Talking Points Of the Left: Support Biden Or You’re a Putin Stooge

Funny how that common theme started across the board yesterday. Biden being the worst President in history was already a done deal after Afghanistan, is green light to Putin to invade has locked him in at #1 until the end of time.
Thing is those same democrats are communist pigs.
Then you should have no problem with how Biden is handling it. Alliances, diplomacy, and sanctions.
Not quite

biden has had several months notice that russia is going to invade yet only now are we trying to assist by giving the ukraines more weapons to fight with

thats pretty stupid

and its certainly true russia pulled the trigger while the senile old fool was in the white house

nevertheless this has been a festering problem through 5 presidents
The truth hurts, that’s why you’re all whining, while Reagan is spinning in his grave over shitshow the Republicans have become. The more you deny it, the more foolish and hypocritical you look. IMO, you can kiss the ‘22 elections good bye, because between kissing Putin’s ass and 1/6 clips running 24/7, Republicans will be lucky to have enough votes to prevent cloture.
Nobody is kissing Putin’s ass. Run all of the 1/6 clips you got to fit your narrative. Between accusing conservatives of being Putin and 1/6 sympathizers, it won’t be enough to overcome the egregious gas prices and hyperinflation that continue to rise ever since Biden and his babysitter Harris took office. Ultimately, it’s how the voter views the. economy, everything else is secondary. The Hill will shift over to Republicans at which point, Biden and Harris will only have executive orders.
Obama let Putin take Crimea.

Putin took nothing while Trump was in office.

Now, with the installed President Biden, Putin is taking Ukraine.

Democrats 2020:


Democrats 2022:

President Biden won the election because, the King of kings wanted Him to win so as to oversee America's Gog/Magog/Babylon/Sodom brought down by the Creator as described in Isaiah 5, and Tsar Putin is being Divinely led to assist in bringing down arrogant USA Babylon, Sodom.
The truth hurts, that’s why you’re all whining, while Reagan is spinning in his grave over shitshow the Republicans have become. The more you deny it, the more foolish and hypocritical you look. IMO, you can kiss the ‘22 elections good bye, because between kissing Putin’s ass and 1/6 clips running 24/7, Republicans will be lucky to have enough votes to prevent cloture.

Suuuuure, comrade.

The truth hurts, that’s why you’re all whining, while Reagan is spinning in his grave over shitshow the Republicans have become. The more you deny it, the more foolish and hypocritical you look. IMO, you can kiss the ‘22 elections good bye, because between kissing Putin’s ass and 1/6 clips running 24/7, Republicans will be lucky to have enough votes to prevent cloture.
No matter what Putin is, I trust him more than the arrogant results of Prog socialist agendas. Psaki is leaving to go to TV. There she will be more arrogant and obnoxious and free to be that as she shows her extreme feminist ways. For every feminist shrew there are several people more in poverty and violence slowly expands. We have had enough time with this.
No matter what Putin is, I trust him more than the arrogant results of Prog socialist agendas. Psaki is leaving to go to TV. There she will be more arrogant and obnoxious and free to be that as she shows her extreme feminist ways. For every feminist shrew there are several people more in poverty and violence slowly expands. We have had enough time with this.
You trust Putin? That says volumes about how low the Republicans have sunk!
No matter what Putin is, I trust him more than the arrogant results of Prog socialist agendas. Psaki is leaving to go to TV. There she will be more arrogant and obnoxious and free to be that as she shows her extreme feminist ways. For every feminist shrew there are several people more in poverty and violence slowly expands. We have had enough time with this.
I hope she dies.
President Biden won the election because, the King of kings wanted Him to win so as to oversee America's Gog/Magog/Babylon/Sodom brought down by the Creator as described in Isaiah 5, and Tsar Putin is being Divinely led to assist in bringing down arrogant USA Babylon, Sodom.
Biden didn't win anything.

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