Talking Points Of the Left: Support Biden Or You’re a Putin Stooge

Ah, calling our (MLK and every Democrat you worship) Lord and Savior a malignant tumor, good one Beezlebub!
Lord and savior my foot. Surely a grown human being couldn't still believe that crap.
What evidence do you you have that would rate as proof? Nothing and you know it.
As for savoir, from what? Your self inflicted delusions?
You people gave been praying to God for hundreds of years and never received a single message.
Why can't you admit you've been conned? Still afraid of death?
Lord and savior my foot. Surely a grown human being couldn't still believe that crap.
What evidence do you you have that would rate as proof? Nothing and you know it.
As for savoir, from what? Your self inflicted delusions?
You people gave been praying to God for hundreds of years and never received a single message.
Why can't you admit you've been conned? Still afraid of death?
Brandon, Obummer, Pelosi, etc etc have been conned?

You are so wise! And you’ve never talked with God? How sad.
Thing is those same democrats are communist pigs.
Funny how that common theme started across the board yesterday. Biden being the worst President in history was already a done deal after Afghanistan, is green light to Putin to invade has locked him in at #1 until the end of time.
Dems loved Uncle Joe Stalin, a Communist sociopath and mass murderer, I don't get their hatred for Uncle Vlad, is it because he's not a Communist?
You trust Putin? That says volumes about how low the Republicans have sunk!
Even lower on July 4th of all days.

July 5 2018
Eight members of Congress, all Republicans, spent America's Independence Day in Russia.

Seven senators — John Kennedy (R-LA), Richard Shelby (R-AL), Steve Daines (R-MT), John Hoeven (R-ND), John Thune (R-SD), Jerry Moran (R-KS), and Ron Johnson (R-WI) — and one House member, Kay Granger (R-TX), are all in Moscow over the Fourth of July holiday this week for talks with Russian lawmakers and officials.
Lord and savior my foot. Surely a grown human being couldn't still believe that crap.
What evidence do you you have that would rate as proof? Nothing and you know it.
As for savoir, from what? Your self inflicted delusions?
You people gave been praying to God for hundreds of years and never received a single message.
Why can't you admit you've been conned? Still afraid of death?
I’m enjoying watching you call Rosa Parks and MLK idiots, please keep going.
Even lower on July 4th of all days.

July 5 2018
Eight members of Congress, all Republicans, spent America's Independence Day in Russia.

Seven senators — John Kennedy (R-LA), Richard Shelby (R-AL), Steve Daines (R-MT), John Hoeven (R-ND), John Thune (R-SD), Jerry Moran (R-KS), and Ron Johnson (R-WI) — and one House member, Kay Granger (R-TX), are all in Moscow over the Fourth of July holiday this week for talks with Russian lawmakers and officials.
OMG! Diplomatic relations when we should have had WW3 instead! Horrific!
Lord and savior my foot. Surely a grown human being couldn't still believe that crap.
What evidence do you you have that would rate as proof? Nothing and you know it.
As for savoir, from what? Your self inflicted delusions?
You people gave been praying to God for hundreds of years and never received a single message.
Why can't you admit you've been conned? Still afraid of death?
Talk about malignant tumors, check out this vicious Colon cancer!
Well at least president Trump did not bow like obama did.
To a Saudi king?

Aren't they our allies?
If they aren't, why did Trump do this?

May 27 2017
US President Donald Trump has arrived in Saudi Arabia on the first leg of his first foreign trip since taking office.
In a red-carpet airport welcome, Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud greeted Trump, his wife Melania and his entourage shortly after they landed in the capital, Riyadh, around 06:50 GMT on Saturday.

Oct 11 2019
The Trump administration said Friday it is sending 2,800 more troops, fighter jets and missile defense weaponry to Saudi Arabia to help bolster the kingdom’s defenses after a September attack on its oil facilities.

Defense Secretary Mark Esper ordered the deployment of additional service members, two fighter squadrons, one air expeditionary wing, two Patriot Missile batteries and one THAAD missile defense system. With the additional deployment announced Friday, Esper said U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia will number approximately 3,000.

Trump paid his first foreign visit as president to Saudi Arabia last year, praised its new young ruler and boasted of striking a deal to sell $110 billion of US weapons to the kingdom.

“I love the Saudis,” Trump said when announcing his presidential run at Trump Tower in 2015. “Many are in this building.”

In 1991, as Trump was teetering on personal bankruptcy and scrambling to raise cash, he sold his 282-foot Trump yacht “Princess” to Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin-Talal for $20 million, a third less than what he reportedly paid for it.

Four years later, the prince came to his rescue again, joining other investors in a $325 million deal for Trump’s money-losing Plaza Hotel.

In 2001, Trump sold the entire 45th floor of the Trump World Tower across from the United Nations in New York for $12 million, the biggest purchase in that building to that point, according to the brokerage site Streeteasy. The buyer: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Shortly after he announced his run for president, Trump began laying the groundwork for possible new business in the kingdom. He registered eight companies with names tied to the country, such as “THC Jeddah Hotel Advisor LLC” and “DT Jeddah Technical Services,” according to a 2016 financial disclosure report to the federal government. Jeddah is a major city in the country.
Talk about malignant tumors, check out this vicious Colon cancer!
Again, focus on my personal attributes when you've exhausted the argument. Stick with your filthy bible.
Love the names. Very creative from a pygmatised intelligence. You're pathetic.
Funny how that common theme started across the board yesterday. Biden being the worst President in history was already a done deal after Afghanistan, is green light to Putin to invade has locked him in at #1 until the end of time.

Pay no attention to:

--the economy
--the fact that we've exported so many jobs TO CHINA
--the fact that we import so many no-skills people FROM MEXICO
--spiking crime



It's always this way for them. SQUIRREL!!!
The truth hurts, that’s why you’re all whining, while Reagan is spinning in his grave over shitshow the Republicans have become. The more you deny it, the more foolish and hypocritical you look. IMO, you can kiss the ‘22 elections good bye, because between kissing Putin’s ass and 1/6 clips running 24/7, Republicans will be lucky to have enough votes to prevent cloture.

And that is exactly why you've turned War Hawks all of the sudden. Pathetically, your masters think it will work.

It won't work.
You must admit it's a bit childish especially when you consider yourself mature in other ways.
You can do better than that as an argument.
Colon Cancer, we all acknowledge that you are one of the most pernicious trolls here and it's only a matter of time before you self destruct in obscurity.

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