Talk of protecting Ukraine’s sovereignty is kind of silly when we refuse to protect our own sovereign right…no?

As we consider engaging Russia in war to protect the Ukraine border we do nothing to protect our own border from desperate thirdworlders who come to destroy our institutions.
Have our political leaders ran a spreadsheet on these isssues?
Does a Russian invasion into Ukraine really impact the American people in real time vs. Do 2 million illegal aliens have an impact on Americans in real time?
What would Mollie Tibbetts have to say on this?
View attachment 591581
That's easy. The million illegals the Bidung let into the country. I couldn't care less about Ukraine. They have European allies. Let them shed blood. The Ukraine isn't the responsibility of the US.
Biden's border failure is much worse. And what sense does it make for Biden to send 8500 troops to Ukraine to confront 100k+ Russians. Nothing says expendable quite like that. Biden sucks.

They are the current threat and will also be a long-term threat once Biden makes it so they can vote. They are definitely a direct threat to America and Americans. No other countries will be involved, this is strictly a problem where we are on our own.

The Russia thing could change at anytime and it's long term effects on us are uncertain. There are a lot of variables at play there. A lot of other countries can come into play as well changing outcomes.
And that has to do what, in regard to the topic?
Everything. Read the title of the thread
Russia invading the Ukraine will result in thousands of deaths and destruction of a peaceful neighbor

Mexicans coming across the border to mow our lawns and make our beds is not an equivalent
You are correct. It isnt comparable. Illegals effect us. Russia and Ukraine doesnt.
Everything. Read the title of the thread

You are correct. It isnt comparable. Illegals effect us. Russia and Ukraine doesnt.
The two are not connected in any way, shape, form or fashion, no matter somebody's little USMB thread title. You should be against the fall of Ukraine, also.
The two are not connected in any way, shape, form or fashion, no matter somebody's little USMB thread title. You should be against the fall of Ukraine, also.
His point being, why is biden seemingly interjecting himself into this, which has nothing to do with us but he cant bother with a major issue that does affect us.
Well one is a foreign government overthrowing a democratically elected government and subjugating them to an authoritarian regime.

The other is people coming into the country to do useful labor.

Is this a serious question?
Such a pathetic cop out for discussion. "well they clean our toilets and pick our fruit" DERP
Such a pathetic cop out for discussion. "well they clean our toilets and pick our fruit" DERP
Good point. It’s not like we are in some kind of labor shortage right?
His point being, why is biden seemingly interjecting himself into this, which has nothing to do with us but he cant bother with a major issue that does affect us.
It can have a lot to do with us, if we ignore and appease. Ignoring and appeasing is how we got drug into the last two world wars, having ignored and appeased almost too late, at a terrible cost to us in men and material. I say back those that wish to remain free, that they may remain free, giving all material aide as necessary to remain free.
It can have a lot to do with us, if we ignore and appease. Ignoring and appeasing is how we got drug into the last two world wars, having ignored and appeased almost too late, at a terrible cost to us in men and material. I say back those that wish to remain free, that they may remain free, giving all material aide as necessary to remain free.
Im against war so i do not agree.
Republican view of Illegal Immigrants
They cross our border to rape, murder, smuggle drugs and spread COVID

They cross our border to make our beds, mow our lawns and perform menial labor
Im against war so i do not agree.
I am against us going to war in this case, at this time. Other than that, I recognize it as a sometimes necessary evil if the free countries of the world are to remain free.
Republican view of Illegal Immigrants
They cross our border to rape, murder, smuggle drugs and spread COVID

They cross our border to make our beds, mow our lawns and perform menial labor
Republicans want people to have good jobs in this country manufacturing things, but don’t want immigration and they don’t want to pay any more than they do now.

They want the impossible. It’s a fantasy.
Republican view of Illegal Immigrants
They cross our border to rape, murder, smuggle drugs and spread COVID

They cross our border to make our beds, mow our lawns and perform menial labor

Democrats and Progressives call Foreign Nationals breaking the law, "immigrants" in attempts to convince people we should let them stay ...
And make sure more Foreign Nationals pack their bags and head this way.


Democrats and Progressives call Foreign Nationals breaking the law, "immigrants" in attempts to convince people we should let them stay ...
And make sure more Foreign Nationals pack their bags and head this way.


They are trespassing without proper documentation
Best solution…..offer them documentation

Their impact is……we get a low cost labor force that is hard working and make good citizens

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