicans we expect the infrastructure to fail because Dems care more about asphalt feelings about being run over repeatedly.

I made it safely into Grand Central today on Metro North, so I'm one of the lucky ones
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July 2014

Just when we thought we were safe, we now have to contend with our Crumbling Infrastructure and a Highway Crisis. The Brutal Sequester was crushing the life out of Western Civilization causing untold suffering. Well, we had a thread on it so the suffering wasn't completely untold.


We now face a legitimate Highway Crisis and we're asking all USMB members to post their Tales From the Highway Crisis. Tell up about collapsing bridges, sinkholes eating highways, etc.

Since only 6% of Engineers are Republicans we expect the infrastructure to fail because Dems care more about asphalt feelings about being run over repeatedly.

I made it safely into Grand Central today on Metro North, so I'm one of the lucky ones

the prezbo says we should get on it

since we have been building bridges

for the past 50 perhaps 100 years
I'm about to embark on the one mile commute to my office.
Should I be afraid?
Should I take the day off. :dunno:
Our infrastructure is in pitiful shape. And to blame any one president or administration is naive. Maintenance has been all but ignored for decades. The longer we wait the more expensive it becomes.
Wasn't a bunch of the stimulus money supposed to go towards such repairs?

Be nice to see an audit of where all that cash ended up.
Our infrastructure is in pitiful shape. And to blame any one president or administration is naive. Maintenance has been all but ignored for decades. The longer we wait the more expensive it becomes.

well here's you chance to tell us your tale of woe
Yes our infrastructure is crumbling...but only because big government has more important priorities...like making sure government employees and retirees live luxuriously and vote D in every election.

The NEW millionaires...
How to Become a (Public Pension) Millionaire
In five states, an average full-career retiree receives a retirement income higher than his final salary.

Detroit and San Bernardino and Stockton, Calif. are in bankruptcy, and across the country the costs of maintaining pensions for city and state employees more than doubled to nearly $84 billion in 2011 from 2002. Yet the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (Afscme) declares that public pensions are "modest," noting that its average member "receives a pension of approximately $19,000 per year after a career of public service."

The facts don't agree. Data compiled from all state pensions show that, for employees who spend a career in state government, generous pensions put retired public workers among the highest earners in their state.

It is true that average public-pension benefits rarely seem extravagant. But these averages are reduced by two groups: older employees who retired many years ago and whose benefits are far less than those of an employee retiring today; and by short-term workers who often receive tiny pensions but almost surely have retirement savings from another job.
Andrew Biggs: How to Become a (Public Pension) Millionaire - WSJ
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You know the Federal Reserve can loan the Federal Gov't and State Govt's Trillions to fund Infrastructure Projects all across the Fruited Plain yet they won't do it. (At real low interest rates too).


They're too busy loaning money to their Banker Friends all around the world.
You know the Federal Reserve can loan the Federal Gov't and State Govt's Trillions to fund Infrastructure Projects all across the Fruited Plain yet they won't do it. (At real low interest rates too).


They're too busy loaning money to their Banker Friends all around the world.

Reminds me of an article I just read. I don't exactly agree with it, but maybe it ties in with your post?

Obama's greatest failure: The rapidly falling deficit - The Week
Just had an adventure of a life time this morning. My wife and I packed up the dogs and made our journey all the way to Shari's for breakfast in Coeur d'Alene. It had to be the longest 8 miles of my life. We were just praying that the overpasses didn't collapse and the pavement didn't get sucked into the abyss.
Yes, a journey that I will never forget.
July 2014

Just when we thought we were safe, we now have to contend with our Crumbling Infrastructure and a Highway Crisis. The Brutal Sequester was crushing the life out of Western Civilization causing untold suffering. Well, we had a thread on it so the suffering wasn't completely untold.


We now face a legitimate Highway Crisis and we're asking all USMB members to post their Tales From the Highway Crisis. Tell us about collapsing bridges, sinkholes eating highways, etc.

Since only 6% of Engineers are Republicans we expect the infrastructure to fail because Dems care more about asphalt feelings about being run over repeatedly.

I made it safely into Grand Central today on Metro North, so I'm one of the lucky ones

This is Democrats trying to raise our taxes again.
Just had an adventure of a life time this morning. My wife and I packed up the dogs and made our journey all the way to Shari's for breakfast in Coeur d'Alene. It had to be the longest 8 miles of my life. We were just praying that the overpasses didn't collapse and the pavement didn't get sucked into the abyss.
Yes, a journey that I will never forget.

That's no joke.

I went over the pass once in the 60s going to Coeur d' Lane coming from Missoula and part of the road collapsed into a 2000ft ravine.
Just had an adventure of a life time this morning. My wife and I packed up the dogs and made our journey all the way to Shari's for breakfast in Coeur d'Alene. It had to be the longest 8 miles of my life. We were just praying that the overpasses didn't collapse and the pavement didn't get sucked into the abyss.
Yes, a journey that I will never forget.

I hear the YouTube of it went viral

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This is a recycled crisis, he said he would take care of it in 2009. Just like always he did nothing. Kinda like the va scandal. No wonder he is considered the worst president since ww 2.
I was passing a school bus on the right one day, and I found the shoulder a little too soft for my liking. Or maybe it was just the pliable young bodies of the children as they collapsed beneath the tires of my Hummer.
I was driving down to Reno for breakfast and the damned road threw me off the mountain! Asshole!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=on3RxOpGNYA]Jeremy Foley Crash: Pikes Peak International Hill Climb 2012 - YouTube[/ame]
This is a recycled crisis, he said he would take care of it in 2009. Just like always he did nothing. Kinda like the va scandal. No wonder he is considered the worst president since ww 2.

That was what all of those "Shovel-ready Jobs" were for.

To fix the bridges and roads.

You can tell when Democrats start running out of money......a crisis surfaces in the news.
You know the Federal Reserve can loan the Federal Gov't and State Govt's Trillions to fund Infrastructure Projects all across the Fruited Plain yet they won't do it. (At real low interest rates too).


They're too busy loaning money to their Banker Friends all around the world.

What happened to all that stimulus money for those 'shovel ready' infrastructure jobs?

Maybe it was invested in green energy companies that went bankrupt and now we have an infrastructure problem.

The federal and state gasoline taxes are supposed to maintain the nations highways.

Just sayin'.
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Our infrastructure is in pitiful shape. And to blame any one president or administration is naive. Maintenance has been all but ignored for decades. The longer we wait the more expensive it becomes.

Yes, blame for decades, both R or D next to those responsible.
If we'd quite wasting money, time, and effort on the environmental studies for each and every infrastructure improvement, we might have some left over to actually make the needed repairs.

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