"Tax the rich" code for crush the middle class. Why do the left wingers deny this?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Yet the left deny these mass regulations along with calls for mass tax increases on "the rich" means something? Do I need to remind the morons on the left that post here that their democrats ARE RICH!? You don't think they will always put loopholes for themselves and the corporations that contribute to their party? Answer that you morons.

So, what or how do they pass the tax increases if they will be insulated? Go ahead morons. Answer it.

Yesterday i had a poll and asked which liberals would WANT $10 dollars per gallon for gas. Half of them said yes.

Which tells you what about them? Number one, the rich can afford that. You think the middle class can? Please, explain.

That, is what will be happening to the middle class. Get ready.
middle class national income.png

Yet the left deny these mass regulations along with calls for mass tax increases on "the rich" means something? Do I need to remind the morons on the left that post here that their democrats ARE RICH!? You don't think they will always put loopholes for themselves and the corporations that contribute to their party? Answer that you morons.

So, what or how do they pass the tax increases if they will be insulated? Go ahead morons. Answer it.

Yesterday i had a poll and asked which liberals would WANT $10 dollars per gallon for gas. Half of them said yes.

Which tells you what about them? Number one, the rich can afford that. You think the middle class can? Please, explain.

That, is what will be happening to the middle class. Get ready.

Since the wealthy taxes have been reduced, so has the share of the National Income gone down for the Middle Class.
It's a historical fact.

Yet the left deny these mass regulations along with calls for mass tax increases on "the rich" means something? Do I need to remind the morons on the left that post here that their democrats ARE RICH!? You don't think they will always put loopholes for themselves and the corporations that contribute to their party? Answer that you morons.

So, what or how do they pass the tax increases if they will be insulated? Go ahead morons. Answer it.

Yesterday i had a poll and asked which liberals would WANT $10 dollars per gallon for gas. Half of them said yes.

Which tells you what about them? Number one, the rich can afford that. You think the middle class can? Please, explain.

That, is what will be happening to the middle class. Get ready.

My taxes went up 100 bucks from 2017 to 2018. And I made more money. That tax decrease I was supposed to have never happened. Instead, I paid more taxes federally. Yet, the Rich got tax breaks and paid even less taxes. Looking at the Taxes filings for the 2012 Presidential Election, Romney filed a 12% tax bill while Obama filed a 18% one. Romney made many times more than Obama. Meanwhile, I paid almost 26% for the same time period. And it's gotten worse. My federal taxes are approaching 30% now while the Rich has slipped to less than 12%. And we are not talking about Corporate Tax. We are talking about personal tax. Care to explain how it was the Democrats that are the only ones to blame on this latest boondoggle?
Everybody knows that the real victims in the U.S. are the fantastically wealthy with their permanent tax cuts

Yet the left deny these mass regulations along with calls for mass tax increases on "the rich" means something? Do I need to remind the morons on the left that post here that their democrats ARE RICH!? You don't think they will always put loopholes for themselves and the corporations that contribute to their party? Answer that you morons.

So, what or how do they pass the tax increases if they will be insulated? Go ahead morons. Answer it.

Yesterday i had a poll and asked which liberals would WANT $10 dollars per gallon for gas. Half of them said yes.

Which tells you what about them? Number one, the rich can afford that. You think the middle class can? Please, explain.

That, is what will be happening to the middle class. Get ready.

The broad in the first video is a pinko...Pure propaganda.
THe best growth of the middle class is when the wealthy had a tax rate of 70% +

The tax rate was never 70%. It was 28% up to a certain amount. It didn't kick into the 70% until it reached an astounding 10 million dollars. It varied from 70 to 90% depending on the needs. You honestly believe that the taxes from the Middle Class paid for the Interstate Systems or the great waterworks?

During Reagan's time, they dropped that type of tax but didn't close the loopholes. That's when the rich taxes dropped from 28% or 35% depending on the time to 12 to 18% depending how well they hid their real income. Many paid absolutely NO taxes. Under the old tax system, we put in major water works programs. Now look at the water works in our major cities like Ferguson. We no longer have the money to replace the deteriorated systems.

We need the old way of taxing the super rich like it once was to pay for these badly needed programs. Without it, well, let's just say that our cities and highways and bridges won't be safe without it. We once used it to afford to build these now we can't even afford to repair them.
We need the old way of taxing the super rich like it once was to pay for these badly needed programs. Without it, well, let's just say that our cities and highways and bridges won't be safe without it. We once used it to afford to build these now we can't even afford to repair them.
Highways and bridges are (supposed to be) paid for by fuel taxes, rube....But around 20% of those funds get hijacked for idiotic money-sucking urban mass transit scams.
We need the old way of taxing the super rich like it once was to pay for these badly needed programs. Without it, well, let's just say that our cities and highways and bridges won't be safe without it. We once used it to afford to build these now we can't even afford to repair them.
Highways and bridges are (supposed to be) paid for by fuel taxes, rube....But around 20% of those funds get hijacked for idiotic money-sucking urban mass transit scams.

Mass Transit has many benefits, you chose to ignore. This includes, saving the average rider over $9,000 a year, plus lengthens the life of other transit infrastructure and cuts into automobile accidents, while extending the life of riders automobiles.
9 Benefits of Public Transportation
We need the old way of taxing the super rich like it once was to pay for these badly needed programs. Without it, well, let's just say that our cities and highways and bridges won't be safe without it. We once used it to afford to build these now we can't even afford to repair them.
Highways and bridges are (supposed to be) paid for by fuel taxes, rube....But around 20% of those funds get hijacked for idiotic money-sucking urban mass transit scams.

Mass Transit has many benefits, you chose to ignore. This includes, saving the average rider over $9,000 a year, plus lengthens the life of other transit infrastructure and cuts into automobile accidents, while extending the life of riders automobiles.
9 Benefits of Public Transportation
Irrelevancy is irrelevant....You're rationalizing the looting of funds meant to pay for roads and bridges all over the nation, in order to favor those who live in cities and ride the loser cruisers....That means less money for our "crumbling infrastructure".
We need the old way of taxing the super rich like it once was to pay for these badly needed programs. Without it, well, let's just say that our cities and highways and bridges won't be safe without it. We once used it to afford to build these now we can't even afford to repair them.
Highways and bridges are (supposed to be) paid for by fuel taxes, rube....But around 20% of those funds get hijacked for idiotic money-sucking urban mass transit scams.

You really want to pay the fuel taxes that it would actually cost to pay for those? How about would you be willing to charge for the damage any single vehicle does to the roads it uses? I pay registrations fees. They are figured, for the most part, by vehicle weight. It costs me about 92 bucks a year for my F-250 due to it's GVW. My RV weighs in at about 13,000 lbs and I pay about 130 bucks a year registration. Using those figures, if an 18 wheeler were to actually pay for registration on the damage they did to the highways, they would pay in the excess of 4000 bucks a year instead of the couple of hundred they do pay. What happens is, the cost is spread out to the cars and light vehicles to offset the cost. The same goes for the fuel taxes. When you total all of these together, they still only pay for a fraction of the actual costs. The rest have to come from other taxes like property taxes, income taxes, sales taxes, etc.. When a road construction happens, the City, County and State. And sometimes, it might also include Federal. The same goes for water works and a lot of other services. We used the 70 to 90% tax to build them but those funds are gone. Not only that, we lowered the tax from the rich from 35% down to 28% without lowering the loopholes which means they end up paying little or no taxes now if they have a good Tax Advisor and most of them do have. The Scam isn't by the middle class. The middle class is being scammed.
You really want to pay the fuel taxes that it would actually cost to pay for those? How about would you be willing to charge for the damage any single vehicle does to the roads it uses? I pay registrations fees. They are figured, for the most part, by vehicle weight. It costs me about 92 bucks a year for my F-250 due to it's GVW. My RV weighs in at about 13,000 lbs and I pay about 130 bucks a year registration. Using those figures, if an 18 wheeler were to actually pay for registration on the damage they did to the highways, they would pay in the excess of 4000 bucks a year instead of the couple of hundred they do pay. What happens is, the cost is spread out to the cars and light vehicles to offset the cost. The same goes for the fuel taxes. When you total all of these together, they still only pay for a fraction of the actual costs. The rest have to come from other taxes like property taxes, income taxes, sales taxes, etc.. When a road construction happens, the City, County and State. And sometimes, it might also include Federal. The same goes for water works and a lot of other services. We used the 70 to 90% tax to build them but those funds are gone. Not only that, we lowered the tax from the rich from 35% down to 28% without lowering the loopholes which means they end up paying little or no taxes now if they have a good Tax Advisor and most of them do have. The Scam isn't by the middle class. The middle class is being scammed.
You really have NFI how much in taxes that truckers pay, do you ?
Gotta tax where the money is

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We need the old way of taxing the super rich like it once was to pay for these badly needed programs. Without it, well, let's just say that our cities and highways and bridges won't be safe without it. We once used it to afford to build these now we can't even afford to repair them.
Highways and bridges are (supposed to be) paid for by fuel taxes, rube....But around 20% of those funds get hijacked for idiotic money-sucking urban mass transit scams.

Mass Transit has many benefits, you chose to ignore. This includes, saving the average rider over $9,000 a year, plus lengthens the life of other transit infrastructure and cuts into automobile accidents, while extending the life of riders automobiles.
9 Benefits of Public Transportation
Irrelevancy is irrelevant....You're rationalizing the looting of funds meant to pay for roads and bridges all over the nation, in order to favor those who live in cities and ride the loser cruisers....That means less money for our "crumbling infrastructure".

So, you never go to the cities/ You just stay in the sticks?
Many out-state people grab the train to ride into the city for ball games, concerts,shopping and many other purposes. Also, mass transit cuts down on traffic, thus extending the life of the infrastructure. 62% of the American population, live in the cities and that trend keeps on growing.
Living in the sticks, means your infrastructure is not used as heavily verses the infrastructure in the cities. Cry me a river.
THe best growth of the middle class is when the wealthy had a tax rate of 70% +

The tax rate was never 70%. It was 28% up to a certain amount. It didn't kick into the 70% until it reached an astounding 10 million dollars. It varied from 70 to 90% depending on the needs. You honestly believe that the taxes from the Middle Class paid for the Interstate Systems or the great waterworks?

During Reagan's time, they dropped that type of tax but didn't close the loopholes. That's when the rich taxes dropped from 28% or 35% depending on the time to 12 to 18% depending how well they hid their real income. Many paid absolutely NO taxes. Under the old tax system, we put in major water works programs. Now look at the water works in our major cities like Ferguson. We no longer have the money to replace the deteriorated systems.

We need the old way of taxing the super rich like it once was to pay for these badly needed programs. Without it, well, let's just say that our cities and highways and bridges won't be safe without it. We once used it to afford to build these now we can't even afford to repair them.

Hauser's Law: no matter the highest marginal tax rate, government takings hover around 20% of the economy.

Tax Receipts - Hausers Law.jpeg
We need the old way of taxing the super rich like it once was to pay for these badly needed programs. Without it, well, let's just say that our cities and highways and bridges won't be safe without it. We once used it to afford to build these now we can't even afford to repair them.
Highways and bridges are (supposed to be) paid for by fuel taxes, rube....But around 20% of those funds get hijacked for idiotic money-sucking urban mass transit scams.

Mass Transit has many benefits, you chose to ignore. This includes, saving the average rider over $9,000 a year, plus lengthens the life of other transit infrastructure and cuts into automobile accidents, while extending the life of riders automobiles.
9 Benefits of Public Transportation

VP Biden road the Train for decades going back and forth to Washington from his home. He could have elected to use transportation provided by either being a Senator or the VP. He elected to use Amtrak instead. He also could have used Shuttle Flights but chose the slower, less costly train (btw, the shuttle flight didn't really get you there any quicker in the end). Public Transportation can be a godsend. For instance, If I need something in Denver, I can elect to fly, drive or fly. Either way, I will have to spend the night. Guess what, that train ride sounds pretty danged good. Yes, it takes longer but I can work on other things while in transit. And if I need to, I can rent a car when I get there the same if I flew. Driving is the least desirable option. It's only 300 miles but it's over the Rockies so driving isn't 75 all the way either. We need public services. And the better the services the more they will be used and the better services we will get. That means, at some point, we are going to have to pony up with some cash, lots of cash.
So, you never go to the cities/ You just stay in the sticks?
Many out-state people grab the train to ride into the city for ball games, concerts,shopping and many other purposes. Also, mass transit cuts down on traffic, thus extending the life of the infrastructure. 62% of the American population, live in the cities and that trend keeps on growing.
Living in the sticks, means your infrastructure is not used as heavily verses the infrastructure in the cities. Cry me a river.
I couldn't care less....Highway trust fund monies are supposed to be for roads and bridges, not as a redistributionist slush fund for urban mass transit scams, that do nothing but hemorrhage money.


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