Talk in G.O.P. Turns to a Stop Donald Trump Campaign.... Like they don't have enough MONEY to do it!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
He'll eat them up if they fuck with him, like he has been doing!

Neew York Times ^ | 4 Sep 2015 | NICHOLAS CONFESSORE
Quiet conversations have begun in recent weeks among some of the Republican Party’s biggest donors and normally competing factions, all aimed at a single question: How can we stop Donald Trump? Republican strategists and donors have assembled focus groups to test negative messages about Mr. Trump. They have amassed dossiers on his previous support for universal health care and higher taxes. They have even discussed the creation of a “super PAC” to convince conservatives that Mr. Trump is not one of them. But the mammoth big-money network assembled by Republicans in recent years is torn about how best to defuse...

Been waiting to use this one.....


Trump's a douche. He's hurting Republicans.

He said he got his military advice by "watching TV shows."

Anybody who says that isn't fit to be Commander in Chief. He isn't fit to send Americans' sons and daughters to die in wars.

I will never support that moron. I could possibly support any other Republican candidate but not him.

If he won the nomination, it would be 1964 all over again.
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Yo, if Trump wins the Nomination? I will vote for him! I would VOTE for the "True Devil" over any "Ass Democrat" who can`t run a City, let alone a Country!!!


Trump's a douche. He's hurting Republicans.

He said he got his military advice by "watching TV."

Anybody who says that isn't fit to be Commander in Chief. He isn't fit to send Americans' sons and daughters to die in wars.

I will never support that moron. I could possibly support any other Republican candidate but not him.

If he won the nomination, it would be 1964 all over again.

ROTFLMFAO...... You'd be better off using your brain, instead of putting hats on it!

Two New Polls Show Exactly Why Donald Trump Is Winning

Two New Polls Show Exactly Why Donald Trump Is Winning
Yo, if Trump wins the Nomination? I will vote for him! I would VOTE for the "True Devil" over any "Ass Democrat" who can`t run a City, let alone a Country!!!

View attachment 49336

This post ^^ in itself articulates why the RP (or anybody else) would be trying to distance themselves from Rumpleforeskin. It's the mentality he draws.

The party needn't worry. Rump comes with his own suicide gene. All you gotta do is (a) give him a mic and (b) make sure it's working. He'll do the rest.

Trump's a douche. He's hurting Republicans.

He said he got his military advice by "watching TV."

Anybody who says that isn't fit to be Commander in Chief. He isn't fit to send Americans' sons and daughters to die in wars.

I will never support that moron. I could possibly support any other Republican candidate but not him.

If he won the nomination, it would be 1964 all over again.

ROTFLMFAO...... You'd be better off using your brain, instead of putting hats on it!

Two New Polls Show Exactly Why Donald Trump Is Winning

Two New Polls Show Exactly Why Donald Trump Is Winning

Vag, you idiotic moron. Hillary could be in prison - nay "when" she is in prison - and would still beat Trump.

I cannot think of an easier candidate for the Democrats to beat. What a hay day it would be for the DNC. He's what the military would call "a target rich environment."

I don't know why you'd support such a loser, other than you are so disconnected from mainstream society. He'd be a Republican Dukakis.
Yo, if Trump wins the Nomination? I will vote for him! I would VOTE for the "True Devil" over any "Ass Democrat" who can`t run a City, let alone a Country!!!

View attachment 49336

Unfortunately for you, there aren't enough people like yourself - depicted below - to make that happen.

Oh, and Vag, from your link

Among the U.S.-resident Hispanic adults surveyed by Gallup, 79 percent said they know who Donald Trump is, and 65 percent held a negative view of him. Another way of putting that is that within the universe of Hispanics who know who Trump is, he has an 82 percent disapproval rating.


Big Surprise: Hispanic Voters Can’t Stand Donald Trump

I'm guessing that math ain't your strong suit.
Todd asked, “Who do you talk to for military advice right now?”

Trump answered, “Well, I watch the shows. I mean, I really see a lot of great — you know, when you watch your show, and all of the other shows, and you have the generals, and you have certain people –.”​

Trump: I Get My Military Advice from Watching Shows - Breitbart

Yes, when you are in the military, or have children in the military, that's the type of competence you entrust Americans' lives with.

Yo, if Trump wins the Nomination? I will vote for him! I would VOTE for the "True Devil" over any "Ass Democrat" who can`t run a City, let alone a Country!!!

View attachment 49336

Unfortunately for you, there aren't enough people like yourself - depicted below - to make that happen.


Yo, you have been lied too, by your favorite T.V. Station? MSNBC! We out number the Mini Socialist and just plain stupid people like you, so have a good night dunce!!!

Yo, you fags all look alike!

Trump's a douche. He's hurting Republicans.

He said he got his military advice by "watching TV."

Anybody who says that isn't fit to be Commander in Chief. He isn't fit to send Americans' sons and daughters to die in wars.

I will never support that moron. I could possibly support any other Republican candidate but not him.

If he won the nomination, it would be 1964 all over again.

ROTFLMFAO...... You'd be better off using your brain, instead of putting hats on it!

Two New Polls Show Exactly Why Donald Trump Is Winning

Two New Polls Show Exactly Why Donald Trump Is Winning

Vag, you idiotic moron. Hillary could be in prison - nay "when" she is in prison - and would still beat Trump.

I cannot think of an easier candidate for the Democrats to beat. What a hay day it would be for the DNC. He's what the military would call "a target rich environment."

I don't know why you'd support such a loser, other than you are so disconnected from mainstream society. He'd be a Republican Dukakis.

You do realize with OVER a year to go, she polls EIGHT POINTS HIGHER than Trump, and he's rising while she's being FLUSHED! She's a WHORE!!!!


Oh, and Vag, from your link

Among the U.S.-resident Hispanic adults surveyed by Gallup, 79 percent said they know who Donald Trump is, and 65 percent held a negative view of him. Another way of putting that is that within the universe of Hispanics who know who Trump is, he has an 82 percent disapproval rating.


Big Surprise: Hispanic Voters Can’t Stand Donald Trump

I'm guessing that math ain't your strong suit.

Minus 51.
That's more than every other candidate's negatives combined.

Trumpians are losers.

They're going to get crushed, then blame someone else for their stupidity.

Here's 1stBambi and/or Vag at a Trump rally.

I want to know why the Trumpians hate the military so much that they would entrust the lives of our children to a man who has such contempt towards them that he thinks military advice is equivalent to a reality TV show?
Oh, and Vag, from your link

Among the U.S.-resident Hispanic adults surveyed by Gallup, 79 percent said they know who Donald Trump is, and 65 percent held a negative view of him. Another way of putting that is that within the universe of Hispanics who know who Trump is, he has an 82 percent disapproval rating.


Big Surprise: Hispanic Voters Can’t Stand Donald Trump

I'm guessing that math ain't your strong suit.

Minus 51.
That's more than every other candidate's negatives combined.
Oh, and this just in, I'm sure OCDPogo will cry when reading this bitch slap!

Poll: Trump beats Hillary head-to-head (Trump Also beats, Sanders, Biden, and Gore)!!!!!!!!!!!
‎9‎/‎4‎/‎2015‎ ‎9‎:‎00‎:‎06‎ ‎PM ·
Hill ^ | September 04, 2015, 08:13 pm | Elliot Smilowitz
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump leads Democrat Hillary Clinton head-to-head, according to a new poll released Friday. The poll by SurveyUSA finds that matched up directly, Trump garners 45 percent to Clinton’s 40 percent. In other head-to-head matchups, Trump beats out Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) by 44 percent to 40 percent; Vice President Joe Biden by 44 percent to 42 percent; and former Vice President Al Gore by 44 percent to 41 percent. The poll also found that 30 percent of respondents believe Trump will eventually be the Republican nominee, leading the field. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush came in...

TRUMP BY FIVE 5!!!!!!!! Over the lying, murderous, corrupt Hildebeast! Watch the FECKLESS Republican elites STERT to change their tunes NOW!
I wouldn't hire someone with no business experience to run the most important company in America, so why would I hire someone with no political experience to run the most important country on earth?

Especially someone who is so flippant about the lives of those serving in the military?
I wouldn't hire someone with no business experience to run the most important company in America, so why would I hire someone with no political experience to run the most important country on earth?

Especially someone who is so flippant about the lives of those serving in the military?


Trump's a douche. He's hurting Republicans.

He said he got his military advice by "watching TV."

Anybody who says that isn't fit to be Commander in Chief. He isn't fit to send Americans' sons and daughters to die in wars.

I will never support that moron. I could possibly support any other Republican candidate but not him.

If he won the nomination, it would be 1964 all over again.

ROTFLMFAO...... You'd be better off using your brain, instead of putting hats on it!

Two New Polls Show Exactly Why Donald Trump Is Winning

Two New Polls Show Exactly Why Donald Trump Is Winning



I wouldn't hire someone with no business experience to run the most important company in America, so why would I hire someone with no political experience to run the most important country on earth?

Especially someone who is so flippant about the lives of those serving in the military?


Yo, looks like you? Sit Down! Trump at his best!

This is SOOOO GOOD I have to repeat it just so the fucking Retarded DemocRATS can ingest it again!

Poll: Trump beats Hillary head-to-head (Trump Also beats, Sanders, Biden, and Gore)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hill ^ | September 04, 2015, 08:13 pm | Elliot Smilowitz
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump leads Democrat Hillary Clinton head-to-head, according to a new poll released Friday. The poll by SurveyUSA finds that matched up directly, Trump garners 45 percent to Clinton’s 40 percent. In other head-to-head matchups, Trump beats out Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) by 44 percent to 40 percent; Vice President Joe Biden by 44 percent to 42 percent; and former Vice President Al Gore by 44 percent to 41 percent. The poll also found that 30 percent of respondents believe Trump will eventually be the Republican nominee, leading the field. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush came in...

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