Tax the Rich!


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Name one Federal tax increase in the last hundred years that didn’t hit the wallets of average Americans.

Name one Federal tax increase in the last hundred years that didn’t hit the wallets of average Americans.

Tax our way to prosperity?
Name one Federal tax increase in the last hundred years that didn’t hit the wallets of average Americans.

It isnt to make the prog slaves lives better, but the punish those how worked hard for their money. Then the prog slaves feel better when the rich get punished. Even when the prog slaves get hurt along with the rich. But it never really hurts the rich, because they know how to use every legal tax loophole the progs have created for themselves. That is how stupid the prog slave is.

I looked at my SS statement for what i will earn in then next 3 years(going for 65) and my first year of income was $929 for the year(1976). In 1991 when i went over to Saudi Arabia my income went to $51,898 with tax loopholes of no income tax(but FICA still had to be paid) and burning off $10,000 of capital gains with personal deductions. Then in my last year of work 2017, my income was $91,791, with more dividend income which isnt taxed as normal income. The turning point for me was in 1991 because moving out of my safe zone(country) and taking the risk of working overseas, that was when the money really started coming in. Too many prog slaves just want to stay home, with mommy and daddy and live of the rest off the working people, every day...
We are $28 trillion in debt. Best way to stop that is to make people actually pay for it.

The entitlements part of the budget such as SS and Medicare are already paid from Taxes taken from the paychecks, but the whole shebang was never economically solvent in the first place. Currently Entitlements part of the federal budget is about 73% and GROWING.

Taxes will never be enough because the spending outlay is incredibly high, the Military eats up around 900 BILLION a year, more than the next 20 nations combined, that is freaking absurd!

The National Government never should have been involved in the Entitlement boondoggle in the first place, that isn't what they were created for. The rot began with FDR and their National Socialism programs, it was the Democrats who created the main problem.
Remember when that lying asshole Obama told Americans that he wouldn't raise taxes on anybody making less than $250K but he did? There were like 20 tax increases that affected either directly or indirectly almost every American.

Now we have that lying sonofabitch China Joe saying he won't raise taxes on anybody making less than $450K a year.

Only an Useful Idiot would believe him.

We have many Useful Idiots in this country, don't we?
We are $28 trillion in debt. Best way to stop that is to make people actually pay for it.

The entitlements part of the budget such as SS and Medicare are already paid from Taxes taken from the paychecks, but the whole shebang was never economically solvent in the first place. Currently Entitlements part of the federal budget is about 73% and GROWING.

Taxes will never be enough because the spending outlay is incredibly high, the Military eats up around 900 BILLION a year, more than the next 20 nations combined, that is freaking absurd!

The National Government never should have been involved in the Entitlement boondoggle in the first place, that isn't what they were created for. The rot began with FDR and their National Socialism programs, it was the Democrats who created the main problem.

Extreme partisanship like you show here is the problem.
We are $28 trillion in debt. Best way to stop that is to make people actually pay for it.
more noise from the back of the bus,,, you dont stop debt by paying for whats already there when they are spending faster than it can be paid off,,

the only way to stop it is to cut spending,,,

Since that isn't going to happen, pay up.
I will never pay another fed income tax as long as I live,,, and every other good american should do the same,,
We are $28 trillion in debt. Best way to stop that is to make people actually pay for it.

The entitlements part of the budget such as SS and Medicare are already paid from Taxes taken from the paychecks, but the whole shebang was never economically solvent in the first place. Currently Entitlements part of the federal budget is about 73% and GROWING.

Taxes will never be enough because the spending outlay is incredibly high, the Military eats up around 900 BILLION a year, more than the next 20 nations combined, that is freaking absurd!

The National Government never should have been involved in the Entitlement boondoggle in the first place, that isn't what they were created for. The rot began with FDR and their National Socialism programs, it was the Democrats who created the main problem.

Extreme partisanship like you show here is the problem.

Your inability to learn from history is YOUR problem, it was the Democrats who created SS, Medicare/Medicaid, disability, health care and more, ALL of them is part of the overblown entitlement budget that is slowly swallowing up the incoming $$$.

I am an Independent, which you keep ignoring over and over, also YOUR problem.
We are $28 trillion in debt. Best way to stop that is to make people actually pay for it.
No. The BEST way is to stop SPENDING IT ALL. Cut some spending until it is less than the income.
That’s too easy and completely unreasonable. The billionaires, the War Machine, and Wall Street would never accept such a thing. They love socialism, but only for them.
We are $28 trillion in debt. Best way to stop that is to make people actually pay for it.
more noise from the back of the bus,,, you dont stop debt by paying for whats already there when they are spending faster than it can be paid off,,

the only way to stop it is to cut spending,,,

Since that isn't going to happen, pay up.
Your ignorance is comical, try reading up on the problem will make you smarter:




This is what the Democratic party created from the 1930's onward. Before that it was 100% discretionary spending which was not difficult to cut back to keep close to a balanced budget set up. Now that entitlements are created and Mandatory, it has become a big no no to cut back any of it, would be political suicide for any of the Senators or Representatives to try, thus it now runs on autopilot growing and eating up the incoming revenue.
We are $28 trillion in debt. Best way to stop that is to make people actually pay for it.
more noise from the back of the bus,,, you dont stop debt by paying for whats already there when they are spending faster than it can be paid off,,

the only way to stop it is to cut spending,,,

Since that isn't going to happen, pay up.
Your ignorance is comical, try reading up on the problem will make you smarter:

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This is what the Democratic party created from the 1930's onward. Before that it was 100% discretionary spending which was not difficult to cut back to keep close to a balanced budget set up. Now that entitlements are created and Mandatory, it has become a big no no to cut back any of it, would be political suicide for any of the Senators or Representatives to try, thus it now runs on autopilot growing and eating up the incoming revenue.
No information will ever make that bed wetter "smarter", because libturds lack a frontal lobe, they're deliberately ignorant and not only block information from entering their dense skulls, but they seek to prevent information from being spread that might undermine their regressive agenda.
We are $28 trillion in debt. Best way to stop that is to make people actually pay for it.
more noise from the back of the bus,,, you dont stop debt by paying for whats already there when they are spending faster than it can be paid off,,

the only way to stop it is to cut spending,,,

Since that isn't going to happen, pay up.
I will never pay another fed income tax as long as I live,,, and every other good american should do the same,,

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know............The Supreme Court is going to overturn the election also.
The Problem is that the Troglocrats think that the Middle Class are the "Rich".
All of the Wokies see the Middle Class as their tax slaves and that the Democrats can never run out of money to spend as long as the Middle Class is working.

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