Tax and Spending Proposal That Makes Sense

But equality is not? We're supposed to have equal justice under the law. When it comes to income tax codes, the only way to have equality is a flat tax with no deductions.

Why are advocating inequality?

Because of what America is: the dream is such that some can succeed beyond their wildest imaginations, the great majority do well, and the sick and lame and unemployable will not be kicked to the gutter.

That is not the American dream.

Man, you're such a flaming big Government progressive it's laffable that you claim otherwise. I mean what you just said implies that the only people that won't succeed are "the sick, lame and unemployable." Yes because only the sick, lame and unemployable are on welfare.

You are clearly out of the American dream, not a mainstream Republican. You can't succeed in this, the best of American worlds, and we all have to listen to you reactionaries whine, whine, whine. Step off, sonny, you aren't worth it.
Because of what America is: the dream is such that some can succeed beyond their wildest imaginations, the great majority do well, and the sick and lame and unemployable will not be kicked to the gutter.

That is not the American dream.

Man, you're such a flaming big Government progressive it's laffable that you claim otherwise. I mean what you just said implies that the only people that won't succeed are "the sick, lame and unemployable." Yes because only the sick, lame and unemployable are on welfare.

You are clearly out of the American dream, not a mainstream Republican. You can't succeed in this, the best of American worlds, and we all have to listen to you reactionaries whine, whine, whine. Step off, sonny, you aren't worth it.

THIS is your case in support of tax loopholes? Really impressive...:doubt:
Because of what America is: the dream is such that some can succeed beyond their wildest imaginations, the great majority do well, and the sick and lame and unemployable will not be kicked to the gutter.

That is not the American dream.

Man, you're such a flaming big Government progressive it's laffable that you claim otherwise. I mean what you just said implies that the only people that won't succeed are "the sick, lame and unemployable." Yes because only the sick, lame and unemployable are on welfare.

You are clearly out of the American dream, not a mainstream Republican. You can't succeed in this, the best of American worlds, and we all have to listen to you reactionaries whine, whine, whine. Step off, sonny, you aren't worth it.

My Business turned over 40k last month... I understand the concept of the American dream very well. It is you that believe in a welfare system who whines because it fails to produce the positive results you wanted to see.

Deductions are welfare.
That is not the American dream.

Man, you're such a flaming big Government progressive it's laffable that you claim otherwise. I mean what you just said implies that the only people that won't succeed are "the sick, lame and unemployable." Yes because only the sick, lame and unemployable are on welfare.

You are clearly out of the American dream, not a mainstream Republican. You can't succeed in this, the best of American worlds, and we all have to listen to you reactionaries whine, whine, whine. Step off, sonny, you aren't worth it.

THIS is your case in support of tax loopholes? Really impressive...:doubt:

Jake is the average neocon Republican... He believes in small Government in rhetoric only. He is butthurt because the liberal Republican party that he wants is falling apart internally.
Jake is the average mainstream GOP Republican who does not want neo-con imperialism like Avorysuds.
Jake is the average mainstream GOP Republican who does not want neo-con imperialism like Avorysuds.

Referring to yourself in the third person...always a classy move.

Now, will you make your case for inequality in the income tax codes or just revert to more name calling?
Jake is the average mainstream GOP Republican who does not want neo-con imperialism like Avorysuds.

Referring to yourself in the third person...always a classy move. Now, will you make your case for inequality in the income tax codes or just revert to more name calling?

The case has been made elsewhere, and you were the one who began the slide to ad homming, hmmm. I used third-person to correct your mischaracterization of me.
Jake is the average mainstream GOP Republican who does not want neo-con imperialism like Avorysuds.

Referring to yourself in the third person...always a classy move. Now, will you make your case for inequality in the income tax codes or just revert to more name calling?

The case has been made elsewhere

Well, YOU didn't make the case, but I guess at least we know you support inequality, which is telling. Perhaps someday you'll grace us with an explanation as to why.
My original post: "The case has been made elsewhere, and you were the one who began the slide to ad homming, hmmm. I used third-person to correct your mischaracterization of me."

eflatminor's slicing of my post: "The case has been made elsewhere" so he can say, "Well, YOU didn't make the case, but I guess at least we know you support inequality, which is telling. Perhaps someday you'll grace us with an explanation as to why."

Bub, play by the rules or go home. I was talking about your ad homming and you made it something that it wasn't. Stupid you.
1. Federal Progressive Flat Income Tax:
Basically everyone is taxed that the same rate for the same money earned.
(1) 0-$25K = 0% Meaning for the first $25K that everyone makes is tax free!
(2) $25K-$50K = 5% The next $25-$50K is taxed at 5% (remember the first $25K is 0%)
(3) $50K-$150K =10%
(4) $150K-$250K = 15%
(5) $250K - $500K = 20%
(6) $500K - $1mil = 25%
(7) $1 mil - $2 mil = 35%
(8) $2 mil+ = 40%
Ummmm assessing a higher percentage as income goes up is the definition of a progressive tax. How are you considering it a flat tax?

2. State Income Tax limits: Under no circumstances can state tax more than:
<$50K = 2%
<$100K = 3%
<$250K = 5%
Never can exceed 9% (taking half of someones income is high way robbery)!
The Federal government has no authority that I'm aware of to dictate state income tax rates.

Close the stock option loophole that allows executives to millions of dollars and pay the capital gains not sales tax. Lower taxes for capital gains should be on investment dollars from an investor into a business.

3. Federal and State Pensions:
Make them illegal and overnight devise a plan to pay current and soon to be retirees and get all State and Federal workers (including teachers) into individual retirement plans with a employer match (aka 401k and IRA).
Current Federal employees have both a small pension (1.5% * years served * average of top three years salary) and a 401k style contribution plan.
My original post: "The case has been made elsewhere, and you were the one who began the slide to ad homming, hmmm. I used third-person to correct your mischaracterization of me."

eflatminor's slicing of my post: "The case has been made elsewhere" so he can say, "Well, YOU didn't make the case, but I guess at least we know you support inequality, which is telling. Perhaps someday you'll grace us with an explanation as to why."

Bub, play by the rules or go home. I was talking about your ad homming and you made it something that it wasn't. Stupid you.

You go with that...:doubt:

But hey, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. My apologies.

Now, will you make your case in support of inequality in the tax codes?

The floor is still yours...
My original post: "The case has been made elsewhere, and you were the one who began the slide to ad homming, hmmm. I used third-person to correct your mischaracterization of me."

eflatminor's slicing of my post: "The case has been made elsewhere" so he can say, "Well, YOU didn't make the case, but I guess at least we know you support inequality, which is telling. Perhaps someday you'll grace us with an explanation as to why."

Bub, play by the rules or go home. I was talking about your ad homming and you made it something that it wasn't. Stupid you.

You go with that...:doubt:

But hey, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. My apologies.

Now, will you make your case in support of inequality in the tax codes?

The floor is still yours...

What, the tax code? Inequality? The tax code up until the 1980s made America the most prosperous, most powerful nation in the world. As the wealth of the nation was transferred from the middle class to the richest of Americans, the prosperity of the nation as a whole declined.

Now make an argument for equality of the tax code.
My original post: "The case has been made elsewhere, and you were the one who began the slide to ad homming, hmmm. I used third-person to correct your mischaracterization of me."

eflatminor's slicing of my post: "The case has been made elsewhere" so he can say, "Well, YOU didn't make the case, but I guess at least we know you support inequality, which is telling. Perhaps someday you'll grace us with an explanation as to why."

Bub, play by the rules or go home. I was talking about your ad homming and you made it something that it wasn't. Stupid you.

You go with that...:doubt:

But hey, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. My apologies.

Now, will you make your case in support of inequality in the tax codes?

The floor is still yours...

What, the tax code? Inequality? The tax code up until the 1980s made America the most prosperous, most powerful nation in the world.

Taxes made us prosperous? Listen to yourself! My goodness, do you not see how ridiculous that statement is?

Look at it this way: We were the most prosperous, most powerful nation in the world before the implementation of the income taxes in 1913. So much for your argument that it was taxes that made us prosper.

As the wealth of the nation was transferred from the middle class to the richest of Americans, the prosperity of the nation as a whole declined.

Uh, we have the most progressive tax system we've ever had. That is, our rich pay a bigger proportion of the overall tax burden then they did in the 1970s.

You mentioned the 80s. Let's take a look at the FACTS. When tax RATES dropped in the early 1980s, the rich paid MORE of the overall tax burden:

The top tax rate fell from 70 percent in 1980 to 28 percent in 1988 during the Reagan years. What happened to the "rich"? The top 1 percent went from shouldering 17.6 percent of the income tax burden in 1981 to paying 27.5 percent of the total in 1988. The top 10 percent saw their share of the burden climb from 48 percent in 1981 to 57.2 percent in 1988.

The Truth About Tax Rates and The Politics of Class Warfare

And today, the rich pay an EVEN BIGGER portion of the tax bill:

the top 1 percent of income earners pay nearly 35 percent of the income tax burden; the top 10 percent pay 65 percent; and the top 25 percent pay nearly 83 percent.

So, the rich pay more of the tax than they EVER have. How exactly is does a tax code that increasingly relies on the rich to pay a bigger and bigger proportion of the taxes translate into the middle class transferring wealth to rich people? Your statement makes ZERO sense.

Now make an argument for equality of the tax code.

Easy. A flat tax code with no loopholes ensures everyone pays exactly the same percentage of their income in taxes. EXACTLY THE SAME, which is the only argument for equality. The more you make, the more you pay...but nobody earning an income gets a free ride. That's fair. That's equitable. I carve out no special deals for anyone, rich or poor. We all contribute, we all have our skin in the game.
eflatminor is simply not telling the truth.

So, "The tax code up until the 1980s made America the most prosperous, most powerful nation in the world. As the wealth of the nation was transferred from the middle class to the richest of Americans, the prosperity of the nation as a whole declined. /// Now make an argument for equality of the tax code."

Now respond to the truth of that with the truth, not your lies.
1. Federal Progressive Flat Income Tax:
Basically everyone is taxed that the same rate for the same money earned.
(1) 0-$25K = 0% Meaning for the first $25K that everyone makes is tax free!
(2) $25K-$50K = 5% The next $25-$50K is taxed at 5% (remember the first $25K is 0%)
(3) $50K-$150K =10%
(4) $150K-$250K = 15%
(5) $250K - $500K = 20%
(6) $500K - $1mil = 25%
(7) $1 mil - $2 mil = 35%
(8) $2 mil+ = 40%
Deductions are charity, student loan interest, medical payments, mortgage interest and child deductions. Nothing else.

2. State Income Tax limits: Under no circumstances can state tax more than:
<$50K = 2%
<$100K = 3%
<$250K = 5%
Never can exceed 9% (taking half of someones income is high way robbery)!

Close the stock option loophole that allows executives to millions of dollars and pay the capital gains not sales tax. Lower taxes for capital gains should be on investment dollars from an investor into a business.

3. Federal and State Pensions:
Make them illegal and overnight devise a plan to pay current and soon to be retirees and get all State and Federal workers (including teachers) into individual retirement plans with a employer match (aka 401k and IRA).

4. Move Social Security to the Chilean Model

5. Corporate Tax - Have Progressive Flat Corp Tax Rates with the manufacturing exception:
On bottom-line profits -
0- $500K = 5%
$500K - $1 mil = 10%
$1m - $5mil = 15%
$5mil> = 20%
Manufacturing exception - If 90% of the product is made in the US, then the corp tax may not exceed 10%.

Drastically reduce the amount of deductions made to offshore and increase deductions for onshore.

6. Tariff China

As long as EVERY CENT OF REVENUE is treated the same?

And as long as every corporation pays the same rates as every citizen?

Sounds like a GREAT idea.

Now run it up the GOP and DNC flagpoles and see how few of their CORPORATE MASTERS will agree to this plan, mate.

You will discover that ZERO will support such a plan.


Because then their MASTERS would actual have to pay their fair share of taxes, too.
eflatminor is simply not telling the truth.

So, "The tax code up until the 1980s made America the most prosperous, most powerful nation in the world. As the wealth of the nation was transferred from the middle class to the richest of Americans, the prosperity of the nation as a whole declined. /// Now make an argument for equality of the tax code."

Now respond to the truth of that with the truth, not your lies.

My God, you're more delusional than I thought possible. I PROVED that our rich are paying a higher share of the taxes than ever before. This completely refutes your notion that the middle class transferred their wealth to the rich. How could that be possible when the middle class pays a much smaller portion of the tax burden than they did in the 1970s?

And how does your false claim support the idea of inequality in the tax code?

How about your respond with the truth...or hell, just respond to the point at hand?! That would be a start.
eflatminor is simply not telling the truth.

So, "The tax code up until the 1980s made America the most prosperous, most powerful nation in the world. As the wealth of the nation was transferred from the middle class to the richest of Americans, the prosperity of the nation as a whole declined. /// Now make an argument for equality of the tax code."

Now respond to the truth of that with the truth, not your lies.

My God, you're more delusional than I thought possible. I PROVED that our rich are paying a higher share of the taxes than ever before. This completely refutes your notion that the middle class transferred their wealth to the rich. How could that be possible when the middle class pays a much smaller portion of the tax burden than they did in the 1970s?

And how does your false claim support the idea of inequality in the tax code?

How about your respond with the truth...or hell, just respond to the point at hand?! That would be a start.

You proved nothing. The rich are merely paying the Clinton tax rates, which are pretty good compared to those before Reagan.

Middle class purchasing power has barely maintained the status quo over the last thirty years while the rich's purchasing power has gone astronomical.

Obviously, your idea of an "equality" tax law is to increase the wealth of the rich at the expense of the middle class.

America's wealth is the middle class economically and culturally, while the parasites are the rich.
eflatminor is simply not telling the truth.

So, "The tax code up until the 1980s made America the most prosperous, most powerful nation in the world. As the wealth of the nation was transferred from the middle class to the richest of Americans, the prosperity of the nation as a whole declined. /// Now make an argument for equality of the tax code."

Now respond to the truth of that with the truth, not your lies.

My God, you're more delusional than I thought possible. I PROVED that our rich are paying a higher share of the taxes than ever before. This completely refutes your notion that the middle class transferred their wealth to the rich. How could that be possible when the middle class pays a much smaller portion of the tax burden than they did in the 1970s?

And how does your false claim support the idea of inequality in the tax code?

How about your respond with the truth...or hell, just respond to the point at hand?! That would be a start.

You proved nothing. The rich are merely paying the Clinton tax rates, which are pretty good compared to those before Reagan.

Yet, they're paying a much higher percentage of the overall tax burden. MUCH higher. Meanwhile, the middle class is paying a much lower percentage than they at any time in the past.

But you see this as the rich not paying their fair share... unbelievably ridiculous.

Middle class purchasing power has barely maintained the status quo over the last thirty years while the rich's purchasing power has gone astronomical.

Tell us how that is cause by the tax code, keeping in mind the middle class pays less than they ever have.

Good luck.

Obviously, your idea of an "equality" tax law is to increase the wealth of the rich at the expense of the middle class.

No, just that everyone should pay their fair share. A flat tax with no loopholes is the only way to ensure that. You still have yet to make your case for inequality. Any time now...

America's wealth is the middle class economically and culturally, while the parasites are the rich.

Uh, it's the rich that pay all these taxes, more so than at any time in the past...but they're 'parasites'. How does that square? Was there some law that required poor people to write a check to a rich person that I didn't hear about?

The top 25% pay 83 percent of the taxes. Meanwhile, the bottom 50% pay less than 4 percent of the taxes, but it's the rich that are "parasites"? Think about just how stupid that makes you sound.
Yet, they're [the rich] paying a much higher percentage of the overall tax burden. MUCH higher. Meanwhile, the middle class is paying a much lower percentage than they at any time in the past. . . . The top 25% pay 83 percent of the taxes. Meanwhile, the bottom 50% pay less than 4 percent of the taxes, but it's the rich that are "parasites"? Think about just how stupid that makes you sound.
Uh, it's the rich that pay all these taxes, more so than at any time in the past...but they're 'parasites'. How does that square? Was there some law that required poor people to write a check to a rich person that I didn't hear about? .
Since the rich are so much richer now than 30 years ago, then, yes, they should pay their fair share.
America's wealth is the middle class economically and culturally, while the parasites are the rich.

Nothing I have seen posted on this Board has ever given even a minor significance that the rich is the economic and cultural center of America.

Always it has been the working man and women and the middle class families that have made America the desired center of the human race.

You sycophants and lackeys of the wealthy can step off.

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