Tampa Bay Buccaneers, including Tom Brady, visit White House

Brady is very clever, always has been. He joins the team trip to the WH and says something to Biden that's intentionally vague but in obvious reference to the election. Everybody laughs. The right is sure he's trolling Biden, the left is sure he's trolling Trump. Die hard Brady haters are sure it's whichever one makes him the villan. He walks away unscathed and avoids a locker room conflict going into the 2021 season.

That said, people's politics don't change on a dime. The guy has a brand and he's gunning for a superbowl repeat. Just like Michael Jordan, you're not going to get a lot of overt political statements from Brady, you mostly have to read between the lines and context clues. Anybody who understands that can easily infer what he was thinking when he was face to face with Biden.
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Well we are on the brink. Our planet can only sustain 10 billion and we have 17 billion or something like that. But I just posted an article that proves most Americans no longer feel they can afford to have kids. Or they can't afford to have as many as they would like. This means our population is currently going down. I LOVE IT! And I don't see that changing any time soon.

Not unless the middle class makes more money.
College is more affordable
Daycare is more affordable

So in other words when you feel like you want to solve this problem you will start doing the things Democrats have told you we need to do. I hope you don't listen. We have too many people warming the planet. I'd like to see us go back down to 10 billion people.

So from now on I vote Republican.
We are at 7.6 billion and the earth can sustain so much more. Your limited knowledge and thinking ability limits the number of people that this planet can sustain. I am not concerned whether the population increases or decreases, the world will continue on many thousands of years after you are gone and you can't do a thing about it.
Fertility rates have fallen around the world over the last decade—even in countries with generous social welfare states, which experts had long expected to be holdouts in the face of fertility declines. But while demographers often talk about this change in terms of “fertility rates” or “births per woman,” another way to tally the total is in terms of missing births. That is, if the population of women who might have kids changed the way it did over the last decade, and if fertility rates had remained at their 2008 levels (the last time we had replacement-rate fertility in America), how many more babies would have been born?

The answer is 5.8 million babies.

So while Republican policies want to force people to have kids they don't want, their other policies actually are doing a great job at preventing births. Bravo. Really.
Nice ramble, means nothing to me but hey you did give me a good laugh.
We are at 7.6 billion and the earth can sustain so much more. Your limited knowledge and thinking ability limits the number of people that this planet can sustain. I am not concerned whether the population increases or decreases, the world will continue on many thousands of years after you are gone and you can't do a thing about it.
I want it to continue on for another 2 million years. Your way will cut that number in half. So much for caring for the unborn.
Yes I do .....
2 million years in the future is so far beyond any earthly concerns you could ever have that it is absurdly abstract speculation at most. You don't care because you can't.. And of course it will only be a relatively short time before you are dead, and we know that no one will remember you at all for more than a year or two after that, you being all alone and all. What we know is that YOU care absolutely NOTHING for human life HERE and NOW, ghoul.
2 million years in the future is so far beyond any earthly concerns you could ever have that it is absurdly abstract speculation at most. You don't care because you can't.. And of course it will only be a relatively short time before you are dead, and we know that no one will remember you at all for more than a year or two after that, you being all alone and all. What we know is that YOU care absolutely NOTHING for human life HERE and NOW, ghoul.
The people who remember you will be glad you are dead. Like Hitler.

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