Tax the wealthy : one way to prove you live as a feral human in a remote area

Have to step in here....for ages it was the opposite, money spent was tied to taxes. you didn't just say I want this stupid program and taxpayes will comply

Just today , stupid and lazy JOE who offered $700 to Hawaiins who had lost their homes and some lost family members, just today we see

Biden Admin Pours Nearly $700,000 Into Program To Prevent Transgender Boys From Getting Pregnant​

and you will pay....does he ever give money to help women who want to keep their babies ???
A DISGUSTING MAN in most senses.

How to tell us, you’re stupid and gullible without saying it.

Republicans cancelled all of the programs to help pregnant women because it encourages women to have babies out of wedlock. Republicans don't WANT to give unwed mothers anything. They want them to keep their legs closed.

Now red states are refusing extra food money for poor families in school lunch programs, to be given when the children aren't in school. Republicans really don't give a rat's ass about any children once they're born. They only care about the "unnborn".

As for stupid spending decisions - no Democrat has ever crashed the US economy. Republicans do it every time they're in office. Democrats tax BEFORE they spend to pay for the spending. Republicans cut taxes and then go on a spending spree.
You have to tax where the money is
And that's the middle class.

People who will work for 40 or more years paying income taxes and FICA taxes will bring in far more revenue for the government than any other segment of the population.

People who put money in tax deferred qualified retirement account will pay more taxes than any7 other person who is no longer working
And that's the middle class.

People who will work for 40 or more years paying income taxes and FICA taxes will bring in far more revenue for the government than any other segment of the population.

People who put money in tax deferred qualified retirement account will pay more taxes than any7 other person who is no longer working
Not even close
60 percent of our nations wealth is controlled by the upper 5 percent
Middle Class controls less than 15 percent of the wealth
People who will work for 40 or more years paying income taxes and FICA taxes will bring in far more revenue for the government than any other segment of the population.

That is part of the problem with the tax structure

Our tax structure gives the middle class few exemptions to protect their earnings

The tax code is written by the rich, for the rich
A "wealth tax" is not an "income tax."

I oppose wealth taxes.
I support taxing income, progressively.

The trouble I see with that are the various ways to substitute wealth for income to accomplish legal tax avoidance. I would get rid of wealth taxes alright, but if it were up to me taxable income would simply be the difference between income received minus the cost spent on producing that income by the individual or couple filing a joint return. We then wouldn't need 75,000 pages of tax codes and regulations.
Taxes are your share of the costs of living in a first world country.

If you don’t like paying taxes, moved to a cheaper country.
Up yours, I already pay multiple times my fair share. Why don't you losers at the bottom 40% who pay no taxes work a job and pay your share.
The trouble I see with that are the various ways to substitute wealth for income to accomplish legal tax avoidance. I would get rid of wealth taxes alright, but if it were up to me taxable income would simply be the difference between income received minus the cost spent on producing that income by the individual or couple filing a joint return. We then wouldn't need 75,000 pages of tax codes and regulations.
That's why there are 75000 pages of tax regulations.
Wealth Tax = tax on a person's savings, stock holdings, etc.
Not interest on savings or the gains on the sale of stock -- that is, income - but on the value of the holdings themselves.

The Federal government does not have the power to lay such a tax; to do so there must be an amendment.
See: Amendment 16
And that's the middle class.

People who will work for 40 or more years paying income taxes and FICA taxes will bring in far more revenue for the government than any other segment of the population.

People who put money in tax deferred qualified retirement account will pay more taxes than any7 other person who is no longer working

No it is not. Republicans have been impoverishing the middle class for 40 years. Corporations now have so much money, they're buying back their stocks and pushing small investors out.

Instead of voting for minimum wage increases, they voted for an increase in "earned income credits", which acted as a wage subsidy for some of the biggest corporations in America, and acted as an incentive to keep people working part time because they could no longer live on full time wages.

These are the Stupid Economic Tricks Republicans used to enrich the wealthy and corporations while sticking it to middle income Americans and the working poor. History has shown that the nation does better economically under a Democrats than Republicans, but Republican have managed to convince voters otherwise.

The wealthy certainly do better under a Republican in the White House. Especially when they crash the economy.

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