Tampa Bay Buccaneers, including Tom Brady, visit White House

Demonstrating once again that leftists care NOTHING for human life. Everything is just a means to a political end. Fucking ghouls.
Do you care if Al Queda people die? Of course not because they want to kill you. Republicans may not want to kill me but their stupidity was killing us. Now it's only killing themselves.

I never claimed life was precious. In fact we are overpopulated.

Of course this is great news. The people who got vaccinated aren't dying. The people who are dying, we told you so. If you are still alive and reading this maybe you should go get the vaccine. If not, I'm not going to lose one minute sleep over your sorry ass. The world's overpopulated already.

#COVID19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are going up. This is due, in part, to the spread of the B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant, accounting for more than 80% of COVID-19 cases. Vaccines are our most effective tools against COVID-19.

Feel free to contract the Delta variant while you are not vaccinated unkotare. I beg you.
Do you care if Al Queda people die? ....
Of course I do. I don't want anyone to die, and I don't want anyone to kill. Your combination of democrat inability to even imagine anyone or anything outside what you have been told to believe, with your deep and obvious moral handicap are a large part of why you are such a failed human being. If you weren't so completely lacking in any kind of moral foundation, you wouldn't say half the stupid shit you do. Typical, of course, for a democrat.
Of course I do. I don't want anyone to die, and I don't want anyone to kill. Your combination of democrat inability to even imagine anyone or anything outside what you have been told to believe, with your deep and obvious moral handicap are a large part of why you are such a failed human being. If you weren't so completely lacking in any kind of moral foundation, you wouldn't say half the stupid shit you do. Typical, of course, for a democrat.
Probably why you care more about the Japs than you do Americans back in WW2.
That is why everything I just said about you is true. Don't complain when I point out that human life means nothing to you leftist ghouls.
That depends. Do I want a war with Iran that would lead to millions dead? No.
Who does Biden think he is Colin Kappernick? Taking a knee? I bet the national anthem was being played.

You know Trump had a horrible time being president? He loves hanging out with other celebrities. So you know it killed him when he couldn't go to the Kennedy Center honors because if he went, everyone else would cancel. Now most of the celebrities that he used to shoot the shit with turn and walk away because they hated all the things he said and did as president. I find it amazing how much he acted like Putin or Hitler and how much Republicans or Nazi's went along. I totally see how Hitler was able to take over Germany now. I used to judge the German people for WW2 but now I see that when 60% of the population is lazy then the 40% minority can take over power and then suddenly this isn't America anymore. In name only. AINO. LOL
Biden doesn't allow the National Anthem to be played around him, it embarrasses him. LOL!
You have been corrected on this false crisis many times. Every time you eventually concede the point.
I've never conceded the point. You think we can engineer our way out of this crisis. We can't. But what I see Republicans doing is discouraging people who can't afford kids from having them. That I like. I might vote Republican with you next time because of it.

According to a new report from the National Center for Health Statistics, the number of babies born in the United States fell for the fourth consecutive year in 2018 to a 32-year low. Not only that, the fertility rate 0f 1.7 births per woman decreased by 2 percent to another record low, meaning that Americans are having fewer babies each, and all together we aren’t having enough to replace the current population. But hold off on the Handmaid’s Tale comparisons for now.

One piece of good news from the report is that teen births have continued to decline. In light of recent news, it’s also important to note that “the decline in birth rates is not at all driven by an increase in abortion,” Guzzo says — the number of abortions has also hit a historic low, according to the Guttmacher Institute. Instead, women are avoiding pregnancy and putting off or opting out of having kids, and the reasons why are worth a closer look.

Half of women ages 15-44 say they expect to have a child in the future, the CDC found, and the majority of Americans say they prefer families with two or three kids, according to a 2018 Gallup poll. In it, 50 percent of Americans said two-kid families are ideal, and 41 percent said three or more kids are ideal. Only 1 percent of those polled said having no kids at all was best.

So, why aren’t more people having them? The falling fertility rate for women in their 20s and early 30s has a lot to do with the financial uncertainty they feel, and the fact that costs like childcare, health care, and higher education largely fall to individuals, Guzzo says. “Think of this as sort of a perfect storm of all the ways our society has not supported individuals and families. It’s now coming to fruition and to a head in terms of the decision about whether to have kids, and how many kids to have.” And the data shows that faced with those pressures, American women are choosing to wait longer to start a family, and more quickly finding their family complete. Here’s why that may be.

“They can’t afford to have kids.”​

Tara Fowler, 29, who works in digital media in New York City, says she always thought she’d have kids, but now that she finally feels “adult enough,” she’s realizing that she may not want to. “For me, career is the biggest factor. I admire stay-at-home moms, but I don't want to be one. I fear becoming a mom too early in my working career and not being able to get back in, but I also fear it happening too late and being pushed out,” she says, adding that her finances play a role, too. “I can barely pay for my own life right now, I'm not sure how I would support a child.”

This is why I like what Republicans have done to the country since Reagan. Made it harder and harder for people to have kids. BRAVO Republicans. We are overpopulated as is and you are doing a heck of a job solving that problem.
Limited minds believe we are overpopulated.
Well we are on the brink. Our planet can only sustain 10 billion and we have 17 billion or something like that. But I just posted an article that proves most Americans no longer feel they can afford to have kids. Or they can't afford to have as many as they would like. This means our population is currently going down. I LOVE IT! And I don't see that changing any time soon.

Not unless the middle class makes more money.
College is more affordable
Daycare is more affordable

So in other words when you feel like you want to solve this problem you will start doing the things Democrats have told you we need to do. I hope you don't listen. We have too many people warming the planet. I'd like to see us go back down to 10 billion people.

So from now on I vote Republican.
Limited minds believe we are overpopulated.

Fertility rates have fallen around the world over the last decade—even in countries with generous social welfare states, which experts had long expected to be holdouts in the face of fertility declines. But while demographers often talk about this change in terms of “fertility rates” or “births per woman,” another way to tally the total is in terms of missing births. That is, if the population of women who might have kids changed the way it did over the last decade, and if fertility rates had remained at their 2008 levels (the last time we had replacement-rate fertility in America), how many more babies would have been born?

The answer is 5.8 million babies.

So while Republican policies want to force people to have kids they don't want, their other policies actually are doing a great job at preventing births. Bravo. Really.

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