Talking Points Of the Left: Support Biden Or You’re a Putin Stooge

Trump has praised Putin. Alt-Right (Light) media personalities such as Fucker Carlson have given backhanded praise to Putin.
Republicans??...thundering silence!! :)

I love it. The party of Saint (STRONG!!) Reagan is silent on Russian aggression. :auiqs.jpg:

Hillary Clinton LOVES Putin. Where were you?

“One time, I was visiting with him in his dacha outside of Moscow, and he was going on and on, you know, just listing all of the problems that he thinks are caused by the United States,” Clinton said. “... I said, ‘You know, Mr. Prime Minister, we actually have some things in common. We both want to protect wildlife, and I know how committed you are to protecting the tiger.’ I mean, all of a sudden, he sat up straight and his eyes got big and he goes, ‘You care about the tiger?’”

Clinton said Putin then took her into his “private inner sanctum” and began showing her a huge map of Russia, pointing out “the habitat of the tigers and the habitat of the seals and the whales.”
Funny how that common theme started across the board yesterday. Biden being the worst President in history was already a done deal after Afghanistan, is green light to Putin to invade has locked him in at #1 until the end of time.
Blocking traffic is not peaceful.
Funny how that common theme started across the board yesterday. Biden being the worst President in history was already a done deal after Afghanistan, is green light to Putin to invade has locked him in at #1 until the end of time.
You cannot refute you must take a side now America is involved.
I can see you are frustrated I pointed out the hypocritical situation you place yourself.
I reserve my opinion that you could be learning.
Ah! Cling to my Bible uh?
Like Reverend Martin Luther King I do, Mr Leftard Tolerance.
Please yourself. I couldnt care if you worshipped a malignant tumour. You're silly enough to do it like all American godbotherers.
But the irony of you to not mention the paedophila in the church you support. That's the hypocrisy I keep speaking of.

Why should I tolerate people who believe in a celestial dictatorship and think they have divine permission to rule the world. You pius ignoramus.
So you ag
Seem to remember the woman’s March after Trump was elected blocking traffic. Seem to remember the “ mostly peaceful“ riots blocking traffic, even to the point a young child burned to death in a fire because Fire trucks could not get through.
So you agree that blocking traffic is not peaceful.
Hillary Clinton LOVES Putin. Where were you?

“One time, I was visiting with him in his dacha outside of Moscow, and he was going on and on, you know, just listing all of the problems that he thinks are caused by the United States,” Clinton said. “... I said, ‘You know, Mr. Prime Minister, we actually have some things in common. We both want to protect wildlife, and I know how committed you are to protecting the tiger.’ I mean, all of a sudden, he sat up straight and his eyes got big and he goes, ‘You care about the tiger?’”

Clinton said Putin then took her into his “private inner sanctum” and began showing her a huge map of Russia, pointing out “the habitat of the tigers and the habitat of the seals and the whales.”
What dream world do you live in? Must have rainbow unicorns. Hello, McFly??!!??
Russian disinformation in 2016 was specifically targeted at Hillary Clinton. Precisely
because Putin hated her and didn't want to see her as President. So he backed the
wet noodle that he thought he was going to get something out of.
Please yourself. I couldnt care if you worshipped a malignant tumour. You're silly enough to do it like all American godbotherers.
But the irony of you to not mention the paedophila in the church you support. That's the hypocrisy I keep speaking of.

Why should I tolerate people who believe in a celestial dictatorship and think they have divine permission to rule the world. You pius ignoramus.
Ah, calling our (MLK and every Democrat you worship) Lord and Savior a malignant tumor, good one Beezlebub!
What dream world do you live in? Must have rainbow unicorns. Hello, McFly??!!??
Russian disinformation in 2016 was specifically targeted at Hillary Clinton. Precisely
because Putin hated her and didn't want to see her as President. So he backed the
wet noodle that he thought he was going to get something out of.
Was that before or after Hillary took $260M in ‘charity’ from Putin?

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