Tax breaks for the rich create jobs and increase wages?? Hardly

These moochers think the rich keeping their own money they worked to earn is somehow taking money from the poor. Liberals LIE!

You know, you're idiot, a neoconned idiot. The rich don't need your protection. Everyone in Congress is rich, so and that point of representation, they have 100% representation and control. The middle-class has none. The rich are not going to get screwed by the government. Yet, you think the rich is like some some poor widow who without you is going to get crushed. You're a moron.

Beyond protections of basic rights, government exists for the benefit of the rich, not the middle-class. Congress keeps the little guy from competing against the big guy, with regulation. They force the little guy to to subsidize immigration, to push down wages of the little guy. They take money from the little guy to buy votes from the welfare guy. Etc.

Go to hell, judas. Beyond basic government, the government exists just to screw the middle-class. And, you want to raise taxes on the middle-class (per the current Republican tax reform plan).

I pay more in taxes than you earn in a year fool, I'm growing tired of the moochers claims that I don't pay my fair share. Your worn out diatribe is a deflection from the fact that the rich earned that money, its theirs, not yours, suck it.
Give me you money, like Jesus said. I think you want my money, but I have no problem with taxes a long as the rich greedy freaks pay their share, and they do not.

Trickle down Is the biggest lie ever. Just a huge big lie.

The rich don't owe the moochers trickle down money, hell the rich already pay MORE than a fair share. The rich are paying their fair share plus the share of millions of moochers. How would you feel about being forced to pay your neighbors bills each month?

You are barking up the wrong tree here. Tell that to the disabled, the seniors, the ones who work for min. wage, the homeless vets, most people are one illness away from homelessness and no fault of their own. Tomorrow you might get cancer or become a quad, let me hear from you then you moron. I have little use for people that worship the rich and think their shit doesn't stink.

And the millions of able bodied men and women living on welfare? You know like those Nancy Pelosi's daughter interviewed outside the welfare office in NY City. Shall I post the video again? Please tell me why I have to pay their share? And the millions of illegals on welfare? I also have to foot the bill for those losers who are not even American citizens? Losers who fathered 10 kids those are my responsibility???

I don't know any one that is abled bodied living on welfare...

Good lord stop voting until you become better informed okay.

This is what happens when corps make money, 600 drugstores employees will be out of jobs. Why don't you get some education. I sure hope they tear down the empty stores.

Walgreens plans to close about 600 drugstores as it completes a $4.38 billion deal to buy nearly 2,000 from rival Rite Aid.

Walgreens to shutter 600 stores as part of Rite Aid deal
These moochers think the rich keeping their own money they worked to earn is somehow taking money from the poor. Liberals LIE!

You know, you're idiot, a neoconned idiot. The rich don't need your protection. Everyone in Congress is rich, so and that point of representation, they have 100% representation and control. The middle-class has none. The rich are not going to get screwed by the government. Yet, you think the rich is like some some poor widow who without you is going to get crushed. You're a moron.

Beyond protections of basic rights, government exists for the benefit of the rich, not the middle-class. Congress keeps the little guy from competing against the big guy, with regulation. They force the little guy to to subsidize immigration, to push down wages of the little guy. They take money from the little guy to buy votes from the welfare guy. Etc.

Go to hell, judas. Beyond basic government, the government exists just to screw the middle-class. And, you want to raise taxes on the middle-class (per the current Republican tax reform plan).

I pay more in taxes than you earn in a year fool, I'm growing tired of the moochers claims that I don't pay my fair share. Your worn out diatribe is a deflection from the fact that the rich earned that money, its theirs, not yours, suck it.

If you are on here, you are either unemployed, have a easy boring job , or retired. Being on the net at work, is stealing time from employers.
The rich don't owe the moochers trickle down money, hell the rich already pay MORE than a fair share. The rich are paying their fair share plus the share of millions of moochers. How would you feel about being forced to pay your neighbors bills each month?

You are barking up the wrong tree here. Tell that to the disabled, the seniors, the ones who work for min. wage, the homeless vets, most people are one illness away from homelessness and no fault of their own. Tomorrow you might get cancer or become a quad, let me hear from you then you moron. I have little use for people that worship the rich and think their shit doesn't stink.

And the millions of able bodied men and women living on welfare? You know like those Nancy Pelosi's daughter interviewed outside the welfare office in NY City. Shall I post the video again? Please tell me why I have to pay their share? And the millions of illegals on welfare? I also have to foot the bill for those losers who are not even American citizens? Losers who fathered 10 kids those are my responsibility???

I don't know any one that is abled bodied living on welfare...

Good lord stop voting until you become better informed okay.

This is what happens when corps make money, 600 drugstores employees will be out of jobs. Why don't you get some education. I sure hope they tear down the empty stores.

Walgreens plans to close about 600 drugstores as it completes a $4.38 billion deal to buy nearly 2,000 from rival Rite Aid.

Walgreens to shutter 600 stores as part of Rite Aid deal

Do you know who owns the corporations dimwit? Yes the middle class, where do you think they have their retirement money invested? Goddamn is there even one informed liberal on this entire forum???
These moochers think the rich keeping their own money they worked to earn is somehow taking money from the poor. Liberals LIE!

You know, you're idiot, a neoconned idiot. The rich don't need your protection. Everyone in Congress is rich, so and that point of representation, they have 100% representation and control. The middle-class has none. The rich are not going to get screwed by the government. Yet, you think the rich is like some some poor widow who without you is going to get crushed. You're a moron.

Beyond protections of basic rights, government exists for the benefit of the rich, not the middle-class. Congress keeps the little guy from competing against the big guy, with regulation. They force the little guy to to subsidize immigration, to push down wages of the little guy. They take money from the little guy to buy votes from the welfare guy. Etc.

Go to hell, judas. Beyond basic government, the government exists just to screw the middle-class. And, you want to raise taxes on the middle-class (per the current Republican tax reform plan).

I pay more in taxes than you earn in a year fool, I'm growing tired of the moochers claims that I don't pay my fair share. Your worn out diatribe is a deflection from the fact that the rich earned that money, its theirs, not yours, suck it.

If you are on here, you are either unemployed, have a easy boring job , or retired. Being on the net at work, is stealing time from employers.

Translation...:crybaby: Obama said I was "rich" I wouldn't say that but I do pretty well.
The rich don't owe the moochers trickle down money, hell the rich already pay MORE than a fair share. The rich are paying their fair share plus the share of millions of moochers. How would you feel about being forced to pay your neighbors bills each month?

You are barking up the wrong tree here. Tell that to the disabled, the seniors, the ones who work for min. wage, the homeless vets, most people are one illness away from homelessness and no fault of their own. Tomorrow you might get cancer or become a quad, let me hear from you then you moron. I have little use for people that worship the rich and think their shit doesn't stink.

And the millions of able bodied men and women living on welfare? You know like those Nancy Pelosi's daughter interviewed outside the welfare office in NY City. Shall I post the video again? Please tell me why I have to pay their share? And the millions of illegals on welfare? I also have to foot the bill for those losers who are not even American citizens? Losers who fathered 10 kids those are my responsibility???

I don't know any one that is abled bodied living on welfare...

Good lord stop voting until you become better informed okay.

This is what happens when corps make money, 600 drugstores employees will be out of jobs. Why don't you get some education. I sure hope they tear down the empty stores.

Walgreens plans to close about 600 drugstores as it completes a $4.38 billion deal to buy nearly 2,000 from rival Rite Aid.

Walgreens to shutter 600 stores as part of Rite Aid deal

This is what happens when corps make money, 600 drugstores employees will be out of jobs.


I'll bet if the drugstores were losing a bunch of money they wouldn't close any stores.......DERP!
Poor people create jobs. Yes, you're truly libtarded.


Have you ever noticed that poor people spend more of their money for necessary items than rich folk. Jobs come from demand for consumed products. Wealthy people do not make a dent in demand of products but average joe's do.
I pay more in taxes than you earn in a year fool, I'm growing tired of the moochers claims that I don't pay my fair share. Your worn out diatribe is a deflection from the fact that the rich earned that money, its theirs, not yours, suck it.

Idiot, I earn more money an hour than you'll earn in your entire lifetime. I know, it's a useless thing to say, but at least I know it's useless. You're stupid enough to think your boast is useful.
Walgreens plans to close about 600 drugstores as it completes a $4.38 billion deal to buy nearly 2,000 from rival Rite Aid.

Walgreens to shutter 600 stores as part of Rite Aid deal

Walgreens and Rite Aid merger = Fewer jobs, less competition, higher prices.

Government favors monopolies. The only bone the government throws the public is to oppose all companies merging into a single company, so we're often practically left with duopolies.

Without the government protecting the rich (beyond protecting basic rights) the inefficiencies of large companies (such as corporate bureaucracies) would make large companies noncompetitive beyond a certain size. The merged Walgreens and Rite Aid would have trouble competing against smaller, nimbler companies.

We're getting pretty close to every "drug store" in America being a CVS or Walgreens. Their only competition are non-drug stores that sell drugs, like Walmart. Rite Aid is/was the third largest drug store chain.

In other news, it looks like TMobile and Sprint are going to merge, reducing the number of phone companies to three. (Every other "phone company" just re-brands service from these three). One more merger in a few years will leave us with two phone companies.
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Walgreens plans to close about 600 drugstores as it completes a $4.38 billion deal to buy nearly 2,000 from rival Rite Aid.

Walgreens to shutter 600 stores as part of Rite Aid deal

Walgreens and Rite Aid merger = Fewer jobs, less competition, higher prices.

Government favors monopolies. The only bone the government throws the public is to oppose all companies merging into a single companies, so we're often practically left with duopolies.

Without the government protecting the rich (beyond protecting basic rights) the inefficiencies of large companies (such as corporate bureaucracies) would make large companies noncompetitive beyond a certain size. The merged Walgreens and Rite Aid would have trouble competing against smaller, nimbler companies.

We're getting pretty close to every "drug store" in America being a CVS or Walgreens. Their only competition are non-drug stores that sell drugs, like Walmart. Rite Aid is/was the third largest drug store chain.

In other news, it looks like TMobile and Sprint are going to merge, reducing the number of phone companies to three. (Every other "phone company" just re-brands service from these three). One more merger in a few years will leave us with two phone companies.

On that video in the O/P it is stated that AT&T paid only 8% in corporate taxes....I am sure because of the various loopholes that AT&T probably helped to write and bribed congress to enact.

Now, I believe that lil ol' me paid about 18% in income taxes ; so, giant AT&T paid 8% and a working slob like me 18%...Seems fair to moronic right wingers?
Now, I believe that lil ol' me paid about 18% in income taxes ; so, giant AT&T paid 8% and a working slob like me 18%...Seems fair to moronic right wingers?

You think you pay 18%. LOL!

Every humble employee pays 15.3% on payroll taxes alone. Add a marginal rate of 15% to 25% for the middle class, plus 8% for the state. Add another 8% when you spend it. And, you still haven't paid your property taxes.

Billionaires already pay a lower rate in taxes than you do. They don't pay significant payroll taxes. Their marginal rate is capped at 15% (capital gains). And, they exclude all sorts of things that you don't get to exclude from reported income.

AT&T paid 8%? A lot of big and rich companies pay less than that. So much for whatever the nominal corporate tax rate is.

Thank Gawd for the Republicans working hard to cut taxes on the rich and to soak the middle-class with the slack.
Now, I believe that lil ol' me paid about 18% in income taxes ; so, giant AT&T paid 8% and a working slob like me 18%...Seems fair to moronic right wingers?

You think you pay 18%. LOL!

Every humble employee pays 15.3% on payroll taxes alone. Add a marginal rate of 15% to 25% for the middle class, plus 8% for the state. Add another 8% when you spend it. And, you still haven't paid your property taxes.

Billionaires already pay a lower rate in taxes than you do. They don't pay significant payroll taxes. Their marginal rate is capped at 15% (capital gains). And, they exclude all sorts of things that you don't get to exclude from reported income.

AT&T paid 8%? A lot of big and rich companies pay less than that. So much for whatever the nominal corporate tax rate is.

Thank Gawd for the Republicans working hard to cut taxes on the rich and to soak the middle-class with the slack.

True, I stand corrected.......and you're 100% correct, some companies paid ZERO; the statutory "high rate" on we currently have on the books was probably ALSO written by the conglomerates so that morons would concur and whine that "its too highfor those poor companies."........LOL
You are barking up the wrong tree here. Tell that to the disabled, the seniors, the ones who work for min. wage, the homeless vets, most people are one illness away from homelessness and no fault of their own. Tomorrow you might get cancer or become a quad, let me hear from you then you moron. I have little use for people that worship the rich and think their shit doesn't stink.

And the millions of able bodied men and women living on welfare? You know like those Nancy Pelosi's daughter interviewed outside the welfare office in NY City. Shall I post the video again? Please tell me why I have to pay their share? And the millions of illegals on welfare? I also have to foot the bill for those losers who are not even American citizens? Losers who fathered 10 kids those are my responsibility???

I don't know any one that is abled bodied living on welfare...

Good lord stop voting until you become better informed okay.

This is what happens when corps make money, 600 drugstores employees will be out of jobs. Why don't you get some education. I sure hope they tear down the empty stores.

Walgreens plans to close about 600 drugstores as it completes a $4.38 billion deal to buy nearly 2,000 from rival Rite Aid.

Walgreens to shutter 600 stores as part of Rite Aid deal

Do you know who owns the corporations dimwit? Yes the middle class, where do you think they have their retirement money invested? Goddamn is there even one informed liberal on this entire forum???
Yes, hundreds of millions of people own our corporations but who actually controls the corporation. Basically, it is the Board of Directors. Although the Board is elected by shareholders, a handful of the largest shareholders usually control the board. The most popular states for publicly held companies to register, such as Delaware have laws that insure that small groups of large shareholders will control the corporation.

Typically small stock owners will only get the opportunity to vote for or against a recommended slate of directors which the current board's nominating committee has selected. Of course, the current directors are usually recommended. 97% of the stockholders who are not on the Board either follow the recommendation or don't vote at all.

Many of our largest corporations have interlocking directorates where directors serve on a number of corporations. This brings into question whose interest does such a director represent. At any rate, it concentrates the control of corporate American in an even smaller group.
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Seeing that most of the largest corporations pay 1/2 as much or less in taxes...Cutting taxes won't do shit. They'll offshore and outsource! Hell, they'll do more of that as slave labor in China or southeast asia is so much cheaper then even 0% taxes here in America.

Get this through your head.
You are barking up the wrong tree here. Tell that to the disabled, the seniors, the ones who work for min. wage, the homeless vets, most people are one illness away from homelessness and no fault of their own. Tomorrow you might get cancer or become a quad, let me hear from you then you moron. I have little use for people that worship the rich and think their shit doesn't stink.

And the millions of able bodied men and women living on welfare? You know like those Nancy Pelosi's daughter interviewed outside the welfare office in NY City. Shall I post the video again? Please tell me why I have to pay their share? And the millions of illegals on welfare? I also have to foot the bill for those losers who are not even American citizens? Losers who fathered 10 kids those are my responsibility???

I don't know any one that is abled bodied living on welfare...

Good lord stop voting until you become better informed okay.

This is what happens when corps make money, 600 drugstores employees will be out of jobs. Why don't you get some education. I sure hope they tear down the empty stores.

Walgreens plans to close about 600 drugstores as it completes a $4.38 billion deal to buy nearly 2,000 from rival Rite Aid.

Walgreens to shutter 600 stores as part of Rite Aid deal

This is what happens when corps make money, 600 drugstores employees will be out of jobs.


I'll bet if the drugstores were losing a bunch of money they wouldn't close any stores.......DERP!

No its just that Walgreens doesn't need all the stores. Derp (whatever that means)

Take My pillow, made, but its new and everyone wants one.
Increasing the supply of coal will make coal cost less, and more people will use it, but the new factories are not using coal. Coal is not going to make a comeback.

Take East Jordan Ironworks in MI. They are building a new factory and they are not going to use coal.
Progressives believe that food stamps and unemployment checks stimulate.

Yes because the homeless add a lot to the economy. Both do keep the economy going, and people need to eat, layoffs create unemployment and food stamps, thank the Corps for that.

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