Tax Revenues Jump 13% To Record High In April — When Will Dems Admit They Were Wrong?

How did Obama & Hillary line their pockets? Are you really this fucking stupid?

Tea Party dumbasses tried to register their organization under a category that said the main concern can't be politics. Gee fucking whiz they got checked out.
There was nothing to show she was hacked.

Have anymore lies?

Trump IS lining his pockets. You are just too
Court documents and apologies from the IRS say otherwise..........they have admitted the targeting buy you still defend it.................

In regards to using tax money to get down in Columbia ............I posted articles................

The only Dumbass here is you spewing nonsense.

I know you are dumber than shit. But the subject was Trump profiting from his actions.

You ranted & whined & showed nothing about Clinton or Obama profiting from their actions.
You are a troll.............You don't want to look there...........doesn't suit your agenda..........Your not here for a factual discussion..........You are here to TROLL.

FACT: Trump profits when he stays at one of his hotels. He charges SS for cart rentals to follow TRumnp's fat ass around the courses. Tens of thousands. He charges rooms for his entourage. He parades himself in front of pther guests as an attraction.

And you are too stupid to get it.

Perhaps we should be as corrupt as Obama and get the IRS to do a anal exam on your ass like they did to conservative groups. Also included in the extra exams were the AFT, FBI, NSA......................

Spare me the BS................Your side not corrupt. LOL

Now go check your Private server in the bathroom to see if you got hacked and given away classified information to half the world.

How did Obama & Hillary line their pockets? Are you really this fucking stupid?

Tea Party dumbasses tried to register their organization under a category that said the main concern can't be politics. Gee fucking whiz they got checked out.
There was nothing to show she was hacked.

Have anymore lies?

Trump IS lining his pockets. You are just too
Court documents and apologies from the IRS say otherwise..........they have admitted the targeting buy you still defend it.................

In regards to using tax money to get down in Columbia ............I posted articles................

The only Dumbass here is you spewing nonsense.
Trump is losing vast amounts of money from being president, you nuclear powered dumbass.

Trump sacrificing for our country. Yep, that is a crock of shit.
Every President still alive agreed with NAFTA.............Yoda didn't and I agreed with Yoda.........Yoda was why Clinton won BTW.

I've never been for the Free Trade Agreements regardless of who's in charge.

So spare the rubbish that the dang Dems didn't help cause this shit.

How about you blame the right party. The right people. Lets hear you blame Bush for anything.

Blame Trump for something?

All you do is lie & blame Obama or Clinton.

We have NAFTA because of Republicans. It was their idea, they negotiated it, Democrats blocked its ratification, Republicans passed in as a bill & put in on Clinton's desk.

You run screaming OMG OMG OMG Clinton.

This is how fucking stupid you are.
I want those who abused power thrown in Jail..................Your HERO'S...........They are being caught in lies in this investigation.............

This investigation is to cover up their own crimes.....................Nixon did a fraction of what was done under Obama...............But the owned the Justice system and it's abuse...........................

So................pfft to your continued statements of everyone is a dumbass buy you..............

Trump is a crook and that's what this investigation is about.
He's not a crook. It just looks that way to morons like you who believe whatever you're spoonfed by your party propagandists.

So, he makes no money in Mar a Lago when he visits there.

Even a ,low life POS Trumpette knows he does.
Hey, dumbass. Pay attention. I'll say it real slow so even you can't pretend you weren't told:

Making money off a business isn't a crime, even when the President does it.
Every President still alive agreed with NAFTA.............Yoda didn't and I agreed with Yoda.........Yoda was why Clinton won BTW.

I've never been for the Free Trade Agreements regardless of who's in charge.

So spare the rubbish that the dang Dems didn't help cause this shit.

How about you blame the right party. The right people. Lets hear you blame Bush for anything.

Blame Trump for something?

All you do is lie & blame Obama or Clinton.

We have NAFTA because of Republicans. It was their idea, they negotiated it, Democrats blocked its ratification, Republicans passed in as a bill & put in on Clinton's desk.

You run screaming OMG OMG OMG Clinton.

This is how fucking stupid you are.
I want those who abused power thrown in Jail..................Your HERO'S...........They are being caught in lies in this investigation.............

This investigation is to cover up their own crimes.....................Nixon did a fraction of what was done under Obama...............But the owned the Justice system and it's abuse...........................

So................pfft to your continued statements of everyone is a dumbass buy you..............

Trump is a crook and that's what this investigation is about.
Sell that to the Russians like the Clinton Foundation using influence to get Uranium 1.

Or Steele who had Russian insiders dig for dirt in Russia ........paid by................the DNC and the Hillary Campaign...............there's your COLLUSION.

The Clinton campaign hired an opposition Research company who sent someone to Russia to investigate Trump's dealings with the Russians. How the fuck is that collusion?

The Clintons take nothing from the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One is a Canadian company. You are having a fit about Uranium that the Canadians already owned. Clinton was one of 9 people who had to approve the deal. You are just a Limbaugh fed moron.
The sources were paid and they were Russian intelligence agents. It's strictly illegal to pay foreigners for helping your campaign. IF that doesn't meet the definition of "Russian collusion," then nothing does.
Barry set the table for all the good stuff now happening on Trump's watch. We all know it's bullshit but the low info partisan hacks need something, anything, to cling to as butt hurt moves to near critical stage now.
He couldn't manage to do shit in 8 years, but now his master plan is kicking in? Stop being a jacksss.
Once again, snowflake claims about tax cuts are proven wrong. Everything they know is wrong.

Trump Tax Cuts: Revenues Hit Record High In April

The federal government collected far more taxes this April than it did a year ago, despite the "budget busting" Trump tax cuts. So, we'll ask again: Are the tax cuts paying for themselves?

According to the latest monthly report from the Congressional Budget Office, revenues in April totaled $515 billion — a 13% increase over last April and an all-time high for the month.

For the current 2018 fiscal year, which started last October, revenues are $83 billion higher than they were the year before — an increase of 4.3%. That's a faster rate of growth than occurred during President Obama's last years in office. (See nearby chart.)

Individual taxes, the CBO report says, are up 11.5% so far this fiscal year, and payroll taxes are up 2.8%. Both are signs of a healthy labor market, which is creating more jobs, higher wages and, as a result, more tax revenues. Those gains, the CBO says, more than offset the 22% decline in corporate income taxes.

In other words, in a fiscal year that's seven months old (four of which were after the tax cuts went into effect), federal revenues are higher than ever.

Or, to put it another way, it looks like those of us who predicted the pro-growth tax cuts would at least partially pay for themselves through increased economic growth were correct.

The CBO admitted as much earlier this year, when it sharply increased its forecast for economic growth this year and next, largely because of Trump's tax cuts. That, in turn, will generate $1 trillion more in revenues than expected.
If tax revenues are up......why did the deficit INCREASE??
You are a moron. You clearly have no idea how anything works. Just shut the hell up already. Stop proving how stupid you are over and over.
When the GoP is in charge, it is always the Dem's fault.
Your side had everything and couldn't get what you wanted...........

Might be because your argument is BS.
Has the GOP had the house, senate, SCOTUS, and WH this admin?

Why, yes, it has.

All faults, then, belong to the GOP.
And your side had it all. Couldn't pass your budget now could you.............weren't you the one bragging on that earlier.
Nope, that was you. You voted for the demolite while I voted for the conservative.
When the GoP is in charge, it is always the Dem's fault.
Your side had everything and couldn't get what you wanted...........

Might be because your argument is BS.
Has the GOP had the house, senate, SCOTUS, and WH this admin?

Why, yes, it has.

All faults, then, belong to the GOP.
And your side had it all. Couldn't pass your budget now could you.............weren't you the one bragging on that earlier.
Nope, that was you. You voted for the demolite while I voted for the conservative.

Who was the "conservative?"
Certainly you don’t mean “all other presidents before him” combined? The last president to do that was Reagan.

Now you play the percentage's the same game played on Tax cut for the you don't take into account that those with more money get more money back.......and as you ignore that business passes on the taxes in the price of the product.

America needs better paying jobs..............and you don't get that by punishing those you want to invest.
It's not a game. It's called reality. If you were meant to say Obama added more debt than all other presidents combined, you're merely full of shit -- he didn't.

You're also ignoring the reality that he stepped on an IED we formerly knew as our economy, when he became president. That greatly contributed to the debt which had nothing to do with his policies; and you're also assigning debt to him that was built into the budget by Bush, whose budget we were still operating under for the first few months of Obama's presidency.

But my favorite part is that conservatives can no longer lucidly bitch about the debt under Obama as they ignore the trillion dollars Trump has added in a good economy.
The Graph doesn't lie. Massive amount of debt under Obama. Over 7 Trillion..........Try again.

I'll try again to educate uour stupid ass.

The vast percentage of this debvt stemmed from Bush & your stupid fucking party.

It was the Bush recession that added the bulk, then the debt increased also due to the Bush tax cuts & Bush's unfunded expansion to Medicare and Bush's quagmire wars.
Which President signed the law that allowed the too big to fail to self regulate...........................Killed the last of Glass Steagal........which party ignored warning on the Housing Market and said it was a waste of time to investigate under committee...............

Wasn't the Republicans.......


The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act wasn’t Republican??
"You make money flow in right direction and then dig into the funds...I taught your installed moron for your President well."

They billled the government for lawful services, douchebag. That's not corruption.

Actually it is. Emoluments clause.
Payment for services rendered is not an emolument, dumbass.

Trump has received money for decisions he has made.

Only a fucking idiot does not think there is a problem there.
He and his family made a billion dollars off his tax cuts
That means any president who implements a tax cut is breaking the law.

You are a such a profound moron it defies comprehension.

Shows where his priorities are
Keep them hands out you worthless marxist piece of shit.
blind. Trupettes are blind to Trump's corruption.

It is a FACT, a real fact & not one your your ilk's alternative facts, the Trump resorts have billed the government tens of thousands of dollars.

Are you denying this?

Perhaps we should be as corrupt as Obama and get the IRS to do a anal exam on your ass like they did to conservative groups. Also included in the extra exams were the AFT, FBI, NSA......................

Spare me the BS................Your side not corrupt. LOL

Now go check your Private server in the bathroom to see if you got hacked and given away classified information to half the world.

How did Obama & Hillary line their pockets? Are you really this fucking stupid?

Tea Party dumbasses tried to register their organization under a category that said the main concern can't be politics. Gee fucking whiz they got checked out.
There was nothing to show she was hacked.

Have anymore lies?

Trump IS lining his pockets. You are just too
Court documents and apologies from the IRS say otherwise..........they have admitted the targeting buy you still defend it.................

In regards to using tax money to get down in Columbia ............I posted articles................

The only Dumbass here is you spewing nonsense.
Trump is losing vast amounts of money from being president, you nuclear powered dumbass.
He made a billion dollars in tax cuts

Perhaps we should be as corrupt as Obama and get the IRS to do a anal exam on your ass like they did to conservative groups. Also included in the extra exams were the AFT, FBI, NSA......................

Spare me the BS................Your side not corrupt. LOL

Now go check your Private server in the bathroom to see if you got hacked and given away classified information to half the world.

How did Obama & Hillary line their pockets? Are you really this fucking stupid?

Tea Party dumbasses tried to register their organization under a category that said the main concern can't be politics. Gee fucking whiz they got checked out.
There was nothing to show she was hacked.

Have anymore lies?

Trump IS lining his pockets. You are just too
Court documents and apologies from the IRS say otherwise..........they have admitted the targeting buy you still defend it.................

In regards to using tax money to get down in Columbia ............I posted articles................

The only Dumbass here is you spewing nonsense.

I know you are dumber than shit. But the subject was Trump profiting from his actions.

You ranted & whined & showed nothing about Clinton or Obama profiting from their actions.
You are a troll.............You don't want to look there...........doesn't suit your agenda..........Your not here for a factual discussion..........You are here to TROLL.

FACT: Trump profits when he stays at one of his hotels. He charges SS for cart rentals to follow TRumnp's fat ass around the courses. Tens of thousands. He charges rooms for his entourage. He parades himself in front of pther guests as an attraction.

And you are too stupid to get it.
blind. Trupettes are blind to Trump's corruption.

It is a FACT, a real fact & not one your your ilk's alternative facts, the Trump resorts have billed the government tens of thousands of dollars.

Are you denying this?

Perhaps we should be as corrupt as Obama and get the IRS to do a anal exam on your ass like they did to conservative groups. Also included in the extra exams were the AFT, FBI, NSA......................

Spare me the BS................Your side not corrupt. LOL

Now go check your Private server in the bathroom to see if you got hacked and given away classified information to half the world.

How did Obama & Hillary line their pockets? Are you really this fucking stupid?

Tea Party dumbasses tried to register their organization under a category that said the main concern can't be politics. Gee fucking whiz they got checked out.
There was nothing to show she was hacked.

Have anymore lies?

Trump IS lining his pockets. You are just too
Court documents and apologies from the IRS say otherwise..........they have admitted the targeting buy you still defend it.................

In regards to using tax money to get down in Columbia ............I posted articles................

The only Dumbass here is you spewing nonsense.
Trump is losing vast amounts of money from being president, you nuclear powered dumbass.

Trump sacrificing for our country. Yep, that is a crock of shit.
Trump charges customers the same to rent a room or a cart. It doesn't matter who they are. That's called "the going rate." It's not a crime to charge the going rate, even if you're the President. No matter how hard you try, you aren't going to convince any rational intelligent person that Trump is doing anything wrong. You certainly aren't going to convince a judge.

Sorry to disappoint you, douchebag.
Last edited:
Actually it is. Emoluments clause.
Payment for services rendered is not an emolument, dumbass.

Trump has received money for decisions he has made.

Only a fucking idiot does not think there is a problem there.
He and his family made a billion dollars off his tax cuts
That means any president who implements a tax cut is breaking the law.

You are a such a profound moron it defies comprehension.

Shows where his priorities are
His priorities are on growing the economy to benefit all Americans. He's not trying to loot American for the benefit of the moochers and deadbeats.
blind. Trupettes are blind to Trump's corruption.

It is a FACT, a real fact & not one your your ilk's alternative facts, the Trump resorts have billed the government tens of thousands of dollars.

Are you denying this?

Perhaps we should be as corrupt as Obama and get the IRS to do a anal exam on your ass like they did to conservative groups. Also included in the extra exams were the AFT, FBI, NSA......................

Spare me the BS................Your side not corrupt. LOL

Now go check your Private server in the bathroom to see if you got hacked and given away classified information to half the world.

How did Obama & Hillary line their pockets? Are you really this fucking stupid?

Tea Party dumbasses tried to register their organization under a category that said the main concern can't be politics. Gee fucking whiz they got checked out.
There was nothing to show she was hacked.

Have anymore lies?

Trump IS lining his pockets. You are just too
Court documents and apologies from the IRS say otherwise..........they have admitted the targeting buy you still defend it.................

In regards to using tax money to get down in Columbia ............I posted articles................

The only Dumbass here is you spewing nonsense.
Trump is losing vast amounts of money from being president, you nuclear powered dumbass.
He made a billion dollars in tax cuts

Every President still alive agreed with NAFTA.............Yoda didn't and I agreed with Yoda.........Yoda was why Clinton won BTW.

I've never been for the Free Trade Agreements regardless of who's in charge.

So spare the rubbish that the dang Dems didn't help cause this shit.

How about you blame the right party. The right people. Lets hear you blame Bush for anything.

Blame Trump for something?

All you do is lie & blame Obama or Clinton.

We have NAFTA because of Republicans. It was their idea, they negotiated it, Democrats blocked its ratification, Republicans passed in as a bill & put in on Clinton's desk.

You run screaming OMG OMG OMG Clinton.

This is how fucking stupid you are.
I want those who abused power thrown in Jail..................Your HERO'S...........They are being caught in lies in this investigation.............

This investigation is to cover up their own crimes.....................Nixon did a fraction of what was done under Obama...............But the owned the Justice system and it's abuse...........................

So................pfft to your continued statements of everyone is a dumbass buy you..............

Trump is a crook and that's what this investigation is about.
Sell that to the Russians like the Clinton Foundation using influence to get Uranium 1.

Or Steele who had Russian insiders dig for dirt in Russia ........paid by................the DNC and the Hillary Campaign...............there's your COLLUSION.

The Clinton campaign hired an opposition Research company who sent someone to Russia to investigate Trump's dealings with the Russians. How the fuck is that collusion?

The Clintons take nothing from the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One is a Canadian company. You are having a fit about Uranium that the Canadians already owned. Clinton was one of 9 people who had to approve the deal. You are just a Limbaugh fed moron.
You're terminally gullible. Everything you posted is a lie.

Perhaps we should be as corrupt as Obama and get the IRS to do a anal exam on your ass like they did to conservative groups. Also included in the extra exams were the AFT, FBI, NSA......................

Spare me the BS................Your side not corrupt. LOL

Now go check your Private server in the bathroom to see if you got hacked and given away classified information to half the world.

How did Obama & Hillary line their pockets? Are you really this fucking stupid?

Tea Party dumbasses tried to register their organization under a category that said the main concern can't be politics. Gee fucking whiz they got checked out.
There was nothing to show she was hacked.

Have anymore lies?

Trump IS lining his pockets. You are just too
Court documents and apologies from the IRS say otherwise..........they have admitted the targeting buy you still defend it.................

In regards to using tax money to get down in Columbia ............I posted articles................

The only Dumbass here is you spewing nonsense.

I know you are dumber than shit. But the subject was Trump profiting from his actions.

You ranted & whined & showed nothing about Clinton or Obama profiting from their actions.
You are a troll.............You don't want to look there...........doesn't suit your agenda..........Your not here for a factual discussion..........You are here to TROLL.

FACT: Trump profits when he stays at one of his hotels. He charges SS for cart rentals to follow TRumnp's fat ass around the courses. Tens of thousands. He charges rooms for his entourage. He parades himself in front of pther guests as an attraction.

And you are too stupid to get it.
blind. Trupettes are blind to Trump's corruption.

It is a FACT, a real fact & not one your your ilk's alternative facts, the Trump resorts have billed the government tens of thousands of dollars.

Are you denying this?

Perhaps we should be as corrupt as Obama and get the IRS to do a anal exam on your ass like they did to conservative groups. Also included in the extra exams were the AFT, FBI, NSA......................

Spare me the BS................Your side not corrupt. LOL

Now go check your Private server in the bathroom to see if you got hacked and given away classified information to half the world.

How did Obama & Hillary line their pockets? Are you really this fucking stupid?

Tea Party dumbasses tried to register their organization under a category that said the main concern can't be politics. Gee fucking whiz they got checked out.
There was nothing to show she was hacked.

Have anymore lies?

Trump IS lining his pockets. You are just too
Court documents and apologies from the IRS say otherwise..........they have admitted the targeting buy you still defend it.................

In regards to using tax money to get down in Columbia ............I posted articles................

The only Dumbass here is you spewing nonsense.
Trump is losing vast amounts of money from being president, you nuclear powered dumbass.

Trump sacrificing for our country. Yep, that is a crock of shit.
It's a simple fact, moron.
Payment for services rendered is not an emolument, dumbass.

Trump has received money for decisions he has made.

Only a fucking idiot does not think there is a problem there.
He and his family made a billion dollars off his tax cuts
That means any president who implements a tax cut is breaking the law.

You are a such a profound moron it defies comprehension.

Shows where his priorities are
His priorities are on growing the economy to benefit all Americans. He's not trying to loot American for the benefit of the moochers and deadbeats.
Doesn’t seem that way

He borrowed $1.5 trillion to give tax cuts to himself and his buddies
Slashed Medicaid
Slashed educational funding
Trump has received money for decisions he has made.

Only a fucking idiot does not think there is a problem there.
He and his family made a billion dollars off his tax cuts
That means any president who implements a tax cut is breaking the law.

You are a such a profound moron it defies comprehension.

Shows where his priorities are
His priorities are on growing the economy to benefit all Americans. He's not trying to loot American for the benefit of the moochers and deadbeats.
Doesn’t seem that way

He borrowed $1.5 trillion to give tax cuts to himself and his buddies
Slashed Medicaid
Slashed educational funding
He didn't do any of those things, douchebag.
Keep them hands out you worthless marxist piece of shit.
blind. Trupettes are blind to Trump's corruption.

It is a FACT, a real fact & not one your your ilk's alternative facts, the Trump resorts have billed the government tens of thousands of dollars.

Are you denying this?

Perhaps we should be as corrupt as Obama and get the IRS to do a anal exam on your ass like they did to conservative groups. Also included in the extra exams were the AFT, FBI, NSA......................

Spare me the BS................Your side not corrupt. LOL

Now go check your Private server in the bathroom to see if you got hacked and given away classified information to half the world.

How did Obama & Hillary line their pockets? Are you really this fucking stupid?

Tea Party dumbasses tried to register their organization under a category that said the main concern can't be politics. Gee fucking whiz they got checked out.
There was nothing to show she was hacked.

Have anymore lies?

Trump IS lining his pockets. You are just too
Court documents and apologies from the IRS say otherwise..........they have admitted the targeting buy you still defend it.................

In regards to using tax money to get down in Columbia ............I posted articles................

The only Dumbass here is you spewing nonsense.
Trump is losing vast amounts of money from being president, you nuclear powered dumbass.
ummm I didn't say that.............attacking wrong person lol

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