TAX CUTS FOR THE WEALTHY is really the only issue Republicans care about?


Apr 15, 2010
Oh, I am going to catch hell for this post, but a SENIOR CITIZEN who was irritated by my post on Woodstock and Teabaggers is insistent.


Personally, I think it is a bit of an overstatement, but I owe this post. One member of USMB per computer, which for us is per family. I am an independent voter.

TAX CUTS FOR THE WEALTHY is really the only issue Republicans care about?​
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Only issue? no. But then why do we want to prevent poor people from working hard and pulling themselves out of poverty?
Only issue? no. But then why do we want to prevent poor people from working hard and pulling themselves out of poverty?

That makes no sense. The bottom half of incomes pays very little in income taxes. So there is no hindrance of the poor working to get to the upper half of incomes that actually do pay taxes.

Cut the taxes for the rich and they sock it away in Swiss bank accounts, or use it to move more jobs off-shore. Better to cut taxes for jobs created than just for income.
Interesting how the left can be like a broken record talking about the GOP being like a broken record. One wonders whether they are capable of original thought.

I'm finding them all very dull, and repetitive.... In fact, they remind me of this song.

[ame=]YouTube - I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves and this is how it goes[/ame]
Oh, I am going to catch hell for this post, but a SENIOR CITIZEN who was irritated by my post on Woodstock and Teabaggers is insistent.

Personally, I think it is a bit of an overstatement, but I owe this post. One member of USMB per computer, which for us is per family. I am an independent voter.

TAX CUTS FOR THE WEALTHY is really the only issue Republicans care about?​
Hey fucko, who are you to call anybody a 'teabagger?'

Would you like me to refer to you a smegma licker?
Oh, I am going to catch hell for this post, but a SENIOR CITIZEN who was irritated by my post on Woodstock and Teabaggers is insistent.

Personally, I think it is a bit of an overstatement, but I owe this post. One member of USMB per computer, which for us is per family. I am an independent voter.

TAX CUTS FOR THE WEALTHY is really the only issue Republicans care about?​
Hey fucko, who are you to call anybody a 'teabagger?'

Would you like me to refer to you a smegma licker?

Ahhh, the discussion has reached a new lower level. If you have not looked around the Teabaggers are very much in the news. No one of importance has come to their rescue with complimentary words. It is really an embarrassment that they exist. My grandpop, (who is somewhat to the left, and is whispering in my ear), thinks Teabaggers may be the saviors of President Barack Obama in 2012. I have got to agree, Xenophon, you are really not helping your cause with posts like this. Relax, this is only a message board thread.


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Notice which side tends to get nasty very fast instead of debate and communicate?
Oh, I am going to catch hell for this post, but a SENIOR CITIZEN who was irritated by my post on Woodstock and Teabaggers is insistent.

Personally, I think it is a bit of an overstatement, but I owe this post. One member of USMB per computer, which for us is per family. I am an independent voter.

TAX CUTS FOR THE WEALTHY is really the only issue Republicans care about?​
Hey fucko, who are you to call anybody a 'teabagger?'

Would you like me to refer to you a smegma licker?

Ahhh, the discussion has reached a new lower level. If you have not looked around the Teabaggers are very much in the news. No one of importance has come to their rescue with complimentary words. It is really an embarrassment that they exist. My grandpop, (who is somewhat to the left, and is whispering in my ear), thinks Teabaggers may be the saviors of President Barack Obama in 2012. I have got to agree, Xenophon, you are really not helping your cause with posts like this. Relax, this is only a message board thread.


Hey Cockgobbler Noob? If you truly believe any of that drivel that you just spewed then you filth bags are in for an even worse beating next November and 2012. Face it, Your madman hero Obama is finished. Real Americans only hope we can reverse the nightmare he created. ~BH
Notice which side tends to get nasty very fast instead of debate and communicate?

Try posting when you have a 61 year old liberal bending your ear. It makes me wonder though, Anderson Cooper received a serious death threat for just using the word "Teabagger." It is in Wiki. I just don't get it. If my avatar changes you'll know I'm not posting Stainmaster.

I wonder if these members of the far-right, I mean further right than conservatives have lost all hope. Consider this; their Presidential candidate changed message every week. Republicans picked a Vice-Presidential candidate that had questionable qualifications for the job. The economy collapsed under an 8 year Republican Administration. Republicans lost the White House and Congress. The Republican Party has no defined leadership. Spokesperson, Rush Limbaugh publicly announces he wants President Obama to "fail." Obamacare, health care becomes law after Republicans put everything they have against it.

The far right seems to have lost hope for their point of view in America, and that is a shame. Now I, as an independent am attacked in this nasty fashion when the far right, or Teabaggers, if you will, should be trying to win me over. Because I liked the healthcare initiative, I am just heaped in to the enemys list with the Democrats. We should all remember that the reason we have a House and Senate was a matter of COMPROMISE. COMPROMISE has been a major way of resolving differences in this country since we were founded. "Do it my way - or else does not work in this country." Maybe the time has come for independents and Democrats to remind Teabaggers, "America, love it or leave it."

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Notice which side tends to get nasty very fast instead of debate and communicate?

both sides ......there are plenty of threads in here started by a Right leaner...and along comes an Rdean or a Chris or a Political Junky and the first thing out of their keyboard is a name of some sort or a attention US.....your getting to sound kinda Deanish.....
Notice which side tends to get nasty very fast instead of debate and communicate?

Try posting when you have a 61 year old liberal bending your ear. It makes me wonder though, Anderson Cooper received a serious death threat for just using the word "Teabagger." It is in Wiki. I just don't get it. If my avatar changes you'll know I'm not posting Stainmaster.

Yep, Just what I figured. You're uh pervert. ~BH
Notice which side tends to get nasty very fast instead of debate and communicate?

Ya...notice that too did you?

Oh, I am going to catch hell for this post, but a SENIOR CITIZEN who was irritated by my post on Woodstock and Teabaggers is insistent.

Too bad people insist on using this term to start fights on a message board.
Notice which side tends to get nasty very fast instead of debate and communicate?

Try posting when you have a 61 year old liberal bending your ear. It makes me wonder though, Anderson Cooper received a serious death threat for just using the word "Teabagger." It is in Wiki. I just don't get it. If my avatar changes you'll know I'm not posting Stainmaster.

Was that threat from his jealous boyfriend?
Tax Cuts for the wealthy, "Teabagger" but the OP is an "independent...uh huh

He's independent of a nut sack to admit he's a Regressive

Oh, who was the only President to appoint a Klansmen to the Supreme Court?
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Oh, I am going to catch hell for this post, but a SENIOR CITIZEN who was irritated by my post on Woodstock and Teabaggers is insistent.


Personally, I think it is a bit of an overstatement, but I owe this post. One member of USMB per computer, which for us is per family. I am an independent voter.

TAX CUTS FOR THE WEALTHY is really the only issue Republicans care about?​

That is an absolute lie and a misstatement.

There are lots of things Republicans care about.

They care about cheap labor.

They care about business profits.

They care about ending Medicare and giving the elderly a nice place to sleep on street corners and park benches.

They care about ending the myth that education leads to better jobs.

They care about giving big business better access to natural resources without burdening them with profit crushing regulations for clean air and water.

They care about frivolous lawsuits from people who have been injured from working under unsafe conditions.

They care about saving the American family from the attack of the gays and pray that we can round them up and send them back to where ever it is they came from.

They care about restoring the rule of the church.

They care about the profit war brings.

They care about bringing down the best president the US has had in many years.

You see? The Republican Party is the party of care. They care about so much. Look at the long list of accomplishments from the last Republican president. The list is so long, it leaves them unable to choose just a single accomplishment.

Republicans, you the man: :udaman:
Notice which side tends to get nasty very fast instead of debate and communicate?

Try posting when you have a 61 year old liberal bending your ear. It makes me wonder though, Anderson Cooper received a serious death threat for just using the word "Teabagger." It is in Wiki. I just don't get it. If my avatar changes you'll know I'm not posting Stainmaster.

Was that threat from his jealous boyfriend?

No, it is my grandpop who has discovered the atmosphere of this message board. I am trying to be polite, this is my computer and USMB membership. I am trying to encourage him to get a computer of his own. This unwelcome collaboration on my posts starts whenever I am on the board and he stops by. I am sorry. I read the stuff in this thread, and I have to laugh, I wish you could see what goes on at my end!
Try posting when you have a 61 year old liberal bending your ear. It makes me wonder though, Anderson Cooper received a serious death threat for just using the word "Teabagger." It is in Wiki. I just don't get it. If my avatar changes you'll know I'm not posting Stainmaster.

Was that threat from his jealous boyfriend?

No, it is my grandpop who has discovered the atmosphere of this message board. I am trying to be polite, this is my computer and USMB membership. I am trying to encourage him to get a computer of his own. This unwelcome collaboration on my posts starts whenever I am on the board and he stops by. I am sorry. I read the stuff in this thread, and I have to laugh, I wish you could see what goes on at my end!

That comment wasn't directed at you...I was asking if Anderson Cooper's boyfriend made the threat...:lol:
Only issue? no. But then why do we want to prevent poor people from working hard and pulling themselves out of poverty?

That makes no sense. The bottom half of incomes pays very little in income taxes. So there is no hindrance of the poor working to get to the upper half of incomes that actually do pay taxes.

Cut the taxes for the rich and they sock it away in Swiss bank accounts, or use it to move more jobs off-shore. Better to cut taxes for jobs created than just for income.

actually i invest in things like apple and wells fargo and ford and hire people to do work at my house and at my company ...but you believe what makes you feel safe....
Oh, I am going to catch hell for this post, but a SENIOR CITIZEN who was irritated by my post on Woodstock and Teabaggers is insistent.


Personally, I think it is a bit of an overstatement, but I owe this post. One member of USMB per computer, which for us is per family. I am an independent voter.

TAX CUTS FOR THE WEALTHY is really the only issue Republicans care about?​

That is an absolute lie and a misstatement.

There are lots of things Republicans care about.

They care about cheap labor.

They care about business profits.

They care about ending Medicare and giving the elderly a nice place to sleep on street corners and park benches.

They care about ending the myth that education leads to better jobs.

They care about giving big business better access to natural resources without burdening them with profit crushing regulations for clean air and water.

They care about frivolous lawsuits from people who have been injured from working under unsafe conditions.

They care about saving the American family from the attack of the gays and pray that we can round them up and send them back to where ever it is they came from.

They care about restoring the rule of the church.

They care about the profit war brings.

They care about bringing down the best president the US has had in many years.

You see? The Republican Party is the party of care. They care about so much. Look at the long list of accomplishments from the last Republican president. The list is so long, it leaves them unable to choose just a single accomplishment.

Republicans, you the man: :udaman:

Oh yea, I missed a couple.

Republicans also care about "feeding the poor". If we stopped feeding them, they would stop breeding.

They care about "chips".

They care about "proper papers". You better hope you can find them.

They care about guns. Especially assault weapons and automatic rifles.

Could a political party be any more "caring"? :udaman:
Try posting when you have a 61 year old liberal bending your ear. It makes me wonder though, Anderson Cooper received a serious death threat for just using the word "Teabagger." It is in Wiki. I just don't get it. If my avatar changes you'll know I'm not posting Stainmaster.

Yep, Just what I figured. You're uh pervert. ~BH

You know with all the noise in this thread, and the attacks on me as an independent voter, no one has ever followed up to find out what Republicans I thought were great Presidents. Does anyone care? I am losing interest because of all this Teabagger talk.

It's difficult to care because it was so long ago.

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