Tampa Bay Buccaneers, including Tom Brady, visit White House

And you know this bothered trump. He so wants to be loved bu unfortunately he decided to play the divider not the Uniter. He is loved by 40% of voters. He could have made it 60% of the voters but he decided to be a dick, cheat and blatant liar for four years
Yep....celebrities have issues with Trump. If they didn't they wouldn't be celebrities for long.
Yep....celebrities have issues with Trump. If they didn't they wouldn't be celebrities for long.
The smart ones keep quiet just like the rest of us. If you worked with a bunch of liberals would you talk politics? I worked with a bunch of republicans. I hunt with a bunch of republicans. I don’t argue with them. Maybe a little with my hunting buddies but is it worth it? Am I changing your mind?
The smart ones keep quiet just like the rest of us. If you worked with a bunch of liberals would you talk politics? I worked with a bunch of republicans. I hunt with a bunch of republicans. I don’t argue with them. Maybe a little with my hunting buddies but is it worth it? Am I changing your mind?
No....because I know right from wrong.
So do the people at your work who vote Democratic. Do you really believe your side is the side God is on?
God has nothing to do with it.
And where I work in TN....most of my co-workers are former Democrats who cannot bring themselves to vote for Democrats anymore.....mainly because they're hard working decent people.....and the Democrat Party doesn't appeal to them anymore.
God has nothing to do with it.
And where I work in TN....most of my co-workers are former Democrats who cannot bring themselves to vote for Democrats anymore.....mainly because they're hard working decent people.....and the Democrat Party doesn't appeal to them anymore.
That's just what they tell you. They've been conned by Trump like a lot of blue collar Americans. Not surprised in TN. Didn't you idiots put Bush in the White House? Why did you vote against your own boy Gore? Seems like Tennesseeans have been stupid for over 20 years at least. Just like all the people in the other red states. Poor as shit but duped with god, gays guns and racism.

Per capita income in past 12 months (in 2019 dollars), 2015-2019$29,859
Persons in poverty, percent 13.9%

Hard working but don't get paid for shit.

Tennessee ranks 41st in Poverty Rate at 16.7%(poverty rankings by state). The Poverty Rate of Tennessee is moderately higher than the national average of 14.6%.

Meanwhile, the official poverty rate fell to 13.9% — down 1.4 points from 2018 — and child poverty fell 2.6 points to 16.8% (Figures 3 and 4). (1) These trends unfolded as earnings grew at nearly every level of education over the last decade — especially among Tennesseans with the least education.

Sounds like you guys did better under Obama.
That's just what they tell you. They've been conned by Trump like a lot of blue collar Americans. Not surprised in TN. Didn't you idiots put Bush in the White House? Why did you vote against your own boy Gore? Seems like Tennesseeans have been stupid for over 20 years at least. Just like all the people in the other red states. Poor as shit but duped with god, gays guns and racism.

Per capita income in past 12 months (in 2019 dollars), 2015-2019$29,859
Persons in poverty, percent 13.9%
Hard working but don't get paid for shit.

Tennessee ranks 41st in Poverty Rate at 16.7%(poverty rankings by state). The Poverty Rate of Tennessee is moderately higher than the national average of 14.6%.

Meanwhile, the official poverty rate fell to 13.9% — down 1.4 points from 2018 — and child poverty fell 2.6 points to 16.8% (Figures 3 and 4). (1) These trends unfolded as earnings grew at nearly every level of education over the last decade — especially among Tennesseans with the least education.

Sounds like you guys did better under Obama.
The current poverty rate in TN is 2 % lower than KY and 7% lower than Mississippi, and lower than every state in the South. I think the poverty rate has more to do with a the economic state and wage scale. I'd be willing to bet our poverty rate is better now than CA because of the nonsense that has been going on since COVID hit. I don't think that this statistic has much to do with quality of life....which is much better here in TN than it ever was for me in CA.

Statistics aside....Obama was terrible for rental property owners and Real Estate sales because he drove down property values while driving up the cost of living. He seemed to encourage people with poor credit to get into loans they couldn't afford which led to them walking away from mortgages which helped cause a massive increase in bankruptcy. This happened alot in the black community.

Home ownership was a big deal back in 2004.....but now has become discouraged. Now property ownership is being discouraged by the socialists in government.
When it comes to Al Gore....too many of us know about him and his racist Daddy. He got into public office before I moved here and most people here didn't like him.
I don't think that this statistic has much to do with quality of life....which is much better here in TN than it ever was for me in CA.

Statistics aside....Obama was terrible for rental property owners and Real Estate sales because he drove down property values while driving up the cost of living. He seemed to encourage people with poor credit to get into loans they couldn't afford which led to them walking away from mortgages which helped cause a massive increase in bankruptcy. This happened alot in the black community.

Home ownership was a big deal back in 2004.....but now has become discouraged. Now property ownership is being discouraged by the socialists in government.
When it comes to Al Gore....too many of us know about him and his racist Daddy. He got into public office before I moved here and most people here didn't like him.
FOR YOU? So you are not going to accept the numbers/facts instead you are going to go based on how much better things are FOR YOU in TN compared to when you were in CA?

Bush was great for property owners. How many lost their homes because of his Great Recession? So Bush was great for the rich because they came in and purchased those homes we lost CHEAP and now instead of us owning those homes we rent from the rich who purchased our homes on the cheap.

In MI people are outbidding and paying more than the asking price for homes.
FOR YOU? So you are not going to accept the numbers/facts instead you are going to go based on how much better things are FOR YOU in TN compared to when you were in CA?

Bush was great for property owners. How many lost their homes because of his Great Recession? So Bush was great for the rich because they came in and purchased those homes we lost CHEAP and now instead of us owning those homes we rent from the rich who purchased our homes on the cheap.

In MI people are outbidding and paying more than the asking price for homes.
Bush is part of the same cabal as Clinton and Obama.

The great recession was simply Democrats causing and then taking advantage of a crisis. It's the only thing they're good at.
You don't talk politics with the black parents do you? Do you tell them how dumb they are voting Democratic? You do know 90% of them do vote Democratic right? And we all know how you feel about Democrats. You're always attacking them and it's always the right wing loons who like your troll posts that derail and often close down threads.
Bush is part of the same cabal as Clinton and Obama.

The great recession was simply Democrats causing and then taking advantage of a crisis. It's the only thing they're good at.
You will go to your grave telling yourself those lies. And you will think 2020 was stolen when it was actually 2000 that was stolen. Trump simply tried the same tactic that Bush used to steal the 2000 election. Google Brooks Brother Riots in 2000. Republicans riot when they don't like the results. Stop the count!

And no Clinton and Obama are not part of the Bush Cabal. I'll give you an example. Republicans wanted Clinton to invade Iraq. Like NAFTA, they wanted to put that on him too. But he wouldn't do it. So in the 90's PNAC got together and planned out the next century for America. They literally planned out the invasion of Iraq long before they lied us into Iraq. Look it up if you don't believe me.

No Clinton and Obama were not at those meetings. Can you tell us who was at those PNAC meetings? Project for the Next American Century. So nice of Bush to plan out our next 100 years for us. Idiot! Thanks for the 100 year war you lied us into. Then at the end of your presidency caused a Great Recession.

Remember what Trump said. "Leadership, whatever happens, you're responsible."
You will go to your grave telling yourself those lies. And you will think 2020 was stolen when it was actually 2000 that was stolen. Trump simply tried the same tactic that Bush used to steal the 2000 election. Google Brooks Brother Riots in 2000. Republicans riot when they don't like the results. Stop the count!

And no Clinton and Obama are not part of the Bush Cabal. I'll give you an example. Republicans wanted Clinton to invade Iraq. Like NAFTA, they wanted to put that on him too. But he wouldn't do it. So in the 90's PNAC got together and planned out the next century for America. They literally planned out the invasion of Iraq long before they lied us into Iraq. Look it up if you don't believe me.

No Clinton and Obama were not at those meetings. Can you tell us who was at those PNAC meetings? Project for the Next American Century. So nice of Bush to plan out our next 100 years for us. Idiot! Thanks for the 100 year war you lied us into. Then at the end of your presidency caused a Great Recession.

Remember what Trump said. "Leadership, whatever happens, you're responsible."
Bush Sr was head of the CIA.
Figure out how much that has to do with everything.
You don't talk politics with the black parents do you? ....
Why would I? I'm there to teach their children, not talk politics. Their politics are none of my business and my politics are none of their business.
The current poverty rate in TN is 2 % lower than KY and 7% lower than Mississippi, and lower than every state in the South. I think the poverty rate has more to do with a the economic state and wage scale. I'd be willing to bet our poverty rate is better now than CA because of the nonsense that has been going on since COVID hit. I don't think that this statistic has much to do with quality of life....which is much better here in TN than it ever was for me in CA.

Statistics aside....Obama was terrible for rental property owners and Real Estate sales because he drove down property values while driving up the cost of living. He seemed to encourage people with poor credit to get into loans they couldn't afford which led to them walking away from mortgages which helped cause a massive increase in bankruptcy. This happened alot in the black community.

Home ownership was a big deal back in 2004.....but now has become discouraged. Now property ownership is being discouraged by the socialists in government.
When it comes to Al Gore....too many of us know about him and his racist Daddy. He got into public office before I moved here and most people here didn't like him.
Now I know your problem. You’ve been brainwashed by Tennessee conservative radio talk show host Phil valentine. That idiot said corona was a hoax. Now he’s gravely I’ll with it. He has now done a 180 on corona.

If he was wrong about that imagine what else he’s wrong about.
Why would I? I'm there to teach their children, not talk politics. Their politics are none of my business and my politics are none of their business.
You asked why not first. I guess you answered your own question.
Now I know your problem. You’ve been brainwashed by Tennessee conservative radio talk show host Phil valentine. That idiot said corona was a hoax. Now he’s gravely I’ll with it. He has now done a 180 on corona.

If he was wrong about that imagine what else he’s wrong about.
I don't think he ever said that the virus wasn't real.....he specifically said that what you leftist fags were doing because of it was the scam.
I don't think he ever said that the virus wasn't real.....he specifically said that what you leftist fags were doing because of it was the scam.
Huh? What is it we are doing that’s a scam?

You know how much I love it that only the unvaccinated are dying? And it’s fun watching you even argue with your republican leaders who have made a 180 and are no say g it’s no joke. It’s no common flu. Not if you are unvaccinated. So I guess I can’t feel bad for anyone who dies because before the vaccine they put the rest of us at risk and now they’re only killing themselves.
Huh? What is it we are doing that’s a scam?

You know how much I love it that only the unvaccinated are dying? And it’s fun watching you even argue with your republican leaders who have made a 180 and are no say g it’s no joke. It’s no common flu. Not if you are unvaccinated. So I guess I can’t feel bad for anyone who dies because before the vaccine they put the rest of us at risk and now they’re only killing themselves.
Who told you this nonsense?
Some people have died from getting the damn thing. People are testing positive after getting vaccinated. If they're testing positive then they're a carrier. They're infecting someone else.
Huh? What is it we are doing that’s a scam?

You know how much I love it that only the unvaccinated are dying? .....
Demonstrating once again that leftists care NOTHING for human life. Everything is just a means to a political end. Fucking ghouls.

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