Tancredo is right: Obama Is A Greater Threat To The U.S.A. Than Al Qaeda Or U.S.S.R.


May 29, 2010
Anyone who disagrees hasn't been paying attention. Federal takeovers of businesses and industry, putting the lives and health of American citizens in the hands of government bureaucrats, forbidding Arizona from protecting its people and border from foreign illegal mexicans infiltrating and destroying Americas culture, traditions and christian family values, standing in the way of clean up efforts in the Gulf and working overtime to try to kill 50,000+ jobs in the region through a misguided moratorium on oil drilling. Not to mention the out of control spending that threatens future generations with debt they'll never be able to repay.

The Obama Administration is a bigger threat to our God-given, Constitutional freedoms and the lives and livelihoods of American citizens than any threat from any foreign enemy. One thing for sure and that is Sarah Palin would never put our country in jeopardy and she would never side with the enemy or bow to other leaders making the office of the presidency look submissive to foreign countries. She will open up drilling on our domestic soil to wean ourselves off foreign oil and bring jobs back to Louisiana and other parts of the gulf region effected by Obama's incompetence due to his massive lack of executive experience before taking office. Along with his non role model kids and wife who never liked her country until Obama won a primary, Obama has never been a patriotic citizen who loved his country or it's constitution. Sarah Palin for one, unlike Obama, is a patriotic Natural Born Citizen born to Parents (plural) who were both U.S. Citizens which means she would qualify to hold the Office Of The Presidency under Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 of the U.S. Constutution. Again Tacrendo is right and he hits the nail on the head about the usurper holding office.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s4NGyNoAQY&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Tom Tancredo at Ken Buck's DeMint Rally[/ame]

"Everything is at stake here. Everything. I firmly believe with all my heart, you guys, that, although we have had many threats to our nation. We have gone through a whole lot of things, and survived a many things... But nothing, I do not believe, not the Soviet Union during that 35-year period leading up to the fall of the Soviet Union thanks to Ronald Reagan... We had that threat, we survived it. Later we found out we had another threat to our way of life and that was al-Qaeda... But I firmly believe this... The greatest threat to the United States today, the greatest threat to our liberty, the greatest threat to the Constitution of the United States, the greatest threat to our way of life; everything we believe in. The greatest threat to the country that our founding fathers put together is the man that's sitting in the White House today."
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Lordy, lordy, crying in your beer again.

Well, have a good time, more than likely, you have over six more years of crying in your beer.
Lordy, lordy, crying in your beer again.

Well, have a good time, more than likely, you have over six more years of crying in your beer.

Wishful thinking just won't get it done
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Is Tancredo pregnant? Look at him in that tape.

so you cant take the guy on by what he says.....but wait lets make fun of his looks?....your a HYPERCRITE Junky....how many posts have i seen you berating the Right leaner's here for making fun of the way some Democrats look....but then you never have added much intelect to any discussion...
Man, What a Disgrace and an Embarrassment to the Right..

Obviously he has no fucking clue about National Security.
Anyone who disagrees hasn't been paying attention. Federal takeovers of businesses and industry, putting the lives and health of American citizens in the hands of government bureaucrats, forbidding Arizona from protecting its people and border from foreign illegal mexicans infiltrating and destroying Americas culture, traditions and christian family values, standing in the way of clean up efforts in the Gulf and working overtime to try to kill 50,000+ jobs in the region through a misguided moratorium on oil drilling. Not to mention the out of control spending that threatens future generations with debt they'll never be able to repay.

The Obama Administration is a bigger threat to our God-given, Constitutional freedoms and the lives and livelihoods of American citizens than any threat from any foreign enemy. One thing for sure and that is Sarah Palin would never put our country in jeopardy and she would never side with the enemy or bow to other leaders making the office of the presidency look submissive to foreign countries. She will open up drilling on our domestic soil to wean ourselves off foreign oil and bring jobs back to Louisiana and other parts of the gulf region effected by Obama's incompetence due to his massive lack of executive experience before taking office. Along with his non role model kids and wife who never liked her country until Obama won a primary, Obama has never been a patriotic citizen who loved his country or it's constitution. Sarah Palin for one, unlike Obama, is a patriotic Natural Born Citizen born to Parents (plural) who were both U.S. Citizens which means she would qualify to hold the Office Of The Presidency under Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 of the U.S. Constutution. Again Tacrendo is right and he hits the nail on the head about the usurper holding office.

YouTube - Tom Tancredo at Ken Buck's DeMint Rally

"Everything is at stake here. Everything. I firmly believe with all my heart, you guys, that, although we have had many threats to our nation. We have gone through a whole lot of things, and survived a many things... But nothing, I do not believe, not the Soviet Union during that 35-year period leading up to the fall of the Soviet Union thanks to Ronald Reagan... We had that threat, we survived it. Later we found out we had another threat to our way of life and that was al-Qaeda... But I firmly believe this... The greatest threat to the United States today, the greatest threat to our liberty, the greatest threat to the Constitution of the United States, the greatest threat to our way of life; everything we believe in. The greatest threat to the country that our founding fathers put together is the man that's sitting in the White House today."

Dude ... really ....:cuckoo:
Is Tancredo pregnant? Look at him in that tape.

so you cant take the guy on by what he says.....but wait lets make fun of his looks?....your a HYPERCRITE Junky....how many posts have i seen you berating the Right leaner's here for making fun of the way some Democrats look....but then you never have added much intelect to any discussion...

Why bother trying when the discussion concerns what this nutbag is saying?
Is Tancredo pregnant? Look at him in that tape.

so you cant take the guy on by what he says.....but wait lets make fun of his looks?....your a HYPERCRITE Junky....how many posts have i seen you berating the Right leaner's here for making fun of the way some Democrats look....but then you never have added much intelect to any discussion...
Really, can you cite an instance when I did that? God knows cons make fun of others appearances often enough, with photo-shopped photos and comments.
Anyone who disagrees hasn't been paying attention. Federal takeovers of businesses and industry, putting the lives and health of American citizens in the hands of government bureaucrats, forbidding Arizona from protecting its people and border from foreign illegal mexicans infiltrating and destroying Americas culture, traditions and christian family values, standing in the way of clean up efforts in the Gulf and working overtime to try to kill 50,000+ jobs in the region through a misguided moratorium on oil drilling. Not to mention the out of control spending that threatens future generations with debt they'll never be able to repay.

The Obama Administration is a bigger threat to our God-given, Constitutional freedoms and the lives and livelihoods of American citizens than any threat from any foreign enemy. One thing for sure and that is Sarah Palin would never put our country in jeopardy and she would never side with the enemy or bow to other leaders making the office of the presidency look submissive to foreign countries. She will open up drilling on our domestic soil to wean ourselves off foreign oil and bring jobs back to Louisiana and other parts of the gulf region effected by Obama's incompetence due to his massive lack of executive experience before taking office. Along with his non role model kids and wife who never liked her country until Obama won a primary, Obama has never been a patriotic citizen who loved his country or it's constitution. Sarah Palin for one, unlike Obama, is a patriotic Natural Born Citizen born to Parents (plural) who were both U.S. Citizens which means she would qualify to hold the Office Of The Presidency under Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 of the U.S. Constutution. Again Tacrendo is right and he hits the nail on the head about the usurper holding office.

YouTube - Tom Tancredo at Ken Buck's DeMint Rally

"Everything is at stake here. Everything. I firmly believe with all my heart, you guys, that, although we have had many threats to our nation. We have gone through a whole lot of things, and survived a many things... But nothing, I do not believe, not the Soviet Union during that 35-year period leading up to the fall of the Soviet Union thanks to Ronald Reagan... We had that threat, we survived it. Later we found out we had another threat to our way of life and that was al-Qaeda... But I firmly believe this... The greatest threat to the United States today, the greatest threat to our liberty, the greatest threat to the Constitution of the United States, the greatest threat to our way of life; everything we believe in. The greatest threat to the country that our founding fathers put together is the man that's sitting in the White House today."


in order to join the conservative club

you HAVE to be a deranged lunatic

you are truly insane
Is Tancredo pregnant? Look at him in that tape.

so you cant take the guy on by what he says.....but wait lets make fun of his looks?....your a HYPERCRITE Junky....how many posts have i seen you berating the Right leaner's here for making fun of the way some Democrats look....but then you never have added much intelect to any discussion...
Really, can you cite an instance when I did that? God knows cons make fun of others appearances often enough, with photo-shopped photos and comments.

and you have made remarks about them doing that.........yea ill go back through thousands of posts looking....i will tell you this though....next time you do it....i will remind you of it...
Anyone who disagrees hasn't been paying attention. Federal takeovers of businesses and industry, putting the lives and health of American citizens in the hands of government bureaucrats, forbidding Arizona from protecting its people and border from foreign illegal mexicans infiltrating and destroying Americas culture, traditions and christian family values, standing in the way of clean up efforts in the Gulf and working overtime to try to kill 50,000+ jobs in the region through a misguided moratorium on oil drilling. Not to mention the out of control spending that threatens future generations with debt they'll never be able to repay.

The Obama Administration is a bigger threat to our God-given, Constitutional freedoms and the lives and livelihoods of American citizens than any threat from any foreign enemy. One thing for sure and that is Sarah Palin would never put our country in jeopardy and she would never side with the enemy or bow to other leaders making the office of the presidency look submissive to foreign countries. She will open up drilling on our domestic soil to wean ourselves off foreign oil and bring jobs back to Louisiana and other parts of the gulf region effected by Obama's incompetence due to his massive lack of executive experience before taking office. Along with his non role model kids and wife who never liked her country until Obama won a primary, Obama has never been a patriotic citizen who loved his country or it's constitution. Sarah Palin for one, unlike Obama, is a patriotic Natural Born Citizen born to Parents (plural) who were both U.S. Citizens which means she would qualify to hold the Office Of The Presidency under Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 of the U.S. Constutution. Again Tacrendo is right and he hits the nail on the head about the usurper holding office.

YouTube - Tom Tancredo at Ken Buck's DeMint Rally

"Everything is at stake here. Everything. I firmly believe with all my heart, you guys, that, although we have had many threats to our nation. We have gone through a whole lot of things, and survived a many things... But nothing, I do not believe, not the Soviet Union during that 35-year period leading up to the fall of the Soviet Union thanks to Ronald Reagan... We had that threat, we survived it. Later we found out we had another threat to our way of life and that was al-Qaeda... But I firmly believe this... The greatest threat to the United States today, the greatest threat to our liberty, the greatest threat to the Constitution of the United States, the greatest threat to our way of life; everything we believe in. The greatest threat to the country that our founding fathers put together is the man that's sitting in the White House today."

True but so is Bush and Clinton since both parties are corrupt and have an agenda against the american people.The president is just a puppet doing what his controllers tell him to do.

Remember when Clinton signed NAFTA and millions of american jobs were shipped over to mexico? and of course Bush was the president that got us into the worst recession since the great depression.Back in early 2008 when Bush was still president,their were headlines all over the front pages of the new york times stating that we we in the worst recession since then.Clinton got it started,Bush accelerated it,now Obama is. It will never be a government of the people as long as we have this corrupt two party system.Obama isnt the one to blame.He is just a puppet doing the work for the controllers. yes Obama is a bigger threat to our constitutional freedoms and the lives and livlihoods of american citizens than any foreign enemy,but again so is any democrat or republican president.

Every president that gets into office from here on out is going to be worse than the previous one wheter democrat or republican or uh hum,correction-demopublican or reprocrat.Thats the way it HAS been the last 30 years going back to Reagan.oh and your wrong about Sara Palin.She is no different.
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The far right wing of the GOP is a greater threat to the American republic and civil rights of its citizens than the jihadists.

I mean, really: you want a country with CurveLight, bigrebnc1775, zander, house, kee kee, liability, and those wacks running this place. If that were the case, a revolution would break out and the patriots of the center and left would put the loyalists of the right down.

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