Tax the Rich!

We are $28 trillion in debt. Best way to stop that is to make people actually pay for it.

Correct, and Biden is about to bury us in 2 trillion more, and he's only been in office less than three weeks. The reason for no outrage is because most people won't have to repay these debts--only the wealthy when Democrats have anything to say about it. The only way to stop this spending is if everybody had to repay it: the rich, the poor, and anybody in between. Then you'd see how fast the general public would be protesting this kind of spending.

Whatever. You didn't demand Trump address the debt but now you are mad that Biden won't.

You know what they say.....the time to raise taxes is when the economy is good. Trump bragged that he had the best ever economy.
Taxing the rich is an old and often used attempt to increase revenue so the politicians can spend more on their pork projects. Except it NEVER provides the amount of extra revenue they say it will, and the rich people who can afford it move out. Look at New York today, the wealthy are leaving and the Dems are up in arms! Gotta repeal that SALT limitation, pronto! It's going to be our top priority, I'm surprised it isn't in the current Corona Relief Bill. When you raise taxes on the wealthy either by raising the rates or limiting deductions or any other way that increases their tax bill, there IS a consequence. Namely, they effing leave. And they don't invest in local and state startups and business expansions.

So, it's not about increasing revenue and deceasing thee debt/deficits. It's all about votes, and nothing more.
Yep. When you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on Paul's vote.
What shovel ready jobs. LOL I recall asphalt on crappy streets and more bs. Although I don't think Biden's plan has as much pork.

Plenty of pork. In the bill they are going to bailout all their liberal cities which accumulated debt for years before anybody knew of Covid. He wants to give people on unemployment an additional $400.00 a week on top of their state unemployment collections.
I believe the bill "only" includes 350 billion for state and locals. I'd prefer less, because my State actually cut jobs and used part of its "rainy day" surplus, but I really doubt that is as much as those govts have already spend on covid.

These Democrat controlled Communist States had piss poor leadership and had economic problems that were there before Covid and were exacerbated because of Covid.

Piss on them. Let them pay their own bills. Taxpayers from fiscally responsible states should not have to pay for New York's fiscally irresponsibility and dumbass economic Covid shutdown, as an example.
Remember when that lying asshole Obama told Americans that he wouldn't raise taxes on anybody making less than $250K but he did? There were like 20 tax increases that affected either directly or indirectly almost every American.

Now we have that lying sonofabitch China Joe saying he won't raise taxes on anybody making less than $450K a year.

Only an Useful Idiot would believe him.

We have many Useful Idiots in this country, don't we?

I agree and once his idiotic EO's kick in we tax payers will get screwed. His climate change and green shit sure won't help. In fact I'd bet his green shit bankrupts the country.

On day one he kicked every tax paying American right in the teeth and you can bet those that voted for his stupid ass will be regretting it.

New Mexico already does. They went for Biden and the first thing he did was land 11,000 in the unemployment line. No more drilling on Fed lands and an end to fracking will put even more out of work.

Get ready folks. We are in for four years of misery with the Biden/Harris shit show.

I bet that most of his stupid Green Initiatives will be used to pay off the filthy Moon Bat special interest groups. Like earmarking money for research to Black Colleges. It will be tied to Unions in Democrat districts.

Like during the Obama Administration money went go to Democrat donors. Like the owners of Solyndra that were Democrat Campaign Bundlers. The company went bankrupt but the owners walked away with a ton of cash.

God only knows how much will go to China and other foreign countries.
Like the Democrats giving Billions to Schools while the Unions refuse to let their teachers reenter the schools. Who do you think those billions will go to? I won't even mention that there are billions out there that haven't even been spent yet.
Whatever. You didn't demand Trump address the debt but now you are mad that Biden won't.

You know what they say.....the time to raise taxes is when the economy is good. Trump bragged that he had the best ever economy.

No, I said they were spending too much. Trump worked 2 years with the Republican House and two years with the Democrat House. When it came to spending, the most conflict was the Democrats wanted to spend more and the Republicans wanted to spend less. The last spending around Christmas, they took it all the way until the government was going to shutdown.
Remember when that lying asshole Obama told Americans that he wouldn't raise taxes on anybody making less than $250K but he did? There were like 20 tax increases that affected either directly or indirectly almost every American.

Now we have that lying sonofabitch China Joe saying he won't raise taxes on anybody making less than $450K a year.

Only an Useful Idiot would believe him.

We have many Useful Idiots in this country, don't we?

Biden is running the same playbook. Instead of telling people unless they make
Is that why Democrats sent almost a trillion to nations that hate us and gave Americans a whopping $600 of their own money back?

Yes, but think of how much more advanced Pakistan will be now that we are funding their gender studies.

How did such a “right wing initiative” like gender studies in Pakistan make it into the budget? How come Liberals are not condemning such an egregious spending item when Americans are struggling? Because it is shit like this that Democrats expect the US taxpayer to fund.
Remember when that lying asshole Obama told Americans that he wouldn't raise taxes on anybody making less than $250K but he did? There were like 20 tax increases that affected either directly or indirectly almost every American.

Now we have that lying sonofabitch China Joe saying he won't raise taxes on anybody making less than $450K a year.

Only an Useful Idiot would believe him.

We have many Useful Idiots in this country, don't we?

Biden is running the same playbook. Instead of telling people unless they make
Is that why Democrats sent almost a trillion to nations that hate us and gave Americans a whopping $600 of their own money back?

Yes, but think of how much more advanced Pakistan will be now that we are funding their gender studies.

How did such a “right wing initiative” like gender studies in Pakistan make it into the budget? How come Liberals are not condemning such an egregious spending item when Americans are struggling? Because it is shit like this that Democrats expect the US taxpayer to fund.
Professors have to eat too?
Well the OP was that raising taxes on "the rich" would depress the economy. That didn't prove true in the 90's, but be that as it may.

The thread has morphed into something along the lines of Biden's covid/stimulus is somehow "wrong." You may or may not disagree with that thought. But there's no disputing that the reason for the bill is to make sure there is money circulating in the economy to keep things at least where they are now until sometime in Fall when, God willing, we'll have enough immunized to open up service industries …. even if people still need the annoying masks. And as the dems argue, there is NO showing that 2 trillion is "too much." The gop spent 3 trillion on useless tax cuts for the 1%. Both parties have spent somewhere around 2-3 trillion on the virus already NOT counting what Trump spent on paying corporations to create the vaccines.
How did such a “right wing initiative” like gender studies in Pakistan make it into the budget? How come Liberals are not condemning such an egregious spending item when Americans are struggling? Because it is shit like this that Democrats expect the US taxpayer to fund.

The Democrats know if the government shuts down, the MSM will be blaming the Republicans like they've always done. It's never the Democrats fault. The Republicans fought as hard as they could, but in light of the Georgia Senate elections, they had no choice but to capitulate and passed the bill.
Remember when that lying asshole Obama told Americans that he wouldn't raise taxes on anybody making less than $250K but he did? There were like 20 tax increases that affected either directly or indirectly almost every American.

Now we have that lying sonofabitch China Joe saying he won't raise taxes on anybody making less than $450K a year.

Only an Useful Idiot would believe him.

We have many Useful Idiots in this country, don't we?

I agree and once his idiotic EO's kick in we tax payers will get screwed. His climate change and green shit sure won't help. In fact I'd bet his green shit bankrupts the country.

On day one he kicked every tax paying American right in the teeth and you can bet those that voted for his stupid ass will be regretting it.

New Mexico already does. They went for Biden and the first thing he did was land 11,000 in the unemployment line. No more drilling on Fed lands and an end to fracking will put even more out of work.

Get ready folks. We are in for four years of misery with the Biden/Harris shit show.

I bet that most of his stupid Green Initiatives will be used to pay off the filthy Moon Bat special interest groups. Like earmarking money for research to Black Colleges. It will be tied to Unions in Democrat districts.

Like during the Obama Administration money went go to Democrat donors. Like the owners of Solyndra that were Democrat Campaign Bundlers. The company went bankrupt but the owners walked away with a ton of cash.

God only knows how much will go to China and other foreign countries.
Like the Democrats giving Billions to Schools while the Unions refuse to let their teachers reenter the schools. Who do you think those billions will go to? I won't even mention that there are billions out there that haven't even been spent yet.

China Joe and the filthy Democrats controlling Covid money is a great windfall to the unions that supported China Joe. Especially the teacher's unions. We taxpayer's get fucked but the union bosses will live high on the hog.

Democrats always fuck the American people in order to cater to the greedy special interest groups that fund them, don't they?

Democrats are the masters of dirty politics.

By the way, these stupid union boys and girls that working on the Keystone pipeline found out that their union contributions to the Democrats were nothing compared to Soros, didn't they? Soros owns the rail cars that will ship that Canadian oil for $20 a barrel more than what it would have cost with the Keystone pipeline.

Talk about blatant corruption but the China Joe administration is full of it.
Well the OP was that raising taxes on "the rich" would depress the economy. That didn't prove true in the 90's, but be that as it may.

The thread has morphed into something along the lines of Biden's covid/stimulus is somehow "wrong." You may or may not disagree with that thought. But there's no disputing that the reason for the bill is to make sure there is money circulating in the economy to keep things at least where they are now until sometime in Fall when, God willing, we'll have enough immunized to open up service industries …. even if people still need the annoying masks. And as the dems argue, there is NO showing that 2 trillion is "too much." The gop spent 3 trillion on useless tax cuts for the 1%. Both parties have spent somewhere around 2-3 trillion on the virus already NOT counting what Trump spent on paying corporations to create the vaccines.

The Government does not create any jobs. Every cent that is spent on stimulus or any other stupid government transfer of income comes out of the pockets of tax payers or a burden on future taxpayers via debt.

Government transfer payments are wrong no matter what party supports it.

You are robbing Peter to pay Paul and that never makes economic sense. Paul may be tickled pink that he got he money but it screws Peter, doesn't it?

The Chinese really screwed us when they unleashed that virus in order to destroy Trump's economy. He was making too much trouble for them with trade deals and stopping technology transfers.

They have their Big Guy in the White House now, don't they?
Whatever. You didn't demand Trump address the debt but now you are mad that Biden won't.

You know what they say.....the time to raise taxes is when the economy is good. Trump bragged that he had the best ever economy.

No, I said they were spending too much. Trump worked 2 years with the Republican House and two years with the Democrat House. When it came to spending, the most conflict was the Democrats wanted to spend more and the Republicans wanted to spend less. The last spending around Christmas, they took it all the way until the government was going to shutdown.

Lol. Obama pulled the same crap and like Trump changed nothing.
We are $28 trillion in debt. Best way to stop that is to make people actually pay for it.
more noise from the back of the bus,,, you dont stop debt by paying for whats already there when they are spending faster than it can be paid off,,

the only way to stop it is to cut spending,,,

Since that isn't going to happen, pay up.
I will never pay another fed income tax as long as I live,,, and every other good american should do the same,,

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know............The Supreme Court is going to overturn the election also.
save your TDS rants for your therapist,,
Name one Federal tax increase in the last hundred years that didn’t hit the wallets of average Americans.

It isnt to make the prog slaves lives better, but the punish those how worked hard for their money. Then the prog slaves feel better when the rich get punished. Even when the prog slaves get hurt along with the rich. But it never really hurts the rich, because they know how to use every legal tax loophole the progs have created for themselves. That is how stupid the prog slave is.

I looked at my SS statement for what i will earn in then next 3 years(going for 65) and my first year of income was $929 for the year(1976). In 1991 when i went over to Saudi Arabia my income went to $51,898 with tax loopholes of no income tax(but FICA still had to be paid) and burning off $10,000 of capital gains with personal deductions. Then in my last year of work 2017, my income was $91,791, with more dividend income which isnt taxed as normal income. The turning point for me was in 1991 because moving out of my safe zone(country) and taking the risk of working overseas, that was when the money really started coming in. Too many prog slaves just want to stay home, with mommy and daddy and live of the rest off the working people, every day...
It is time for the left to wake up. China Joe said 'Your taxes will not go up if you make less than $250K (some report $400K). I'll answer that with a resounding BULLSHIT! He has attacked the oil industry resulting in the loss of jobs--those people have just been taxed out of their jobs. Oil supplies get used, price of fuel goes up. Since, you pay tax on fuel based on the price--guess what, uh huh middle class tax increase. Fuel prices go up, it costs more to deliver goods and sales taxes are based on cost--yup, another middle class tax increase. Federal minimum wage increases by over 100% ($7.25 to $15). Costs of goods increase to allow small business to absorb the cost--there ya go, another middle class tax increase. And it is not just the middle class, those earning minimum wage will see a great increase for awhile until the independent business that employs them cuts their workforce by 50% to absorb the cost, then they will be on unemployment--TAX INCREASE. C'mon man, wake up.
Remember when that lying asshole Obama told Americans that he wouldn't raise taxes on anybody making less than $250K but he did? There were like 20 tax increases that affected either directly or indirectly almost every American.

Now we have that lying sonofabitch China Joe saying he won't raise taxes on anybody making less than $450K a year.

Only an Useful Idiot would believe him.

We have many Useful Idiots in this country, don't we?

I agree and once his idiotic EO's kick in we tax payers will get screwed. His climate change and green shit sure won't help. In fact I'd bet his green shit bankrupts the country.

On day one he kicked every tax paying American right in the teeth and you can bet those that voted for his stupid ass will be regretting it.

New Mexico already does. They went for Biden and the first thing he did was land 11,000 in the unemployment line. No more drilling on Fed lands and an end to fracking will put even more out of work.

Get ready folks. We are in for four years of misery with the Biden/Harris shit show.

I bet that most of his stupid Green Initiatives will be used to pay off the filthy Moon Bat special interest groups. Like earmarking money for research to Black Colleges. It will be tied to Unions in Democrat districts.

Like during the Obama Administration money went go to Democrat donors. Like the owners of Solyndra that were Democrat Campaign Bundlers. The company went bankrupt but the owners walked away with a ton of cash.

God only knows how much will go to China and other foreign countries.
Like the Democrats giving Billions to Schools while the Unions refuse to let their teachers reenter the schools. Who do you think those billions will go to? I won't even mention that there are billions out there that haven't even been spent yet.

China Joe and the filthy Democrats controlling Covid money is a great windfall to the unions that supported China Joe. Especially the teacher's unions. We taxpayer's get fucked but the union bosses will live high on the hog.

Democrats always fuck the American people in order to cater to the greedy special interest groups that fund them, don't they?

Democrats are the masters of dirty politics.

By the way, these stupid union boys and girls that working on the Keystone pipeline found out that their union contributions to the Democrats were nothing compared to Soros, didn't they? Soros owns the rail cars that will ship that Canadian oil for $20 a barrel more than what it would have cost with the Keystone pipeline.

Talk about blatant corruption but the China Joe administration is full of it.
Let's not forget that the Democrats are already driving up the cost of healthcare.

Well the OP was that raising taxes on "the rich" would depress the economy. That didn't prove true in the 90's, but be that as it may.

The thread has morphed into something along the lines of Biden's covid/stimulus is somehow "wrong." You may or may not disagree with that thought. But there's no disputing that the reason for the bill is to make sure there is money circulating in the economy to keep things at least where they are now until sometime in Fall when, God willing, we'll have enough immunized to open up service industries …. even if people still need the annoying masks. And as the dems argue, there is NO showing that 2 trillion is "too much." The gop spent 3 trillion on useless tax cuts for the 1%. Both parties have spent somewhere around 2-3 trillion on the virus already NOT counting what Trump spent on paying corporations to create the vaccines.

The Government does not create any jobs. Every cent that is spent on stimulus or any other stupid government transfer of income comes out of the pockets of tax payers or a burden on future taxpayers via debt.

Government transfer payments are wrong no matter what party supports it.

You are robbing Peter to pay Paul and that never makes economic sense. Paul may be tickled pink that he got he money but it screws Peter, doesn't it?

The Chinese really screwed us when they unleashed that virus in order to destroy Trump's economy. He was making too much trouble for them with trade deals and stopping technology transfers.

They have their Big Guy in the White House now, don't they?
Not a good idea to rob Peter to pay Paul--Peter might get sore and no one can enjoy life with a sore peter.
Well the OP was that raising taxes on "the rich" would depress the economy. That didn't prove true in the 90's, but be that as it may.

The thread has morphed into something along the lines of Biden's covid/stimulus is somehow "wrong." You may or may not disagree with that thought. But there's no disputing that the reason for the bill is to make sure there is money circulating in the economy to keep things at least where they are now until sometime in Fall when, God willing, we'll have enough immunized to open up service industries …. even if people still need the annoying masks. And as the dems argue, there is NO showing that 2 trillion is "too much." The gop spent 3 trillion on useless tax cuts for the 1%. Both parties have spent somewhere around 2-3 trillion on the virus already NOT counting what Trump spent on paying corporations to create the vaccines.

The Government does not create any jobs. Every cent that is spent on stimulus or any other stupid government transfer of income comes out of the pockets of tax payers or a burden on future taxpayers via debt.

Government transfer payments are wrong no matter what party supports it.

You are robbing Peter to pay Paul and that never makes economic sense. Paul may be tickled pink that he got he money but it screws Peter, doesn't it?

The Chinese really screwed us when they unleashed that virus in order to destroy Trump's economy. He was making too much trouble for them with trade deals and stopping technology transfers.

They have their Big Guy in the White House now, don't they?
Not a good idea to rob Peter to pay Paul--Peter might get sore and no one can enjoy life with a sore peter.
Okay, that was a good one.

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